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This is to score points on alleged BNP corruption, eastwatch posted

Originally Posted by eastwatch
Coco formally charged with money laundering :: Bangladesh :: bdnews24.com ::

And in response to Awami leaders stealing money, this is what eastwatch has to say:

The sitting govt always steals money from any such fund, so what is the fuss? idune, why are you sooo-- jealous of our political cronies?


Anyone can see what a double face we are dealing with.
South Asian Media Net
Stumbling start to BNP council
Tuesday, November 17,2009

CHITTAGONG: The council of Chittagong City unit Bangladesh Nationalist Party was postponed amid a series of intra-party clashes in the port city yesterday.

The council was scheduled to start at Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh (IEB) auditorium around 10:30am, 12 years after one such council held in 1997.

BNP chairperson's Adviser Brigadier General (retd) ASM Hannan Shah and BNP Vice Chairman M Morshed Khan took seats at the venue with council president and Chittagong City BNP Convenor Amir Khosru Mahmud Chowdhury in the chair.

Chittagong City BNP joint convenors Mir Mohammad Nasir Uddin, Wahidul Alam, Shamsul Alam and Dostagir Chowdhury were also present.

But the council was foiled immediately after it had started around 11:00am. BNP Joint Secretary General Abdullah Al Noman along with over 1000 activists stormed into the venue before the national and party flags could be hoisted.

Earlier in the morning, Noman called an unscheduled gathering of his followers in front of Nasiman Bhaban City BNP Office.

Activists loyal to Noman carried out massive ransacking and attacked participants in the council that resulted in a clash leaving at least 10 persons injured.

They captured the venue and kept all the leaders including chief guest Hannan Shah and inaugurator M Morshed Khan besieged for over an hour. They chanted slogan for Noman encircling the leaders on the stage during all this time.

The chaos and clashes forced all the leaders leave the venue around 12:15pm when Noman's men also ransacked the stage.

After Hannan Shah and Morshed Khan were gone, BNP Joint Secretary General Goyeshwar Roy, who was responsible for holding the councils in Chittagong division, BNP Chittagong divisional Organising Secretary Mohammad Shahjahan and Jatiyatabadi Jubo Dal President Barkat Ullah Bulu sought to reorganise the leaders to begin the council again.

However, they succeeded in bringing the leaders of both the groups to the venue again. As the dais and stage were smashed, the leaders made brief speeches standing on chairs.

Goyeshwar took the microphone first to address and conduct the council. After that, Mir Nasir, Shahjahan, Barkat Ullah, Wahidul Alam and Noman had spoken one by one at the invitation of Goyeshwar before Amir Khosru made his presidential speech concluding the failed event.

Amir Khosru in his speech said the party was now passing through a crucial time of transition and urged all the party men to remain united rising above personal interest and giving priority to party.

He demanded the party high command punish those responsible for creating chaos. Talking to the journalists Khosru claimed that the council was "partially successful".

While talking to The Daily Star Khosru said, "As hosts we wanted to hold the council peacefully. But everyone present at the venue witnessed what happened and who should be held responsible for it."

"We would expect the party high command to take stern action against those who were responsible for the attack on the council."

Noman in his speech said he was willing to hold the council after resolving the disputes over thana committees.

"However, at the call of the party chairperson I agreed to join today's [Monday] council. Accordingly I addressed a gathering of aggrieved party men at Nasiman Bhaban in the morning. I pacified them and came here to join the council in a peaceful atmosphere," said Noman.

"But I felt insulted when I was barred from entering the venue," alleged Noman.

Later in the evening at a press briefing Goyeshwar Roy said the disputes over thana committees in Chittagong and elsewhere in the country would be resolved before the party's central council on December 8.

Waving aside possibility of forming a probe body on the incident at Chittagong city unit council, he said senior leaders and everyone else witnessed what happened. So it would not be tough to find out the facts, he added.

On the party's port city unit committee, Goyeshwar Roy said, "The committee would be formed in the light of today's [Monday] incident and through organisational procedures in time."

Mohammad Shahjahan and Barkat Ullah Bulu were also present at the press briefing held at the Chittagong Club.

A meeting of the National Standing Committee of the BNP last night discussed the clashes in Chittagong and decided to take necessary actions.

A committee headed by the party secretary general has been formed which will take necessary steps after having discussions with its leaders in Chittagong.
Tarique coming back to politics
Saturday, November 21,2009

BOGRA: The Bangladesh Nationalist Party chairperson, Khaleda Zia, also leader of the opposition in the parliament, on Friday called upon her party leaders and activists to be vigilant so that BNP’s electoral strongholds could not be snatched in future polls.

Thanking the people of Bogra for repeatedly electing her and her party nominees in national polls, she said, ‘This time two of the four seats have been snatched. You have to ensure that none could snatch our long-established seats in future.’

Khaleda was addressing the concluding session of a week-long programme organised by Jatiyatabadi Chhatra Dal, the student wing of the BNP, to celebrate the 45th birthday of the party’s joint secretary general, Tarique Rahman on Sultanganj High School premises on the outskirts of Bogra. Tarique, the BNP chief’s eldest son, has been staying abroad for treatment since being released on bail during the past caretaker government.

The party’s secretary general, Khandaker Delwar Hossain, former speaker Jamiruddin Sircar, standing committee members Khandakar Mosharraf Hossain and Moudud Ahmed and other leaders also addressed the function chaired by JCD leader Sultan Salahuddin Tuku. Several thousand activists and supporters from across the country attended the programme.

On her arrival at the venue, Khaleda, wearing a yellow chiffon saree, released balloons and cut a 45-pound cake amid cheers to mark her son’s birthday.
She also distributed cows, goats, winter clothes and sewing machines among the poor people of the area and gave away prizes among the winners of a children’s competition organised by the JCD in Dhaka and Bogra.

‘Tarique Rahman is not among us on this auspicious day and you know why on March 7, 2007, he was picked up in a car right in front of me. My son had to be sent abroad in a stretcher for treatment…Doctors have said his recovery will take more time,’ Khaleda told the function.

Recalling that the people of Bogra wanted Tarique Rahman to contest the last elections from there, the BNP chief said she could not give him nomination because doctors had said he should not return while undergoing treatment. ‘He [Tarique] may not be among you at the moment, but he is always in touch with the party inquiring about your wellbeing. He will be among you as soon as he recovers,’ she said.

Khaleda, who began her journey from Dhaka in the morning followed by a large motorcade of nearly a thousand vehicles, arrived at Bogra town in the afternoon and reached the venue at about 4:00pm.

Hundreds of people cheered her at different points along the way. She briefly addressed a wayside gathering at Saidabad in Sirajganj district. Arches were erected almost every 250 metres along the stretch from the west side of the Jamuna bridge to Bogra to welcome her.

Speaking on the occasion, Delwar said popularity of the present government had hit rock bottom and they now consider Tarique Rahman as a threat. ‘New cases are being filed so that he cannot return,’ he added.

The programme on the Sultanganj High School premises was rounded up with a musical concert in which artistes, including Abdul Quddus Bayati and Monir Khan, performed.
5th national council of BNP today

Thousands of activists assemble amid enthusiasm, festivity

Monday December 07 2009 23:09:08 PM BDT

All eyes are now fixed on the fifth national council of Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP) to be held at the Bangabandhu International Conference Centre in the city today raising hopes for a new beginning of the party after two years of repression under emergency rule and debacle in the last election.(TBT Report)

The national council of BNP commences today after 16 years amid festivity and profound enthusiasm of the activists who are facing a hard time under the BNP's archrival Awami League rule now. Thousands of leaders and workers of BNP have assembled on the occasion of the long awaited council session which is expected to be a historic event.

BNP chairperson Khaleda Zia has been re-elected unopposed to the post and now in accordance with the party constitution the secretary general will be chosen. Whether the incumbent Khandaker Delwar Hossain will retain this post or a new face will replace him is the main issue of curiosity among all in the party and outside. The standing committee of BNP is also set to be recast with the inclusion of some new leaders in it.

In all probability the BNP is expected to emerge out from the council with a new look having many new faces and people-oriented policy in the changed circumstances.

According to observers, the council session is crucial as it is being held at a time when BNP is in the opposition and cruising through a rough weather. This major political party has to do a lot to recover from the electoral debacle and set new targets for gaining strength and serving the country.

BNP chairperson Khaleda Zia is expected to address the council outlining the guidelines for the party men to reorganise the party and infuse fresh bloods in it to win the hearts and minds of the people and thus regain the lost power and glory.

Besides thousands of leaders and activsts of the party invited guests from among the political parties and diplomats are expected to attend the council. BNP chairperson Khaleda Zia has invited Awami League chief and Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina to attend the BNP council.

The council is being held under strict security arrangements. The government is reported to have ensured special security for Begum Zia on the occasion of the council. Besides, security measures by the party has also been strengthened during the council session.

5th national council of BNP today

Thousands of activists assemble amid enthusiasm, festivity

Monday December 07 2009 23:09:08 PM BDT

All eyes are now fixed on the fifth national council of Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP) to be held at the Bangabandhu International Conference Centre in the city today raising hopes for a new beginning of the party after two years of repression under emergency rule and debacle in the last election.(TBT Report)

The national council of BNP commences today after 16 years amid festivity and profound enthusiasm of the activists who are facing a hard time under the BNP's archrival Awami League rule now. Thousands of leaders and workers of BNP have assembled on the occasion of the long awaited council session which is expected to be a historic event.

BNP chairperson Khaleda Zia has been re-elected unopposed to the post and now in accordance with the party constitution the secretary general will be chosen. Whether the incumbent Khandaker Delwar Hossain will retain this post or a new face will replace him is the main issue of curiosity among all in the party and outside. The standing committee of BNP is also set to be recast with the inclusion of some new leaders in it.

In all probability the BNP is expected to emerge out from the council with a new look having many new faces and people-oriented policy in the changed circumstances.

According to observers, the council session is crucial as it is being held at a time when BNP is in the opposition and cruising through a rough weather. This major political party has to do a lot to recover from the electoral debacle and set new targets for gaining strength and serving the country.

BNP chairperson Khaleda Zia is expected to address the council outlining the guidelines for the party men to reorganise the party and infuse fresh bloods in it to win the hearts and minds of the people and thus regain the lost power and glory.

Besides thousands of leaders and activsts of the party invited guests from among the political parties and diplomats are expected to attend the council. BNP chairperson Khaleda Zia has invited Awami League chief and Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina to attend the BNP council.

The council is being held under strict security arrangements. The government is reported to have ensured special security for Begum Zia on the occasion of the council. Besides, security measures by the party has also been strengthened during the council session.

When a year long killing, maiming and oppression have failed after stealing election to stop Islamic-Nationalists of BD; Dalals of IND along with Rawamy-commies at BD-MiL changed their tunes. Now this satanic force wants BNP to become a strong opposition while staying segregated from JI and other Islamic forces. Thus, those criminals are pushing 38 yrs old settled issue of war crime whereas recent Lathi-Baitha mayhem by them stays conveniently unheard. We, the Bangladeshis are filled by traitors, run by them and unfortunately they hold the big gun as well right now. Time to say , to hell with those traitorous BD-MIL and its sold out Mo-Fo like commie MUA that has sold us for nothing to Malu IND.
When a year long killing, maiming and oppression have failed after stealing election to stop Islamic-Nationalists of BD; Dalals of IND along with Rawamy-commies at BD-MiL changed their tunes. Now this satanic force wants BNP to become a strong opposition while staying segregated from JI and other Islamic forces. Thus, those criminals are pushing 38 yrs old settled issue of war crime whereas recent Lathi-Baitha mayhem by them stays conveniently unheard. We, the Bangladeshis are filled by traitors, run by them and unfortunately they hold the big gun as well right now. Time to say , to hell with those traitorous BD-MIL and its sold out Mo-Fo like commie MUA that has sold us for nothing to Malu IND.

hahaha you are funny. I hope BNP will come out refined, reformed and give up its reactionary strategy and lie propaganda. Also they will get the strength to get out of Majar (graveyard) politics. We want healthy political party, be it ruling or opposition regardless of its strength.

Why are you so worried about BNP backing Jamaat or not?
You the one who claimed that BD is filled with Islaminc soldiers, so Jamaat should not have problem finding their own followers and form a government by themselves.. yet according to you.
BNP council gets underway | Politics | bdnews24.com

BNP council gets underway
Tue, Dec 8th, 2009 11:09 am BdST

Dhaka, Dec 8 (bdnews24.com) ・The fifth national council of BNP took off Tuesday morning after a long hiatus of 16 years with party chief Khaleda Zia hoisting the national flag at the conference venue in the capital.

She arrived at the Bangabandhu International Conference Centre at around 10:30am.

A four-member delegation of the ruling Awami League, the arch-rival of BNP, led by Ashim Kumar Ukil is attending the inaugural session.

As many as 2,512 councillors, 12,000 delegates from across the country and 3,000 local and foreign guests are attending the council.

Officials and organisers said a three-tier security has been put in place to guard against any violence at the moot.
And this is even a news in RAWAMY run Banana land call Bnagladseh?
Btw, Will I be cursed like Shukor, Kukor or what not by frreking civilized EAST frrek just to ask that?

Who is the brother in law of Coco here?
This is to score points on alleged BNP corruption, eastwatch posted
And in response to Awami leaders stealing money, this is what eastwatch has to say:
Anyone can see what a double face we are dealing with.

I just cannot believe that our great Idune supports stealing by KOKKO. Because of mismanagement by this KOKKO, hundreds of people died by launch accidents in BD only recently. After knowing all these do you still support him? But, better you do not follow his examples of CHURIDARI.
Why are you so worried about BNP backing Jamaat or not?
You the one who claimed that BD is filled with Islaminc soldiers, so Jamaat should not have problem finding their own followers and form a government by themselves.. yet according to you.

Rezakar Jamaat and its Moududi followers do not deserve to be in BD politics. Without BNP support this Party (if it can be called that) will evaporate from BD just like morning fog in winter. Let Jamaat test its popularity by contesting a general election without a tie up with BNP.
And this is even a news in RAWAMY run Banana land call Bnagladseh?
Btw, Will I be cursed like Shukor, Kukor or what not by frreking civilized EAST frrek just to ask that?

Why to get panicked and call yourself shukor or kukur after reading the news of Kokko and Tareque. Now Tareque says, he was beaten by the MUA military. Was it because he stole money from the State coffer? MUA has saved the nation from catastrophes created by Tareque gong.

If Jamatis here think that they can sell the name of Tareque to win an election, then they are doing a mistake. BNP has lost its popularity because of Tareque like people. He is so different from Ziaur Rahman. See the report below how he is crying, please say some sympathetic words and pray for him:

Tarique 'unable to return now' | Bangladesh | bdnews24.com

Tarique 'unable to return now'
Tue, Dec 8th, 2009 2:30 pm BdST

Dhaka, Dec 8 (bdnews24.com) ・Senior BNP joint secretary general Tarique Rahman, now in London undergoing treatment, has said he is still undecided about his direct involvement with party activities.

"It (his participation) will depend on overall situation and my health," he said in a pre-recorded video speech aired at the BNP council on Tuesday.

Tarique, the elder son of BNP chairperson Khaleda Zia, went to London for medical treatment in September 2007 after being granted bail in a number of corruption cases.

He wished all success of the council.

"My treatment is still ongoing. I don't know how many days it will take to get full recovery.

"I hope to join with you on my return home after recovery.

Tarique said he still quivers when he remembers his days in jail.

"They wanted to kill me. I am still alive due to honest deeds of my parents."

"I did not do any harm to anybody consciously and never thought of doing anything against the interest of the country.

"Why I had to get such punishment without any reason?" he asked.

Tarique said he was asked to leave the country during the state of emergency.

"I did not escape. I had to face false charges and torture."

He was arrested under emergency rules by the past military-backed caretaker government.

Tarique said the country is now passing through a 'crucial period'.

"My father (late president Ziaur Rahman) sacrificed his life for the country. My mother is still working hard for the country and its people."

"I could choose a secure life. But I did not. I worked for the welfare of people.

Tarique urged all to pray for his quick recovery.

He asked all councillors and delegates to convey his greetings to all leaders and activists at
A true joke:

Once I saw him (Tareque) in a talk show.
There the interviewer asked him- "How r u"?
And he replied, - Inshallah, I'm fine.

But He should have said- "Alhamdulillah, I'm fine".
So he dose not know even when to say Alhamdulillah and Inshallah, lol.

-This stupid guy is very misguided by his own fake knowledge.
BNP 5th council:

I really impressed by today's council arrangements. Especially, the speech participation of the foreigners. I liked the speech of George Galloway, UK MP, against Tipai dam.
- Well done BNP, for bring him in this occasion.
We thank all mighty Allah for a successful conveton. Hard work paid at the end and big slap to those who thought BNP could not get up. It's time to sort out gaddar and munafiq elements to purify the party with mumin, imandar and real Bangladeshi patriots. Allahu Akbar---BNP zindabad.

Look what happen to gaddar like abdul manan and his breeds. Let them rotten bastards die slowly.
BNP again showed that they are still crippled and unable to deliver. They still need a Majar and Tarique the notorious to run their politics.

Zardari in making ..........:tdown:
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