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Nine days and eight lives later, Pakistan holds fire along border

being loyal to my mother land will only help me to avoid eternal hellfire. BTW what is your name?
Motherland? Are you even a Muslim. Next you will start singing Vande Mataram and claim to be a Muslim.
Motherland? Are you even a Muslim. Next you will start singing Vande Mataram and claim to be a Muslim.

do u even understand what you speak...what has vandemataram got to do with religion...
which school were u in ?
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i amm not into religion much but...............i am seeing....a sikh....a muslim...and a hindu...debating with pakistanis all together .......but still they wont get it why India is standing high in world!! and beats pakistan is almost every economical aspect possible!!!:disagree::disagree::disagree::disagree::disagree::disagree:
Dude, if our two countries are stupid enough to whack each other off without knowing the reason why, who am I to complain? Carry on with the hatred. Give it whatever spin you want to. Hindu-Muslim , East-West who cares. Like the two goats locking horns in my earlier thread, frankly speaking nobody seems to care. Neither do I. If you want to be blindly emotional about it then go ahead and enjoy your heartburn. Let me enjoy my tranquility in return
Dude, i have told the truth here on this forum many many times, the truth is that Kashmiris should be allowed to decide about their future by a third Party like UN holding plebe cite already existing as a UN resolution, so why all that fuss, why all that insults why all that lying and why Indian claim to be the biggest Democracy and yet keep 120,000 innocent Kashmiris in Jails without trial, have so far killed 80,000 innocent.

Indian do not even have basic courtesy to respect visiting artists from Pakistan, shamelessly the call on them to get out and many a times beat them up, look what you guys did to Adnan even when he discarded his Pakistani citizenship, you kept on pushing and pushing and pushing,

About godhra train, innocent were burned alive , and your judges gave out a decision that fire started from inside, but some of you guys will not stop and accept the truth, they want to exonerate modi for what he did to Muslims in Gujarat for the revenge, what kind of sick minds are these.

I can write more but since you put a questing than this is the answer, let me see what you have to say to all this before i check you of my list as another spin master, question here is would be be honorable man or a spin master.

Anjum Chowdhary school of Madarsa Education, Zakir Naik Branch, Principal @Zarvan

dude what is vandematram, it sounds very Hindi, which is not a language understood by more than half of India, but you push it because it Hindu words means something spiritual for Hindus, now can you figure this one what i said or you will go into spin mode and then there will be long discussions about what vadematram etc, etc.
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We really dono the reason for this sudden flare up...... yes firing has been increased since new govt in power, may be they are trying to judge the new govt response to such scenario....... Now that they got their answer, they thought its time to stop this nonsense.......
on both sides

So they just wanted to judge, it is shameful if this is wheat they thought, because close to 100 innocent people lost their lives and more so lost their homes and live stock and as per you they tried to judge as new GOI, what a shame.
There have been more uprisings, more missing person, more long marches in balochistan charity begins at home, if you are so much about the well beings of Muslims start by giving them a voice! Only 3% balochs participated in last elections! Stop worrying about Kashmir worry about kpk, fata, balochistan where American drones hover over you! Where your own army has displaced over 700,000 people! You can't even provide citizens to your own citizens! You can't control polio virus yet you are lecturing us about Kashmir?

I thought you were going to be a sincere person but you are for sure a troll who interferes in internal Pakistani affairs, it is none of your business as to what goes on in Pakistan, but Kashmir being a disputed territory it can be talked about specially when innocents die,

See i said it all Indians are not only trolls but are interfering overbearing and low esteemed dudes, who like put their nose where it does not belong, in internal matters.of a different country..
i amm not into religion much but...............i am seeing....a sikh....a muslim...and a hindu...debating with pakistanis all together .......but still they wont get it why India is standing high in world!! and beats pakistan is almost every economical aspect possible!!!:disagree::disagree::disagree::disagree::disagree::disagree:

Inda is geetting hand oput special deilivery for wwhat they did in Kashmir, a subservient Nation of one billion, you guys cried about partition as a trick by British to divide us, but when the same entity tell you including israele to go and jump, you say yes sir, how high is not even the question you say, but than when you get a very blistering answer, you start talking in a diffferant tone altogether.

You should read some previous thumping of the chest of all you guys, you guys said and i quote, we will destroy Pakistan, we will teach then a lesson , we will take Pakistani off the map of the world. what a shame.

Right balochistan is your internal matter than what gives you the right to talk about our side of the border, our Kashmir? You control 60% of Kashmir, you have a huge country how about you run that effectively instead if being greedy ! balochistan is also a disputed territory between you and the balochs, is it a surprise your intelligence agencies are busy shooting journalists that talk about balochistan p, is it a surprise there are still mass graves found in balochistan like the one being foundin khuzdar a few months ago! Is it a surprise there are balochs sitting on hunger strikes? Right when nothing else works start using personal attacks and names ! Run along! You don't have the capabilities for a debate!

do not talk about my country, I do not care to talk about yours, but Kashmir is a disputed territory and Pakistan has the right to talk about, acually has the right to ask UN toi hold a free plbecite, in it.
But let me say this if you think Kashmiris are with you than why not let Amnesty international come to see the situation as a third party and let them report it to UN. would you.Dude. now do not spin this one and talk about Pakistani internal matters.
May be there was a time when the partition hurt us, my family hailed from Rawalpindi at the partition took place,40% of the sikh population became homeless. But if you are talking about 2014, sir I'm sorry partition was the best thing that could have happened to India post pone independence. Mr Jinnah did something our weak leaders would have never done which was to create a separate country for us, imagine what reputation we would have had had we been living with you? We are glad yon have a country of your own which you can destroy otherwise you would have destroyed mine!

You are totally unaware of the facts, i have talke to many sikhs in toronto, they say Hindu will forceus to convert to Hihduism and we cannot do anything, i met a sales man in clothing store inToronto, he was weven starting to abondon sikhism and starting dress like, talk like Hindus, it is his choice, but that is what he sees it and want to be in it, hat is waht i saw and was surprised.

many Sikh i met they say that their leaders at the partition made a blunder, specially master tara sing, they told me he was a plant by Hindus to offset our destiny,.dude. I am telling you the truth.

Another Sikh i met he gave me his business card from which l learned that his company produced a movies call Blood street and he was very upset that it was banned by censor board of India, same thing with another movie callled Delhi 1984, it was also banned by Indian censor board.

Now there goes the so highly claimed freedom of expression by India, Dude, you are totally out of ouch and will soon be out of luck if you do not see the facts as they are on the ground, Dude.
Ahh!Banias got ruled means you got ruled!see the present!!Baniyas dont talk..Only work..Dont need to cover up your losses!!:angel:Cowards...No one would believe those people who gives shelter to Laden or Dawood or Hafiz like persons & you people are still trying to prove innocency crying to UN in world stage..lol get a life:D

You talk about laden, dawood, do you prove that they were or are here, give me proof or shut up it people like who are enemies of Pakistan spearing rumors, stop the rumor mill, dude, dawood lives in Dubai but you guys have no courage to ask the sultan of Dubai to hand him to you because if you did he will ship all your fellow country men out.

Hafiz saeed has challenge you to take him to an International court about your false calms, but you have failed to do so, but you keep spreading the rumors and keep believing your own courtiers spins, you gurus including you Govt. are spin masters.

About bin laden,, but than you being the spin master why am i telling you this because there is more to it than you spin masters, but than why Bin laden is your business, only to blame Pakistan, you are so filled with anger and hate for Pakistan that you guys talk about BL more than those who were effected, you should mind you own business, I will report it to the admin if you again ever use BL card as a tool to insult Pakistani, there is more to it than the spins you guys spread. so on that note, you should go and hide yourself in the hole.
Sir, let's stay on topic here I know 1984 events like the back of my hand. Now answer my question since you keep talking about UN referendum have you ever read the resolution that was passed by the security council , have you read it ??
I have answered this question million times asked by Hindi-ans, you will tell me that both forces were to be withdrawn from Kashmir and Pakistan did not,and that is as false as Hindi ans are, the ground reality at the time of Nehru going to UN asking for peace and a resolution was[passed, generally asking both parties to stop fighting and work towards a plebiscite, now remember Pakistan had no regular troops , they were in Indian Army and were stationed Burma so cleverly by Lord as Lord listen to Nehru because as per historical fact Nehru had some kind of relation with his madasm as Lord had relation with Indra.

Now coming to your question, Pakistani Mujaheddin were at the Srinagar airport, and Pakistan PM with drew those Mujaheddin to the point where LOC is now as Pakistan did not have regular Army, some Indian Army regulars Muslim came but mostly they were cunningly stationed Burma, so Liaqat Ali khan with drew from Srinagar airport hoping that India will do the same gesture and with draw at least as much Pakistan has than there will be final with drawl, but ever since India has not only refuse to do it but continue to kill innocent Muslims, so far thy killed 80,000. jailed with out trials 120,000 and rape Muslim women
these books are mere statements and blames , they are not based on reality
books by authors like that can never be used as proofs

indians are just doing serious crimes against the humanity
they are insane

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