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No More Harems: The Hidden History of Muslim and Ex-Muslim Feminism

Thanks Aryan for a great post.

It is terrible how these zionists treat their women. Domestic violence is certainly that should be looked after.
Here is another little story of how women are ill treated.

Until recently certain buses in Israel have been gender segregated, with men sitting in the front and women being relegated to the back of the bus. The Israeli Supreme Court ruled that such "mehadrin" buses were illegal, but some members of the ultra-Orthodox community disagree. A few weeks ago a yeshiva student boarded a formerly segregated bus and noticed a woman sitting in front. When she refused to move he decided to scream insults at her for the duration of her trip. Later he wondered, was it OK that he had harassed this woman? Should he apologize?

The student sought guidance from Rav Yosef Shalom Elyashiv of Mea Shearim, who answered in the form of a halachic ruling known as a psak. In this psak Rav Elyashiv said that the man did not have to apologize, citing an incident in the Gemara where Shmuel saw a woman dressed immodestly and responded by tearing the clothes from her body. Rav Elyashiv believes this story teaches us that women who violate halacha should be publicly humiliated.

As Sharon Shenhav notes in a recent JPost article, by Haredi standards there is a long list of women who violate halacha, from female IDF officers to women simply wearing shorts during the hot summer months. "How are yeshiva boys going to find time to study Torah if they have to deal with all the uppity women? Perhaps Rav Elyashiv can issue a psak in response to this question in the near future."

Rabbi Says "Uppity" Women Should Be Harassed :azn:

^^^^^^^ thank you for exposing how these white men and zionists treat their women

How shamelessly you use the word "they", please don't claim to be better then "white men" when you yourself are like this.
Once I was watching a PressTV program and it talked about how in US right upto late 1960's they used to forcibly cauterize (burn with electricity) the external genitalia of women and girls who were "diagnosed" by enlightened western society as having "female hysteria" a disease which only afflicted western women. Any girl deemed unruly would have had the procedure forcibly by state done on her which permanently damaged her. Hundreds of thousands were made to shut up this way. It is part great history of US. This not the only instance of US liberalism, they also used to remove ovaries and uterus forcibly, up until recently. Take away the children by force from women whose culture was not compatible with state sanctioned national culture. Believe me you do not want to know the western history full of sh*t. You would throw up. There are harems in US and western Europe where fathers have chained their own daughters and have fathered children and have even fathered children with the children of their children. Google and find out about these atrocities which are kept secret. Always see alternative media and media of countries not in line with western media to learn about western ways.
See why western women are leaving feminism and western culture to become Muslims. Women from all walk of life, fame and affluence:

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Ok what bullshit ! I'm all for women rights.I'm kinda feminist too lol but the article is talking about persons like Wafa Sultan and Nonie Darwish? :angry: Such women are just plain Islam hater. One of them says "Islam should be annihilated and it will very soon.We will see the destruction of Islam" ...So when SUCH women talk about "Muslim women being oppressed" ... its clear that they are targeting Islam rather than being sincerely concern about Muslim women.

By the way, in Rape stats...no Muslim country even comes in top 10.. all of top 10 are "christian majority" nations ;)

Again..I'm not saying that women in Muslim societies are alright. Women should be confident,independent and free !!!! These are social issues and NOT "religious issues.
Trust those who tell you and that it won't be the end of the story

Ahem. Sometimes I just want to cry lol. The only saving frace is that pakistanis dont have a monoply on treating womern in an inappropriate way, As lennon said woman is the nigga of the world or something like that
Look I don't understand , why does a women interested in social work or generally helping society has to be Feminist NOT true one bit

Women do not have to cut their hair short look like Men in order to make their point I mean you know what I am talking about
A women can be attractive , feminine and yet at same time have an opinion with out wearing suit and tie and with butch hair style and then strutting her and daring any man to fight her in public that is just (Cyborg Syndrome)

Sorry but I feel women can be Traditional women (Feminine) yet hold a respectable stance in all aspects of life

Ultra feminist are just (cYborgs)

Example Cleopatra was a influential women , she was no Cyborg
If a girl ever swore at me, it would be the end of the story.

I can confirm that Mrs B has sworn at me on two occasions in the last 6 years and it was not the end of the world or the end of the story
Look I don't understand , why does a women interested in social work or generally helping society has to be Feminist NOT true one bit

Women do not have to cut their hair short look like Men in order to make their point I mean you know what I am talking about
A women can be attractive , feminine and yet at same time have an opinion with out wearing suit and tie and with butch hair style and then strutting her and daring any man to fight her in public that is just (Cyborg Syndrome)

Sorry but I feel women can be Traditional women (Feminine) yet hold a respectable stance in all aspects of life

Ultra feminist are just (cYborgs)

Example Cleopatra was a influential women , she was no Cyborg

Superb, I think you've covered pretty much every stereotype
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