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No likelihood of war with China but India must strengthen its defence

The indian ”department of concern“ has been carrying out the missions as they are told. It helps to sweeten their request for more military budget throughout the years by simply playing the "China card". They are using the money to juggle for more diplomatic favors than they deserve with Russia, France, UK, USA, Israel ...

As is the "Department of Warnings" to keep warmongers happy :D
I don't know why you guys are so interested in our internal affairs.

China and India never had to go to war, it was you guys who hosted our largest separatist group in 1959, the Tibetan Government in Exile. When you knew we were in the middle of a famine (Great leap forward) and therefore that we couldn't do anything about it.

The Dalai Lama gave up recently, and accepted Tibet as a part of China (unfortunately for you guys)... and now they just want more autonomy. If they can show stability in their region then they'll get autonomy, just like other minority regions. If they want autonomy they need to show that they can protest peacefully without any burnings, just like we do here.

1. Please educate the ilks of me as to what part you guys see as meddling in your affairs ? what the likes of us are asking is, atleast hold true to your own words !

2. What 'more autonomy' are you talking of ? What is the current autonomy which they have now ? And to what extent are you willing to go if they abjure violence ?
I don't know why you guys are so interested in our internal affairs.

China and India never had to go to war, it was you guys who hosted our largest separatist group in 1959, the Tibetan Government in Exile. When you knew we were in the middle of a famine (Great leap forward) and therefore that we couldn't do anything about it.

The Dalai Lama gave up recently, and accepted Tibet as a part of China (unfortunately for you guys)... and now they just want more autonomy. If they can show stability in their region then they'll get autonomy, just like other minority regions. If they want autonomy they need to show that they can protest peacefully without any burnings, just like we do here.
Actually it was the American CIA with active help from Nepal who started formenting trouble in 1956 after the Korean War...India only gave the Dalai Lama political asylum as He is the spiritual head of Tibetan Buddhism...His disciples followed Him into India after that and had to be given asylum on humanitarian grounds....After the 1962 war, India began actively supporting Tibetan resistance fighters and raised the SFF consisting of Tibetan fighters for behind the lines action...but they were used sparingly and were actively used only against Pakistan after the 1971 Bangladesh Liberation War....Now India doesn't advocate armed support to the Tibetan cause and only hosts them on humanitarian and cultural grounds...as they have cultural affinity to the people of Arunachal Pradesh
The Indian people not the Indian govt. supports the Tibetan diaspora morally and not materially...the official stand of the Indian govt. is that Tibet is an Autonomous region of China...there are no incidents of any Tibetan expat killing any Chinese citizen...but it is the opposite...Hence your accusation of India (the govt or Indian people) supporting 'Tibetan terrorist' groups is false and baseless. Also there are no 'Tibetan terrorist' groups...its only the monks and helpless ordinary Tibetans who protest against Chinese occupation with demonstrations and sometimes immolate themselves in that protest rather than killing any Chinese citizen

What to do they are brain washed since childhood to see everything in religious prospective...otherwise the people ruling them will loose their hold and their power over them

The link with religion is made, not by me, but by your own Hindutva crowd on this forum.

Chinese Dragon has swallowed their propaganda wholesale, which is why he keeps bringing Pakistan and Bangladesh into threads about India/China conflict.

Also, your own Indian posters brought religion into the discussion (page 1), which is the standard tactic of the "dharmic alliance" crowd.

Luckily, as I said, neither the Chinese nor the Indian government believes in this dharmic nonsense.

Are 'think tanks' supposed to throw around accusations with no substantiation or evidence whatsoever? Sorry I'm new to this site. We sponsor terrorism on Tibetan citizens? We are indirectly terrorizing Tibetans, from India? What are you on about?

The accusation is made by the Chinese government against Tibetan separatist groups that are training and planning their acts under Indian protection.

It helps to read.
The accusation is made by the Chinese government against Tibetan separatist groups that are training and planning their acts under Indian protection.

It helps to read.

Tell me when tibetans killed any of chinese? yes,they did self killing by burning themselves but when did they kill chinese?
They are most peaceful refugee's living in india
Tell me when tibetans killed any of chinese? yes,they did self killing by burning themselves but when did they kill chinese?
They are most peaceful refugee's living in india

I posted the link to the Xinhua article earlier.

For the rest, feel free to google around about the Tibetan Youth Congress and other "peaceful" separatist groups operating from India.
I posted the link to the Xinhua article earlier.

For the rest, feel free to google around about the Tibetan Youth Congress and other "peaceful" separatist groups operating from India.

if protesting is killing then yes,they killed :D
The link with religion is made, not by me, but by your own Hindutva crowd on this forum.

Chinese Dragon has swallowed their propaganda wholesale, which is why he keeps bringing Pakistan and Bangladesh into threads about India/China conflict.

Also, your own Indian posters brought religion into the discussion (page 1), which is the standard tactic of the "dharmic alliance" crowd.

Luckily, as I said, neither the Chinese nor the Indian government believes in this dharmic nonsense. I know at the current scenario, its a far away dream, but it is what I hope (and deep down inside know) will happen in the future.

Of course there is always going to be a link with East Asian Buddhists and India. I dont know how that is any of your concern, how two nations (you have nothing to do with) decide what relations to keep based on their religious affiliations or beliefs. We have nothing in common with any other country in Asia (or the world), only Nepal, Bhutan and other countries in the Far East that are influenced by Buddhism can we relate to.

India's future lies with friendship with like-minded East/South-East Asian countries in the long run if border disputes get settled.
Of course there is always going to be a link with East Asian Buddhists and India. ..


India is anything but Buddhist.

California or British Columbia is perhaps 100X more Buddhist than India.

Time to give it a rest the myth of "Buddhist" India.

If India were anything remote to Buddhist, then Morroco would be Christian.
I dont know how that is any of your concern, how two nations (you have nothing to do with) decide what relations to keep based on their religious affiliations or beliefs.

It is none of my concern, nor do I care what various people believe on the matter.

My only concern is when some Indian and Chinese posters take a thread about India/China and drag "evil Muslims" and "evil Pakistanis" into it.

India is anything but Buddhist.

California or British Columbia is perhaps 100X more Buddhist than India.

Time to give it a rest the myth of "Buddhist" India.

If India were anything remote to Buddhist, then Morroco would be Christian.

Buddhism started with Gautam Buddha, in the present day India-Nepal region. There are many people even today who are Buddhist in India, though most of us are Hindu. Many Hindus also worship Lord Buddha as an avatar of Lord Vishnu, a Hindu God.

The blue wheel in the Indian Flag is supposed to be a representation of the DharmaChakra in Buddhist teachings. Buddhism is an immortal part of Indian History and Culture, and just some random guy on the internet saying otherwise does not mean we Indians have nothing to do with it.


Dharmacakra - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"Dharmic alliance"? :rofl: Your brain must be malfunctioning.

Look at our territorial disputes with Japan and the South East Asian nations which are Buddhist, and our territorial disputes with India which is Hindu. Those are our main points of dispute, and they are all with "Dharmic" countries.

Don't make me laugh, this idea you have created is absurd.

And as usual, it is all about religion. Religion religion religion, it's just getting stupid how everything comes down to that one point. Which is completely irrelevant in our daily lives.

Indeed there is no Dharmic alliance..... Southeast asians are some of the most ungrateful sobs. They have totally copied ancient Indian culture and scripts yet many of them have this arrogant attitude that you often find among thieves and looters. I actually respect chinese much more than any southeast asian (except Vietnam, Cambodia). Cambodians take pride in their indic history and are not like others.
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