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No, Mughals didn't loot India. They made us rich

Let's put the focus on Yoga...and before that may I ask you what is your worldview?

Do you believe in existence of mind after death. afterlife, rebirth , things such as these?

I do not entertain personal questions. Let us stick to facts.

I am not interested in debating Opinions.

They are not claims, they are facts, I even gave you all the evidence. You're wrong, deal with it.

They are not titles, they are facts. To call someone the father is essentially the past way of calling them the inventor or creator or the person who pioneered that field of that thing.

You're wrong, stop with the delusions. It's just embarrassing for both you and your countrymen.

Nope they are not.

Just one small example :lol:

I do not entertain personal questions. Let us stick to facts.

I am not interested in debating Opinions.

Nope they are not.

Just one small example :lol:

Lol, someone took a bunch of stupid pictures of ruins and slapped university on them. Screw off with that made up bull.

At this point, it's clear I can't argue with an idiot who refuses to see the facts so I am just going to report you and leave this thread. I already showed you legitimate proof and evidence that western Scholars confirmed that Muslims Invented the first university.
Lol, someone took a bunch of stupid pictures of ruins and slapped university on them. Screw off with that made up bull.

At this point, it's clear I can't argue with an idiot who refuses to see the facts so I am just going to report you and leave this thread. I already showed you legitimate proof and evidence that western Scholars confirmed that Muslims Invented the first university.

LOL... sadly for you Historians have confined their status as some of THE oldest universities in the world :lol:

I can see that you have difficulty in handling reality. That however is along expected lines.

Next you will be telling us that "Arabic numerals" were invented by arabs :lol: ........ guess again.

Do you believe in all the super normal powers a Yogi can have that is mentioned in the Siddhi/Vibhuti Pada?

You tell me,

LOL... sadly for you Historians have confined their status as some of THE oldest universities in the world :lol:

I can see that you have difficulty in handling reality. That however is along expected lines.

Next you will be telling us that "Arabic numerals" were invented by arabs :lol: ........ guess again.

You tell me,

So its boils down to YOUR belief vs mine. What is there to discuss ?

If the superpowers were true, why didn't any Yogis or Rajas use them in 2500 years of our History to protect India from invasions from the North West...500 BC being the first time India being invaded and occupied by the Persians (around Taxila)....Why have we not seen any use of magical superpowers in battles in historical times, eventhough countless mentions of them have been made in Mahabharata,Ramayana,Puranas,Yoga Sutras.........same is true for Chinese civilization..their Toist texts are replete with mentions of superpowers, but no use of magical superpowers in order to protect population from invasions from the Northern nomads.....same with pre-Roman Britain..The Druids used to have magical superpowers..but they could not stop the butchery at the hands of the Romans
If the superpowers were true, why didn't any Yogis or Rajas use them in 2500 years of our History to protect India from invasions from the North West...500 BC being the first time India being invaded and occupied by the Persians (around Taxila)....Why have we not seen any use of magical superpowers in battles in historical times, eventhough countless mentions of them have been made in Mahabharata,Ramayana,Puranas,Yoga Sutras.........same is true for Chinese civilization..their Toist texts are replete with mentions of superpowers, but no use of magical superpowers in order to protect population from invasions from the Northern nomads.....same with pre-Roman Britain..The Druids used to have magical superpowers..but they could not stop the butchery at the hands of the Romans

Because they saw both the invaders and the invaded as the same. So why would they take sides ?

They same way Krishna saw the Kaurava and the Pandava as the same.

The body along with the natinality is only temporary, the atma is eternal.
Because they saw both the invaders and the invaded as the same. So why would they take sides ?

They same way Krishna saw the Kaurava and the Pandava as the same.

The body along with the natinality is only temporary, the atma is eternal.

That is enough for me to see that their claims are Bogus Krishna still showed enough superpowers and allowed the combatants to have Brahmastras....Why didnot historical Indians have any Brahmaastras?...and why should the same situation be repeated in China and Britain?
That is enough for me to see that their claims are Bogus Krishna still showed enough superpowers and allowed the combatants to have Brahmastras....Why didnot historical Indians have any Brahmaastras?...and why should the same situation be repeated in China and Britain?

Brahmaastra's do not exist in the Kali yuga.

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