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Textbooks reach most students
Star Report

Most students of primary and secondary schools across the country started their first day of school in the academic year with the free government-distributed textbooks in their hands.

The educational institutions in the capital and elsewhere in the country distributed the new textbooks to the students yesterday.

Education Minister Nurul Islam Nahid inaugurated the distribution at Azimpur Girls School and College in the city. However, on December 30 Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina formally inaugurated the distribution of 19 crore textbooks among students of primary, secondary, ibtedai (primary level of madrasa), dakhil and technical classes.

Around 90 percent textbooks of general secondary schools and ibtedai madrasas have been sent to educational institutions and most of these institutions distributed the books yesterday.

However, only around 70-75 percent textbooks of primary schools and dakhil madrasas were sent to educational institutions and most of them have distributed them to students.

Education officers of different district education offices say that even though all students did not get the new books on the very first day, the status of books distribution is now better than those of previous years'.

Students, parents and teachers also praised the government's initiative to distribute books on time overcoming many obstacles. They said the initiative will bring a real change in the education system and will help the students obtain good results.

Every year, a state of disorder prevailed over distribution of new textbooks. Students and their parents had to go through anxious times even for three to four months into the academic year just to get the books, which eventually hampered their studies, parents said.

Sayma, a student of Azimpur Girls School and College, said, "We have not seen this before… We got the books on our very first day at school. We could not start studying properly in the previous years since we never got the books on time. This year I am happy."

Habibur Rahman, parent of a school-goer at Azimpur Girls School and College, said, "No doubt this is a great success of the government. Students of the school got their books in March last year. Since the students are getting the books on the very first day of the academic calendar, they would be able to study longer this year and learn more."

The government last year decided to give free textbooks to students on time so that students could begin the first day with new books.

Though free textbooks are given at primary level every year, this year for the first time the government is giving free textbooks to students of secondary school level. Some 1,868,950 copies of textbooks will be distributed among students in this academic year and a large portion of it has already been distributed.

The education minister while inaugurating the book distribution programme in the city told reporters that this initiative would reduce drop-out rate and bring qualitative changes in students' lives.

Nahid also said there could be some places where the books might have not reached yet but the books will get there shortly.

Dhaka District Education Officer (DEO) Ruhul Amin Khan told The Daily Star that almost all books for secondary school levels have been sent to the school but they are lagging behind in the distribution of dakhil textbooks as they received books for only six subjects out of 39.

"The situation is far better than any other year," he said hoping to distribute all the books within a week or two.

Mostofa Kamal, headmaster of Government Laboratory High School, told The Daily Star that they have distributed almost all books to their students.

Many educational institutions of the district, however, distributed new textbooks to their students before December was over.

Our staff correspondent in Chittagong reports: DEO Hosne Ara Begum said the distribution of new books at upazila level is going on in full swing as around 90 percent of the total requirement of 63 lakh books for secondary schools, including dakhil, have reached their destinations.

District Primary Education Officer (DPEO) of Chittagong Debesh Chandra Sarker said they have got around 60 percent of the textbooks out of their requirement of 35,01,721 for primary level, including ibtedai madrasas.

Most of the received books have already been distributed in schools at upazila level, claimed the officials of the two departments.

Our staff correspondent from Rajshahi reports: Rajshahi DEO Sadhan Chandra Biswas said they received 95 percent of textbooks against their requirement of 16.64 lakh books for the secondary schools.

Rajshahi DPEO Abdul Kader said they got 84 percent or 10,12,567 textbooks against their requirement of 11,92,781 textbooks as of Thursday last and they distributed 9,98,099 textbooks.

Our correspondent in Moulvibazar reports: Around 93 percent of secondary school textbooks and over 60 percent of primary school books have been sent to educational institutions in Moulvibazar, said DEO Abdul Mojid.

He said they received 10,40,335 copies of books against the requirement of 11,12,708 for secondary schools and hoped that the rest will be received within a short time.

The scenario is almost same in Khulna, Dinajpur, Rangpur, Barisal, Jessore, Munshiganj, Khagrachhari, Cox's Bazar and Madaripur.

Textbooks reach most students
Though free textbooks are given at primary level every year, this year for the first time the government is giving free textbooks to students of secondary school level. Some 1,868,950 copies of textbooks will be distributed among students in this academic year and a large portion of it has already been distributed.

This is a very good move.The future Govts. be it AL or BNP or any other should continue this and improvise on this.Probably even giving free books to Higher secondary students in the future.This way the drop out rate will fall significantly.Investment on this education sector is never wasted.After all Education is the backbone of a nation. :agree:
looks like celebration for Awami govt textbook distribution is going on in full swing. But the same Awami govt has cut poor student stipend by 30% from this year. This stipend was contributing factor for increase enrollment and keep students in school for last 15 years. Negetive effect of such Awami league cut will be visible in years to come. So yes getting book in time is good but in net Awami league govt is hurting education sector and overall enrollment. Show off watering after cutting the root will only add up in Awami to "digital deception" records. And we already know who are subscribers of Awami "digital deception".
For the last 3 years we haven't seen any hartal or strikes.And the average people are very satisfied with that.Also this is good for our economy.Now don't you think in order to topple the AL govt. if BNP goes for hartals,they will not only disturb the peace in the country and disrupt the economy,but also lose average public support?

By average public I am meaning the swinging voters who don't support any of the political parties,and their votes change according to the rate of Development.More precisely I am talking about new generation,like me.Trust me,this number is growing and BNP knows it very well.

They should better face the AL in Parliament.After all they have been elected to represent the people in the parliament.Democracy works in parliament,not in Roads.

Do you think awami would take BNP seriously if they continue to be calm? Do you think awami would withdrew case against Begum zia, tariq and rest of the BNP leader if they stay calm?

I think not....
Most of all Awami govt failed to act on all major promises it made to people in name of "digital Bangladesh" and "dinbodol".

1) Food price which was most important went up astronomically.

2) Awami league promised to provide job for one person from each family and other than receruiting party hacks in few thousand jobs this is another miserable failure.

3) Manpower export which is one of engines of Bangladesh growth had drastically and severely worsening. Awami League took policy and made statement to antagonize major Muslims countries since they took control of power and as a result both Saudi Arabia and Malaysia not hiring Bangladeshis but hiring hundreds of thousands people from other countries including India and Nepal .

4) When garment industry going through global downturn effect and price crunch, Awami govt rather than supporting local industry took adamant stand against them.

5) Macroeconomic indicators including inflation and investment are in dismal situation.

6) Law enforcement situation gone down the gauntlet

7) Awami league govt taken multiple anti state stand in favor of india, like Tipaimukh dam

List goes on…..

"Digital Bangladesh" quick became "Digital deception" by Awami league, perhaps one of the biggest scam. So if people come out and demand what had been promised by Awami league and want to protest Awami anti state policies then it’s not only just but for betterment of the country. Only people living happy are who benefitted by Awami league associated extortion, tenderbazi, graft (like providing contract to foreign companies without tender) and indian dalai.

May be u r exposing the truth but whenever I watch her (SH) speech at TV, it seems to me that she is trying her best for the betterment of BD where BNP-Jamat is making only obstacles to build her dream "Digital Bangladesh".

She is showing off that she is doing the best which really confuse the people (even me) if the upper post is true. She always says that we have done this, we have do this, we have done this bla........bla......bla.....
Someone not even happy with books being given out free and in time,well I wonder how much they actually care for the country.If it actually is that "someone's" own country.
Some people are so bound by hatred that even the good moves seems "deception" to them.Well carry on with your "deception" and "Who's the next stooge ?" game.
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Do you think awami would take BNP seriously if they continue to be calm? Do you think awami would withdrew case against Begum zia, tariq and rest of the BNP leader if they stay calm?

I think not....

Its a catch-22 situation for BNP,but they can't afford to go in the streets,that's for sure.People are more matured now than in the nineties.More aware of the things going around.
So I still think its better for BNP and the country,that they go to Parliament instead of Roads.
4 Bangladesh Chhatra League (BCL) men injured while ‘making bombs’ in Rajshahi
Hostel sources said Matin along the BCL activists were making bombs at their room of the hostel

Monday January 04 2010 05:29:58 AM BDT

Rajshahi -Four activists of the Bangladesh Chhatra League, student wing of the Awami League, were injured while they were allegedly making bombs in the Rajshahi city on Sunday.(The New Nation )

The injured were identified as MA Matin, publication secretary of the Rajshahi Polytechnic Institute BCL unit and activists Himel, Firoz Ahmed and Abdus Salam.

The victims are the resident students of the Shah Nemattullah Hostel at the institute.

Hostel sources said Matin along the BCL activists were making bombs at their room of the hostel and at one stage, the bombs exploded at about 3.15pm, leaving them injured.

Hearing the blasts, students of the hostel rushed to the room, rescued the injured and sent them to the Rajshahi Medical College Hospital.

Of the injured, the condition of Matin was stated to be critical while three others were released after first-aid, hospital sources said. The BCL leaders blamed Shibir for the incident.

4 Bangladesh Chhatra League (BCL) men injured while ‘making bombs’ in Rajshahi
Hostel sources said Matin along the BCL activists were making bombs at their room of the hostel

What I mean by Taste of their own medicine :tup:. :lol::rofl::rofl:

May be u r exposing the truth but whenever I watch her (SH) speech at TV, it seems to me that she is trying her best for the betterment of BD where BNP-Jamat is making only obstacles to build her dream "Digital Bangladesh".

She is showing off that she is doing the best which really confuse the people (even me) if the upper post is true. She always says that we have done this, we have do this, we have done this bla........bla......bla.....

Well if one take what Hasian and Awami govt says in the media, for granted then they will be deceived. But suffering through price hike and all the hoax election promise already made people realized that they been duped. Many news articles came out about each one of these items I have listed above. Please also visit the "Awami govt set to destroy Bangladesh economy thread" you will see evidence of it. Most alarming of is Awami govt systemtically destroying manpower market and relation with Saudi Arabia and Malaysia.

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5th Amendment-Religion-based parties face ban

Shafiq says no parting with 'Bismillah', Islam

Tuesday January 05 2010 01:12:26 AM BDT

Religion based politics will be banned if cancellation of the fifth amendment to the country's constitution is finalised by the Supreme Court (SC), said the law minister yesterday. But he added that the words Bismillah-Ar-Rahman-Ar-Rahim in the preamble of the constitution and its declaration of Islam as the state religion will remain intact.(The Daily Star)

He said Islam was made the state religion through the eighth amendment, and the High Court (HC) in its verdict did not say anything about the words Bismillah-Ar-Rahman-Ar-Rahim. He also said the words are a part of the constitution's preamble, not of its main body.

The fifth amendment had legitimised all governments that had been in power following the coup of August 15, 1975 till April 9, 1979 including late president Ziaur Rahman's ascension to the presidency, and included Bismillah-Ar-Rahman-Ar-Rahim in the preamble of the constitution.

The SC on Sunday lifted its four-year old stay on a HC verdict that had declared the fifth amendment illegal.

Meanwhile yesterday, BNP Secretary General Khandakar Delwar Hossain and three SC lawyers Tajul Islam, Kamruzzaman Bhuiyan, and Munshi Ahsan Kabir filed two separate petitions with the apex court seeking reinstatement of the stay on the HC judgement.

Tajul Islam told The Daily Star yesterday that the chamber bench of the Appellate Division of SC will hear the petitions today.

Law Minister Shafique Ahmed said the original spirit of the constitution will be restored if the HC verdict's implementation is cleared by the SC.

The original constitution of 1972 embodied four fundamental principles of nationalism, socialism, democracy, and secularism.

Shafique Ahmed said the government will implement the HC verdict according to the recommendations of Bangladesh Law Commission.

"We will seek suggestions from the law commission on how we can implement the High Court verdict after January 18, when the Supreme Court is due to hear the leave to appeal petitions against the verdict," he said.

He made the statements while talking to reporters in his Bangladesh Secretariat office yesterday afternoon.

Replying to a question, the minister told The Daily Star that despite the cancellation of the fifth amendment, the fourth amendment will however not be restored as the 12th amendment of 1991 blocks the way for that restoration.

The Constitution (Fourth Amendment) Act 1975 was passed on January 25, 1975. Sweeping changes were brought to the constitution by this amendment. The presidential form of government was introduced in place of the parliamentary system, a one-party system was put in place instead of a multi-party system, the power of the parliament was curtailed increasing the power of the president, and the judiciary lost much of its independence, according to legal experts.

The 12th amendment restored the parliamentary system of government replacing the presidential system.

Although the fifth amendment cancelled the fourth amendment which had introduced the one party system putting BKSAL in power, it however kept the provision of the presidential government intact.


Political chaos on the making. I hope awami knows the outcome. :tdown::angry: :hitwall:
Someone not even happy with books being given out free and in time,well I wonder how much they actually care for the country.If it actually is that "someone's" own country.
Some people are so bound by hatred that even the good moves seems "deception" to them.Well carry on with your "deception" and "Who's the next stooge ?" game.

I think (may be not true) like as:

Don't you think that this is a normal routine of govt to provide books in due time? So why so excitement while this not any new or mile stone achievement? Why people get to satisfy in little?

Imagine a scenario, where AL govt giving books in due time, giving cloth to the poor in winter, increasing salary of the govt employee, suppose they manage good seeds, oil and electricity for the farmers and on the other hand they allow India for making TM dam and also transit which could be bad for BD.
I mean it could be a deception to show off people by doing just routine work which is a regular duty of any govt and, in the mean time, doing also such things which are not good for BD for the benefits of other country.

Sorry, I do not recognize them as patriot political party.

Suppose, Internet and Internet related service are available in everywhere at cheap rate with the help of private companies like mobile network which is the demand of time and generation.
Then would you think it a mile stone of AL govt or as a regular achievement by the elapse of time?

Sorry, I can not take these regular development as any govt's great achievements.

But I will appreciate any govt if they can bring foreign investments for building lot of industries in BD and if they can increase indigenous production which will help us to reduce import. Also if they can provide well facilities to the people.

@BD members

Can any one explain me that, is the peace agreement by AL govt with tribal areas good or bad for us. If it is bad then why?

If max people want Islamic rule then it also their democratic right.
3) Manpower export which is one of engines of Bangladesh growth had drastically and severely worsening. Awami League took policy and made statement to antagonize major Muslims countries since they took control of power and as a result both Saudi Arabia and Malaysia not hiring Bangladeshis but hiring hundreds of thousands people from other countries including India and Nepal .

My father went to Hajj this year. According to him most business owned and opertate by either bangaldeshi or pakistani in the holy city of makkah and madinah. There is enormus potential for our people to grow in saudi community however Awami leauge is not liked by saudi for it anti islamic approched. If bangaldeshi support an anti islamic goverment than saudis are not responsible to treat as brother. More will come as awami moving toward to establish secular rule. It's up to bangaldeshi muslims to wake up and smell the tea for their own future.

Bangladeshi living in saudi are praying for BNP to come back in power because king family still adore general zia and begum zia for their love for islam and ummah. Bangladeshi living in saudi get respect when BNP comes in power while face descrimnation during Awami regime for obvious reasons.
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