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Nizam-i-adal approved

MQM is just another tool in the hands of anti-Pakistan elements to destabilize the country more than ever.

Altaf is a blackmailer and would never be sincere to Pakistan.

This just to ignite a debate.

Just another attempt to malign the sincere countrymen. First the issue to the girls being whacked in Swat and now this. Just to create a fuss and counter the ANP influence in Karachi.

I can only laugh on this!!

And if u are with talibans for this agreement, and u think that they have implented true ISalm, then why dont you go to live in Swat, i will ask u if u are ready to send ur sisters and mother to swat!!

Tell me is there any one who can send there sisters and mothers in swat!!
shame on MQM and its followers who if they still call them muslim. i found MQM and Mirzayee are some of the many anti muslim organisations, protected and funded by western powers.
congrats to all muslims brothren who supports and believe on Islamic sharia system.
I still wonder how people favour man-made systems like british which took centuries to get into shape and still has loopholes but they do not willing to give even a chance to Islamic system gifted by Almighty and Creator of this universe, and surely that is why their lives are like an equipment not being used as per instrutions in maual provided by its manufaturer but used every other way, though still stubborn enough to claim the optimum results.

Damn u if u think talibans are the true muslims!! And qsaark why did u thanked him!!! Do u also support the ISlam implemented by talibs!!
The talibs kills inocent muslims and attacks on masjids and imam bargah!!
Tell me if there is any person who think they are muslims!!
I already predicted MQM will do that and i clearly told MQM is not going to take part in anything that is against India/US..and calling talibanization of Karachi is also MQM's false perception to the world to Destabilize Pakistan..MQM is reveling its true colors the longer it rules Karachi Karachi will be in total chaos..

Where do u live!!

I live in karachi, and i here i ma seeing peace after 40 years, there are no chaos in karachi, and karachi is giong with the best time of history, who r u?? U dont represent karachi!!
We represent karachi, and we are happy with them and and i believe 80% of karachiites are happy with MQM!!
And remaining 20% are those who are coming from swat and bajur to destabelise karachi, dont u read the rerport of IG Sindh??
IG sindh is not from MQM, he's from PPP, and he has said that millitants from tribals areas to karachi, and u check the economic section of this forum, which says that govt has started shifting important installations from karachi to baluchistan bcoz of talibs threat!!
Some people who dont live in karachi think that they are the theykaydars of karachiites!!
U should not take care of karachiites, we are happy with MQM!!
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Atleast Islam, on which i believe, dont says to hurt non-muslims!!

Dont u heard Surah Al-Maida??

It's idea is something like this, if u hurt any of my(GOD's) creature, thats mean u hurt all of mankinds!!

Tell me if there is any muslim who think that Islam should be implemented through AK-47s, and bombs??
Tell me if there is any muslim who think that Islam should be implemented through AK-47s, and bombs??
Tell me if there is any muslim who think that Islam should be implemented through AK-47s, and bombs?
Tell me if there is any muslim who think that Islam should be implemented through AK-47's and bombs??
Tell me if there is any muslim who think that Islam should be implemented through AK-47s, and bombs??

*Sorry mods for posting duplicate posts!! I am posting it again and again bcoz i think this is the most imp thing here, and i thing no one will have the answer for this!*
[2:43] You shall observe the Contact Prayers (Salat) and give the obligatory charity (Zakat), and bow down with those who bow down.
And this has to be translated that if I disobey this command I should be killed? I will go to hell, and still Allah being Rahim may still forgive me for it! This is exactly how Swat would be governed. You don't goto mosque, you goto jail.

Nowhere it says you should be killed for it.

[Noor 24:2] The adulteress and the adulterer - punish each one of them with a hundred lashes; and may you not have pity on them in the religion to Allah, if you believe in Allah and the Last Day; and a group of believers must witness their punishment.
A person enters into such a covenant out of freewill. Again if I simply say I do not believe in this, I should be exempted right?

You can't be forced to believe in the Quran, it has to be without any compulsion.

[Noor 24:4] And those who accuse chaste women and do not bring four witnesses to testify - punish them with eighty lashes and do not ever accept their testimony; and it is they who are the wicked.

[Noor 24:23] Indeed those who accuse the innocent virtuous, believing women – upon them is a curse in this world and in the Hereafter; and for them is a terrible punishment.
Tribal people ignore such statements.

According to them if I help a woman carry her groceries into her house, thats equal to us becoming adulterers. They have a twisted concept. If you see the Chand Bibi torture scene, when the guy in the white shalwar kameez grabs her, he first throws a cloth and then grabs her through the cloth. This is how twisted they are, since touching women is not allowed, grabbing her through the cloth makes it okay.

This is called Islam ki tor maror. Yeh log apna jhahil pana kesay bhi fit kara leinge. Mark my words on it today.

Will comment on the rest later.
The question is authority. Taliban are no authority plus they blow the schools which is not allowed in Islam. How can one agree with their definition of Islam?
Some people who dont live in karachi think that they are the theykaydars of karachiites!!
U should not take care of karachiites, we are happy with MQM!!

No one suggests that, I am saying that their was a system in place that worked tourism was in place as well yet still the system was distrupted Taleban took upperhand of the situation and we are now in limbo in bringing an old system with new Taleban in place.

Karachiites vote MQM so they can decide their system themselves but this situation in Swat was a failure on part of the governement as well as partly the armed forces for the mission to takeover Swat failed and then we had to hand it over to a taleban chief who can now do as he pleases.
And this has to be translated that if I disobey this command I should be killed? I will go to hell, and still Allah being Rahim may still forgive me for it! This is exactly how Swat would be governed. You don't goto mosque, you goto jail.

Nowhere it says you should be killed for it.

A person enters into such a covenant out of freewill. Again if I simply say I do not believe in this, I should be exempted right?

You can't be forced to believe in the Quran, it has to be without any compulsion.


Tribal people ignore such statements.

According to them if I help a woman carry her groceries into her house, thats equal to us becoming adulterers. They have a twisted concept. If you see the Chand Bibi torture scene, when the guy in the white shalwar kameez grabs her, he first throws a cloth and then grabs her through the cloth. This is how twisted they are, since touching women is not allowed, grabbing her through the cloth makes it okay.

This is called Islam ki tor maror. Yeh log apna jhahil pana kesay bhi fit kara leinge. Mark my words on it today.

Will comment on the rest later.
Exactly Asim.I am sure members here who are advocating Taliban Shria would not exactly be happy if their mothers, wife or sisters will be flogged for going out to bazar alone.Hypocrites......
Guys simple thing is that these talibans are working in the interest of pakistan, they are working on western agenda, our enemy's plan is to make the talibans strong in pakistan, and then decalare pakistan a terrorist state and then take away our nukes!!

Supporting talibans can cost our nukes!!

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