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Investment falls drastically: Poor infrastructure, power, gas shortage blamed

Statistics show that the first year of the Awami League government experienced a volatile investment scenario even compared with the emergency government

Wednesday January 06 2010 02:23:29 AM BDT

Syful Islam

A total of 116 foreign and joint venture investment proposals have been registered with the Board of Investment (BoI) during the 11 months of the just concluded 2009 against 139 proposals in 2008.(The New Nation )

Statistics show that the first year of the Awami League government experienced a volatile investment scenario even compared with the emergency government.

Businessmen and economists said the impact of global economic recession and weaknesses in infrastructure, power and gas supply led to the sharp decline of the investment throughout the year raising the number of unemployed people. Besides, the steps to attract both foreign and local investments were also inadequate during the period, they said.

According to the BoI statistics investment proposals worth $738.04 million were registered during the January-November period of 2009 against $2469 million in 2008.

Of the registered proposals in 2009, 31 were 100 per cent foreign investment while 79 were joint ventures. Of the proposals 2 each were for agro-based industries, food and allied, and printing industry, 31 for textile sector, 4 for tannery and rubber products, 23 for chemicals, 17 for engineering and 35 for service sector.

Of the 116 proposals 18 were from China, 17 from South Korea, 11 from Japan, 9 each from USA and India, 8 from the Netherlands, 6 from Sri Lanka, 4 each from Australia, KSA, Singapore, Pakistan and UK, 3 from Malaysia, 2 each from Denmark, Finland and Taiwan and 1 each from Canada, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Russia, Spain, Thailand and Turkey.

On an average 60 per cent of the registered proposals finally materialised, BoI officials said.

The latest statistics of the local investment proposals were not available with the BoI but recent data show that a total of 793 local investment proposals, amounting to $986 million, were listed with the board till September, 2009 against 1,122 proposals of $2,136 million in corresponding period of 2008.

According to the Bangladesh Bank's monthly report for November Tk 33,995.15 crore were laying in the banks due to the absence of good number of investment proposals.

The number of applications for term loan during the period was very few, said an official of Bangladesh Bank. "Local investors could not make up their mind during the first year of the present government as investors in many cases were afraid of the extortionists."

Economists and businessmen of the country said that government's failure to provide power and gas and lack of infrastructure development has resulted in reduced flow of investment in the country. Especially, there was no projection of gas and electricity supply, that's why investors did not come up with proposals.

They further pointed out that uncertainty, the changed political situation, several untoward incidents and widespread extortions have together kept local investors away from new ventures. They said foreign investors got negative message over the prevailing atmosphere resulting in fall in investment.

Talking to The New Nation president of American Chamber of Commerce in Bangladesh (AmCham) Aftab Ul Islam said power, gas and infrastructure are one of the cornerstones of investment.

He said inadequate power and gas supply and under developed infrastructure are to be blamed for sharp fall in investment.

"We have huge mineral resources like gas and coal but we can't use those. The incentives given by the BoI to both local and foreign investors are enough to attract investment but fail due to lack of necessary power and gas supply."

President of Bangladesh Garment Manufacturers and Exporters Association (BGMEA) Abdus Salam Murshedy told this correspondent yesterday that global recession also created a negative impact on investment flow.

He said gas and power are prerequisites for new investment, but the finance minister recently said that no new connection of these utility services would be given in the near future.

Murshedy further said the government has to make it clear the timeframe when the existing industries would get 100 per cent supply of gas and electricity. Besides, the government has to give projection if new economic zones or garment villages would be given permission in the near future, to attract both local and foreign investment.

Prof Abu Ahmed of University of Dhaka said widespread extortion, political unrest and incident like the BDR mutiny kept the investors away from new investment in 2009.

"The ongoing drought in investment will raise the number of unemployed people resulting in social unrest," he said.

Ahmed said the government will have to improve law and order stop political extortion and allow administration to function without interference to bring about a positive change in this field.

Abul Barkat, a teacher of University of Dhaka said unless a pro industrialisation mindset is created among the politicians, massive investment will remain a far cry.

Executive Director of Centre for Policy Dialogue Mustafizur Rahman said job creation is a must in this present situation of global economic change. To this effect the government has to accelerate investment both from local and international level, he said.
Investment falls drastically: Poor infrastructure, power, gas shortage blamed

Statistics show that the first year of the Awami League government experienced a volatile investment scenario even compared with the emergency government

Wednesday January 06 2010 02:23:29 AM BDT

It is true that a large segment of new generation voter supported awami leauge in last election due to it's promised of building digital bangladesh(Including my naive brother leo) :hitwall:. It has also promised to chaged for better. Perhaps new generation of voters were not aware of the awami thug ruled from 96 to 2001 otherwise they could not have supported a facist munafiq party. Most likely they are getting the taste of awami thugs as they are running lose all over the country.

As it seem awami leauge more interested to wipe out opposition and establish one party rule in name of change while ignoring real needs of the people. I as anti awami can not be less happy due it's failure however feel bad for the fellow country men whom were duped by awamis digital deception.

It's not far when awami will face the outbrust of angry mobs in the street and I am Patiently hoping for that good day.:coffee:
Chhatra Maitree man dies in BCL attack

Thu, Jan 7th, 2010 6:08 pm BdST Dial 2324 from your mobile for latest news

Rajshahi, Jan 7 (bdnews24.com)–A student leader was killed on Thursday in clashes at Rajshahi Polytechnic Institute between Banagladesh Chhatra Maitree and Bangladesh Chhatra League (BCL).

Principal Joynal Abedin said the polytechnic had been closed until further notice.

The victim was identified as Rezanur Chowdhury Sunny, vice-president of the pro-Workers Party student body, an assistant police commissioner MK Jahangir Hossain said. Sunny was a student of seventh semester in computer department.

President 'Jewel', vice president Sunny and 'Bulbul'of Chhatra Maitree sustained injuries as 10-15 workers of pro-ruling Awami League Chhatra League attacked them at around 11:30am, said Hossain.

Workers Party is an ally of the Awami League-led Grand Alliance coalition. :undecided:
Sunny died from fatal wounds at 4:15pm after he was taken to Rajshahi Medical College and Hospital, said the commissioner.

Witnesses said Chhatra Maitree men Jewel, Bulbul and Sunny entered the campus during the filling up of forms for final exams of first, third, fifth and seventh semesters at 11:30pm.

The BCL workers immediately attacked them with sharp weapons as they got near the administrative building.

Two police constables, one of whom was identified as Shahidul Islam, also came under attack when they had rushed to the rescue of the Chhatra Maitree men. The BCL activists later fled through the rear gate.

The teachers of the institute sat at a meeting at 2pm, after which principal Abedin told reporters that they had decided to close the campus to avoid further violence and asked all students to leave their hostels by 4pm.

He also asked those who could not fill up the forms to contact their departmental heads.

Some students said 'armed' Chhatra Maitree workers had attacked Nizam Uddin, BCL president of Rajshahi Polytechnic Institute unit, and a worker, 'Babu' some days ago and the latest incident might be a reprisal.

Matiur Rahman, president of Chhatra Maitree at Rajshahi metropolitan unit, at a news conference said another seven of their workers were injured later at Laxmipur crossing beside Rajshahi Medical College and Hospital when workers of BCL and AL's youth wing Jubo League, led by Rajshahi Jubo League leader Asaduzzaman Asad, attacked them.

But Asad said that they had gone to see Sunny there as his mother is a vice president of Rajshahi city women's Awami League and father the information and research secretary to Motihar Thana Awami League.

Chhatra Maitree's Matiur Rahman earlier said 'Jewel' was taken to Dhaka in a critical state and vice president 'Bulbul' was admitted to Rajshahi Medical College Hospital.

The attack was aimed to drive Chhatra Maitree men from the campus, he told bdnews24.com and demanded arrest and punishment of those guilty.

Chhatra Maitree leaders claimed that BCL leaders Nizam Uddin, 'Babu', 'Manik', 'Masum', 'Rokon', 'Saddam' and 'Sohagh' were responsible for the attack.

However, Saddam Hossain Tushar, general secretary of Chhatra Rajshahi Polytechnic Institute chapter of BCL, refuted the allegation and said, "The incident took place as a sequel to (Chhatra Maitree's) internal feud."

Boalia Model Police Station chief Jasim Uddin said they arrested BCL activists 'Shariful', 'Nahid', 'Nabin' and 'Manik' on charge of their involvement with the attack in a raid on Shah Neamatullah Hostel.

Additional police were deployed on the campus and at various important points , including Rajshahi Medical College and Hospital, in the city.

Chhatra Maitree demonstrated in the city protesting against the incident and demanded trial and punishment of those involved with the incident.

Its leaders later gave a 24-hour ultimatum to arrest those guilty at a press conference in Rajshahi Press Club. Otherwise, they threatened to go for 'stronger movement'.

Chhatra Maitree man dies in BCL attack | Politics | bdnews24.com
5th Amendment-Religion-based parties face ban

Shafiq says no parting with 'Bismillah', Islam

Tuesday January 05 2010 01:12:26 AM BDT

Religion based politics will be banned if cancellation of the fifth amendment to the country's constitution is finalised by the Supreme Court (SC), said the law minister yesterday. But he added that the words Bismillah-Ar-Rahman-Ar-Rahim in the preamble of the constitution and its declaration of Islam as the state religion will remain intact.(The Daily Star)

He said Islam was made the state religion through the eighth amendment, and the High Court (HC) in its verdict did not say anything about the words Bismillah-Ar-Rahman-Ar-Rahim. He also said the words are a part of the constitution's preamble, not of its main body.

The fifth amendment had legitimised all governments that had been in power following the coup of August 15, 1975 till April 9, 1979 including late president Ziaur Rahman's ascension to the presidency, and included Bismillah-Ar-Rahman-Ar-Rahim in the preamble of the constitution.

The SC on Sunday lifted its four-year old stay on a HC verdict that had declared the fifth amendment illegal.

Meanwhile yesterday, BNP Secretary General Khandakar Delwar Hossain and three SC lawyers Tajul Islam, Kamruzzaman Bhuiyan, and Munshi Ahsan Kabir filed two separate petitions with the apex court seeking reinstatement of the stay on the HC judgement.

Tajul Islam told The Daily Star yesterday that the chamber bench of the Appellate Division of SC will hear the petitions today.

Law Minister Shafique Ahmed said the original spirit of the constitution will be restored if the HC verdict's implementation is cleared by the SC.

The original constitution of 1972 embodied four fundamental principles of nationalism, socialism, democracy, and secularism.

Shafique Ahmed said the government will implement the HC verdict according to the recommendations of Bangladesh Law Commission.

"We will seek suggestions from the law commission on how we can implement the High Court verdict after January 18, when the Supreme Court is due to hear the leave to appeal petitions against the verdict," he said.

He made the statements while talking to reporters in his Bangladesh Secretariat office yesterday afternoon.

Replying to a question, the minister told The Daily Star that despite the cancellation of the fifth amendment, the fourth amendment will however not be restored as the 12th amendment of 1991 blocks the way for that restoration.

The Constitution (Fourth Amendment) Act 1975 was passed on January 25, 1975. Sweeping changes were brought to the constitution by this amendment. The presidential form of government was introduced in place of the parliamentary system, a one-party system was put in place instead of a multi-party system, the power of the parliament was curtailed increasing the power of the president, and the judiciary lost much of its independence, according to legal experts.

The 12th amendment restored the parliamentary system of government replacing the presidential system.

Although the fifth amendment cancelled the fourth amendment which had introduced the one party system putting BKSAL in power, it however kept the provision of the presidential government intact.


Political chaos on the making. I hope awami knows the outcome. :tdown::angry: :hitwall:
This was the ultimate nail on Muslim's coffin, which was seen by Prof. Azam and Nizami in 1971 thus they opposed the separation of E PAK or break up of united PAK. We, the brainless, haba, Beto Bengali Muslims that didn't realize the consequence of the Malu's conspiracy and traded off the bigger, more meaningful independence for a smaller one; lately started to pay the price by letting Rawamy/Pseudo Commie Malu's killing our sons on the streets after 37 years. Whatever crying or whining went on in last few months, couldn't derive result since disparity in power between peaceful population and Rawamy dalal was a lot. So what was deconstructed in 71, if it wasn't reconstructed with higher vigor than the legacy of Bengali-Muslim's frustration would know no bound IMO.

I.E. I would except commie Sawal like East freaking watch would start calling me some names like RAZAKAR, JAMAATI etc. But it could have felt as the happiest man if I actually had the character to be one like Prof. Azam of Nizami. So go ahead, all Rawamy Commies to curse by the name of your 1 million rape sisters (Off course phony/Baloney) by W Pakistani soldiers.
Politicisation of administration by the past BNP-Jamaat alliance government

Govt facing obstacles, PM tells JS

Thursday January 21 2010 01:49:45 AM BDT

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina told the House Wednesday that her government is now facing problems in implementing decisions due to massive politicization of the administration by the past BNP-Jamaat alliance government, reports BSS.

"The BNP-Jamaat clique had installed their people in all spheres of the administration in a way that they are now procrastinating the present government''s activities," she said.

The Prime Minister made the observations while responding to a supplementary raised by treasury bench member Advocate Sanjida Khanam on not maintaining Freedom Fighters'' quota in the government service.

The Leader of the House during her question-hour session also said not only the Freedom Fighters'' quota, even the women quota is not being maintained in the government service.

"The government would take proper steps so that Freedom Fighters'' quota in the government service is maintained," she said and called upon the lawmakers to provide information about such irregularities.

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina said all settlement offices across the country would be brought under the digital technology to ensure easy access of people to relevant land related information.

"The existing land survey system can not provide desired service to the people due to faulty, costly and time consuming land management process," she said while responding to a question of Jatiya Party lawmaker M A Jabbar during the Prime Minister''s Question-Answer session in the house.

As a result, she said her government has taken steps to prepare digital "Mouza" map and "Khatian" by using modern survey equipment for building a modern land administration in the greater national interest.

She said the Land Ministry has already undertaken a project titled Land Survey, Record Preparation and Preservation through Digital System (first phase) to this end. The works of these projects will start next year, Sheikh Hasina informed the house.

The Prime Minister said a digital archive and training center would be constructed under the land Record and Survey Department to provide better service to the people relating to land and development of human resources.

Replying to another question, she told the house that cases related to land disputes would be reduced significantly with the introduction of the digital land survey and management system.

Prime Minister and Leader of the House Sheikh Hasina told the Jatiya Sangsad that several satellite towns would be gradually developed in the area

under the Dhaka Metropolitan Development Plan and a plan is being

formulated for that purpose.

The approval of the Detailed Area Plan formulated for Dhaka Metropolitan Development Plan is under active consideration of the government, she told the House replying to a query from treasury bench lawmaker Alhaj Advocate Md Rahmat Ali.

Besides Dhaka City Corporation, shye said, Narayanganj, Tongi, Gazipur, Savar, Kadam Rasul, Siddirganj and Tarabo municipalities would be included in the area under Dhaka Metropolitan Development Plan.

"The government has also plans to extend the area of Dhaka city," she said adding that the Dhaka Metropolitan Development Plan (1995-2015) has been formulated comprising an area of 590 square miles or 1,528 square kilometers.

The demarcation of the area extends up to the north border of Gazipur municipality on the north, Dheleswari river on the south, Bangshi and Dheleswari rivers on the west and Sitaklakhya river, a part of Sonargaon thana and Meghna river on the east, the Prime Minister said.

BNP set to launch agitation next month

BNP chairperson Khaleda Zia is likely to announce the agitation programmes next month against the Awami League-led grand alliance government

Saturday January 23 2010 01:16:35 AM BDT


After a long hiatus following its election debacle last year, the Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP) is mulling anti-government agitation after consultations with like-minded political parties and professional bodies.(The Independent )

BNP chairperson Khaleda Zia is likely to announce the agitation programmes next month against the Awami League-led grand alliance government for signing "deal with India against national interests", attempt to scrap the fifth amendment to the constitution and "misrule."

With a full-fledged national executive committee, a 32-member advisory council in place and grass roots committees active, the BNP feels rejuvenated. It plans to hold a series of meetings with different political parties and professional bodies soon to devise a strategy to launch issue-based movements against the government.

"We are continuously discussing with different political parties and professional bodies to gear up the movement in phases. As per the chairperson's directive, we will sit with different parties and start formal discussion and hold exchange of view meetings very soon," BNP standing committee member Goyeshwar Chandra Roy said, adding after completion of those meetings, "our chairperson will announce the next course of action next month."

As part of its programme to enlist public support and co-operation of all sections of people, the BNP is moving ahead to launch the movement in phases hoping that it would in due course turn into a greater movement.

The leaders said before holding discussions and meetings, BNP leaders of different tiers, including the members of standing committee and joint secretaries general, have started discussing at their own level in a bid to chalk out and identify the specific issues relating to the government's "misdeeds, misrules and anti-state agreements."

According to them, the BNP's policy makers will exchange views with different political parties and professional bodies on what the party leaders call the government's continuous repression and oppression on opposition leaders and workers. They note that there is no initiative on the part of the government to withdraw false cases filed against party chairperson Khaleda Zia, senior vice-chairman Tarique Rahman and other leaders.

Apart from this, indecent remarks on late president Ziaur Rahman and her family members, attack on the leaders of the Jatiyatabadi Chhatra Dal, unequal treaties with India, Tipaimukh Dam and the attempt to scrap the fifth amendment to the constitution, will come up for discussion during the proposed meetings.

Goyeshwar Chandra Roy told this reporter as the peace-loving people do not feel secure and safe anywhere under the rule of the AL, they are taken over by frustration and anger and now they are looking to the BNP to save them from this predicament.

"Repression is still continuing, BNP leaders and workers are being harassed with false cases and are being taken remand continuously, tortured, and made to give false confessions," he said adding the prime minister's latest statement in Parliament about late president Ziaur Rahman has caused deep anger among the party's rank and file.

"We are making concerted efforts to gear up our organisational activities through holding discussions and meetings every day ahead of the movement against the autocratic government," party's joint secretary general Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir told this reporter yesterday.

He added that the first meeting of the newly constituted national executive committee will be convened in the first week of February to discuss issues relating to the party's next course of action for waging a movement against the government.

"The BNP believes in democracy, and hence it always raises its voice against the government's autocratic attitude. The party wants to play a proactive role in order to continue democratic process," Fakhrul Islam said.

Earlier on January 17, Khaleda Zia at a press conference said that her party would wage a movement in phases, but first they would hold discussions and exchange of views meetings with the representatives of people of all walks of life.

Opposition chief whip Zainul Abdin Faruque said that after the formation of the new committee the party became revitalised, which was a major requirement for a party that is warming up for launching a movement.

"We wanted to cooperate with the government in order to strengthen democracy but the opposition lawmakers were not tolerated from day one. The ruling party MPs, including the prime minister, have been attacking us in abusive and unparliamentary language," Zainul Abdin Faruque said.

Replying to a query about whether the BNP would join parliament, he said decision on the issue is yet to be finalised.

The opposition chief whip said when the country's democracy, independence and national interests are at risk, people will speak out, protest, and if necessary, resort to movement.

"We hope that the national executive committee under the leadership of Khaleda Zia and Tarique Rahman will resist any conspiracy against the country and its people," he added.

Investment falls drastically: Poor infrastructure, power, gas shortage blamed

Statistics show that the first year of the Awami League government experienced a volatile investment scenario even compared with the emergency government

It is very natural that investments have gone down. It is only because the infrastructure for further investment was not built by the big-talking BNP. Now, if this govt builds the necessary infrastructure, that include building of power plants to increase installed capacity, there will be investment in the future irrespective of which ever group of political thieves comes to power. However, we should be watchful of any political garbage coming out again from another Hawa Bhaban.
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O.K big boss. Let us see how your favorite Awami change people lives. One year gone. Forget about us. We are not in power now.
Hawa Bhaban.

Is the kind of rule of thug are consider heavenly to you. You have come to power with the promised of changed(din bodol). Is this kind of changed people of bd wished for?

Bangladesh Chhatra League (BCL) men fight over 'admission trade'

30 hurt; shops, vehicles vandalised

Friday January 29 2010 08:32:43 AM BDT

At least 30 people, including three policemen, were injured yesterday in a clash between the Bangladesh Chhatra League units of city's Jagannath University and Govt Kabi Nazrul College over an alleged admission trade.(The Daily Star )

Police and sources said the clash ensued when some BCL men of Kabi Nazrul College beat up Joy and Safayet, members of the Jagannath University unit BCL, who came to lobby for a fresher's admission to the institution around 3:00pm. The college students also snatched admit card of the admission seeker from them, sources added.

Receiving minor injuries Joy and Safayet returned to Jagannath campus. Around 3:30pm accompanied by fellow students they launched an attack on Nazrul College campus.

The group vandalised several vehicles, including private cars and motorcycles of the college principal, vice principal and office staff.

They also hurled brickbats at the buildings in the residential area of the college.

The opposite group also reorganised themselves and hit back the attackers. Witnesses said the two groups had been chasing one another for over two hours. Movement of vehicles on the adjacent roads reduced for a while and shops were closed fearing attack.

Cadres of both groups carried and used wood sticks, hockey sticks and sharp weapons in the clash.

The injured BCL men of both sides received treatment at different hospitals including National Medical College Hospital and Sumana Clinic.

The college unit BCL President Mohiuddin Sarker blamed the university unit Chhatra League for clash. He claimed that attackers exploded two hand-made bombs on the college campus.

Nazrul College sources said some BCL leaders of Jagannath University were allegedly earning money by arranging admissions for students to the college. The college unit Chhatra League men are also involved in this illegal trade.

Police charged batons to disperse the groups.

Sub-Inspector Sirajul Islam of Sutrapur Police Station said Chhatra League men threw brickbats that wounded at least three policemen.
Photo Caption : Chhatra League activists of Jagannath University launch an attack on the Kabi Nazrul College in the city yesterday. Photo: Shafiqul Alam

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@ M_saint

I'm Confused! Say me clearly, either you respect BD people or not? If not then why? For AL govt.? If you dislike BD for AL then I have no problem but otherwise I have problem.

@ mod
Delete post #691 and 692 immediately, pls! Otherwise, any new member from BD will say PDF is horrible.
Bap re bap....ki khisti- khasta!!!... .chill down guys,sort out ur problems through pms not in an open forum,it makes the forum dirty and not to mention ur image infront of others......mathay thanda pani dhalen darkar porle!
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