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Damn ! The Rawamy-commie Haramkhors aren't even sparing journalists from their fascist acts. This is what "Sonar Bangla Wala" Commie shaitans have brought for 156 Miliion Muslims.

Amardesh Online Edition

And the relentless killings of the finest human beings go unpunished in the Malu-Commie created Banana Republic as well..

Amardesh Online Edition
Dear Zakir Vhai,

If U were to think that AWAMIES unconsiously went haywire then you would only kid yourself. As I predicted rightly in the earlier post that they would dramatise/sensatize their own murders by shifting the blame on others(JI) just to distract people, it didn't take a day. See, growing up with them and knowing their moves; it wasn't a rokect science to predict it. In "Amar Fanschi Chai", author Rentu clearly stated how SH capitalized the murder of Ruful Basunia. That is politics of dead body, i.e cunning fascism by creating emotional hodge-podge. I guess commie being her prime advisors now, she doesn't need Stalin to come out from gravyard to whisper in order to become a political statistician.:cheesy:

Bhai jaan, I know how con and deceptive these dalal are however

BCL leader gunned down
Fri, Feb 12th, 2010 10:53 pm BdST Dial 2324 from your mobile for latest news

Dhaka, Feb 12 (bdnews24.com)-Bangladesh Chhatra League president of Dhaka ward 15, ABM Faruk, 33, was gunned down in Manikdi in the city said police.

Deputy commissioner of police of Gulshan Hafiz Akhter told bdnews24.com that Faruk was gunned down by unidentified assailants as he was about to enter the field of Manikdi Adorsho Biddyaniketan at about 9.30pm.

He was then taken to the Dhaka Medical College Hospital in a critical state and was being operated upon at 10.45pm.

Bhai jaan, I know how con and deceptive these dalal are however
Zakir Vhai, I've very good take on why "Sonar Bangla Walas" gun down each other. None but the discrepency of the distribution of their robbing goods, land and money.

Anyway, some thing way more serious, I guess the final phase of the destruction of Islamic parties have already started. If you could remember, I've predicted this final nailing right after 5th amendment's verdict. Awamy-Commie moves are so predictable that even any conscious observer can figure it out but why BNP/JI's can't buy hedge against those cocon's onslaught? Do they possess donkey's brain or they are defenceless because of the unipolarity of the world, where IND has been taking free ride on uncle just to anhilate us. I guess if the Chinese or PAK-MIL doesn't get aggressive to discipline IND then JI should quiet politics in BD because it doesn't make sense to be harrased for people that don't realize the value of teeth, when they possess it, thanks.

BTW, where are the world community, amnesty & Unheard Voices? Aren't you seeing what happens to BD, or JI/Shibiries aren't your men as Rosevelt had called Nicaragua as his SOB thus needed to be protected?:hitwall:

The New Nation - Internet Edition

Amardesh Online Edition
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Saturday, February 13, 2010

DHAKA: Police arrested around 200 people, mostly leaders and activists of Jamaat-e-Islami and Islami Chhatra Shibir, in the capital, Chittagong, Sylhet and several other districts yesterday after Jamaat-Shibir men clashed with the law enforcers and Bangladesh Chhatra League.

The police arrested 96 Jamaat-Shibir leaders and activists, including Chittagong city Nayeb-e-Ameer Ahsan Ullah, in the Port City when they clashed with the law enforcers during a demonstration over the killing of Chittagong University student AAM Mahiuddin Masum on Thursday night.

The clashes left at least 30 people including 15 policemen injured.

In separate drives as part of a countrywide combing operation following violence at Rajshahi University and Chittagong University, the law enforcers arrested 61 other Shibir men at different dormitories and Shibir dens in the capital's Paribagh and Uttara, and 35 others in Sylhet, Pabna, Tangail, Brahmanbaria, Chandpur and Rangpur districts.

"Police arrested those who were making preparations to destabilise the law and order situation in the country and also have links to the killings of two students at Rajshahi University and Chittagong University," Inspector General of Police Nur Mohammad yesterday told The Daily Star.

Our Chittagong office reports: Leaders and activists of Jamaat and its student wing Shibir brought out a procession from the Chittagong Medical College morgue, claiming killed CU student Mahiuddin a Shibir activist and blaming Chhatra League for his murder.

Chittagong Jamaat Nayeb-e-Ameer Ahsan Ullah led the procession of several hundred Jamaat-Shibir leaders and activists from Chittagong University, Chittagong College, Mohsin College and other units of the organisation.

When police intercepted them in front of Ideal School and College, the unruly Jamaat-Shibir men pelted brickbats at the law enforcers prompting them to go into action.

Police fired teargas shells and rubber bullets and charged truncheons to disperse the demonstrators and brought the situation under control. They rounded up 96 Jamaat-Shibir leaders and activists from the street and took them under custody of Kotwali police.

Around 30 people including 12 policemen were injured during the clash.

Additional Police Commissioner of Chittagong Metropolitan Police Abdul Jalil Mandal said they arrested the Jamaat-Shibir men for attacking policemen and attempting to destabilise law and order.

CU Proctor Prof Jasim Uddin said the university authorities suspended all classes and postponed scheduled examinations to avert any untoward incident in the wake of the situation.

Police filed three cases with Kotwali, Panchlaish and Doublemooring police stations against leaders and activists of Jamaat-Shibir for attacking law enforcers and disrupting law and order.

In Dhaka, police arrested 21 Shibir leaders and activists at two dens in Paribagh early yesterday. They detained nine other Shibir cadres from Baitul Mukarram Mosque area after the cadres clashed with the law enforcers and went on a rampage after Juma prayers.

Among the detained, 19 are Dhaka University students and three are Mohabbat Ali, publicity secretary of DU Shibir unit and a student of chemistry, Abul Kashem, finance secretary and a student of Islamic studies, and Jalal Uddin, publication secretary and a student of Islamic history and culture at DU.

Shahbagh police raided the two dens in Paribagh around 3:00am and arrested them. The Shibir activists were holding a meeting at that time.

Officer-in-Charge of Shahbagh Police Station Rezaul Karim told The Daily Star that they also recovered various documents on party activities from the dens.

Police said some DU teachers, who are also leaders of the BNP-Jamaat white panel, were lobbying to get the detained Shibir men freed. The teachers include a hall provost and a former acting president of Dhaka University Teachers' Association.

Uttara zone Deputy Commissioner Nisharul Arif told The Daily Star that they held 50 people from a four-storey building at Uttara sector-14. Later, they showed 31 arrested for their connection with Shibir and destabilising law and order.

He said the arrestees are students of different private universities and Islamic educational institutions.

According to police Shibir leaders and activists carry out their activities staying in different messes and coaching centres around DU campus.

Paltan police said they arrested nine Shibir cadres after the rampage in front of the national mosque and attack on police after Juma prayers.

Witnesses said the Shibir men damaged several vehicles during the clash.

Our Sylhet correspondent reports: Police detained 18 Jamaat-Shibir adherents on charge of attacking law enforcers.

Witnesses said Jamaat men pelted bricks on police prompting the law enforcers to charge batons. At least five photojournalist and two policemen were hurt in the clash.

Jamaat-Shibir men attacked police from a procession brought out after jum'a prayers in the city's Kudrat Ullah Jame mosque area claiming deceased CU student Masum their party man.

They paraded on streets, held a brief rally at Chouhatta point to end the programme and exploded three firecrackers.

Our Chandpur correspondent adds: Police arrested nine Shibir activists from Hajiganj upazila for clashing with Chhatra League and destabilising law and order.

Meanwhile, BCL activists vandalised Jamaat office.

Our Pabna correspondent reports: law enforcers arrested an accused in RU Chhatra League leader Faruk murder case at the remote village of Faridpur upazila yesterday around 2:00pm.

Arrestee Ramjan Ali, son of Nazim Uddin of village Par, is a student of Islamic Studies at RU and a Shibir activist. He fled from the university after the killing incident.

According to our Pabna, Rangpur and Tangail correspondents police raided different dormitories and messes to nab the Shibir activists who fled from RU campus and took shelter outside.

Meanwhile, police held seven alleged Shibir cadres from Residential School and College dormitory in Brahmanbaria Thursday night following a bomb explosion, reports UNB.

Police said they arrested the seven in connection with the explosion.
Well crakdown against shibir will make them stronger because they follow hard core idology. do or die. If Awami successfully demise jamaat-shibir this time around then BNP will be next. Awami's main opponent is BNP not Jamaat thus it will be interesting to see what prevail next.
Well crakdown against shibir will make them stronger because they follow hard core idology. do or die. If Awami successfully demise jamaat-shibir this time around then BNP will be next. Awami's main opponent is BNP not Jamaat thus it will be interesting to see what prevail next.

The bloodshed has been started by Indian backed Chaatra league not Shibir and if my memory is not that scant recently the concerned officials from Indian backed AL came up with excuses that Chaatra gang had been infiltrated by Shibir and thats why Chaatra had killed many students with great barbarism.
The bloodshed has been started by Indian backed Chaatra league not Shibir and if my memory is not that scant recently the concerned officials from Indian backed AL came up with excuses that Chaatra gang had been infiltrated by Shibir and thats why Chaatra had killed many students with great barbarism.

Welcome back sis and you are completely right about the situation.
This is a well organized plan backed by bharati to destroy islamic party first and then final burial to Islam in the land muslim. I can not forsee the future however only way out from this debacle is to unite regarless political affiliation and I believe it's matter of time people will rise against this mushrik government.
Welcome back sis and you are completely right about the situation.
This is a well organized plan backed by bharati to destroy islamic party first and then final burial to Islam in the land muslim. I can not forsee the future however only way out from this debacle is to unite regarless political affiliation and I believe it's matter of time people will rise against this mushrik government.

Thank you brother.

I am seeing it from a different point. I feel India is now trying to destroy Bangladeshi strength by breaking your political culture which i always found much stronger than Indian one. Specially the students coming out peacefully for the change in the country now i feel India got hold of the BD nerves.

Alaman alaman the gruesome pictures of innocent students killed by Indian funded Chaatra league are so painful and now the sequence how Chaatra members are grabbing an alive student then hit his head with big stone while other members of Chaatra are grabbing him so that he cant move, then you see the action frame by frame and at the end you see his dead body being kicked by these cruel men. :( all this has convinced me that these Indian backed goons were the real culprits who killed innocent people in the past in east Pakistan.
South Asian Media Net

Govt trying to reestablish BKSAL rule
Sunday, February 14, 2010

DHAKA: Senior leaders of Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP) said in the name of combing operation, the government was trying to implement its one-party BKSAL rule harassing the political leaders and workers throughout the country.

They were addressing a protest rally at Muktangon, organised by Dhaka City Unit of BNP. Speakers demanded trial of the killers of Haji Ahammad Hossain, president of Dhaka City Unit (South) of Jatiyatabadi Juba Dal and DCC councillor.

BNP standing committee members Khandaker Mosharraf Hossain, Barrister Moudud Ahmed, Brigadier General (retd) ASM Hannan Shah and Rafiqul Islam Miah, opposition chief whip Zainul Abdin Farroque and Jubo Dal leaders addressed the rally.

DCC mayor and BNP vice-chairman Sadek Hossain Khoka presided over the rally. They blamed the government for discriminatory attitude in dealing with miscreants.

They said the government is desperate to nab those responsible for killing Rajshahi University (RU) student Faruk Hossain avoiding the arrest of those responsible for the killing of Ahammad Hossain, Dhaka University (DU) student Abu Bakar and also others.

Khandaker Mosharraf said that Ahammad Hossain was killed in a pre-planned way to weaken the BNP of Dhaka city unit ahead of the DCC elections.

"Government has launched a massive crackdown not only on the leaders and workers of BNP of the city but also elsewhere of the country," Mosharraf said.

He said it was the sign of one-party BKSAL's character as the government since its assumption has started harassing the opposition leaders and workers.

"Had the government been neutral, it would have taken action against the killers of Ahammad Hossain, DU student Abu Bakar, JASAS leader Amirul Islam Mintu and Collective Bargaining Agent (CBA) leader BM Bakir Hossain," Mosharraf said.

Moudud Ahmed said the people of the country were witnessing the repression in the style of 1972-1975. "As the government doesn't want to see us in Parliament, the home minister made such abusive and indecent remarks about Shaheed president Ziaur Rahman intentionally," the former law minister said.

Expressing disappointment over the role of the Speaker, he said that they hoped that the he (Speaker) would expunge such abusive and indecent remarks at his own initiative.

"But he (speaker) didn't exercise his due role. We want a Speaker, who will expunge such abusive and indecent remarks," Moudud said.
He was doubtful whether it would be possible to establish 'rule of law' unless the government changes its attitude.

Hannan Shah said people don't feel secured under the present government. "As the government has been repressing BNP leaders and workers, it would not take more time for its fall," he said.
Rafiqul Islam Mia said the government wants to suppress the BNP by influencing the courts.

"Politics doesn't run according to the court verdict rather the people's verdict. Politics is not controlled by the court. It is controlled by the people," he said.

He said through the killing of DCC ward councillor, government wouldn't be benefited in the upcoming DCC elections. "Nobody from the government side enquired about the family members of Abu Bakar. But when a worker of Bangladesh Chhatra League (BCL) Faruk Hossain was killed, the state minister for home flew to Rajshahi by helicopter. It is a total discrimination," he observed.

Zainul Abdin said when Sheikh Fazlul Karim Selim was in custody during the army backed caretaker government his confessional statement was recorded under 164, where he (Selim) termed Sheikh Hasina as a notorious extortionist.

"And now Selim has been making indecent remark and abusive language about Shaheed president Ziaur Rahman, for becoming one of the cabinet members of Hasina's government," he said.
South Asian Media Net

RU VC blames police for Shibir attack
Sunday, February 14, 2010

RAJSHAHI: The Rajshahi University vice-chancellor, Abdus Sobhan, on Saturday blamed the police for not taking any action when Islami Chhatra Shibir attacked Chhatra League activists on the campus between Monday night and early Tuesday, in which a Chhatra League activist was killed, tendons of four others were cut and at least 40 were injured.

Shibir activists hacked to death Chhatra League activist Faruk Hossain in the Shah Makhdum Hall and cut the tendons of four others. Faruk’s body was later found in a manhole 300 yards north to the Syed Amir Ali Hall.

The Rajshahi Metropolitan Police commissioner, Md Nawsher Ali, however, told New Age some of the policemen had showed inefficiency and nine of them had already been suspended. ‘But whole of the police should not be blamed for that.’

The vice-chancellor, at a briefing on behalf of the university administration in the VC’s Lounge, said the police blamed the law enforcers in connection with the violence and demanded that the government should investigate why the law enforcers did not take any action when Shibr attacked Chhatra League activists.

Sobhan read out a written statement and pro-vice-chancellor Muhammad Nurullah, proctor Chowdhury Mohammed Zakaria, registrar MA Bari, treasurer Abdur Rahman, student adviser Golam Sabbir Sattar Tapu and other officials of the university administration attended.

The vice-chancellor alleged the law enforcers had not taken action for the protection of the Shah Makhdum Hall when Shibir activists hacked to death Faruk Hossain.

‘The lawmen assured me of laying their lives before the students of the hall if armed Shibir activists would attack the students,’ Sobhan said.

He said the incident took place even after they had requested high police officials of taking necessary steps to stave off any such incident.

He also said they had repeatedly talked with the police when armed Shibir activists were gathering on the campus and requested the police to reinforce deployment. He said the police had all time assured him that police deployment had been reinforced.

‘How could a student be hacked to death by armed Shibir activists after the reinforcement of police deployment?’ he said.
The vice-chancellor called on the government to investigate the incident to identity the failure of the police administration.

Asked about any failure on part of the university, he said the university authorities had no failure in the matter.
‘An investigation can make it clear who was inactive, the university or the police administration?’ he said.

The RMP commissioner said, ‘We have identified some of the policemen who were negligent in their duties during the incidents and nine of them have been suspended.’

They were posted to the Shah Makhdum Hall and failed to thwart the attack of Shibir on the residents of the hall, he said. ‘The inquiry is still on and stern action will be taken against the policemen who will be found responsible for negligence in their duties,’ he said.

‘But the authorities of the university, which is an autonomous body, cannot avoid their responsibility as no provost and house tutors were found at the place during the incident,’ the police commissioner said.
Alaman alaman the gruesome pictures of innocent students killed by Indian funded Chaatra league are so painful and now the sequence how Chaatra members are grabbing an alive student then hit his head with big stone while other members of Chaatra are grabbing him so that he cant move, then you see the action frame by frame and at the end you see his dead body being kicked by these cruel men. :( all this has convinced me that these Indian backed goons were the real culprits who killed innocent people in the past in east Pakistan.
Dear Sister,

Seeing one or two of such scenarios, people throughout the world are crying/freaking-out but hundreds of similar ones over the years haven't even reached at Medias. If you compare AWAMY cruelty with Gujrat massacre and ISRO's Palestinian killings; you would find apartheism are the root causes of it, which also clearly indicates anti-Muslim nexus(INDO-ZION) spreads hate (PACBI-Boycott "Ariel" and the Rest! All Israeli Academic Institutions are Complicit in Occupation and Apartheid) whereas they apply reverse psychology to shift blame on the affectees/victims just to get away unpunished. Having criminally-doctrinated Media men, academics and Military/police's top brasses in BD; AWAMY Leaguers have been accomplishing similar crime for long. Just recently their gruesome cruelties are making headway to public because alternative Medias are getting vibrant.

BTW you're absolutely right on suspecting that similar cruelty had been performed in EAST PAK by AWAMY/Chatra Leaguers since honest and truthful people had witnessed it in Sholoshahar of CTG, Syedpur of Rangpur, Jessore etc. Recently S.Bose divulged that Jessore's dead skeletons were indeed Bihari's one (The Telegraph - Calcutta : Look). Indian academics and politicians had learned such deception from BRITS and through RAW/IB, they taught it to their AWAMY goons of EAST PAK. Today around 80% God loving Muslims are contained by Indian-AWAMY stooges that need to be cleanced for ever to make the country peaceful and prosperous, thanks. Only an invassion by a divine army could do that quickly IMO since police and military are just simply soldouts over there.
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Carry on with your cryptic posts.I don't want to waste my time further with a person who doesn't have any decency. Adios.

It wasn't me that threw the flamebate at you first. Furthermore your fakeness of decency got out since EW's initial cursing-posts were visible for months but your decent efforts to discipline him wasn't seen. Anyway, even your heart ever gets heartful with decency for real victims then shed some words after reading the following article please...

Amardesh Online Edition
It wasn't me that threw the flamebate at you first. Furthermore your fakeness of decency got out since EW's initial cursing-posts were visible for months but your decent efforts to discipline him wasn't seen. Anyway, even your heart ever gets heartful with decency for real victims then shed some words after reading the following article please...

Amardesh Online Edition
I did not start abuses, M_Saint started abusing me by calling me SAGOLER PANCH NOMBOR BACCHA, and stuffs like this. He used unsophisticated words like, khek, khek, khek and many other nuisances. He forced me to respond in kind. He thinks that everyone should accept his opinion. If one does not, then he will flood him with abuses like SAGOL and order him to LEARN. It is horrible. Now, he and also you are blaming me for all those. You may have not read his early posts that abused me before I wrote a few.
ZIA becomes Shahjalal Int'l Airport | Bangladesh | bdnews24.com

ZIA becomes Shahjalal Int'l Airport
Mon, Feb 15th, 2010 8:34 pm BdST

Dhaka, Feb 15 (bdnews24.com) – Zia International Airport has been renamed Hazrat Shahjalal International Airport.

The decision was made in a weekly cabinet meeting chaired by prime minister Sheikh Hasina on Monday, Abul Kalam Azad, the PM's press secretary, said.

The new name of the airport will be effective from Feb 15 (Monday), Azad said.

Dhaka's international airport started its journey with a 10,000-foot runway and three taxi ways. In 1983, it was named after late president Ziaur Rahman, also founder of BNP, the party in opposition right now.

The press secretary also said the cabinet decided to restore the names of more than 50 establishments across the countries that have been changed during the previous BNP-led administration.

The cabinet also decided in the meeting to rename the Ziaur Rahman University as Barisal University.

BNP has already announced it will go into movement if the name of the airport is changed.
ZIA becomes Shahjalal Int'l Airport | Bangladesh | bdnews24.com

ZIA becomes Shahjalal Int'l Airport
Mon, Feb 15th, 2010 8:34 pm BdST

Dhaka, Feb 15 (bdnews24.com) – Zia International Airport has been renamed Hazrat Shahjalal International Airport.
It seems AL is again for a vendetta and revengeful politics. Any political Party in power should unite the nation. But, AL seems to be doing just the opposite. It is dividing the nation. AL is a CREATOR that creates problems from non-issues. Changing the name of Zia International Airprt (ZIA) to something else will certainly not be seen by the population kindly.

Zia is seen as an enemy of AL only because he stopped the destruction of the country two times and his stature went above Sk. Mujib, who was a failed administrator. First time, when the political leaders failed to declare a clear-cut course of action to be taken by the population in 1971, an unknown Major Zia of Pakistan army declared independence of Bangladesh on behalf of Sk. Mujibur Rahman.

Second time, when population were worried about an unwanted Indian intervention after the multiple political coups and murders in 1975, Ziaur Rahman was pushed to the strongman role by both the military and population. He saved the country two times and this is how AL looteras are paying back his deeds. A dead Zia is also a threat to AL, it is so fearful of his popularity.

But, we must also note that AL dares to humiliate Zia only because his living wife and two sons have accumulated unlawful wealths during 2001-08 period of BNP rule. Zia, who was wearing torn undershirt when he was killed, is paying the price for the misdeeds of his family.

However, President Zia will remain a legend and a popular figure in BD. AL cannot banish him from the minds of its population.
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