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No More Harems: The Hidden History of Muslim and Ex-Muslim Feminism

Damned subway gropers - Well I hope at least the majority of women in the West will not be deprived of their right to go to school, university and to compete for jobs - unless of course the subway gropers multiply, exponentially - but wait there are laws and ....but if the groper make it Parliament and Congress (oh wait you'd have to be a young man to be groped there) -- and if they make to corporate boards -you know the groper are threat to liberty
also west gave the women the right to vote some 50 years ago while the muslims women could vote 1400 years ago in the islamic world

Yeah and how many of them actually practiced their right in their lifetime?

Enough with this baseless rhetoric.
Anyone who still thinks that ISlam takes away women rights, better see this, how women are really treated in the west:

subway grope - YouTube

Shall we see how they were/are treated in the "Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan" under the chosen people of the Lord - Taaliban.




So shall we come back to the real world from youtube please ?
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Once I was watching a PressTV program and it talked about how in US right upto late 1960's they used to forcibly cauterize (burn with electricity) the external genitalia of women and girls who were "diagnosed" by enlightened western society as having "female hysteria" a disease which only afflicted western women. Any girl deemed unruly would have had the procedure forcibly by state done on her which permanently damaged her. Hundreds of thousands were made to shut up this way. It is part great history of US. This not the only instance of US liberalism, they also used to remove ovaries and uterus forcibly, up until recently. Take away the children by force from women whose culture was not compatible with state sanctioned national culture. Believe me you do not want to know the western history full of sh*t. You would throw up. There are harems in US and western Europe where fathers have chained their own daughters and have fathered children and have even fathered children with the children of their children. Google and find out about these atrocities which are kept secret. Always see alternative media and media of countries not in line with western media to learn about western ways.

Why aren't you banned yet? I go away for like a week and have to read this? You are talking about a guy who had an illegitimate daughter with a woman and stole her and hid her somewhere where he father children with her and you call this culture? Pervert.

---------- Post added at 01:52 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:49 AM ----------

Sorry for the double post but the key to prevent abuse is Women being educated and knowing her rights. Abuse is in all cultures and societies and it's up to women to make a stand.
Solomon, the problem with the author is pretty much interviewing all the wrong people. We are talking pretty much loons here when we refer to people like Wafa Sultan, Noonie Darwish e.t.c as they have been exposed as basically using Islam and Muslim bashing as a money milking machine.

For example Wafa Sultan has pretty much zero knowledge about Islam and regularly fakes are story about her past. Here is a video where she displays her ignorance.
CrossTalk: Quran Q&As - YouTube

Afterall, in the US, Islamophobia has become a $40million industry according to the Centre for American Progress Fear, Inc.: The Roots of the Islamophobia Network in America
Who is Behind the Attackers? - Real Truth - Open Salon
$40 Million Islamophobia Industry « Foreign Policy 4 U

We have cases of fake ex-terrorists like Walid Shoebat peddling anti-muslim propaganda Daily Kos: Walid Shoebat: Fake Terrorist Busted!!

And lest you didn't know Phyllis Chesler also is known for her anti-muslim bias. For example she made some ridiculous statement like 90% of Honor killings are done by Muslims and that there is a honor killing epidemic.
Which of course is not the case: Honor Killings: The Epidemic that Isn't | loonwatch.com

There are many examples of Muslim feminism but the women quoted here are really trying to fear monger and make money, so please don't go by these examples and when you see these names, keep in mind that you have Islmophobes here. You wan't try to understand the problems Jewish men and women are facing by listening to what anti-semites have to say about Judaism now would you?
If Muslim women are so oppressed, and Muslim men are so chauvinistic, I wonder why the Europen women are so much in love with Muslim men and marry them???

100s of western women have embraced Islam in the recent years, but since this poo-st is meant intentionally to be nothing else then BS, these facts have been ignored.

Im sure you guys havn't heard of Elsa Qazi and Anne Marie Schimmel.
Why are so many Women converting to Islam ?

According to "The Almanac Book of Facts", the population increased 137% within the past decade, Christianity increased 46%, while Islam increased 235%.

In a recent poll in the (US), 100,000 people per year in America alone, are converting to Islam. For every 1 male convert to Islam, 4 females convert to Islam, Why?

It is Clear why Christians are converting.

1. Christian are declaring the Koran is from God. Visit Here for Christian and atheist Scientists who convert to Islam and why: http://wings.buffalo.edu/sa/muslim/library/jesus-say/ch13.html

2. The Christian Bishops and Priests are admitting the Bible has tensions. http://wings.buffalo.edu/sa/muslim/library/jesus-say/ch2.1.html

3. Jesus is a Muslim: Is Jesus an Arab Muslim ?

The question still remains, why are more women converting than men to Islam ?
Perhaps they realize their Soul is worth the Factual Research.

1. The Bible says "The Birth of a Daughter is a
loss" {Ecclesiasticus 22:3}. The Qur'an says both
are an Equal Blessing { Qur'an 42:49}

2. In the Bible, divorced Women are Labeled as
an Adulteress, while men are not {Matthew 5:31-32}. The
Koran does Not have Biblical double standards
{ Qur'an 30:21}

3. In The Bible, Widows and Sisters do Not
Inherit Any Property or Wealth, Only men
do{Numbers 27:1-11}The Koran Abolished this
male greediness { Qur'an 4:22} and God Protects

4. The Bible Allows Multiple Wives{I Kings 11:3}
In The Koran, God limits the number to 4 only
under certain situations (with the Wife's
permission)and Prefers you Marry Only One
Wife{ Qur'an 4:3} The Koran gives the Woman
the Right to Choose who to Marry.

5. "If a man happens to meet a virgin who is not
pledged to be married and rapes her and they are
discovered, he shall pay the girl's father fifty
shekels of silver. He must marry the girl, for he
has violated her. He can never divorce her as long
as he lives" {Deuteronomy 22:28-30}
One must ask a simple question here, who is
really punished, the man who raped the woman or
the woman who was raped? According to the
Bible, you have to spend the Rest of Your Life
with the man who Raped You.
The Prophet Muhammad Says {Volume 9, Book
86, Number 101} Narrated by Aisha:" It is
essential to have the consent of a virgin (for the
Would the Christian men Reading this prefer the
Women they know to Be Christian or Muslim?

6. The Bible also asks Women to wear veils as in
Islam {I Corinthians 11:3-10}, this lowers the
chance of rape, (God Forbid).
Shall we see how they were/are treated in the "Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan" under the chosen people of the Lord - Taaliban.

So shall we come back to the real world from youtube please ?

Taliban by the way were created by US and followed another US friend Saudis. So no comparison there. It is like we compare Nazism with Christianity.

But I have a question for you. I hear Hindus burn women alive with the dead body of the husband. Is that true? If that is so, could you please give us an estimate how many women have been burnt alive by this religion in human history? And also what is the religious books of Hinduism say about it? Should it be done or not? I it true that only when Islam and Christianity came to sub continent, women started to feel safer?
Taliban by the way were created by US and followed another US friend Saudis. So no comparison there. It is like we compare Nazism with Christianity.

But I have a question for you. I hear Hindus burn women alive with the dead body of the husband. Is that true? If that is so, could you please give us an estimate how many women have been burnt alive by this religion in human history? And also what is the religious books of Hinduism say about it? Should it be done or not? I it true that only when Islam and Christianity came to sub continent, women started to feel safer?

I believe its true in certain parts of India. Think its a disgraceful act mate. Why do you think there is so much timber imported into India? All these fires they have and all the wood they use?

On topic - Its very quick and befitting the glory boys from India about extremism and associate the vast population of Muslims with them. Its a boring and silly ploy.

---------- Post added at 02:19 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:16 PM ----------

Why aren't you banned yet? I go away for like a week and have to read this? You are talking about a guy who had an illegitimate daughter with a woman and stole her and hid her somewhere where he father children with her and you call this culture? Pervert.

---------- Post added at 01:52 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:49 AM ----------

Sorry for the double post but the key to prevent abuse is Women being educated and knowing her rights. Abuse is in all cultures and societies and it's up to women to make a stand.

If it happens as frequently as it does then what do you expect. We are on a forum and sharing our thoughts. If you are not happy then that's a matter for you. Longbrained posts are quality and well thought out.
Why aren't you banned yet? I go away for like a week and have to read this? You are talking about a guy who had an illegitimate daughter with a woman and stole her and hid her somewhere where he father children with her and you call this culture? Pervert.

---------- Post added at 01:52 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:49 AM ----------

Sorry for the double post but the key to prevent abuse is Women being educated and knowing her rights. Abuse is in all cultures and societies and it's up to women to make a stand.

It is because I am a Major while you are just a rookie Lieutenant. Beside that, I was not talking about one case. All over Europe numerous cases have been uncovered in which western men have been fathering children with their own daughters and having them chained for dozens of years (see one example here). It is a culture that is producing such horrors. Incest is so common in west where fathers routinely rape their own daughters as do brothers do the sisters. We can not hide these things anymore. Atleast Muslim girls are safe at their homes. Everything is relative in this world. Abuse exists everywhere but it is lowest among Muslim countries, specially among well off Muslim nations such as Malaysia, Turkey, Iran or even middle classes of Pakistan.
I strongly recommend you to watch this wonderful American documentary by the name of " Searching for Angela Shelton ", a collection of true stories representing what it means to be a little girl in US.
Why are so many Women converting to Islam ?

According to "The Almanac Book of Facts", the population increased 137% within the past decade, Christianity increased 46%, while Islam increased 235%.

In a recent poll in the (US), 100,000 people per year in America alone, are converting to Islam. For every 1 male convert to Islam, 4 females convert to Islam, Why?

It is Clear why Christians are converting.

1. Christian are declaring the Koran is from God. Visit Here for Christian and atheist Scientists who convert to Islam and why: http://wings.buffalo.edu/sa/muslim/library/jesus-say/ch13.html

2. The Christian Bishops and Priests are admitting the Bible has tensions. http://wings.buffalo.edu/sa/muslim/library/jesus-say/ch2.1.html

3. Jesus is a Muslim: Is Jesus an Arab Muslim ?

The question still remains, why are more women converting than men to Islam ?
Perhaps they realize their Soul is worth the Factual Research.

1. The Bible says "The Birth of a Daughter is a
loss" {Ecclesiasticus 22:3}. The Qur'an says both
are an Equal Blessing { Qur'an 42:49}

2. In the Bible, divorced Women are Labeled as
an Adulteress, while men are not {Matthew 5:31-32}. The
Koran does Not have Biblical double standards
{ Qur'an 30:21}

3. In The Bible, Widows and Sisters do Not
Inherit Any Property or Wealth, Only men
do{Numbers 27:1-11}The Koran Abolished this
male greediness { Qur'an 4:22} and God Protects

4. The Bible Allows Multiple Wives{I Kings 11:3}
In The Koran, God limits the number to 4 only
under certain situations (with the Wife's
permission)and Prefers you Marry Only One
Wife{ Qur'an 4:3} The Koran gives the Woman
the Right to Choose who to Marry.

5. "If a man happens to meet a virgin who is not
pledged to be married and rapes her and they are
discovered, he shall pay the girl's father fifty
shekels of silver. He must marry the girl, for he
has violated her. He can never divorce her as long
as he lives" {Deuteronomy 22:28-30}
One must ask a simple question here, who is
really punished, the man who raped the woman or
the woman who was raped? According to the
Bible, you have to spend the Rest of Your Life
with the man who Raped You.
The Prophet Muhammad Says {Volume 9, Book
86, Number 101} Narrated by Aisha:" It is
essential to have the consent of a virgin (for the
Would the Christian men Reading this prefer the
Women they know to Be Christian or Muslim?

6. The Bible also asks Women to wear veils as in
Islam {I Corinthians 11:3-10}, this lowers the
chance of rape, (God Forbid).

If the bible asks women to wear a viel, it's more than proof enuf that hijab is from the DEVIL and illuminati
Hijab isnt in Islam AT ALL. I can prove it with facts, please use your common sense and stop being a doosh, also, it's only in the old testament
If the bible asks women to wear a viel, it's more than proof enuf that hijab is from the DEVIL and illuminati
Hijab isnt in Islam AT ALL. I can prove it with facts, please use your common sense and stop being a doosh, also, it's only in the old testament

Old testament, new testament, its all part of Bible.

Please go ahead and prove to this doosh that Hijab is unIslamic, since you are insinuating that you have common sense and the rest of the Muslim world who share my PoV are all nonsensical.
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