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Nizam-i-adal approved

yeah right...

Can the PA come back? Can Pakistani police come back in? Will they surrender their arms? What happens if I want to date a girl from Swat? Will they kill me for it? What if you go there and declare I'm not a Muslim any more, will they kill you for it being an apostate? What if I move there with my wife and kids, and my wife wants to do grocery shopping and goes to the market with the househelp, will they beat up my wife for it?

Lay down their arms... We laid down our arms! Why would they be fighting any more!

You have laid down your arms, they have just won the fight!!

The PA throbs on the pulse of the people now why do you want to enforce keep bashing your heads against the wall when the larger consensus is for peace. The PA needs the support of the people more than go a head of GoP, this war is very unpopular, if the TTP and co break the peace deal they will give the PA more than the just cause to hunt them to the end of the earth.

What if you start thinking you would know that real people live in swat and they have gone through hell they dont want TTP and co to run their lives, Swat has nothing to do with them this harsh reality of War Swat was used as its turf.
I don't doubt that the implementation is incorrect their has to be alot more checks.
The present government may need to work things in the right way or the problem will grow further.
Saudis themselves are improving their statuses now.

Women often are seen in Riyadh without their heads covered and just wearing abayas, which are actually designer abayas with stylish beadings on them. So more of a fashion thing.

Mutawwa police has been asked to not arrest and force Islam on people any more, but they still exist as a preaching force. When they see such women, they are to politely hand over a pamphlet and the men get a lecture after the Mutawwas take permission.

Of course rural areas might not have the same interpretations of these changes by the Saudi King. In Swat what we saw with Chand Bibi was horrible. Wasn't it an Islamic jirga that gave the verdict, A VERDICT after much deliberation that since Mukhtaran Mai's brother fled with some other village's girl, the other village guys get to rape Mukhtaran Mai and the score would be considered settled.

This is going to be the same. Nizam-e-Rapists!

This introspection of Saudi is comming thru education and closer interaction with the West, whereas NAD will make the Swat people more isolated from the main stream hard working Pakistanis.

I wonder how this mess will be cleaned up if the deal fails after say a year.

:what: MQM is in the parliment of Pakistan not UK :azn:
and it is not against shaira it is against Taliban's shariah
i think we have seen a lot of incidents in swat after this shariyah rule
women are not allowed to go inside a market :frown:
and that flogging issue

brother, i would suggest you to please study the real sharia then compare it with what Islamic leaders scholors of Swat want (whom west has labled taliban). regarding floggin issue they already denied and raised their voice against such events.

i sometimes feel ashamed why some pakistani just believe on others but feel disgraced when they have to support their brothers.
The PA throbs on the pulse of the people now why do you want to enforce keep bashing your heads against the wall when the larger consensus is for peace.
You will also get peace when you kick these foreign invaders out of town!

This is nice concept of peace you're proposing for Pakistan... Give up! Of course when one side wins and the fight is over, you get peace! That's a no brainer. Why fight then, hand over all of Pakistan to them, there will be everlasting peace. The fight will be over tomorrow!

I like to see how many people here would be okay to see their wives get beaten in public by the hands of the murderers and rapists!

The PA needs the support of the people more than go a head of GoP, this war is very unpopular, if the TTP and co break the peace deal they will give the PA more than the just cause to hunt them to the end of the earth.
How will you know about who breaks the deal? You think there won't be any more suicide attacks? How will you know some random dead body you find after the suicide attack wasn't one that belongs the bunch of available nutjobs running the show in Swat these days?

What if you start thinking you would know that real people live in swat and they have gone through hell they dont want TTP and co to run their lives, Swat has nothing to do with them this harsh reality of War Swat was used as its turf.
No body is blaming the Swatis. I'm blaming our government which has basically finalized their fate at the hands of Mullahs and warlords!

Dispensing justice is a complicated, time consuming process. The whole argument was that they need swift justice. They'll totally eff it up! They'll quickly declare, kill her, rape her, torture her, lash her, flog her! Quick justice!
Ok who will be the judge? A Mullah with an AK-47? Or any other jhahil, unpar, gavaar? How will that give you adal!?

Islam should've penetrated tribalism, now we've made tribals the thakaydaar of Islam! Leave your Allah and your Rasool and follow the next guy who will point a gun to your head and promise to "lay down his arms" when you start following him.

please study Islam and nizam-e-adal first before commenting on it or proving it wrong. there will be no such thing which you have mentioned above, but indeed Sharia is strict but ensures a peaceful and justice in society which human made system has failed to provide. and you know how good is our justice system in Pakistan and you will wonder its almost the same in UK but they pretende to be worlds landlord, if you like to know please read latest news about Pakistani students who were first arrested by police as terrorists and whole world published that news on front page but now released without any charge and still they will be deported from UK. who will compensate their damages? and some of them were completing their degree by this september.

now a days we only believe on what western media telling us but shmae we dont trust our brothers and realise their suffering
and you know how good is our justice system in Pakistan and you will wonder its almost the same in UK but they pretende to be worlds landlord, if you like to know please read latest news about Pakistani students who were first arrested by police as terrorists and whole world published that news on front page but now released without any charge and still they will be deported from UK. who will compensate their damages? and some of them were completing their degree by this september.

now a days we only believe on what western media telling us but shmae we dont trust our brothers and realise their suffering

Only one student was released which shows that the system works. In Taliban style they were not taken to a stadium and shot.

please study Islam and nizam-e-adal first before commenting on it or proving it wrong. there will be no such thing which you have mentioned above, but indeed Sharia is strict but ensures a peaceful.../QUOTE]

Which Islam's Sharia? What the Prophet taught us or what the Gun scared us into?

The Quran said, "There is no compulsion in religion". This whole Adal crap has been imposed by the gun. There is compulsion in Swat! How come?

Which Islam's Sharia? As I said, forget Allah, forget Rasool, worship the new AK-47 gods!
Which Islam's Sharia? What the Prophet taught us or what the Gun scared us into?

The Quran said, "There is no compulsion in religion". This whole Adal crap has been imposed by the gun. There is compulsion in Swat! How come?

Which Islam's Sharia? As I said, forget Allah, forget Rasool, worship the new AK-47 gods!
Asim, when some tribes refused to pay the Zakat, did Hazrat Abu Bakar not wage a war on them? What would you call that? Don’t you see any compulsion in that? There are hundreds of examples during the time of Hazrat Umar and Hazrat Ali, when the people were prosecuted and sentenced for breaking the laws. There are matters where the government has to take action if things are not being run as per the Shariyat.

We MUST not debate on the imposition of Shariyat laws, because in the time of prophet (PBUH) and after him, Islamic laws have been imposed by force if necessary. Why you see Shraiyat laws any different than any other laws? What is law and order? Why are you fined when you ignore the red light? Or why are you prosecuted when you steal, or rob someone? Why are you prosecuted and sentenced when you kill someone? Laws are always implemented and by force otherwise nobody would like to abide them.

We can debate on Taliban-type government but not about Shriyat because laws are clear and they are not from Taliban, but from Allah.
I already predicted MQM will do that and i clearly told MQM is not going to take part in anything that is against India/US..and calling talibanization of Karachi is also MQM's false perception to the world to Destabilize Pakistan..MQM is reveling its true colors the longer it rules Karachi Karachi will be in total chaos..
Asim, when some tribes refused to pay the Zakat, did Hazrat Abu Bakar not wage a war on them? What would you call that? Don’t you see any compulsion in that? There are hundreds of examples during the time of Hazrat Umar and Hazrat Ali, when the people were prosecuted and sentenced for breaking the laws. There are matters where the government has to take action if things are not being run as per the Shariyat.

We MUST not debate on the imposition of Shariyat laws, because in the time of prophet (PBUH) and after him, Islamic laws have been imposed by force if necessary. Why you see Shraiyat laws any different than any other laws? What is law and order? Why are you fined when you ignore the red light? Or why are you prosecuted when you steal, or rob someone? Why are you prosecuted and sentenced when you kill someone? Laws are always implemented and by force otherwise nobody would like to abide them.

We can debate on Taliban-type government but not about Shriyat because laws are clear and they are not from Taliban, but from Allah.
You can't ignore the COMMAND of the Quran, with the example of the Khalifa.

Why is this Shariat? What Islamic qualifications do militants, ghundas and uneducated tribal people have? As you will see in the coming days this would turn into tribal law rather than Islamic law. The only adal would happen would be on women. Like every imposition of Shariat by extremists around the world, this would be no different, or only worse, this is a women's oppression Nizam. All of their Islam would start and end upon laying restrictions on women.
Pakistanis are so blind behind Islam that they don't realize that Talibans are not doing to disarm.So much love for Islam that they would let criminals handle their territory.It's like asking the PA/GOP to go out from Pakistan and give control to Taliban..
Don't kid yourself - they are not blinded and those who do not love themselves cannot love others. What they are is scared out of their minds - they know this Army will no thelp them and they kno wthis govt will not help them -- So they are as AM would put it, "adapting".
You can't ignore the COMMAND of the Quran, with the example of the Khalifa.

Why is this Shariat? What Islamic qualifications do militants, ghundas and uneducated tribal people have? As you will see in the coming days this would turn into tribal law rather than Islamic law. The only adal would happen would be on women. Like every imposition of Shariat by extremists around the world, this would be no different, or only worse, this is a women's oppression Nizam. All of their Islam would start and end upon laying restrictions on women.
Of course you cannot ignore the command of Quran. Whatever Hazrat Abu Bakar did was in accordance with Quran and Hadith.

Following are few verses in Quran on the obligatory nature of Zakat":

[2:43] You shall observe the Contact Prayers (Salat) and give the obligatory charity (Zakat), and bow down with those who bow down.

[2:110] You shall observe the Contact Prayers (Salat) and give the obligatory charity (Zakat). Any good you send forth on behalf of your souls, you will find it at Allah. Allah is seer of everything you do.

[2:267] O you who believe, you shall give to charity from the good things you earn, and from what we have produced for you from the earth. Do not pick out the bad therein to give away, when you yourselves do not accept it unless your eyes are closed. You should know that Allah is Rich, Praiseworthy.

Following are also the commands of Allah on committing Zina:

[Noor 24:1] This is a surah which We have sent down and decreed its commands, and in which We have sent down clear verses, in order that you may ponder.

[Noor 24:2] The adulteress and the adulterer - punish each one of them with a hundred lashes; and may you not have pity on them in the religion to Allah, if you believe in Allah and the Last Day; and a group of believers must witness their punishment.

[Noor 24:4] And those who accuse chaste women and do not bring four witnesses to testify - punish them with eighty lashes and do not ever accept their testimony; and it is they who are the wicked.

[Noor 24:23] Indeed those who accuse the innocent virtuous, believing women – upon them is a curse in this world and in the Hereafter; and for them is a terrible punishment.

Some verses on Riba (Interest):

275. Those who eat Ribâ (usury) will not stand (on the Day of Resurrection) except like the standing of a person beaten by Shaitân (Satan) leading him to insanity. That is because they say: "Trading is only like Ribâ (usury)," whereas Allâh has permitted trading and forbidden Ribâ (usury). So whosoever receives an admonition from his Lord and stops eating Ribâ (usury) shall not be punished for the past; his case is for Allâh (to judge); but whoever returns [to Ribâ (usury)], such are the dwellers of the Fire - they will abide therein.

276. Allâh will destroy Ribâ (usury) and will give increase for Sadaqât (deeds of charity, alms, etc.) And Allâh likes not the disbelievers, sinners.

279. And if you do not do it, then take a notice of war from Allâh and His Messenger but if you repent, you shall have your capital sums. Deal not unjustly (by asking more than your capital sums), and you shall not be dealt with unjustly (by receiving less than your capital sums).

OK, you dont believe in Khalifas (Naaoz Billah) fine, but above are the words of Quran. And these words form the basis of the Shariya along with Hadith. But from your post, I guess you also dont believe in Hadith, hence I quoted none.

What Islamic qualifications do the common Pakistanis have? What they know about Islam? How many of us know Arabic, and have read and understood Quran? How many of us have read Quran with translation? How many of us have read the Hadith books, what about Fiqah? You can call those tribesman whatever you like to, but frankly are we as a whole any better than they are? If their understanding is rudimentary, ours is as well. They are on one extreme, we are on the other.

Do we not mistreat women? Of course we do. What would be the biggest mistreatment than to ask our women to leave the protection of their homes and do jobs? What the man of the house is supposed to do, we ask our women to do that. Making them expose themselves on commercials, TV and film for little money, is this not a mistreatment? What good has come out from making them work like men? Just see what west has achieved in the name of liberalism. The teen age girls are getting pregnant, as result of extra-marital relationships. Who is going to take care of them and their kids? Is this not oppression? They are made to dance naked in pubs, Is this not oppression? Men use them for some time, and throw them like used toilet paper, Is this not oppression?

Go to this website and read how well women are treated in your so-called civilised and Shariyat-free western world:

Soaring Rates of Rape and Violence Against Women 2008: Human Right Watch http://www.hrw.org/en/news/2008/12/18/us-soaring-rates-rape-and-violence-against-women

and http://www.now.org/issues/violence/stats.html

You find all the oppression in Islam and Shariyat?
Last edited:
Updated at: 0137 PST, Tuesday, April 14, 2009
MQM parliamentarians to mull NAR KARACHI: After the endorsement of Nizam-e-Adl Regulation (NAR) 2009 from National Assembly, MQM has summoned the emergency meet of its parliamentarians here in metropolis to mull various dimensions of the NAR draft 2009.

MQM leader Haider Abbas Rizvi told Geo news the meeting will discuss the NAR draft and its future impact over the country, it politics and likelihoods for its exploitation.

All MQM parliamentarians have been directed to arrive in Karachi, he added.

He said the NAR draft had been tabled before National Assembly just 30 minutes earlier from its endorsement and so has happened for the first time in history of Pakistan.

MQM is planning to discus ‘NAR and Swat Peace Accord’ with its legal experts as MQM members parliament are skeptical regarding NAR’s approval”, he remarked adding, “The soundless elements in parliament tends backing MQM’s version in this regard”.

MQM parliamentarians to mull NAR''s approval - GEO.tv
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