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No company can surpass Huawei 5G tech in 2/3 yrs, but Huawei can surpass US chip tech if we want


Aug 7, 2017
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No company can surpass Huawei 5G tech in 2 to 3 years, but Huawei can surpass the US chip tech if we want
CCTV 2019-05-21 15:52:15
CCTV News: Today (21st) morning, Huawei founder Ren Zhengfei was interviewed by the Central Radio and Television Headquarters and other media at Huawei headquarters.


Ren Zhengfei said that the current practice of American politicians underestimated our strength. Huawei has been regulated by US entities a year ago. Huawei's current mass production capacity is still very large, and will not cause negative growth of the company, nor will it harm the development of the industry.


Ren Zhengfei also said that it will not easily narrowly exclude US chips and grow together, but if there is supply difficulties, we have backups. We can also do the same chip as the US chip. Ren Zhengfei emphasized that the most important thing is to do what we can do well. What the US government does is not something we can do.


Ren Zhengfei also revealed that Huawei's 5G will not be affected. In terms of 5G technology, others will definitely not be able to catch up with Huawei in two or three years. At present, communication between Europe and Huawei is very close. Huawei has materials that will not corrode for decades, and these features are very suitable for Europe.


When the reporter asked questions about how long it would last in this difficult period, Ren Zhengfei said, "You may have to ask Trump about this question."

任正非接受央视采访:5G技术别人两三年追不上 美芯片华为能做
央视网 2019-05-21 15:52:15








The United States of America, which relied on technological innovation and technological advancement to grow into the world's number one power, began to refuse to recognize intellectual property rights in other countries.

The United States now seems to only ask others to respect its own intellectual property rights, but when other countries’ technology exceeds it in some areas, it seems has no will to respect thoses of others.
Is this the righteous practice of the United States that prides itself on leading us in our blue planet and using "freedom and democracy" as a slogan?
US "freedom and democracy" my assssss!
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Trump is banning immigration and he can foresee there wont be much talent left in America in a decade or so, so now instead of competing he is trying to knock the competition down by hook or by crook. Mike Tyson's method of chewing the ear of competition.
Trump is banning immigration and he can foresee there wont be much talent left in America in a decade or so, so now instead of competing he is trying to knock the competition down by hook or by crook. Mike Tyson's method of chewing the ear of competition.
And they call themselves leader of this planet with omnipotence of freedom and democracy.
Unfortunately it is just not hardware but software is needed too.

American companies, like Google and Apple, are the gatekeepers with their many patents of hardware and software ecosystems. The like of Samsung, Huawei, XiaoMi and Nokia etc(phones) are mere players in their playground/ecosystem.

Huawei can make great phones but what it is missing now are killer-apps and its own App Store. That is what Huawei should really build on in the future if it wants to wean itself out of American control.
Unfortunately it is just not hardware but software is needed too.

American companies, like Google and Apple, are the gatekeepers with their many patents of hardware and software ecosystems. The like of Samsung, Huawei, XiaoMi and Nokia etc(phones) are mere players in their playground/ecosystem.

Huawei can make great phones but what it is missing now are killer-apps and its own App Store. That is what Huawei should really build on in the future if it wants to wean itself out of American control.
Huawei's operating system "Hongmeng(Primordial world)" is on standby, China's first unique system at your service
无线端 2019-05-20 19:30:02






话说回来了,研发操作系统一直是一件非常困难的事情,之前微软研发Windows Vista系统总共花费了超200亿美金,Linux也是花费了大概100亿美元。除了资金以外,还需要一定的技术,之前苹果开发iOS系统的时候,也是经过了二次开发和完善,才有了今天的样子。




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欧界传媒 | Jie Media
china is future . USA is closing herself in borders .
But china will never be the most desirable country that the world dream about . USA is such a unique country that can never be replocated. Soyth america , canada, aus etc were also part of the new world but there was only 1 USA.
But china will never be the most desirable country that the world dream about . USA is such a unique country that can never be replocated. Soyth america , canada, aus etc were also part of the new world but there was only 1 USA.
Time changes, so does people's mind. US and Australia were not desirable places 300 years ago.
But china will never be the most desirable country that the world dream about . USA is such a unique country that can never be replocated. Soyth america , canada, aus etc were also part of the new world but there was only 1 USA.

I'm glad that you think so. China never intend to be such a desirable country, otherwise we will be flooded by immigrants like Europe, you know we already have too many people. Go America and make white American minority again. :usflag:
I'm glad that you think so. China never intend to be such a desirable country, otherwise we will be flooded by immigrants like Europe, you know we already have too many people. Go America and make white American minority again. :usflag:
Well i hope you understand that means that u will not have the best human capital

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