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No More Harems: The Hidden History of Muslim and Ex-Muslim Feminism

I agree with this. Muslim women dont believe in feminism. They want to remain suppressed. Period.

Mrs B wouldnt agree with you. She is muslim and gives me as good as she gets.
I think to generalize about millions of Muslim women is naive and and a unfair reflection of all society. If you share greater wealth and knowledge please share with the forum. Im finding it incredibly difficult for a woman to be posting this. Please explain your mindset and thinking behind this?

I have a sneaky suspicion - this Elmo person may have a sense of humor that she may couple with irony and pulling a "girly" on us - it's very disappointing.
I have a sneaky suspicion - this Elmo person may have a sense of humor that she may couple with irony and pulling a "girly" on us - it's very disappointing.

And you couldn't sense my sense of humor. Please. :rolleyes:
And you couldn't sense my sense of humor. Please. :rolleyes:

Can't I have my own purposes? Sorry I didn't conform, I will try harder next time - forgive me - cuz just between you and me, I'm in to "girly" girls


Which one would you prefer gents?
Elmo: Please tell me you are joking. I am not stupid, but I would like that open reassurance PLEASE!

I am not, and you'll see why I say that.

I think to generalize about millions of Muslim women is naive and and a unfair reflection of all society. If you share greater wealth and knowledge please share with the forum. Im finding it incredibly difficult for a woman to be posting this. Please explain your mindset and thinking behind this?

It's purely derived from living long years with other Pakistani and actually Muslim women. Breathing the same air as them, seeing things through their eyes. What do you think oppression means? What do you think oppression means to them?

Let me tell you this much, Muslim women oppress other Muslim women the same way as the men do. You think anyone of these Muslim women are sympathetic toward other oppressed women? Finding a women who supports another woman's right to work, marriage and even independent thinking is more difficult than finding a needle in a hay stack.

Most women do not get rather do not want to get what it means to be free.

I have a sneaky suspicion - this Elmo person may have a sense of humor that she may couple with irony and pulling a "girly" on us - it's very disappointing.

Muse - I can pull a boyly and not a girly even if I wanted to. I am as ungirly as it can get.

Can't I have my own purposes? Sorry I didn't conform, I will try harder next time - forgive me - cuz just between you and me, I'm in to "girly" girls
The ladies in the original lead article are out of contention?
Oh right. I guess they are contenders as well. If you have a thing for aunties, that is.

Young and old Pakistani men talking about girls being "girly". See how somebody here blatantly objectified women by calling them aunties, because obviously they are above a certain age and off the shelf.... no rather deserve to be discarded in the bin if the tone of that post is to be gone by.

Women, old women - what they think, what they feel, what they do, who cares? In Pakistan and the Musim world, for the majority of men and women, nobody cares.

We can try to be as a liberal and open minded as we want to, but we are just fooling ourselves.

There are places where certain words click and then others where they dont.

Nobody wants a girl who can voice her own opinion, stand up for herself, they want the submissive, docile, "girly" girls.
We can try to be as a liberal and open minded as we want to, but we are just fooling ourselves.

There are places where certain words click and then others where they dont.

Nobody wants a girl who can voice her own opinion, stand up for herself, they want the submissive, docile, "girly" girls.

Well there are many throughout Pakistan. I can understand that some women's circumstances can lead them to feel this way, but there are also many that are successful and independent. But I don't understand what you are suggesting? Role reversal?

I was just exhibiting my preference when it comes to women. How can you generalize how one person feels?
Nobody wants a girl who can voice her own opinion, stand up for herself, they want the submissive, docile, "girly" girls.

Would you prefer Backstreet boys frontman or Humphrey Bogart? :P
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