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Pakistani troops violate ceasefire for ninth time in four days

We are extended visa for Adnam sami for three months. Can you name any Indian who is working freely in pakistan other than Dawood, Shakeel....

Do you know what's the purpose of google? Search how my indian terrorists have been caught red hands, and sent back to india, because we are tolerant, and your gov welcome them as national heroes, about adnam sami, you music industry need guy's like him, that's why you have extended his visa---But can you tell me if any indian have been killed in pakistan, like you hindu extremists animals have killed in samjotta express etc? That's the difference between "you" and "us" !

You confused reality with jokes . :laugh:

Nope, these are facts, but you living in you bollywood dreamland world :lol:
Do you know what's the purpose of google? Search how my indian terrorists have been caught red hands, and sent back to india, because we are tolerant, and your gov welcome them as national heroes,

Don't make up stories to feel good .

about adnam sami, you music industry need guy's like him, that's why you have extended his visa---

If Sami goes , Indian music industry will crash ..... please . Get real .

But can you tell me if any indian have been killed in pakistan,

Sarabjit Singh .

like you hindu extremists animals have killed in samjotta express etc? That's the difference between "you" and "us" !

Then who was Ajmal Kasab ??

Numerous terrorist attacks in India had it's orgin traced back to pakistan .

So you can get off your high horse .
Don't make up stories to feel good .

Then who was Ajmal Kasab ??

Numerous terrorist attacks in India had it's orgin traced back to pakistan .

So you can get off your high horse .

I am not making stories like your media, i am just talking with facts---The same ajmal Kasab , who was saying "bagwan mujei kabi maaf nahi karay ga.."? not very muslim :lol:
Give me proofs of those terrorists attacks happened in india by pakistani? But i can give you hundred of examples of hindus terrorists attacks in india and Pakistan was blamed for, and after the investigation, it was learned these terrorists attacks have links with your millitary leadership.
I am not making stories like your media, i am just talking with facts---The same ajmal Kasab , who was saying "bagwan mujei kabi maaf nahi karay ga.."? not very muslim :lol:

Tell that your country which accepted Kasab as pakistani . They looks like missed it ....... :lol:

Give me proofs of those terrorists attacks happened in india by pakistani?

From 26/11 to the one encounters last week , you can pick any you want .

But i can give you hundred of examples of hindus terrorists attacks in india and Pakistan was blamed for, and after the investigation, it was learned these terrorists attacks have links with your millitary leadership.

All those investigations were carried out in India by Indian establishments .

Except the Samjhota blasts none of them has anything to do with pakistan and none in which any links with military was found .
the world doesn't care about your fake crying, everyone knows your asliat now, you can whine all you want show us pictures of young girls killed by rape by brave thinly legged dark creatures and tell us they were killed by our firing. how come no other country comes out in your favor

why dont you let foreign journalists go to Jammu and Kashmir, you pathetic dark spot on human race.

Lol anything that doesn't confirm to your propaganda is fake . The number of rapes per capita in your babboon country pakistan is much more than India . So yours is the ultimate rapist nation on earth . Your mullahs rape little children and don't even spare animals :omghaha: . There is a reason your country is also called pornistan :rofl:.

Every sane country on earth supports India's stance on Jammu and kashmir . It was you people who didn't allow a referendum being held in kashmir by refusing to comply with the criterion of the UN resolution and now crying wolf .Kashmir is not going anywhere and we will capture baltistan and muzaffarabad pretty soon as well .
You are most welcome to send terrorists across the loc and we are grateful to get some target practice :wave:
And India is showing how much warriors they are by deploying more than 600 000 soldiers on a small portion of land to supress freedome rights of innocent kashmiri since 1948.
600,000 soldiers in Kashmir?????? :woot: :woot: :woot: Your brain cells need a complete overhaul. The propaganda being lapped up by people like you is beyond belief!! 600,000 soldiers means more than 30 army divisions!! Let's say the local and Central police forces are 5 divisions worth. That means there are over 25 army divisions in Kashmir!!! :what: Woooot! :omghaha:

These self styled arm chair 'experts' need to see a shrink, pronto. Their ignorance and stupidity is mind boggling!!
600,000 soldiers in Kashmir?????? :woot: :woot: :woot: Your brain cells need a complete overhaul. The propaganda being lapped up by people like you is beyond belief!! 600,000 soldiers means more than 30 army divisions!! Let's say the local and Central police forces are 5 divisions worth. That means there are over 25 army divisions in Kashmir!!! :what: Woooot! :omghaha:

These self styled arm chair 'experts' need to see a shrink, pronto. Their ignorance and stupidity is mind boggling!!

I won't waste my time to prove a brainwashed keyboard hindu warrior how many of their soldiers are occupying illegaly, and terrorising local kashmiris population--You can use you littel head for few second and do some research by yourself--"born dumb will die dumb"---sorry kid i can't do any thing for you !
Tell that your country which accepted Kasab as pakistani . They looks like missed it .......

From 26/11 to the one encounters last week , you can pick any you want .

All those investigations were carried out in India by Indian establishments .

Except the Samjhota blasts none of them has anything to do with pakistan and none in which any links with military was found .

Just like your army chief accepted, india is financing terrorism in pakistan:lol:---the problem with indians is, you can't have a decent/coherant/serious/logical discussion with them, they show themselves as angel while the reality is completely different---So you can add bombay drama, parliment drama, even sikh genocide, and keep accusing pakistan for sending his camel/pigeons spys.:disagree:
Lol anything that doesn't confirm to your propaganda is fake . The number of rapes per capita in your babboon country pakistan is much more than India . So yours is the ultimate rapist nation on earth . Your mullahs rape little children and don't even spare animals :omghaha: . There is a reason your country is also called pornistan :rofl:.

Every sane country on earth supports India's stance on Jammu and kashmir . It was you people who didn't allow a referendum being held in kashmir by refusing to comply with the criterion of the UN resolution and now crying wolf .Kashmir is not going anywhere and we will capture baltistan and muzaffarabad pretty soon as well .
You are most welcome to send terrorists across the loc and we are grateful to get some target practice :wave:

I must have hit real hard he is loosing his mind
if you want target practice then dont cry when you see headless soldiers which no one bought as well, funny think is next time even if we give you headless soldiers no will believe you .... now this calls for :rofl:
Just like your army chief accepted, india is financing terrorism in pakistan:lol:

It was a newspaper report which can be denied by any parties any time they want .

What required is proof which pakistan fails to provide everytime . There is a reason why pakistan keeps mum on these issues .

---the problem with indians is, you can't have a decent/coherant/serious/logical discussion with them, they show themselves as angel while the reality is completely different---So you can add bombay drama, parliment drama, even sikh genocide, and keep accusing pakistan for sending his camel/pigeons spys.:disagree:

You talk about having a decent/coherant/serious/logical discussion and yet you call terrorist attcks like mumbai and parliament attack a drama .

That shows your mental maturity .
It was a newspaper report which can be denied by any parties any time they want .

What required is proof which pakistan fails to provide everytime . There is a reason why pakistan keeps mum on these issues .

You talk about having a decent/coherant/serious/logical discussion and yet you call terrorist attcks like mumbai and parliament attack a drama .

That shows your mental maturity .

Oh dear, honnestly do you even think once before talking? Look how many contradictions there are with your previous posts !
About parliment and bombay drama, even bollywood films have better scripts :lol:, do littel bite of research and you will found b yourself !
Oh dear, honnestly do you even think once before talking? Look how many contradictions there are with your previous posts !
About parliment and bombay drama, even bollywood films have better scripts :lol:, do littel bite of research and you will found b yourself !

Rather than talking :blah: , why don't show those proofs , unless you are also waiting for the right time like Rehman Malik ... :rofl:
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