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No mention of ‘One China’ is New Delhi reply to Beijing for its silence on J&K

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Let see how the mighty "Indians" fight:rofl:

Man , seriously, did anybody ever saw any soldiers that will surrender with a "Big Smile" on their face, especially an "Officer in charge"? :lol:
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We were on the winning side in WW2. :azn: The axis powers (Japan and Germany) were the losers.

As I said, we had completely pushed Japan out of the Chinese mainland even before America dropped the nukes.

Now Japan has been forced to have a "pacifist constitution" and aren't allowed to have nuclear weapons, not even tiny 20kt ones like India has (and certainly not 4 megaton ones like China has).
I am saying u one again..
U were on the winning side,But u didn't win..
U r of no use in being in Axis power..
It was US and Russia..
Americans and Russians itself will not chest thump as u do..
U r just a little rat for US and Russia..
If u jave 2000Kt..
Russia has 50Mt..remember Tsar..

It may not be a surprise that Tsar whould hit Bejing
wanna taste India's all weather friends Tsar..
Lets see how mighty "Chinese" fight:rofl:

Japan invades China
The Crushing Moment

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Let see how the mighty "Indians" fight:rofl:

Man , seriously, did anybody ever saw any soldiers that will surrender with a "Big Smile" on their face, especially an "Officer in charge"? :lol:

Buddy, it's just a waste of time to even talk to them. :azn:

So goodbye all. :wave:
Refuting what points? :azn:

You mean the point that China is the 2nd largest economy in the world, and India is not even in the top 10?

Even by 2015, India will STILL have a smaller economy than even "Brazil"...

List of countries by future GDP (nominal) estimates - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Oh my my :rofl::rofl: priceless . . . not understanding difference between "you" and "me" . . .
Anyways, no point arguing, I know you have got the point very well, shown clearly by lack of sensible response. :azn:
I am saying u one again..
U were on the winning side,But u didn't win..
U r of no use in being in Axis power..
It was US and Russia..
Americans and Russians itself will not chest thump as u do..
U r just a little rat for US and Russia..
If u jave 2000Kt..
Russia has 50Mt..remember Tsar..

It may not be a surprise that Tsar whould hit Bejing
wanna taste India's all weather friends Tsar..
Dude...in a war nobody is giong to help you. Why the hell Russia would give us Tsar? We can and will confront the Chinese without any help/
Buddy, it's just a waste of time to even talk to them. :azn:

So goodbye all. :wave:
Good bye:wave:
before going to sleep remember how japs invaded u..
And get up in the morining with a good mood,so that u won't think of using Nukes and invading other countries
Dude...in a war nobody is giong to help you. Why the hell Russia would give us Tsar? We can and will confront the Chinese without any help/
CD was talking like china has the biigest nuke in the world so that india would scared..
So i reminded him that there is more bigger nuke and stock piles than u in russia..
He chest thumping with Nukes..

If u think we would be scared by ur 2000Kt of nuke,u must be dreaming CD..:oops:
Better luck next time
CD was talking like china has the biigest nuke in the world so that india would scared..
So i reminded him that there is more bigger nuke and stock piles than u in russia..
He chest thumping with Nukes..

If u think we would be scared by ur 2000Kt of nuke,u must be dreaming CD..:oops:
Better luck next time
well buddy...unfortunately CD is right. Indian nukes are no match for chinese...that is because till now we were concentrating on Pak. But,it dosent really matter. A nuke is a nuke. Though Russia has Tsar they didnot attack NATO or America. Reason? Even low yielding nukes are disastrous.
well buddy...unfortunately CD is right. Indian nukes are no match for chinese...that is because till now we were concentrating on Pak. But,it dosent really matter. A nuke is a nuke. Though Russia has Tsar they didnot attack NATO or America. Reason? Even low yielding nukes are disastrous.
Unfortunately CD couldn't understand this or pretending Not to Understand..
China has zero influence on the Kashmir issue, it is no position to bully India no matter how badly you want, and there will never be an India-China war in future. None of its action will make any difference.
Of course we will fight India. Our transportation infrastructure is almost ready now. Kashmir does not belong to India and this injustice to Islam must be corrected. Even if we have to sell machine-guns, night-vision goggles and shoulder-mounted missiles to the Kashmiris.

Yet we humiliated your army SO easily in 1962. :azn:

Since then, our economy has become FOUR times bigger than yours and growing faster too. We are the 2nd largest economy, India is not even in the top ten!

The gap has widened massively.
India doesn't even have an Agni-II working. And they are dreaming about deploying hypersonic global strike before USA! Such an inferior country deserves to be brutally punished by China, and then mopped up totally by Pakistan Army.

By back-stabbing..

When india didn't have modern arsenal and nukes..
That's called chinese style..
U won't come from front,u come from back..
And that's not a thing to be proud of..
Ha ha what another fool. As if PLA was fighting Indian villagers in the border areas in 1962 and not the Indian Army! It's okay. They want another war... we give it them.

Yet ur army got HUMILATED So easily by japanese..
They even invaded u
that's a humiliation of the century...
Keep it up PLA
Ha ha Indians are the most experience in being conquered. Waves and waves of conquerors have taken India. The Mughal Muslims and British Empire were only the last ones. Now Chinese overlords are your future!

Stupid argument, PLA will not have any ability to attack India comprehensively within the next decade. By then we will have ballistic missile submarines and LRBMS capable of hitting any city in your country, so another war happen is never gonna happen.

You won in 1962 because we did not see your build up thanks to our blinkered sensing ability and over confident leaders. Not so now, we have satellites up there which can easily what you do very well and of course a hyperactive global media. 1962 will never be repeated . . . that is an easy guarantee.
There is no need for China to fight another mountain war. Give a nuclear suitcase to Kashmiris and New Delhi is history.

Imagine in just 9 years how India army's capability increased
"Imagine" is the right word for you, I'm sure.

Where was your super duper PLA in 1987..!:pop:

Why did'nt they re-captured A.P while claiming it since 1962 ?? :pop:

You did'nt cause your chance's were doomed cause of 1974 smiling buddha test..! :pop:
True India gained an upper hand in the dispute in the 1980's because China was not aggressive enough. But now Chinese soldiers regularly patrol our Southern Tibet and we are moving in the heavy artillery to remove the pests at last.

Even today your nuclear arsenal is completely outdated. 20kt nukes, come on... with such low-yield weapons, you won't even be able to destroy one province in China.
First off, I seriously doubt Indian nukes would even explode. Even if it does work, 20 kt only covers about a few city blocks. Most likely an India warhead would end up in the mountains or the ocean somewhere.

Compare that to the effects of a megaton (1000kt+) nuke. :azn:
In the India world, their 2 kt nuke can blast China into outer space and our 10 Mt nuke is nothing compared to the mighty LCA and Arjun.

We are not talking about invading China, so we don't care of PLA war capabilities. You can have a god-dammed B2 spirit bomber . . . who cares.
Our nuclear capability and satellites will be enough to stop your army from even thinking of repeating 1962 ever!!! kapish?
Wrong.... between China and India only one nation can exist -- two is impossible. Either we finish you or you finish us. That is reality. This is my plan for China:

China's defense strategy should be to achieve its strategic interests in 5 theaters: Northeast, East, South, South Asia and Middle East.

Northeast: Hold the Line and Counterattack

China's strategic interest in the Northeast theater is to directly threaten and put pressure on Japan's home islands and dominate the Korean peninsula against a potentially hostile South Korea. At sea, China must defend the Yellow Sea and counter any pressure from US naval presence in South Korea.

To achieve these goals, China should base large numbers of long range artillery rockets (such as WS-2D) in North Korea that can blanket Tokyo in case of a war.

It should also guarantee North Korea's security by supplying it with weapons, advisers or even direct military intervention in case of a war with the South.

It should also counter the US naval presence in South Korea with PLAN. In case of a war, remove the US naval presence by moving PLA elite armor T-99A2 into South Korea and put into power a China-friendly government.

East: Hold the Line and Counterattack

China's strategic interest in the Eastern theater is to control the East China Sea and support Ryukyu independence.

To achieve these goals, China should lease a PLAN base in Taiwan from the nationalist government if politically feasible. Of course, it cannot tolerate any move toward de jure independence by Taiwan.

It should also have an amphibious strike force of 6 071 LPD that can land about 10,000 troops and armor on the Ryukyus or even Japan's home islands.

South: Project Power and Deter

China's strategic interest in the Southern theater is to have a naval base further South in the South China Sea and eventually control access to Malacca Straits from the Eastern Side.

To achieve these goals, China should lease a PLAN base in Cambodia and build a railroad from China through Laos to Cambodia.

It should also deploy an amphibious strike force of 6 071 LPD to simultaneously evict in a quick operation the military presence of South East Asian countries on China's islands in the South China Sea.

If Vietnam tries to go nuclear, it should also quickly take down Hanoi and control the entire Vietnam coastline down to Ho Chi Ming City (Saigon). Set up a China-friendly government in Vietnam.

South Asia: With Help from Pakistan, Regime Change India

China's strategic interest in the South Asia theater is to contain, weaken, cripple and finally break apart India because it appears certain the Hindu civilization has decided to oppose the Chinese civilization in the 21st century.

To achieve these goals, China should complete the railroad into Pakistan through Kashmir. Station PLA infantry expeditionary units in Kashmir ready to overrun India positions. Station elite PLA armor T-99A2 on the plains of South Asia ready to overrun India positions. Station a giant PLAN fleet at Gwadar threatening to land combat marines on India's western coastline.

It should also complete the railroad into Nepal. Station PLA infantry on the Nepal-Indian border ready to overrun India positions.

It should also build up troops levels at mountain passes in the Eastern Sector facing India. The Indians expect to move heavy artillery on to the Himalayan plains to counter China.

If India refuses to cease its hostility to China, China should drive elite PLA armor to New Delhi, surround the city, overthrow the Indian government and install a pro-Pakistan / pro-China government in New Delhi. The map of South Asia can be redrawn to form new buffer states for Pakistan and China.

This armored drive against New Delhi should be supported by simulatenous infantry attacks in Kashmir, Sikkim and Tawang supported by J-10 air superiority and Z-10A helicopter close air support. The first major engagement of the war should be a massive Chinese cruise missile CJ-10 and EMP attack against the main strength of the Indian army defending the capital city.

Indian army nuclear missile units should be hunted down by satellite reconnaisance and H-6K strategic bomber cruise missile strikes. The Chinese ballistic missile defense system successfully tested a year ago should be fully developed and deployed in Tibet.

Simultaneous with the land war, PLAN submarines (the new Type 095 class) based from Gwadar should enforce a shipping blockade against the west coast of Southern India. PLAN submarines based from Myanmar should enforce a shipping blockade against the East coast of Southern India.

Middle East: Support Iran

China's strategic interest in the Middle East theater is to support countries opposed to US domination, build an overland route for energy transportation to the Middle East, and persuade Middle East oil producers to sell their oil in RMB not dollars, thus fatally undermining the US dollar.

A US-led war against Iran by 2013 is very likely if a Republican president is voted in in 2012. From the recent Wikileaks episode, we can see Iran can build a basic nuclear deterrent arsenal with nuclear warhead and medium-range missile by about 2013.

To achieve these goals, China should build a railway from Xinjiang in China through Central Asia to Iran's northeast. Through this railway, supply Iran with air defence weapons like HQ-9 and coastal defense weapons like C-803 to defend against US airstrikes or naval blockade. This railway could also transport energy supplies from Iran to China if the US imposes a blockade through the Gulf of Aden.

If Iran wants a basic nuclear deterrent against Israel, China should not get in its way.

China should also form an RMB denominated oil trading bloc with Iran and persuade other Middle East countries to join. This will give China an economic advantage of having the preeminent reserve currency.
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