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No mention of ‘One China’ is New Delhi reply to Beijing for its silence on J&K

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this is getting ridiculous, seriously who is going to have nuclear war these days?

even the US with its absolute nuclear superiority would commit suicide if it ever uses it nukes.

and there's no debating about the chinese and indian economy either because there are not even in the same league.

sorry to burst my Indians friends' ego but all the feel good stories in the Indian media is doing you injustice. India should just work hard and perhaps one day( and trust me that day hasn't arrived) you would be consider an economic power. Stop with the excuses, on 1 hand Indians like to brag about democracy and on the other hand they like to use it as excuse?

when china does anything nowadays it is felt from Tokyo, New York, to London...that can't be said for India. when was the last time people in australia or america cared about the Indian central bank raising or lowering its interest rate?

Chinese is more organized and they have a chip on their shoulder. They have been embarrassed by the humiliation of western domination of china especially at the hand of Japan...this is by far one of the biggest motivating factor. THe chinese are building their economy, Olympics, ect. ect basically everything they do is to compete with the West... not with India. India is doing everything to compete with China.

I am no big fan of China but everybody in the world( except for India) knows where china stand in the world today.
@ hong wu

china is not stupid enough to promote proliferation of more nukes in the world.

as soon as one nuke goes off in the world today, EVERYBODY losses
Of course we will fight India. Our transportation infrastructure is almost ready now. Kashmir does not belong to India and this injustice to Islam must be corrected. Even if we have to sell machine-guns, night-vision goggles and shoulder-mounted missiles to the Kashmiris.

India doesn't even have an Agni-II working. And they are dreaming about deploying hypersonic global strike before USA! Such an inferior country deserves to be brutally punished by China, and then mopped up totally by Pakistan Army.

Ha ha what another fool. As if PLA was fighting Indian villagers in the border areas in 1962 and not the Indian Army! It's okay. They want another war... we give it them.

Ha ha Indians are the most experience in being conquered. Waves and waves of conquerors have taken India. The Mughal Muslims and British Empire were only the last ones. Now Chinese overlords are your future!

There is no need for China to fight another mountain war. Give a nuclear suitcase to Kashmiris and New Delhi is history.

"Imagine" is the right word for you, I'm sure.

True India gained an upper hand in the dispute in the 1980's because China was not aggressive enough. But now Chinese soldiers regularly patrol our Southern Tibet and we are moving in the heavy artillery to remove the pests at last.

First off, I seriously doubt Indian nukes would even explode. Even if it does work, 20 kt only covers about a few city blocks. Most likely an India warhead would end up in the mountains or the ocean somewhere.

In the India world, their 2 kt nuke can blast China into outer space and our 10 Mt nuke is nothing compared to the mighty LCA and Arjun.

Wrong.... between China and India only one nation can exist -- two is impossible. Either we finish you or you finish us. That is reality. This is my plan for China:

Wen jiabao's PA has spoken ...:rofl::rofl::rofl:
Ur replies are Bull $hit
bwahahahah bhartis please stop the cover up.

You just could not take a strong stand and now when Wen is gone you are just beating the bush around
Unfortunately CD couldn't understand this or pretending Not to Understand..

Dont give too much importance...we have nukes and nobody can dare to attack us. For that matter...why Pakistan did not become another Iraq or Afghanistan? US has much higher yielding nukes than China and Pak's yields are almost same as India's.
bwahahahah bhartis please stop the cover up.

You just could not take a strong stand and now when Wen is gone you are just beating the bush around

Did you even read the title of the thread before deciding to post in it?:hitwall::hitwall:
China’s Geopolitical Imperatives

China has three overriding geopolitical imperatives:

1. Maintain internal unity in the Han Chinese regions.
2. Maintain control of the buffer regions.
3. Protect the coast from foreign encroachment.
Maintaining Internal Unity

Mao’s goal was threefold, Marxism aside.

FIRST, he wanted to recentralize China — re-establishing Beijing as China’s capital and political center.

SECOND, he wanted to end the massive inequality between the coastal region and the rest of China.

THIRD, he wanted to expel the foreigners from China. In short, he wanted to recreate a united Han China.
I am realistic and in military power its,

China > India > Pakistan

In economic power its,

China > India > Pakistan

And non of those is going to change in the next 50 years at least, so stop debating who is better and stick to the thread title.
Give a nuclear suitcase to Kashmiris and New Delhi is history.
Good proliferate nukes...
it's fun to watch wat will happen to china afterwards:rofl:
Give some to Sri lanka,Bangladesh also..
China is more enclosed than any other great power. The size of its population, coupled with its secure frontiers and relative abundance of resources, allows it to develop with minimal intercourse with the rest of the world, if it chooses. During the Maoist period, for example, China became an insular nation, driven primarily by internal interests and considerations, indifferent or hostile to the rest of the world. It was secure and, except for its involvement in the Korean War and its efforts to pacify restless buffer regions, was relatively peaceful. Internally, however, China underwent periodic, self-generated chaos.

The weakness of insularity for China is poverty. Given the ratio of arable land to population, a self-enclosed China is a poor China.
Its population is so poor that economic development driven by domestic demand, no matter how limited it might be, is impossible. However, an isolated China is easier to manage by a central government. The great danger in China is a rupture within the Han Chinese nation. If that happens, if the central government weakens, the peripheral regions will spin off, and China will then be vulnerable to foreigners taking advantage of Chinese weakness.
Good lord. This is a total India-China-Pak three way troll wankfest :D

No moderators on this forum? lol
bwahahahah bhartis please stop the cover up.

You just could not take a strong stand and now when Wen is gone you are just beating the bush around

thanks to our impotent leaders, who don't have guts to protest in right manner in front of china.:angry:
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