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Your party in power and you have 2/3 rd majority thus you do whatever please you though I must warn you the Consequences.

There could be several types of bad consequences if constitution will change:

Consequence in social and culture: There will be some bad consequence in our typical social and Islamic cultural systems if Islamic rules will practice in less extent.

Consequence in politics:
Conflict and dispute among political parties will increase. Economy can be vulnerable.

Consequence in international strategy: I do not think there is any harmful consequence or change in our international level or politics. But India could be benefited.

Consequence in Muslim community: Max Muslim can be badly bothered by this constitutional change which could provoke problems.

Consequence in Practice of Islam: Practicing Islam can be hampered.

Consequence in rising of extremist:
People can be more radical than before which could provoke regular terrorism.

So which consequences are you think about? All?
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Imagine the Atrocity of these bastards. These low life draken can not even let the zia sleep in peace in his grave. No wonder these zahanami sick family become the target of hate killing......:angry:

text in bangla
::Welcome to Daily Naya Diganta::

One thing needs to consider! We should not have any problem either there is any death body of Zia or not. We do not need to worship like AL dose to Mujib. If we like Zia then we will pray for him and we will remember his visions. That's all. But clearly AL is trying to bulling people and provoking only problems. We should not be extremist like AL.
Leo bhai. We are human and sometime emotion takes over logic and sanity. I know M-saint(ahmed) persoanlly. He is a good human and wellwisher of Bd but awami munafiqs activity would screw up any body's scanity. If we did not care about our native country than we would not show any emotion what so ever however we can not tolarate awami's anti-islamic agendas and bharat loving. Without Islamic principal, bd can go to hell as far as our concern. Time has come for all mumin to Unite against awami munafiqs. I hope you understand and would like to see in our side as I believe you are mumin.
I am not an AL member. I am a neutral person here. I truthfully stated that because BNP failed to give importance to the building of power stations, BD economy is suffering now. It is because a capitalist will not build a production factory, if he is not guaranterd supply of power. Will you invest, Mr. Zakir in such a situation when power will not be supplied to your factory?

So, if someone does not like my statement above he is supposed to come out with his counter logic. But, I was responded with abuse which I also responded with similar abuse.

I wonder why some people say all those nasty things in the name of Islam. I stick to my comments about the relationship between power supply and investment. I invite others to challenge my statement.

By the way, an article was published in the weekly ROBBAR in may 2005 that dealt with this relationship. I was the writer of that article. Someone can find out that article from Robbar archieve.
There could be several types of bad consequences if constitution will change:

Consequence in social and culture: There will be some bad consequence in our typical social and Islamic cultural systems if Islamic rules will practice in less extent.

Consequence in politics:
Conflict and dispute among political parties will increase. Economy can be vulnerable.

Consequence in international strategy: I do not think there is any harmful consequence or change in our international level or politics. But India could be benefited.

Consequence in Muslim community: Max Muslim can be badly bothered by this constitutional change which could provoke problems.

Consequence in Practice of Islam: Practicing Islam can be hampered.

Consequence in rising of extremist:
People can be more radical than before which could provoke regular terrorism.

So which consequences are you think about? All?

You sum it up very well and I apreciate your input. It's time to forget our political back ground (right wing party) and unite just as muslim to rise jihad against munafiq government to hold our idendity high. Remember if we fail than there will not be future for our next generation. Time is coming brother so be ready.:tup:

My request to you,STOP being Sanctimonious.Especially after reading your last 2 posts,I can not resist myself from saying this.

Previously I had a quite respect for you,despite the fact that we were often engaged in debates.But still I thought you are a good follower of Islam.

BUT,reading that two posts,I am now totally convinced that I was indeed wrong.
No civilised Muslim would be able to use the language,under any circumstances,which you have posted in post # 689 and 692.

If you were really as good a muslim,as you "pretend" to be,you could have just debunk EW's claims in a civilised manner.
If he had abused you,you should have reported his post and then ask Allah to give hedayat.

BUT it was YOU,who deliberately provoked (post # 689)EW to use foul language.And then you showed your true face at post#692.

You clearly are showing how big hypocrite you are by using that foul,****** and disgusting words. :rolleyes:

You talk about Islam and how AL is destroying Islam in BD.But I say,when there are people like you present,AL don't need to destroy Islam.You people are enough to do that job.

Whatever respect I had for you,just blew with those.because I know you are nothing BUT a big HYPOCRITE.So please stop pretending about being Islamic :rolleyes:


You can show your class by abusing me,But that will only strengthen my realisation.
Claiming to be a scion of Uttara, having cozy intelligent military-outfit, breeding hornet nest; it's easy to be a Buddhi Bepari/Eloquent Critic, right Leon AKA Ashiqui of Mir-Jafari BD-Military? Now if you are to be a justice to judge my Muslimiat by the last 2 posts then you probably have been waiting for me to explode, let my demon out after hearing repeated Satanic Versuses of EW but staying silent, right? Otherwise where were you when fiery of Shukor, Kukory Bangla eloquence were thrown at me? You saw my deliberate provocation in post # 689 but never looked at hundred of his unfounded/distorted allegations against Tariq, Coco that could provoke someone, right again Mr. Mir Jafari Army Lover?

Now let me get it straight. you don't need to present me anywhere as a model-Muslim since I've admitted that I don't have character to be a simple Islamic activist. And I'm not hurt at all when you say bad things about me but I don't represent Islam. Infect people that do, hardly have luxary to be a keyboard warrior like us. Just because I'm a jack of many trades, I can talk out of mind with different flavors but hardly rises up to have a side kick against opposition like a misky saitan does (Except against Indians). By cursing EW, I certainly don't feel proud but that just pep talk, next time more intense one would follow. Because, "Nengta jakhan hoyasee takhan aar ghomta diye loove ki"?

Soo you had respect for me? Sorry for losing it but your efforts for buying pre-emption for not getting cursed at the end correlate your cunnigness of having sidekicks throughout your post on my weak-links thus your claim of having any prior respect hardly holds any water. BTW, everyone isn't worth to be cursed out, hope U would get my drift. :cheesy:
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Did you prepare the speech taking so many days??

Your hypocrisy is evident again on your post.

Just because someone accuses some political figure,it should never lead to words relating to his mother or family.It should have been countered with counter-arguments.That's called decency,which you lack.No matter how old you are or how many trades you have mastered,the truth is that.

And I do not care about a nobody like you abusing me,abuse me and get your post reported,as easy as that.I am not scared of your abuses.
It is the only best thing you can do,abuse others.Do you understand that,Mr."Saint" living in New York,who previously lived in Air Bases and cantonments around the country,and also jack of many trades??

I respect everyone on the board with whom I enjoy debating and hence learning new things.Besides my parents have taught me to respect people older than myself.You see,I am not an over learned person.That's the reason I had some respect for you,(as you were pretending(which I was unaware of) to be a good muslim)one can learn many things from such people,as I do not think myself as a proper follower of Islam,I lack many things,which I accept.At least better than being a Hypocrite.

But Now forget it,you aren't worth it.You can no longer use your sheep hide to fool people.You just reassured me that I was wrong on my assumption earlier.

As I said earlier,you can abuse me if you want,but that's not going to do any bit of harm to me.You will just show your class to everyone here.

And you are right on this:
"Nengta jakhan hoyasee takhan aar ghomta diye loove ki"?

Now that your real face is out,So carry on with your objective.
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Did you prepare the speech taking so many days??

Your hypocrisy is evident again on your post.

Just because someone accuses some political figure,it should never lead to words relating to his mother or family.It should have been countered with counter-arguments.That's called decency,which you lack.No matter how old you are or how many trades you have mastered,the truth is that.

And I do not care about a nobody like you abusing me,abuse me and get your post reported,as easy as that.I am not scared of your abuses.
It is the only best thing you can do,abuse others.Do you understand that,Mr."Saint" living in New York,who previously lived in Air Bases and cantonments around the country,and also jack of many trades??

I respect everyone on the board with whom I enjoy debating and hence learning new things.Besides my parents have taught me to respect people older than myself.You see,I am not an over learned person.That's the reason I had some respect for you,(as you were pretending(which I was unaware of) to be a good muslim)one can learn many things from such people,as I do not think myself as a proper follower of Islam,I lack many things,which I accept.At least better than being a Hypocrite.

But Now forget it,you aren't worth it.You can no longer use your sheep hide to fool people.You just reassured me that I was wrong on my assumption earlier.

As I said earlier,you can abuse me if you want,but that's not going to do any bit of harm to me.You will just show your class to everyone here.

And you are right on this:
"Nengta jakhan hoyasee takhan aar ghomta diye loove ki"?

Now that your real face is out,So carry on with your objective.
Someone didn't only accuse some political figures but that someone demonized, demeaned others as well even after he was repeatedly rebutted with logic and rational. So, one-flavored eyes with widely shut could see the hypocracy of his/her, whose-re "Dekhke nahe tar chalan baka". See, I cursed EW but "Gatradaha" happened to be yours, which mirrored your own claim of "Just because someone accuses some political figure,it should never lead to words relating to his mother or family.It should have been countered with counter-arguments.That's called decency,which you lack." in one hand and contradicted "Contention of hypocracy" that U tried to established. So, it wasn't facile to hide behind the veneer Mr. Hypocracte's hypocrate. :woot:

Since learning is a process from cradle to grave, no one is over learned; only except fascist-commie-saitans. So, I could be a Tokai or feudal near at Air-base but don't boast my class as "scion of Uttara"or Eloquent (Sanctimonious.) Budhi bepari, for whom there is hardly anything left over to be ruined. And thanks for repeating for having respect in the past as you claimed but I've decided myself to pay my innocent brother's blood with interest after seeing like of yours supporting Lathi-Baitha mayhem, so no thanks indeed. Thus for fukc's sake don't claim to respect me anymore.

Finallly, copying and reversing the meaning of my saying just to throw back at me wouldn't work because art of re-reversing it isn't that of a daunting task. If you have a "Creative Satta" then bring it on. As Tokai always picks up, I'm ready to see how much more of you have left over.

You see I don't need days to prepare to reply as I'm a Tokai not a "Scion of Uttara" or "Ashiqui of aristocratic back stabbers". :sniper:
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Guys... back to topic please... lots of thing happening now in BD.
You see I don't need days to prepare to reply as I'm a Tokai not a "Scion of Uttara" or "Ashiqui of aristocratic back stabbers". :sniper:

Oh thanks for all the titles,I really am flattered. :rolleyes:

And as for the rest of your posts,I repeat again:you can never insult one's family using those foul languages under any circumstances.

But it seems you are happy with your deed and justifying your language.And also giving me some interesting titles.:lol:

Carry on with your cryptic posts.I don't want to waste my time further with a person who doesn't have any decency.

Here in Bangladesh, secular does not mean religion less which is in American constitution or in Russian or in many other constitution rather it ensures equal rights to every religion.

Whether govt will go back to original 1972 constitution or not will depend on the SC observation which is yet to be published. We have to wait and see but it will be close to 1972 constitution.

In America, the lawmakers and the President have to take oath on Bible. Every Dollar note reads, 'In God we trust.' Secularism does not, therefore, necessarily mean a Godless country. Every western country's main faith is Christianity. In their case, seculiarity means that they have not allowed religious laws enacted by the Churches to supercede secular laws (or Civil Laws) that have evolved throughout the centuries. But, they remain essentially Christian countries.

Bismillah, Islam and Allah do not go against the concept of secularism. The 1972 Constitution intentionally omitted these words loved by the general masses. But, then the Govt forced us to listen to Hindu Geeta in the radios in the early morning. So, this was AL style of secularism. Out is Islam, but in is Hinduism in the name of Bangalitya. So, this is AL standard.

BD population fought against Pakistani occupation army, but they did not fight against Islam - we have to understand that. But, AL intentionally tries to mingle these two distinct things into one nasty thing.

Before a govt decides to get rid of a few important theological words out of Constitution, it should ask the verdict of the population. A political party is in power for a five year term, but the Constitution is not for a 5 year term, it is almost permanent like a State itself. Therefore, people's opinions must be sought before changing words in the Constitution. A 2/3rd majority by the adult population will be needed.

People did not vote for AL because they have become anti-Islam. Instead of building the country's economy, SH is only here to disregard the sentiment of our population. AL will suffer in the next election as a consequence.

Before taking every meal, we start with the word, 'Bismillah.' It is part of our culture. So, why AL should try get rid of that word from the very Constition of the country where more than 85% of the population are devout Muslims.

AL is digging its own graves by this type of deceitful acts. Not only that, it is also taking the country towards a civil war, in which the Mullahs will certainly prevail, and people like us who believe in a BD that will be fully developed in western model, will be the losers.

Who knows, this could be what India wants and the shallow-minded SH has fallen into this trap.
In America, the lawmakers and the President have to take oath on Bible. Every Dollar note reads, 'In God we trust.' Secularism does not, therefore, necessarily mean a Godless country. Every western country's main faith is Christianity. In their case, seculiarity means that they have not allowed religious laws enacted by the Churches to supercede secular laws (or Civil Laws) that have evolved throughout the centuries. But, they remain essentially Christian countries.

Bismillah, Islam and Allah do not go against the concept of secularism. The 1972 Constitution intentionally omitted these words loved by the general masses. But, then the Govt forced us to listen to Hindu Geeta in the radios in the early morning. So, this was AL style of secularism. Out is Islam, but in is Hinduism in the name of Bangalitya. So, this is AL standard.

BD population fought against Pakistani occupation army, but they did not fight against Islam - we have to understand that. But, AL intentionally tries to mingle these two distinct things into one nasty thing.

Before a govt decides to get rid of a few important theological words out of Constitution, it should ask the verdict of the population. A political party is in power for a five year term, but the Constitution is not for a 5 year term, it is almost permanent like a State itself. Therefore, people's opinions must be sought before changing words in the Constitution. A 2/3rd majority by the adult population will be needed.

People did not vote for AL because they have become anti-Islam. Instead of building the country's economy, SH is only here to disregard the sentiment of our population. AL will suffer in the next election as a consequence.

Before taking every meal, we start with the word, 'Bismillah.' It is part of our culture. So, why AL should try get rid of that word from the very Constition of the country where more than 85% of the population are devout Muslims.

AL is digging its own graves by this type of deceitful acts. Not only that, it is also taking the country towards a civil war, in which the Mullahs will certainly prevail, and people like us who believe in a BD that will be fully developed in western model, will be the losers.

Who knows, this could be what India wants and the shallow-minded SH has fallen into this trap.

Allthoug you have ill feeling toward me however I apprecite this post. Well thought out input and touch of reality that AL should absorb. :tup:
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Guys... back to topic please... lots of thing happening now in BD.
Whilest hearts of the heartless and mind of the mindless of fascists Rawamy-Commies would calculately lie (The Daily Sangram || Oldest bangla daily newspaper) after the fall of one of their satanic comrades to score on opponents and distract their failures to run the country; only the admitting hearts of heartfull would show the path of truism and offer help (::Welcome to Daily Naya Diganta::) to bring peace and sanity. The sorrowful irony though is that in a country full of tout, traitors know how to change color. The fukc force, brutal-ineffective satanic police has just taken away another beautiful life ???? ?????? ?????? ??????????????? ????? ????? ???? ????? ???? ??????? || The Daily Sangram. The Rawamy lust for blood hasn't been witnessed by the new generation but thanks to the RAW's real jack azz Commies that have gifted the nation such opportunity.
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Allthoug you have ill feeling toward me however I apprecite this post. Well thought out input and touch of reality that AL should absorb. :tup:

Before being carried away and falling into seduction, please read the following article to learn that RAW agents had even let their bears grow feet long, married Muslim women and galvanized into our societies. Here we go,

Raw at War-Genesis of Secret Agencies in Ancient India

Moreover, RAW's phase 2 mission for destruction of BD's economy, academic serenity, regression of FDI & HDI have already been succeeded and it has got transit along with other Indian requirements from stooge Rawamies. Segregation of BNP from Islamic parties are also been done. So it doesn't matter if BNP comes to power in the next time. You can sense it by idiot Khaleda's meeting with Malu deplomat in that regard. INDIANS would never let us rise, thus they have made sure of enough of RAWAMY-COMMIE's presence in army, admin, police's top brasses as well.
Man awami is going haywire. I guess awami is screwed. :lol::rofl::rofl:

...::: The Daily Dinkal :::... Internet .:. Edition
Dear Zakir Vhai,

If U were to think that AWAMIES unconsiously went haywire then you would only kid yourself. As I predicted rightly in the earlier post that they would dramatise/sensatize their own murders by shifting the blame on others(JI) just to distract people, it didn't take a day. See, growing up with them and knowing their moves; it wasn't a rokect science to predict it. In "Amar Fanschi Chai", author Rentu clearly stated how SH capitalized the murder of Ruful Basunia. That is politics of dead body, i.e cunning fascism by creating emotional hodge-podge. I guess commie being her prime advisors now, she doesn't need Stalin to come out from gravyard to whisper in order to become a political statistician.:cheesy:
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