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No Nuclear Limit: China

Sure, so posting that all Chinese were "communist liars" was justified? So, in your theory, all Chinese people deserve to be insulted? And in these cases no one even made a comment to you before you posted.
Not all Chinese. Only you Chinese boys here.

Again, I ask, does your military experience allow you to act like a child on forums? I don't see how my relation with the military relate to this discussion.
I do not act the same for everyone.

And since you ask, no, I'm not enlisted. I don't wish to work with people likewise you.
So...You have no military experience at all. Duly noted.
Again, read my post. Is the Chinese weapons arsenal a supermarket? Do you see people walking into Chinese missile bases and come out with warheads and a receipt? Proliferation relates to spread, and as far as I know, not a single Chinese nuclear warhead has made it out of the country.

Uh, no, China is not under any obligation or rule to stop production. Any so-called "moral obligation" is only for words, not actions.
Wrong...China is under the same moral obligations as the rest of the NNPT crowd. The NNPT, of which China is a signatory, rests upon what is called the 'three pillars':

- Non-nuclear weapons states (NNWS) signatories to the treaty agree not to acquire nuclear weapons;

- States signatories to the treaty will work to promote of the peaceful uses of nuclear energy;

- States signatories to the treaty will pursue negotiations in good faith on nuclear disarmament.

States signatories to the treaty includes nuclear weapons states as well as as non, in other words, everyone who signed the treaty shares the same moral burdens regarding nuclear technology and nuclear weapons. Yes...Proliferation usually mean export to other states. But disarmament means NOT increasing one's own nuclear weapons stockpile. If moral obligations in a treaty means nothing, then treaties themselves means nothing. That mean no one will ever take China at her words again. No one will enter into any treaty if China is present. If China wishes to grow her nuclear weapons stockpile, then do the honorable thing and officially withdraw from the treaty. That way China is making it clear to everyone that she respects the moral obligations of the treaty but does not wish to submit herself to them. States do that often throughout history up to now. So you are completely wrong on this.

You certainly do. Should I add some sugar to make it milder, little boy?
May be you should take it, kid. You Chinese boys' behavior is typical of bullies. You provoke and when you get a response not to your liking, you cry foul and victim. Like I said...I have no reasons to be hostile to anyone regardless of his origin. When I challenged Chinese claims, I did it while staying on subject, polite, and support my arguments with credible third party sources. Notice how all of you avoided that fact. Why? I did it here and over at sinodefence. Now all of a sudden for no reasons at all I have this hostile attitude towards the Chinese members here? So have a taste of your own medicine, kid.

Diverting the subject won't work here, buddy. Why don't you interview some Chinese members and see how your "professionalism" worked out?
Do not care what you Chinese boys here thinks of me. You never gave me any respect from the start so why should your opinions matter now? This is a military oriented forum and I will and have hit you at you Chinese boys' weakest point -- experience.
May be you should take it, kid. You Chinese boys' behavior is typical of bullies. You provoke and when you get a response not to your liking, you cry foul and victim. Like I said...I have no reasons to be hostile to anyone regardless of his origin. When I challenged Chinese claims, I did it while staying on subject, polite, and support my arguments with credible third party sources. Notice how all of you avoided that fact. Why? I did it here and over at sinodefence. Now all of a sudden for no reasons at all I have this hostile attitude towards the Chinese members here? So have a taste of your own medicine, kid.
Your words don't match your actions. You can claim to be experienced and enlightened, but the moment someone disagrees, you resort to cheap name calling like every Chinese member on this forum is a "communist liar". You're probably under the illusion that we're some kind of communist propagandists under the pay of the PRC. Let me burst your bubble because I am a Canadian citizen. I have attended Canadian schools since elementary and my opinions are my own. The fact that I am view China more favorably than your country, America, speaks to the weight of the atrocities committed by American imperialism. I'm gonna burst another of your bubbles: Communist China is seen more favorably in the developing world than the United States. China's state-led development has successfully weathered the financial storm while Wall Street crumbled. China's respect for other nations' sovereignty is lauded while America's "liberal interventionism" is condemned. So you can stop your holier-than-thou attitude about communism.

Do not care what you Chinese boys here thinks of me. You never gave me any respect from the start so why should your opinions matter now? This is a military oriented forum and I will and have hit you at you Chinese boys' weakest point -- experience.

You obviously care deeply about what us Chinese boys think of you, since you stubbornly and childishly reply to every post that disagrees with you.
Not all Chinese. Only you Chinese boys here.

Oh, so all Chinese forum members, eh?

Want a Vietnamese sub to cure your pains?

I do not act the same for everyone.

A 5% exception is no excuse.

So...You have no military experience at all. Duly noted.

That's correct. If you have any problem with that, you can contact the Canadian Reserves to "conscript" me.
Wrong...China is under the same moral obligations as the rest of the NNPT crowd. The NNPT, of which China is a signatory, rests upon what is called the 'three pillars':

- Non-nuclear weapons states (NNWS) signatories to the treaty agree not to acquire nuclear weapons;

- States signatories to the treaty will work to promote of the peaceful uses of nuclear energy;

- States signatories to the treaty will pursue negotiations in good faith on nuclear disarmament.

States signatories to the treaty includes nuclear weapons states as well as as non, in other words, everyone who signed the treaty shares the same moral burdens regarding nuclear technology and nuclear weapons. Yes...Proliferation usually mean export to other states. But disarmament means NOT increasing one's own nuclear weapons stockpile. If moral obligations in a treaty means nothing, then treaties themselves means nothing. That mean no one will ever take China at her words again. No one will enter into any treaty if China is present. If China wishes to grow her nuclear weapons stockpile, then do the honorable thing and officially withdraw from the treaty. That way China is making it clear to everyone that she respects the moral obligations of the treaty but does not wish to submit herself to them. States do that often throughout history up to now. So you are completely wrong on this.

Once more, read my post. Moral obligations aren't rules, buddy. Just because your peers are pressuring you doesn't mean you have to do it. China is increasing her stockpile for her reason, and since there are no "rules" or such involved, I don't see why she should stop.

If you are talking about disarmament, then take a look at US arsenal first before criticizing other countries.

May be you should take it, kid. You Chinese boys' behavior is typical of bullies. You provoke and when you get a response not to your liking, you cry foul and victim. Like I said...I have no reasons to be hostile to anyone regardless of his origin. When I challenged Chinese claims, I did it while staying on subject, polite, and support my arguments with credible third party sources. Notice how all of you avoided that fact. Why? I did it here and over at sinodefence. Now all of a sudden for no reasons at all I have this hostile attitude towards the Chinese members here? So have a taste of your own medicine, kid.

I don't need to take the medicine (which you yourself made) that you are afraid to swallow.

Is the following a polite manner in which to start a conversation with somebody? Or does it simply comply with Vietnamese table manners?
Looks like somebody is learning something...:lol:

Why don't you take a look at the definition of "bully" and review some of your own posts?

Oh, isn't ignorance a bliss...

Do not care what you Chinese boys here thinks of me. You never gave me any respect from the start so why should your opinions matter now? This is a military oriented forum and I will and have hit you at you Chinese boys' weakest point -- experience.

Why should we respond with respect when you start conversations with posts like the one I posted above?

So, experience in the army automatically grants you the freedom to initiate insults at people whenever you want? Bet you anything you wouldn't dare to do that to your superior officers.
I am new to this forum, but still shocked to notice how many decent threads were derailed by gambit almost single-handedly. I strongly suggest this forum implementing the "Ignore this Person" button. I personally don't care and don't want to see anything gambit has to say, even tho once a while he might have some valuable input, but the crap to goody ratio is just way too high.
I am new to this forum, but still shocked to notice how many decent threads were derailed by gambit almost single-handedly. I strongly suggest this forum implementing the "Ignore this Person" button. I personally don't care and don't want to see anything gambit has to say, even tho once a while he might have some valuable input, but the crap to goody ratio is just way too high.

People learn to ignore him pretty quickly. :azn:
I am new to this forum, but still shocked to notice how many decent threads were derailed by gambit almost single-handedly. I strongly suggest this forum implementing the "Ignore this Person" button. I personally don't care and don't want to see anything gambit has to say, even tho once a while he might have some valuable input, but the crap to goody ratio is just way too high.

I don't think PHP language allows for "Ignore" button :)
I am new to this forum, but still shocked to notice how many decent threads were derailed by gambit almost single-handedly. I strongly suggest this forum implementing the "Ignore this Person" button. I personally don't care and don't want to see anything gambit has to say, even tho once a while he might have some valuable input, but the crap to goody ratio is just way too high.

Virtually, we already ignored that troll, no need to press the button anymore.
Once more, read my post. Moral obligations aren't rules, buddy. Just because your peers are pressuring you doesn't mean you have to do it. China is increasing her stockpile for her reason, and since there are no "rules" or such involved, I don't see why she should stop.
Rules are formalization or codifications of moral obligations agreed upon before the official announcement of a treaty. By entering a treaty or even a business contract, such as purchasing a house, a person submit himself to those moral obligations. If you default or renege on said contract, there would be penalties, least of all no one else would want to do business with you, the worst penalty is when the business partner is organized crime -- you would be dead. Sounds like either you never signed any contract at all, or you are too clueless on what is a contract.

If you are talking about disarmament, then take a look at US arsenal first before criticizing other countries.
May be you should exercise that supposedly high Chinese IQ and do some basic research...

NTI: United States - Nuclear Disarmament
5. Disarmament and Commitments to Reduce Arsenal Size

Legal obligation to pursue global disarmament under Article VI of the NPT.

* Dismantled 8,746 nuclear warheads from FY 1994 through 2009.[10]
* Reduced by 84% the largest U.S. stockpile of 31,255 warheads in 1967 to the current stockpile of 5,113 operational and reserved warheads.[11]
* Dismantled more than 13,000 warheads since 1988. [12]
* Reduced operationally-deployed strategic nuclear weapons from approximately 10,000 in 1991 to 1,968 as of December 31, 2009.[13]
* Dismantled more than 3,000 non-strategic nuclear weapons.[14]
* Eliminated more than 1,000 launchers for strategic ballistic missiles, 350 heavy bombers and 28 ballistic missile submarine.[15]
* Completed W79 Artillery-Fired Atomic Projectile dismantlement in 2003.[16]
* Completed W56 warhead dismantlement in 2006.[17]
* Removed 374 tons of highly enriched uranium and almost 61.5 tons of plutonium from the weapons inventory.[18]
Notice the highlighted are in the past tense, meaning done.

I don't need to take the medicine (which you yourself made) that you are afraid to swallow.
I made nothing. Only gave you Chinese boys a taste of your own.

Is the following a polite manner in which to start a conversation with somebody? Or does it simply comply with Vietnamese table manners?
Only for you Chinese boys who deserve it.

Why don't you take a look at the definition of "bully" and review some of your own posts?
My 'bullying' is for those who deserve it.

Oh, isn't ignorance a bliss...
Judging from the quality of the fantastic claims made by you Chinese boys here, all of you must be in heaven.

Why should we respond with respect when you start conversations with posts like the one I posted above?
I have no problems repeating myself about this...In the beginning I was polite, stayed on subject, and support my arguments when I challenged you Chinese boys. I had no reasons to be hostile to anyone regardless of nationality. You Chinese boys took my challenges to your claims to be personal and 'anti-China' and 'anti-Chinese', despite the fact that I praised the Chinese history as 'enviable' several times, and proceed to be hostile towards me. Your continued avoidance of this fact is revealing.

So, experience in the army automatically grants you the freedom to initiate insults at people whenever you want?
Air Force, not Army. And no, that does not automatically grant me that latitude. I only give it to those who earned it.

Bet you anything you wouldn't dare to do that to your superior officers.
I verbally kicked a superior ranked person of my jet once. Nothing happened to me.
I am new to this forum, but still shocked to notice how many decent threads were derailed by gambit almost single-handedly. I strongly suggest this forum implementing the "Ignore this Person" button. I personally don't care and don't want to see anything gambit has to say, even tho once a while he might have some valuable input, but the crap to goody ratio is just way too high.
Does not take much. And even easier when I have relevant experience to back up what I say.
That's correct. If you have any problem with that, you can contact the Canadian Reserves to "conscript" me.
I have no problems with your inexperience in military affairs. If anything, I have used my experience like a dagger and gutted all of you Chinese boys' fantastic claims about Chinese weaponry.
I have no problems with your inexperience in military affairs. If anything, I have used my experience like a dagger and gutted all of you Chinese boys' fantastic claims about Chinese weaponry.

hey bandit, when you say 'fantastic claims' you make it sound like they just make it up on the spot, but all they are doing is telling information they learned from articles they read. so they're not claiming anything at all. the only one claiming things seems to be you!

girl u crazy :meeting:
hey bandit, when you say 'fantastic claims' you make it sound like they just make it up on the spot, but all they are doing is telling information they learned from articles they read. so they're not claiming anything at all. the only one claiming things seems to be you!

girl u crazy :meeting:
If they believe it to have any credibility then it does not matter how they got it. They post it here and expect everyone to believe that crap. Unfortunately, I recognized crap as crap and sometimes even worse than crap. But I was polite and refraining from calling crap for what it is -- crap -- and posted my sources to explain as to why what they believed in is wrong, or does not work, or at best was questionable UNTIL further evidences are available. Not my problem if they cannot post credible third party sources to support their claims.
If they believe it to have any credibility then it does not matter how they got it. They post it here and expect everyone to believe that crap. Unfortunately, I recognized crap as crap and sometimes even worse than crap. But I was polite and refraining from calling crap for what it is -- crap -- and posted my sources to explain as to why what they believed in is wrong, or does not work, or at best was questionable UNTIL further evidences are available. Not my problem if they cannot post credible third party sources to support their claims.

how are they not credible? maybe the J-20 doesn't even exist, maybe China isn't building aircraft carriers, maybe Vietnam was never a vassal of China, maybe China doesn't even have any high speed rails and the "high speed" train people are riding is actually just a regular train that goes very very fast, or maybe you're just a
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