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Nizam-i-adal approved

I think some people here are supporting talibans bcoz MQM is against of them!!
And i bet if MQM start saying that talibans are good, then the same people would start hating talibans!!
lol...It sounds funny, but unfortunately we have few peoples who act like this!!

We should leave all the politics!!
Bcoz all peoples who like NS, and the people who like Musharraf, should stand under one flag!! Bcoz these talibans are real threat to pakistan!!
I was not going to write anything since i am that much disappointed by both what is happening around us and the views held by many despite the carnage that is there for us to see...still i will write once more because i can say openly here what i feel today...who knows what will happen to people like me tomorrow?

Accepting their demands has meant that all they did is justified...something i shall never ever accept as a staunch Muslim and Pakistani.
I will never legitimize the atrocities committed by TTP.
Look at the TNSM and TTP reps, do they feel ashamed for the way they have waged war on Pakistanis/Muslims?
Do they look embarrassed at all for destabilizing this country?
Do they accept the atrocities they have committed?
They gave a blanket statement that no innocent has been killed by TTP...My god do we really expect such rascals to uphold any value of Islam?
How can we expect anything from their kind but cosmetic Bullshit only, like ceremonial punishments and implementation of utterly nonsense things as mandatory beards?

What TTP is fighting for is not Islam and i strongly disagree that we are to blame only for lack of knowledge...We are to blame more for lack of action!!!

I am not that ignorant of Islam and its values. I have read a lot of history as well but what good is it when i raise my voice and they will call me an infidel...who the hell has given them the right to declare who is infidel?
Anyone who opposes their demands is an infidel?
What is in someone's heart is known only to Allah and to call someone an infidel for opposing their views is a forte of TTP and their supporters.

What have the Taliban brought upon the land?
Suicide bombings, butchering of all opponents, forced submission of influential families, open threats to all citizens of Pakistan, ban on woman's education, woman's confined role in society.
Are we that dumb and helpless that anyone can say Islam and Shariat and we shall vacate our motherland for them???

Their holier than thou attitude alone is enough to boil my blood but to carry out all sort of atrocities in the name of Islam is something that is unbelievable and unacceptable, at least to me.

TTP are really nothing more than an army of destruction who are abusing the name of Islam and forcing it down our throat.

We were free to practice our religion but now it shall be their way or the highway.
It is the era of mandatory beard, regulated hair cuts, mandatory shalwar above the ankles, burqa clad women and all shall be enforced by the loving hands of the Taliban.

Regarding equality ... who gives a damn...certainly from Islamic law, justice and equality perspective the TTP shall have to be publicly executed for that is the penalty for spreading such mischief in a Muslim State and trying to rebel against a government which has the support of the majority.
As the Prophet (PBUH) said.
You are organized under the rule of a person and someone tries to break your collectivity apart or disrupt your government, kill him. (Muslim: No. 1852)

Only two sort of people are mentioned in the Quran who should be seen as killers of humanity and by both accounts TTP fully qualify...
He who killed a human being without the latter being guilty of killing another or of spreading disorder in the land should be looked upon as if he had killed mankind altogether, and he who saved a human being should be regarded as though he saved all mankind. (5:32)

Moving forward...
Hadd punishment is fixed by Allah or Allah’s Messenger and hence cannot be reduced or waived or enhanced by the Imam or the Qadi. However, if the crime is not proved according to the standard of Islamic Shariah (which is very strict and foolproof), then the judge would award Tazir or discretionary punishment according to the nature and extent of the crime and the evidence available.
The punishment of Tazir is not fixed by the law-giver but is left to the discretion of the Head of the State or Qazi.

Punishment for drinking in Prophet's (PBUH) time was kicking and punching, it changed to 40 stripes in Abu Bakar's (RA) time and 80 stripes in Umar's (RA) time when the situation demanded.
It was only the prerogative of the Prophet (PBUH) to regard something as part of the Shariah and if he had done so in a particular case then Abu Bakar and Umar (RA) would never have altered the punishment!
The Prophet (PBUH) did not punish the drinkers as part of divine punishment but as a Muslim ruler and the same was carried on by his successors who saw different punishments to fit this act, had this punishment been as per a divine law, why would it be altered?
Consequently, it can be concluded that the punishment of drinking is not a Hadd; it is a Tazir and therefore the parliament of an Islamic State can legislate afresh in this regard.

Allah has defined certain boundaries clearly and the rest is up to the state to decide and implement, if people are not happy with the state they can protest but no one has the right to start an armed rebellion and commit atrocities in the name of Shariah and Islam!

Tell me then under which Shariah does the beard length,hair cut, shuttle **** Burqah and shalwar above the ankle fall under???
Under which Shariah is it legitimate to sanction abduction/killing of government employees of a Muslim country?
Under which Shariah is it ok to kill those who oppose your views?
Under which Shariah is it ok to sanction suicide attacks?
Under which Shariah is it ok to blow girls school and restrict women to the confines of their homes?
Under which Shariah is it permissible to terrorize all the citizens of a Muslim country in the name of Islam?

Clearly either i have become incredible dull or something is drastically wrong in our understanding of Islamic values and Shariah, to cause people to perceive TTP struggle as one for the true Shariah.

A sad day indeed to see such hesitancy and doubt in the hearts and minds of the populace.
What hope is left for Pakistan if its sons and daughters do not know where they stand?

A similar damage was done by Arabs who waged war within the Muslim state and bickered about how the Ottoman government was not pious enough, look what happened in the long run?
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I have said it before and repeating it again. I am defending the Islam and Shariyat, not those who twist it or use it for their own good. Anybody is welcome to check all of my previous posts. I have condemned Taliban as well as so-called religious political parties who are only using the name of Islam but in reality have little or nothing to do with it.

The problem is, in the opposition of Taliban, many of us have starting throwing mud on Islam and Shariyat which is not correct. Please separate the two and condemn the Taliban who have a political ideology and who are using the name of Islam to justify it.

If a doctor malpractice, you should condemn the doctor, not the medical profession. Similarly those who malpractice the religion be condemned, not the religion.
many here dont understand that military operation in swat failed. which means the only solution left was to sign a deal with TNSM who are against armed struggle. and its the same deal whcih was signed in 1994 and 1999 but was not implemented. Sufi has now asked talibans to lay down their arms and swat talibans have also hinted on doin so. if they do lay down their arm and obey the law of the land then we havent lost anything. shariah court has given few verdicts against taliban which was also reported by BBC. which means this new law or the qazis are not owned by talibans. also all the political parties, they be religious or so called secular, supported the bill except MQM. now democratic world has no right to oppose this deal given this deal has public backing.
for those who do oppose this deal, tell me what could have been the best alternate solution to this problem under such situation.
Well, Asim has hit the nail, spot on!

wait till this nizame adal emboldens the militants and they demand it's implementation in Islamabad and the rest of the urban areas! Then we will see, who has the last laugh!

When these barbarians:guns:, come to our cities and our homes, all across pakistan, and start whipping the female members of our families, then we will see!

Just wait! a bit more!
What are u talking about ? Were you alive then ? Saudi Sharia is the most horrible law in the world. What are woman rights there ? Now go one step lower and you have the Taliban of Swat.

Half of Pakistan will not accept Sharia of TTP style let alone the West.

Make your house in order and then take on the world.

Keep your religion in your bedroom and home.


thanks mate, thats exactly i wanted to listen from you, you against Saudia's sharia... wow but still never did anything against them, coz you get billions where afghan who are not wealthy enough yet but surely have billions hidden under their land so it best time to blame them before they get it out.

btw our relligion is not meant to kept in bedroom locker, for us religion is above all.
Hi qsaark!

There is no one who says that shariah law is wrong!!

We are saying that the shariah that is implemented by talibans is not true islam!!
And u are arguing, thats mean u support talibans!!
Well, Asim has hit the nail, spot on!

wait till this nizame adal emboldens the militants and they demand it's implementation in Islamabad and the rest of the urban areas! Then we will see, who has the last laugh!

When these barbarians:guns:, come to our cities and our homes, all across pakistan, and start whipping the female members of our families, then we will see!

Just wait! a bit more!

:welcome: to :pdf:

I agree with u bro!!

Tell me if u are not in home(living in foriegn country for work)!! And ur old father get ill!!
And ur sister go to the medical store to buy medicines for him, but talibans catch him and beat him, or punish, then tell me what u do??
Will u join hand with them??
Only one student was released which shows that the system works. In Taliban style they were not taken to a stadium and shot.


I know mate, you will never shoot anyone anymore infront of anybody because such jobs are now done by your touts so you can show your clean hands. in past you used to trade human like animal but now your followers like musharraf doing that job.

and even if you kill someone you will just label him/her a taliban, coz that the best excuse you have these days. killed hundreds innocent people in FATA and before that in Iraq.

about Iraq you played drama of WMD that Saddam will give them to Alqaeeda but neither weapon nor any link with Alqaeeda was found till now. though you looted their wealth. and now you trying to play the same game on Pakistan that our nukes will go in alqaeed's hands if islamic system is imposed.

well west has created this mess and now doesnt know how to get clean out of it and trying best to blame it to other but now people around the world know it well that world was better and in peace before this so called War on terror and invasion of Iraq was carried out.

Islam will prevail untill the end that still bother you most that even the greatest hate west has create against muslims they still cannot control the fastest growing religion in world and that is Islam
Damn u if u think talibans are the true muslims!! And qsaark why did u thanked him!!! Do u also support the ISlam implemented by talibs!!

... then please elaborate whats the actual islam sharia and where thats different from the one which muslims clerics (which most call then taliban, without knowing the facts) of swat want to implement?
The talibs kills inocent muslims and attacks on masjids and imam bargah!!
Tell me if there is any person who think they are muslims!!

stop blaming anyone without having any proof, and if you have any please share with us.
Hi qsaark!

There is no one who says that shariah law is wrong!!

We are saying that the shariah that is implemented by talibans is not true islam!!
And u are arguing, thats mean u support talibans!!
A person is murderer, yet he says "There is one God but no God", just because the person who is saying this is a murderer, does this change the reality of "There is one God but nor God"? No, this does not change the reality. When Taliban talk about the Shariyat law, they are not wrong, because the laws are clear.

You can debate the ways and means they are using to implement the laws, but not the authenticity of the laws. And that is what I am trying to get through.
Some people who dont live in karachi think that they are the theykaydars of karachiites!!
U should not take care of karachiites, we are happy with MQM!!

a typical racist mind... i wish if you could think Islam first and consider other as your muslims brothers.

and thats the thing i personally hate most, when a muslim think only about himself, his home, city, provence or country. where Islam tells the opposite that we are all same and should live like brothers.
i dont see anyone supporting taliban type of islam. but the thing is that wat has this new law got to do with taliban version of islam?? y are we discussin that
Well, Asim has hit the nail, spot on!

wait till this nizame adal emboldens the militants and they demand it's implementation in Islamabad and the rest of the urban areas! Then we will see, who has the last laugh!

When these barbarians:guns:, come to our cities and our homes, all across pakistan, and start whipping the female members of our families, then we will see!

Just wait! a bit more!

yes you are right, wait and you will see the difference yourself. and as i said only the guilty mind always conscious, so why worrying about being lashed in public if you have not done any wrong
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