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No More Harems: The Hidden History of Muslim and Ex-Muslim Feminism

Ah, yes, but there is no proof that the bukhari etc. of today are actually sunnah
There's no proof that some of things in the bukhari had really been said by the ProphetSAW - so i can't take the risk
Who told you that they Quran you read is the Quran ? Sir Sunnah is safe and you can't follow Quran with out following Sunnah this fitna of rejecting Hadees was first started by Kharijis and some innocent Muslims are now following it the started this fitna to divide Muslims
Who told you that they Quran you read is the Quran ? Sir Sunnah is safe and you can't follow Quran with out following Sunnah this fitna of rejecting Hadees was first started by Kharijis and some innocent Muslims are now following it the started this fitna to divide Muslims

Have you ever though WHY the hadees needed to be authenticated in the first place? It was needed because over the first 300 years or so of Islam, the number of quoted ahaadees grew and grew, and most of them were fabrications made to suit various purposes!

What Muslim and Bukhari (and others) did was to look at the chain of narration of each hadees to see if the people involved were known to be pious, and thus it was likely that the hadees was correct too. That is all. However, verifying the chain of narration and trying to verify the character of the persons involved centuries after the fact cannot be robust.

Think about this for a while before responding please.
minus sunnah, Allah never promised to keep sunnah safe
Bukhari added that part about AishaRA

I was replying to someone whose arguement was-
*islamic law is perfect and intact,so it does not need to be changed.
*societies with other religions have evolved in their laws,it is because their religion and god is imperfect.
If hadiths and sunnah were not credible as you mentioned,there is no point in considering islamic laws derived from hadiths and sunnahs perfect enough to be right and just throughout ages to come.
Anyway lets get back to whatever topic this thread was about.
Have you ever though WHY the hadees needed to be authenticated in the first place? It was needed because over the first 300 years or so of Islam, the number of quoted ahaadees grew and grew, and most of them were fabrications made to suit various purposes!

What Muslim and Bukhari (and others) did was to look at the chain of narration of each hadees to see if the people involved were known to be pious, and thus it was likely that the hadees was correct too. That is all. However, verifying the chain of narration and trying to verify the character of the persons involved centuries after the fact cannot be robust.

Think about this for a while before responding please.
Sir in Islam you can't follow Quran if you don't follow Hadees because details of orders of Quran are in Hadees
Oppressive men end up with Oppress-able women
Oppressive women end up with Oppress-able men

There's nothing in between :D

---------- Post added at 10:47 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:46 AM ----------

Sir in Islam you can't follow Quran if you don't follow Hadees because details of orders of Quran are in Hadees

Islam doesn't seem to be running away from me while I'm following it.

---------- Post added at 10:49 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:47 AM ----------

I have more respect for women who accomplish things and set an example in the professional world rather than feminists who write articles on 50 reasons why men suck and "Saaray mard hotay hi aise hain" (all men are alike) rants.
What do you mean by this statement I said that details of orders of Quran are in hadees I mean Salah Roza Zakat and Hajj and many more
Haha, this thread has really been derailed from its original purpose. On topic though, exactly 0% of Muslim women believe in feminism, so this article is typical Zionist bullshit anyway.

you've gotta be freaking kidding me, no?
Sir in Islam you can't follow Quran if you don't follow Hadees because details of orders of Quran are in Hadees

Is there are a Hadith where the Prophet said that? :D

I mean has the Prophet ever said "There will be a few guys who will compile my hadiths 300 years from now and you have to follow what they have written" just as well you follow the Quran?

Show me a hadith that validates the books of Bukhari, Muslims, Tirmidhi, etc. At the core of it, Hadith are biddat too, at least when you elevate it to something beyond academic to the divine.
Is there are a Hadith where the Prophet said that? :D

I mean has the Prophet ever said "There will be a few guys who will compile my hadiths 300 years from now and you have to follow what they have written" just as well you follow the Quran?

Show me a hadith that validates the books of Bukhari, Muslims, Tirmidhi, etc. At the core of it, Hadith are biddat too, at least when you elevate it to something beyond academic to the divine.

seems somebody has turned towards Quranism while i was away :D
Well done ehh!

Sir this can be true because Jews had planned to destroy world economy and culture long time ago and they are working on it day and night

damn the evil juice!
seems somebody has turned towards Quranism while i was away :D
Well done ehh!

damn the evil juice!

Don't accuse someone of random sh!t
Did he say he was Quranist? I think like him so I hope he agrees with this: We're just Muslims and we use our sommon sense, calling yourself a quranist is no better than calling urself a shi8a sunni barelvi etc.
Organised sects are ALWAYS wrong
the same harem guys rescued jews from the spain and planted them again in the world other wise who knows you wont be here present

be thankful to the harem guys all your life and same should do your future generation
the same harem guys rescued jews from the spain and planted them again in the world other wise who knows you wont be here present

be thankful to the harem guys all your life and same should do your future generation

Doesnt harem mean like room?
And so, Labidi decided to go home. She said: “I cannot live here in such luxury,” and she noted that her $700.00 a day cost of staying in New York “would be better spent on a project for rural women.” Labidi was offended, frustrated, that the entire UN seemed to care only about the “Israeli-Palestinian conflict” and had absolutely no interest in the needs of women, neither in Tunisia nor anywhere else.

That is all femi-nazi as it can get..thanks he opted to go back home..down with femi-nazis!
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