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Nizam-i-adal approved

MQM's stance on this issue is clear. The only political party in Pakistan that stands firm against those hooligans and fanatics down there. This deal is not the way forward and will only lead to further problems.

No country on earth would ever tolerate such fanatics or negotiate with them. The state must establish rule of law in Malakand and Swat. It's amusing when people argue about sovereignty against drones but never are they outraged by these fanatics who hold Pakistan hostage.

Where are the clown wooklas? is this the "free" judiciary they dreamt of?

Before General Musharraf Nizam-e-Adal was already in place so their is nothing new about it, as for rule of law I think that the disgrace that general Musharraf bought to it, I don't think many will be convinced of it at the moment.
Those who think this step by the government is good because the people of swat want taliban's shariat should also keep this in mind that
A large number of people left sawat and migrated to lahore karachi etc because they didnot wanted taliban in their city

mate you seems confused like many :cheesy:, can you please explain the difference between the Actual Shariat and Taliban's Shariat, or its just a lame excuse to deny Islamic law:coffee:
Asim they are going to lay down there arms, every one is for peace here.
yeah right...

Can the PA come back? Can Pakistani police come back in? Will they surrender their arms? What happens if I want to date a girl from Swat? Will they kill me for it? What if you go there and declare I'm not a Muslim any more, will they kill you for it being an apostate? What if I move there with my wife and kids, and my wife wants to do grocery shopping and goes to the market with the househelp, will they beat up my wife for it?

Lay down their arms... We laid down our arms! Why would they be fighting any more!

You have laid down your arms, they have just won the fight!!
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Easy there, Sherdil is a "real" Muslim and he and they, have every right to question who the real muslims are -- your problem is that you do not have the courage of conviction, whereas Sherdil does -- which is why he will win, he knows where he stands and you are wishy washy - he's ready with a fist coild to be unleashed, you are wondering how to get your point across in a civil manner.

mate I am not a good muslim but i love my religion and proud of it!
please try to prove your claims with authentic arguments and avoid emotional and personal remarks.
Before General Musharraf Nizam-e-Adal was already in place so their is nothing new about it, as for rule of law I think that the disgrace that general Musharraf bought to it, I don't think many will be convinced of it at the moment.
Ok who will be the judge? A Mullah with an AK-47? Or any other jhahil, unpar, gavaar? How will that give you adal!?

Islam should've penetrated tribalism, now we've made tribals the thakaydaar of Islam! Leave your Allah and your Rasool and follow the next guy who will point a gun to your head and promise to "lay down his arms" when you start following him.
Btw the way it was implemented is completely wrong. In 30 mins they passed a new law in Pakistan!? The motion was raised, vote taken, Presidents stamp and voila!

These things should be debated for months! All frauds and morons at the helm these days!
How do you know your system is God given or better ? Where has it worked till date perfectly ? Atleast the British system has balance and checks and changes as times change. Hold a referandum in Pakistan and see if Sharia wins someone an election.


Indeed it is complete and the best! please read history, and its not just us your history praise Salahudin Ayubi (Saladin) but now west trying best to not let is implemented anywhere in world not even Saudia (whihc hold not a 100% sharia but still has many aspect implemented there) though west get billions from Saudia but still against Islamic punishments. but I would only say just compare crimes in Saudia with Britain and US.
mate you seems confused like many :cheesy:, can you please explain the difference between the Actual Shariat and Taliban's Shariat, or its just a lame excuse to deny Islamic law:coffee:
The actual Shariat would be the spirit of Islam as taught by the Prophet Mohammad. The Talibunny Shariat is here where they shoot you, your family till you agree to their form of justice and then save face by declaring "Look we made them give up their arms".

How many bazookas, AK-47s, grenades, Stingers have you recovered before stamping this Nizam-e-Tribal upon Pakistanis?
Before General Musharraf Nizam-e-Adal was already in place so their is nothing new about it, as for rule of law I think that the disgrace that general Musharraf bought to it, I don't think many will be convinced of it at the moment.

Not to date it was abolished during Musharraf era, I think Nawaz Gov was able to implement but soon after his Gov was toppled.

This is just a phaze, what is meant to happen is to enforce the constitution in Pakhtunkhwa(NWFP) which has not happened for the last 30 years.
As I said thats another thread so let it be. How come so much sudden love for the TTP ? Let me know when they sw off the computers and PTV and cut you off from the world.


Ps : Happy caress on the bottom Swat style if you disobey them (RR words not mine)

no wonder when Saudi oil wells get dry west will say same things to Saudia too...
they looted muslims resources and distroyed their economies then try to prove theriselves on right. time will tell how much brutalities muslims have faced because of their evil plans and they still feel proud on their philosophy of divide and rule, so how come one trust their man-made laws... simply pathetic!
mate you seems confused like many :cheesy:, can you please explain the difference between the Actual Shariat and Taliban's Shariat, or its just a lame excuse to deny Islamic law:coffee:

Apart from what Asim just mentioned:

Are banning school for girls, vaccines for children, democracy, destroying government schools, harassment of women and so much more Islamic? please elaborate.

Btw the way it was implemented is completely wrong. In 30 mins they passed a new law in Pakistan!? The motion was raised, vote taken, Presidents stamp and voila!

These things should be debated for months! All frauds and morons at the helm these days!

Democorrupcy and "Free" judiciary balle! balle! :bunny:
Indeed it is complete and the best! please read history, and its not just us your history praise Salahudin Ayubi (Saladin) but now west trying best to not let is implemented anywhere in world not even Saudia (whihc hold not a 100% sharia but still has many aspect implemented there) though west get billions from Saudia but still against Islamic punishments. but I would only say just compare crimes in Saudia with Britain and US.

What are u talking about ? Were you alive then ? Saudi Sharia is the most horrible law in the world. What are woman rights there ? Now go one step lower and you have the Taliban of Swat.

Half of Pakistan will not accept Sharia of TTP style let alone the West.

Make your house in order and then take on the world.

Keep your religion in your bedroom and home.

Well, MQM is 4th biggest democratic party in Pakistan and has right to raise doubt on any bill and deliver to messes if they have any reservations. But I support his one point, sharia been imposed by putting gun on ANP govt head. Well, whats the other way around,its illusive .

please provide evidance to support your argument on putting gun on ANP
What are u talking about ? Were you alive then ? Saudi Sharia is the most horrible law in the world. What are woman rights there ? Now go one step lower and you have the Taliban of Swat.

Half of Pakistan will not accept Sharia of TTP style let alone the West.

Make your house in order and then take on the world.

Keep your religion in your bedroom and home.

Saudis themselves are improving their statuses now.

Women often are seen in Riyadh without their heads covered and just wearing abayas, which are actually designer abayas with stylish beadings on them. So more of a fashion thing.

Mutawwa police has been asked to not arrest and force Islam on people any more, but they still exist as a preaching force. When they see such women, they are to politely hand over a pamphlet and the men get a lecture after the Mutawwas take permission.

Of course rural areas might not have the same interpretations of these changes by the Saudi King. In Swat what we saw with Chand Bibi was horrible. Wasn't it an Islamic jirga that gave the verdict, A VERDICT after much deliberation that since Mukhtaran Mai's brother fled with some other village's girl, the other village guys get to rape Mukhtaran Mai and the score would be considered settled.

This is going to be the same. Nizam-e-Rapists!
MQM's stance on this issue is clear. The only political party in Pakistan that stands firm against those hooligans and fanatics down there. This deal is not the way forward and will only lead to further problems.

No country on earth would ever tolerate such fanatics or negotiate with them. The state must establish rule of law in Malakand and Swat. It's amusing when people argue about sovereignty against drones but never are they outraged by these fanatics who hold Pakistan hostage.

Where are the clown wooklas? is this the "free" judiciary they dreamt of?

and yet there are some who do not think before saying... but trust those who betrayed their brothers in past and they will do same to them.

can someone please explain the difference between Actual and Taliban's Sharia??? with evidence
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