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No country for brave men

sorry to say this incident has really exposed pakistan as an intolerant and barbaric country only in pakistan would a MURDERER be praised as hero any other place in the world would be repulsed even if he was unpopular no wonder we are considered a backward country and considered as extremists.
we are a nation of jahils extreme times call for extreme measures abu zolfiqar is right the only way these people will learn is with an iron fist pakistan needs to them a big slap and scrap the law regardless of what they think .We need to take a stand and no longer fear the mullahs or religious parties they are not above the law and should not be allowed to call for violence if they get rowdy then beat some sense into them the only thing they understand is force give them a taste of their own medicine it's the only way.

Do you know the most dangerous type of man?

"A man who has nothing to lose" and did you know "A hungry man is an angry man"?

and Pakistan has plenty of them with more being created everyday..Until the time our leaders learn to set their priorities right,and tackle to more important issues rather than performing a new political drama every day,i dont see any increase in the so called "Tolerance"..

we are on the brink of our tolerances and i don't think any more can be squeezed out of us...We are tolerating Food shortage,joblessness,poverty,disease,floods and above all no hope..

In that context we are one of the most tolerant nation on planet..any other nation would have been on the roads lynching,killing and burning..But we are "tolerating" all this...

Scarp the law..lock the mullahs...it wont create new jobs.It wont comfort the angry man sitting in the heat while load shedding deprives him of whatever little comfort he can have.

In addition to all that..you are talking about the other side of extremism..The secular extremism,who think that if they don't care much about religion..everybody should be the same..By hate mongering the secular way against religious people..you are no different from the Mullahs hate mongering against you..Both of you are in the same shoes...Think

And one last thing...Not everything can be tackled..somethings are better to be rubbed under the carpet.
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All Mulla's Sbs in Pakistan please answer one thing are you & this brutal killer are bigger lovers of our beloved Holy Prophet (PBUH) compared to Sahaba karaams ?listen no where even near..so you all must remember once there was a lady who used to throw things on our Holy Prophet (PBUH) when she once did'nt through he went personally to ask why is she ok ? that time also Quran majeed was their which says any wrong doing against our Holy Prophet(PBUH) wont be tolerated..then did those Sahaba kraam killed that woman why they we all deeply in love with Holy Prophet (PBUH)...no justifications...our Mullas did nothing to spread Islam rather only played street politics and Firka bazi that's it !
Why was I not surprised that the assassin is being garlanded? Well, here it is, linked from the front page of NY Times right now for all the world to see how low many of us can stoop to.

http://www.nytimes.com/aponline/2011/01/05/world/a sia/AP-AS-Pakistan.html

“LAHORE, Pakistan (AP) — Lawyers showered the suspected killer of a prominent Pakistani governor with rose petals when he arrived at court Wednesday and an influential Muslim scholars group praised the assassination of the outspoken opponent of laws that order death for those who insult Islam.

Mumtaz Qadri, 26, made his first appearance in an Islamabad court, where a judge remanded him in custody a day after he allegedly sprayed automatic gunfire at the back of Punjab province Gov. Salman Taseer while he was supposed to be protecting him as a bodyguard. A rowdy crowd slapped him on the back and kissed his cheek as he was escorted inside. The lawyers who tossed handfuls of rose petals over him were not involved in the case.

As he left the court, a crowd of about 200 sympathizers chanted “death is acceptable for Muhammad’s slave.” The suspect stood at the back door of an armored police van with a flower necklace given to him by an admirer and repeatedly yelled “God is great.”
Why was I not surprised that the assassin is being garlanded? Well, here it is, linked from the front page of NY Times right now for all the world to see how low many of us can stoop to.

http://www.nytimes.com/aponline/2011/01/05/world/a sia/AP-AS-Pakistan.html

“LAHORE, Pakistan (AP) — Lawyers showered the suspected killer of a prominent Pakistani governor with rose petals when he arrived at court Wednesday and an influential Muslim scholars group praised the assassination of the outspoken opponent of laws that order death for those who insult Islam.

Mumtaz Qadri, 26, made his first appearance in an Islamabad court, where a judge remanded him in custody a day after he allegedly sprayed automatic gunfire at the back of Punjab province Gov. Salman Taseer while he was supposed to be protecting him as a bodyguard. A rowdy crowd slapped him on the back and kissed his cheek as he was escorted inside. The lawyers who tossed handfuls of rose petals over him were not involved in the case.

As he left the court, a crowd of about 200 sympathizers chanted “death is acceptable for Muhammad’s slave.” The suspect stood at the back door of an armored police van with a flower necklace given to him by an admirer and repeatedly yelled “God is great.”

any tom dick or harry could put on a cheap black suit with black tie and call themself a ''lawyer''

those 200 ''sympathizers'' were about as brain-dead and logic-devoid as the gunman himself

by the way, they may give him flower necklace around his neck....but he's got shackles around his arms and feet. ;)
we are on the brink of our tolerances and i don't think any more can be squeezed out of us...We are tolerating Food shortage,joblessness,poverty,disease,floods and above all no hope..
The man who martyred Salman Taseer had a well paying and steady job as part of the Elite Police Force.

The men issuing fatwas (especially the man who promised 20 million for anyone who killed Taseer) have tons of money. The reasons you gave here are not the main cause for these actions - intolerance and bigotry being spread through distortions of the religion and laws such as the Blasphemy law and the laws against Ahmadis are the cause.

Scarp the law..lock the mullahs...it wont create new jobs.It wont comfort the angry man sitting in the heat while load shedding deprives him of whatever little comfort he can have.
Scrapping discriminatory and hate-filled laws and locking up the Mullahs may not create more jobs, but at least it will put a dent in the intolerance and hatred permeating Pakistani society.

And you know what? When hatred, prejudice and intolerance in Pakistan starts being eliminated, we will start seeing a respite from terrorism, extremism and incidents such as these, which should spur investment and therefore create jobs.

So perhaps the actions you suggested will create jobs and alleviate load shedding ...

In addition to all that..you are talking about the other side of extremism..The secular extremism,who think that if they don't care much about religion..everybody should be the same..By hate mongering the secular way against religious people..you are no different from the Mullahs hate mongering against you..Both of you are in the same shoes...Think
Not a good comparison at all - the Secularists are calling for an end to discrimination and prejudice against ALL citizens of Pakistan. To that end they are critical of the religious lobby because the lobby is in favor of prejudice, discrimination and intolerance. If the religious lobby accepted the position that discriminatory laws and intolerance for minorities is unacceptable and should be changed in the constitution, then secularists and the religious lobby would agree on a lot of issues.
Abou Zulfiqar,
May be there were 'lawyers' may be not. May be they were store owners. May be Madrassah student? Does it change anything? It seems to me that you are trying to portray that the assassin is in worse shape then he really, with only some non-educated fundos around him. Pardon me if I misunderstand you but some of your posts have left me thinking that you are not quite as clear cut against the assassin and his ideology and that you somehow think there is some political game being played by the PPP. I discussed a lot the assassination in posts frequented by the likes of @Mohd bin Qasims and @Omar1984 so I may be wrong.
I have seen too many bloggers--and not just here--who are talking about the 'liberal extremists'. It would help if you and/or others disabuse the blogspace of this liberal fascism where-ever you find them.
There is NO liberal fascism in Pakistan. Okay, some Moderators may have been a bit hard yesterday against disrespectful remarks about Taseer but compared to what these religious fascists are saying and doing, that was nothing.
It should be pretty easy to expose the myth of liberal fascism in Pakistan. Very easy. We don't force you to not wear burqah, we don't stop you from your prayers. We don't make you drink alcohol. We don't force you do visit the so-called Chinese brothels in Islamabad. But you, the religious fascists, do everything to all of the Pakistanis.
i heared that Khateeb of Badshahee Mosque was called upon for the Namaz-e-Janaza(last Prayer ) of Taseer But he refused...!
Throut the day i talked to many people including Freinds and familly and was quit shocked to see many people see this act as a righteous deed.Even at the dinner this whole thing was the center of discussion , and some of my closest friends acted out of such hypocrisy i couldn't have imagined...!

My grandpa who was part of the diplomatic mission to Iran during the last years of Shah said things are so simillar to those days that if these religious fanatics are further invoked It would be like Iranian revolution all over again and hatred for America and the pro American gov will amplify that movement.He even warned me not discuss such issues out in public as you never know how fanatic the other person is.The whole of Pakistan is quite Baffled with this incident.
Last i checked no so called liberal or secular extremist blew himself up.It's a mere propaganda by some people.The so called liberals have not blown themselves up and killed innocent pakistanis with them.They have not beheaded anyone and most importantly they have not killed someone just because that someone disagreed with secular person.
My grandpa who was part of the diplomatic mission to Iran during the last years of Shah said things are so simillar to those days that if these religious fanatics are further invoked It would be like Iranian revolution all over again -
I feared this would happen. You now have very little time left to avoid the mistakes the Iranian democrats made. What course of action do you have planned so far?
I want to emphasize one point here about how we liberals approach death versus how these fundos do. I am a liberal. At least I believe so. I leave you with full choices in life so long as you don't hurt others, in the broadest view of the terms.
I was totally against Zia ul Haq's tyrannical rule. Even though young I was perceptive enough to see that the Pakistan of 1977 was much better socially than the Pakistan of 1988--the time of Zia's death. When his death was announced, I did not jump up in joy. I, along with several liberal friends, were mostly silent at Karachi University campus. In a way relieved that the curse had ended. When Bait ul Mehsud was killed by American drone recently, again, I did not jump up in joy. He too was someone's son. brother. father. I just that of that as better for Pakistanis.

I never distribute sweets over someone's death. A few--very few relatively, progressives can do that but we stay mostly quiet or relatively better composed than our fundo counterparts.

But look at what these religious fundos do? When Zulfi Bhutto was hanged they distributed huge amounts of sweets, danced, did more. When Taseer was killed yesterday there is much joy and glee in them. There were plenty of them who darkened their faces right in this forum yesterday. There are plenty more at pkpolitics.com and pakistaniat.com and elsewhere.

These religious fanatics are almost a different breed of human beings.
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