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No More Harems: The Hidden History of Muslim and Ex-Muslim Feminism

Shall we see how they were/are treated in the "Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan" under the chosen people of the Lord - Taaliban.



So shall we come back to the real world from youtube please ?
lol you just proved your low level of intelligence by comparing taliban with that video
But I have a question for you. I hear Hindus burn women alive with the dead body of the husband. Is that true? If that is so, could you please give us an estimate how many women have been burnt alive by this religion in human history? And also what is the religious books of Hinduism say about it? Should it be done or not? I it true that only when Islam and Christianity came to sub continent, women started to feel safer?

You are taliking about Sati Pratha which was followed in ancient times but it was outlawed way back in 1800's in the british times itself. Raja Ram Mohan Roy was the principle champion in banning this practice.

Hinduism is not rigid and we always change with the times. We do not follow 1000's of year old customs in the 21st century. According to current law even a passive observer of Sati is considered as guilty.
There may be some isolated incident in some remote village but by and large this practice has been eliminated
You are taliking about Sati Pratha which was followed in ancient times but it was outlawed way back in 1800's in the british times itself. Raja Ram Mohan Roy was the principle champion in banning this practice.

Hinduism is not rigid and we always change with the times. We do not follow 1000's of year old customs in the 21st century. According to current law even a passive observer of Sati is considered as guilty.
There may be some isolated incident in some remote village but by and large this practice has been eliminated

So what does this say about your beliefs? That the diety you worship isnt perfect, and needs humans to correct his errors?
If you say ur religion can evolve, then why havent you decreased the number of idols you worship? You must have a hard time as kids memorizing all their names :O
I didnt mean to insult you, but what you have said about yourself just makes me wonder at how shamelessly indians claim to be the oldest religion despite the changes:whistle:
So what does this say about your beliefs? That the diety you worship isnt perfect, and needs humans to correct his errors?
If you say ur religion can evolve, then why havent you decreased the number of idols you worship? You must have a hard time as kids memorizing all their names :O
I didnt mean to insult you, but what you have said about yourself just makes me wonder at how shamelessly indians claim to be the oldest religion despite the changes:whistle:
Is this your best troll post of the day.
There is a proverb in Tamil which translated will give the following meaning "The word Change is the only thing that does not Change" if you say that you are following the 1400 year old Quran, then you sould have not changed to Democracy in the first place, you should have remained in the Kaliphat.
And as far as the number of Gods is considered, we worship anything and everything that brings peace and forture to us. We worship the books that gives us knowledge, Every God that has originated over 5000 years of Hindu evolution represent a meaning and example of what man can and can not do.
Even the first Head Transpantation Operation occured in our epics where Lord Ganesha gets the Elephant head.
Our Religion is a way of life and it constitues every understanding that we learn from nature.
So what does this say about your beliefs? That the diety you worship isnt perfect, and needs humans to correct his errors?
If you say ur religion can evolve, then why havent you decreased the number of idols you worship? You must have a hard time as kids memorizing all their names :O
I didnt mean to insult you, but what you have said about yourself just makes me wonder at how shamelessly indians claim to be the oldest religion despite the changes:whistle:

This is from what i wrote in another thread.

I am a Hindu, hence I am a muslim, a christian, a jew, a man of all faiths. If the basic requirement of a muslim is to pray to Allah with whole heart, I can do so without any prick of my conscience, in any mosque. I can pray my heart to Jesus in any church. I can pray to any god, with form or formless. I've been to temples many and prayed to gods many. I every often see new local deities being formed and have no problem in praying them too. At different points in my life, I had visited churches and mosques and prayed in them. In a way, I am an atheist too as my religion has taught me to be detached from god. My religion had trained me to focus only on faith and not God, much like atheists focusing on self-belief. I use god only as a means for faith. I can pray the same thing to many gods at the same time, without a flutter. I see god in my environment, in living and non-living things. I can pray to animate and inanimate objects. And it is my strength and not a weakness. I am a Hindu and I am proud of it.
Pray I will, to any God, for sanity to prevail in this world.
So what does this say about your beliefs? That the diety you worship isnt perfect, and needs humans to correct his errors?
If you say ur religion can evolve, then why havent you decreased the number of idols you worship? You must have a hard time as kids memorizing all their names :O
I didnt mean to insult you, but what you have said about yourself just makes me wonder at how shamelessly indians claim to be the oldest religion despite the changes:whistle:

Im still awaiting your eminent verdict about the hijab remark you left behind, muster up some morality and answer. Or else accept you're the DOOSH :fie:
Im still awaiting your eminent verdict about the hijab remark you left behind, muster up some morality and answer. Or else accept you're the DOOSH :fie:

How does my post about hindus have anything to do with that?
Old testament, new testament, its all part of Bible.

Please go ahead and prove to this doosh that Hijab is unIslamic, since you are insinuating that you have common sense and the rest of the Muslim world who share my PoV are all nonsensical.

Rest of the muslims world? Go to any street of karachi and you'll see
Search utube hijab cultural not islamic
or misconceptions-about-islam.com/dress-code-women-veil.htm
or lifecheat.blogspot.com/2009/07/dress-code-for-women-in-islam.html
Old testament, new testament, its all part of Bible.

Please go ahead and prove to this doosh that Hijab is unIslamic, since you are insinuating that you have common sense and the rest of the Muslim world who share my PoV are all nonsensical.

How come women are not asked to cover face at haj. in fact they are asked not to cover the face?
So what does this say about your beliefs? That the diety you worship isnt perfect, and needs humans to correct his errors?
It emphasises a basic truth that as cultures and societies evolve,what was right 1000s of years ago may not be right today.Apart from a few basic things like law of karma(you get the result of your own actions),acceptance of multiple paths to reach a single goal etc,there are no
strict rules in sanathana dharma,which allows it to evolve while keeping the basic values.
According to you guys laws made in 7th century(by quran and sunnah)are eternal and change of it will be imperfection of the god who created it..right?Now let me ask you,prophet muhammed married aisha when she was 5.Now do you think pak government restricting age of
marriage is because gods law( which allowed to marry a 5 year old child)is imperfect?There are sahih hadiths about prophet muhammed keeping,buying and selling slaves at slave market-Now should we take away the ban of system of slavery because it was allowed by gods law 1400 years ago?Doesn't it all imply that what may be right 1400 ago may not be right today?

If you say ur religion can evolve, then why havent you decreased the number of idols you worship?
As i said,
Hinduism believes in multiple paths to attain the ultimate goal of salvation.And according to hindu texts it is ultimately one entity but people worship him different way,and they wont be burned in hell for calling him different names.And there are very deeper meanings for idol worship which you guys cannot understand,not that hinduism requires one to worship idols to reach salvation.
It emphasises a basic truth that as cultures and societies evolve,what was right 1000s of years ago may not be right today.Apart from a few basic things like law of karma(you get the result of your own actions),acceptance of multiple paths to reach a single goal etc,there are no
strict rules in sanathana dharma,which allows it to evolve while keeping the basic values.
According to you guys laws made in 7th century(by quran and sunnah)are eternal and change of it will be imperfection of the god who created it..right?Now let me ask you,prophet muhammed married aisha when she was 5.Now do you think pak government restricting age of
marriage is because gods law( which allowed to marry a 5 year old child)is imperfect?There are sahih hadiths about prophet muhammed keeping,buying and selling slaves at slave market-Now should we take away the ban of system of slavery because it was allowed by gods law 1400 years ago?Doesn't it all imply that what may be right 1400 ago may not be right today?

As i said,
Hinduism believes in multiple paths to attain the ultimate goal of salvation.And according to hindu texts it is ultimately one entity but people worship him different way,and they wont be burned in hell for calling him different names.And there are very deeper meanings for idol worship which you guys cannot understand,not that hinduism requires one to worship idols to reach salvation.

minus sunnah, Allah never promised to keep sunnah safe
Bukhari added that part about AishaRA
These are western funded women famous for being slaves of west in Muslim World and 99 % give a dam about what they say think or write

---------- Post added at 02:48 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:46 PM ----------

minus sunnah, Allah never promised to keep sunnah safe
Bukhari added that part about AishaRA
If you don't follow sunnah you can't follow the orders of Quran you will not even know how to offer salah leave other things aside
These are western funded women famous for being slaves of west in Muslim World and 99 % give a dam about what they say think or write

---------- Post added at 02:48 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:46 PM ----------

If you don't follow sunnah you can't follow the orders of Quran you will not even know how to offer salah leave other things aside

I only trust a few little bits of sunnah, like the ones you mentioned, but not the unbeleivable ones like pedophilia
I only trust a few little bits of sunnah, like the ones you mentioned, but not the unbeleivable ones like pedophilia
Sir you have to follow both because before dieing and also on may occasions HAZRAT MUHAMMAD SAW told us to follow Quran and Sunnah both not single one
Sir you have to follow both because before dieing and also on may occasions HAZRAT MUHAMMAD SAW told us to follow Quran and Sunnah both not single one

Ah, yes, but there is no proof that the bukhari etc. of today are actually sunnah
There's no proof that some of things in the bukhari had really been said by the ProphetSAW - so i can't take the risk
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