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No More Harems: The Hidden History of Muslim and Ex-Muslim Feminism

Is there are a Hadith where the Prophet said that? :D

I mean has the Prophet ever said "There will be a few guys who will compile my hadiths 300 years from now and you have to follow what they have written" just as well you follow the Quran?

Show me a hadith that validates the books of Bukhari, Muslims, Tirmidhi, etc. At the core of it, Hadith are biddat too, at least when you elevate it to something beyond academic to the divine.
yes there are Hadees and if you think Following Quran is enough just tell me how should I pray only by looking at Quran or how to fast I challenge you you will not find it in Quran its in Hadees
yes there are Hadees and if you think Following Quran is enough just tell me how should I pray only by looking at Quran or how to fast I challenge you you will not find it in Quran its in Hadees

Many think Zarvan is an extremist, but what he said is completely correct. Even the Mods will have no answer to this.

Btw, I am not an extremist, but facts are facts.
yes there are Hadees and if you think Following Quran is enough just tell me how should I pray only by looking at Quran or how to fast I challenge you you will not find it in Quran its in Hadees

See now you've just proven your ignorance and bias towards the Quran, you YOURSELF have declared yourself a kafir by claspheming against the Quran. Portfolio
Fasting IS in the Quran
See now you've just proven your ignorance and bias towards the Quran, you YOURSELF have declared yourself a kafir by claspheming against the Quran. Portfolio
Fasting IS in the Quran
Sir before talking reading Quran first and than talk sir in Quran their are only orders method is in Hadees even complete order of fasting are also not in Quran not even of Hajj and Zakat Sir those are all in Hadees I have read them that is why I am saying it so before telling me read them first Sir
Revealing the 19th and early 20th century women who emerged from sex slavery to fight for universal human rights and inspire today's generation of freedom fighters.
October 4, 2011 - 10:00 am - by Phyllis Chesler

We are in the midst of an Islamic and ex-Muslim feminist uprising. Some names are known to Westerners: Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Nonie Darwish, Irshad Manji, Azar Nafisi, Taslima Nasrin, Asra Q. Nomani, Wafa Sultan — grave, elegant, impish, and fiery spirits who live in exile from their countries, communities, families, or even faith.

What a stupid article in many places.

To class Ayaan Hirsi Ali as a feminist is dum. She's hateful and an opportunist. the main reason she generalizes Islam is to try and get citizenship in whatever new country she arrives at. She didn't even get Dutch citizenship in the end for service rendered.
In the West equal rights for women equates to Islam bashing.
In the West equal rights for women equates to Islam bashing.
According to some Western commentators this is both true and unavoidable; these women are wasting their time. In Judaism the contract is between G-d and the individual directly and G-d thus limits himself; in Islam Allah is omnipotent the relationship described is of the strong limitless leaders (the Muslim Brotherhood argues that just being a tyrant doesn't mean you aren't a legitimate Muslim leader) being the intermediaries of Allah as governors of the weak - and Sura 4:24 specifically endorses wife-beating.

So it seems one can't endorse equal rights for women without bashing Islam, yes?
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