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Every patriot, humanitarian has to say from now on hell with BD Generals, IMF/WB dalals Mo Fos for mortgaging our mother land to the empire's pimp IND. Cry for the humanity is far reaching from pimp Mo fo MUA's Florida's casino. To hell with all the sell-out criminals...

Every time you flex those finger's , the BD forum looses a fan. With you , its hard to read your post and still believe there exists a God.
Kushtia AL leader ousted for arms, militant ties

Wed, Nov 4th, 2009 1:59 am BdST

Kushtia, Nov 3 (bdnews24.com) - Kushtia Mahila Awami League general secretary Taslima Khan Akhi has been expelled from the party after she was arrested with arms, including an AK-47 assualt rifle, and alleged to have links to an outlawed extremist outfit.

A statement issued Tuesday by the Kushtia women's wing of the ruling party said she was expelled for "violating party discipline and links to criminal activities".

Police arrested Akhi and three others Monday night with arms, including an AK-47, a shotgun and 82 rounds of ammunition.

Police said Tuesday that Akhi and her associates also had links to an extremist group active in the southwest.

Kushtia police super Shahabuddin Khan told reporters that Akhi and her associate Rani Khatun had been under suspicion of ties to Gono Mukti Fouz, an extremist left-leaning outfit banned by the government.

"Our suspicions were proved after the two women were caught with sophisticated weapons. They were clandestinely supporting the banned organisation," said Khan.

A police checkpost at Mangalbaria, on a tip off, had stopped a microbus heading towards Kushtia town at around 11pm Monday night.

Police arrested Akhi, Khatun, another passenger Abdur Razzaque, and the microbus driver 'Shahin', on the spot after the arms were discovered in the vehicle.

In the early hours of Tuesday police made a further arrest, Akkas Ali Mollah of Dangmarka village in Daulatpur upazila.

Daulatpur police chief Hasan Hafizur Rahman said Akkas Ali also had close ties with the extremist group.

A case was filed against all five on Tuesday under the Arms Act.

Kushtia Sadar police chief AKM Faruque Hossain said Akhi gave misleading information. "She said she was forced to carry weapons."

But Akkas reportedly told police that the arms recovered from the microbus had belonged to Gono Mukti Fouz leader Biplob Hossain, of Kalishankarpur, who was killed on Sept 13 in a shootout with law enforcers.

Before his death, he reportedly kept the arms hidden in the ground near his house. Akkas was quoted by police as saying "in case of any danger, the arms were to be given to Kushtia Mahila Awami League leader Taslima Khan Akhi."

Akhi has also previously been implicated in the murder of a local Jubo League leader, Jamirul Islam Jamu, police say.

The decision to expel her on Tuesday came from an emergency meeting at the district Mahila Awami League office in Kushtia.

Kushtia district Mahila Awami League general secretary told bdnews24.com: "The party image has been stained as she was caught with arms."

"We have permanently expelled her from the party."

Troubled southwest

Law enforcers have expressed concern in recent months at the rise of extremist activities in the southwest, attempting a serious crack down in the region, Kushtia in particular. The drive has led to a spate of 'crossfire' killings.

Allegations have also been rife of "influential" patrons of crime in the region. RAB and police have said drives are ongoing to discover "who are directly involved and who are behind extremist activities in the southwest".

Those "indirectly backing these crimes in the region are being identified", RAB chief Hasan Mahmood Khandaker said in September.

He also said law enforcing agencies were for banning more extremist organisations.

Kushtia AL leader ousted for arms, militant ties :: Bangladesh :: bdnews24.com ::
Awami digital deception reached the children education now. Awami stooge govt now politicizing even children education by giving preference to children of awami hacks over rest of population. That says lot about the hoax of awami claim of majority vote.

MPs to get 10pc quota in admissions to public schools

Siddiqur Rahman Khan

The government is thinking about reserving 10 per cent of the seats in all government secondary schools for children of the choice of lawmakers, education ministry officials told New Age on Thursday.

Awami digital deception reached the children education now. Awami stooge govt now politicizing even children education by giving preference to children of awami hacks over rest of population. That says lot about the hoax of awami claim of majority vote.

For a change, i agree with you. Reservation should not be introduced in education system. This step will only increase corruption in Edu system.. more erning potentials for this law makers.
Every time you flex those finger's , the BD forum looses a fan. With you , its hard to read your post and still believe there exists a God.
Yes, you are right. I also wanted to leave this forum because of all the trash-like posts being sent by some Burmese in our Bangladesh threads. These people just degrade an entire thread. However, I just avoid reading their posts now-a-days. I am a life-time learner, but there is nothing a man can learn from them.

Threads on Bangladesh die out because of these few ignorants, who do not have intellectual capability to go beyond words like la-Hasina, RAWAMY and digital deception. I find Indians and Pakistanis have much more flexible and rational minds.

At least, I can make some fruitful discussions with them although I do not accept their views always. Nobody asked me to stay in this forum, but I must say I have not left because of you guys and some good and intellect BD posters here with whom I can share my thoughts.
South Asian Media Net

Recover rly land from Mirza Abbas
Monday, November 09,2009

DHAKA: Parliamentary standing committee on Communication Ministry on Sunday advised the government that the railways be run by a separate ministry as was done during the erstwhile East Pakistan with separate budget for its development and expansion, reports UNB.

The committee at a meeting Sunday recommended retrieve the railway land from the land grabbers and BNP leader and former minister Mirza Abbas which he has illegally taken back during the BNP-Jamaat regime.

Committee chairman Muzibur Rahman briefing newsmen after the meeting at Sangsad Bhaban said the railways sector is required proper monitoring. There had been little development and expansion of the railway network since long although the demand increased with the increase of population.

He said the meeting viewed that expansion of railway network is essential, particularly for transporting goods across the country at a lower cost.

The meeting discussed bringing the traffic system under BRTA. The prospect of leasing out the busy Dhaka-Mymensingh highway to the private sector for a certain period for better management was also considered at the meeting.

Retrieve of railway land at Kamalapur and Shahjahanpur from Mirza Abbas also came under discussion. The meeting was informed that the paternal land of Abbas acquired by the government for railways, which he took back by influencing the railway administration during the BNP regime.

Golam Mowla Rony, a member of the committee, informed the meeting that Abbas has illegally taken back four or five acres of land of the railway. The government had acquired lands of many people in the area. If Abbas get back the land, others cannot be denied of getting back their land.

The meeting asked the railway authority to furnish details how and why the railway land was given to Abbas and grabbed by others.
It also discussed the veracity of sending abroad Shahabuddin, Additional Chief Engineer of Roads and Highways, for training barely few days ahead of his retirement. Besides, he had voluntarily declared himself as corrupt to the Truth Commission.

The Ministry has been asked to explain why Shahabuddin, already left Dhaka 15 days, was nominated for training in Australia, Japan, China and Malaysia.

Minister Syed Abul Hossain, Omar Farooq Chowdhury, Zillul Hakim, Ekramul Karim Chowdhury, Abu Zahid, Golam Reza and Apu Ukil also attended the meeting.

Meanwhile, Mirza Abbas, refuted the allegation of using his ministerial power in taking back the land. He told UNB that an application on behalf of his family was filed in 1984 upon which the government had returned a small portion of the land on humanitarian ground.
Abbas said the committee renewed the matter in a bid to take political revenge on him.

bdnew24.com adds: A parliamentary watchdog committee has suggested carving out an independent ministry for Bangladesh Railway to revamp the state operator.

The committee on communications ministry says that former governments cared less about the railway and let it run into losses as customer service was abysmal.

"An independent ministry would make it easier to help the railway to be commercially successful. The customer service will also improve," the committee chief, Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, said after a meeting on Sunday.

The railway is currently operating under the communications ministry.
An independent ministry will allow railway development plans to go straight to the planning ministry for approval. An administrative reform project of the railway financed by the Asian Development Bank (ADB) is currently held up.

The project advisor proposed making the railway an independent ministry or an independent division under the communications ministry. However, the proposal has yet to be cleared by the communications ministry.

Railway officials say they are not being able to properly implement development plans under the current framework. The continental railway started it journey 142 years back under the British rule. Bangladesh Railway, formed after independence, covers a total distance of1,855km and employs 34,168 people.

Operations were run under the Railway Board until 1982, when it was brought under a department of the communications ministry.
A nine-member committee was formed in 1995 with the communications minister as its chairman to oversee railway operations.
PM''s India visit Transit deal on the cards

"The prime minister leaves for Delhi on December 19

Friday November 13 2009 01:21:24 AM BDT

Dhaka and New Delhi will finalise deals on mutual transit facilities during prime minister Sheikh Hasina''s visit to India from December 19, foreign minister Dipu Moni has said, reports bdnews24.com.

The foreign minister, however, could not say whether the two governments would be able to reach a crucial agreement on Teesta water sharing during the three-day visit.

"The prime minister leaves for Delhi on December 19," Dipu Moni told bdnews24.com at the foreign ministry Thursday.

"She will operationalise deals with India to get transit facilities to Bhutan and Nepal," she said.

The foreign minister said Dhaka and Delhi would also "operationalise" the agreement on allowing India to use Ashuganj as a transit point under an existing Water Protocol between the two countries.

Foreign secretary Mohamed Mijarul Quayes defined the word "operationalise" to bdnews24.com Thursday at his office.

"Operationalisation means removing the policy barriers and reaffirming commitments," said Quayes.

He said both Bangladesh and India needed some necessary preparations to make existing transit agreements effective.

"For instance, we cannot make Ashuganj a port of call overnight.

The roads must be widened for that purpose," said Quayes.

During Dipu Moni''s visit to India on September 7, Delhi agreed giving Bangladesh transit facilities to reach Bhutan and Nepal through Indian territory.

In return, Bangladesh agreed to allow Delhi to use Ashuganj for carrying heavy machinery for setting up a power plant in India''s Northe East.

However, the foreign minister did not make it clear whether the government would allow India to use Ashuganj as a multi-modal transit point under the Water Protocol.

Foreign ministry officials have told bdnews24.com that if India gets transit under Section 11 of the Protocol, signed in 1972, Delhi will not be able to carry goods by Bangladesh roads.

But Indian trucks will be able to carry goods from Ashuganj, unloaded from Indian ships, if Delhi gets transit under Section 23 of the same Protocol.

Dipu Moni and her Indian counterpart SM Krishna in September also agreed to form a technical team with a view to signing a deal on water sharing of the common Teesta river on which Bangladesh has its largest irrigation project.

"I think we need time to sign the deal on sharing Teesta water," Dipu Moni told bdnews24.com Thursday.

India has a barrage in Gazaldoba on the Teesta upstream from Bangladesh for its irrigation projects. The Indian water withdrawal during lean periods makes the Teesta almost dry, water development board officials say.

Bangladesh''s Teesta barrage (first phase) in the rice-producing Rangpur region covers irrigation projects on 750,000 hectares of land, according to the board officials.

Water shortage in the Teesta very often disrupts irrigation in the vast tracts of land of the greater Rangpur district and puts Bangladesh''s agriculture in trouble.

As many as 54 rivers enter Bangladesh from India and the only water sharing deal was signed in 1996 to share water of the common river Ganges.

Coco formally charged with money laundering :: Bangladesh :: bdnews24.com ::

Coco formally charged with money laundering
Thu, Nov 12th, 2009 5:30 pm BdST

Dhaka, Nov 12 (bdnews24.com)–The Anticorruption Commission on Thursday pressed charges in court against Arafat Rahman Coco, younger son of the opposition chief Khaleda Zia, in a money laundering case.

The ACC filed the case on Mar 17 with the Kafrul Police Station, accusing Coco of laundering 28, 84, 000 Singapore dollars and 9, 32, 000 US dollars.

The charges have been submitted to the Chief Metropolitan Magistrate's Court on Thursday afternoon. Earlier, ACC deputy director Abu Sayeed confirmed to bdnews24.com the approval of the filing of the charges. Sayeed is also the investigation officer of the case.

The case details say the amount was deposited to a Singapore bank account of Coco by foreign companies that were to be awarded construction work in Bangladesh during the rule of Khaleda's 2001-2006 administration.

In the event of a guilty finding, Coco will face a maximum seven years in jail. Some 23 persons have been made prosecution witnesses. Ismail Hossain Simon, son of former BNP shipping minister Akbar Hossain, is another accused in the case.

The investigation officer appealed to the court to issue arrest warrant against Simon. The government on Thursday extended by another month the parole of Coco.

Coco, also an accused in the GATCO corruption case alongside his mother, and facing other graft cases, fell ill during detention in prison during the past caretaker government's tenure.

He was paroled on July 17 last year for eight weeks for medical treatment abroad and flew to Bangkok two days later. The government has since successively extended Coco's parole by a month each time.
BCL men snatch tender box in Gopalganj

Armed with lethal weapons they crowded the offices and threatened of life if any of the contractors dared to take part in the tenders.

Friday November 13 2009 01:38:50 AM BDT

GOPALGANJ, Nov 12: Bangladesh Chhatra League (BCL) activists snatched away a tender box along with tender schedule from the engineer office of Kotalipara upazila Thursday, reports UNB.

BCL men, led by upazila BCL president Babul Hajra and secretary Munna Hajra, prevented contractors from dropping tender schedule at the office today, the last day of dropping schedule for 20 groups.

Upazila engineer Shafique Ahmed said the BCL activists snatched away the tender box along with schedule kept at the office as they failed to prevent the contractors from dropping their schedules.

The engineer''s officer earlier invited tender for construction of seven schools, 14 latrines and 61 tube-well worth about Tk 2.54 crore.

In Naogaon: Construction contractors today accused the ruling Awami League cadres of obstructing them from collecting tender documents and dropping bids.

The allegations were made in a written statement at a press conference at the press club by Bayezid Hossain Polash. About 50 contractors enlisted with different government departments were present at the press conference.

Polash said the cadres of Awami Leauge and its front organizations BCL and Jubo League were neither allowing to collect the tender documents nor to drop the bids. Armed with lethal weapons they crowded the offices and threatened of life if any of the contractors dared to take part in the tenders.

Widespread allegations of tenderbaji had displeased Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina who issued a stern warning couple of days ago that she would not tolerate tenderbaji by her party men.

Polash said none of the enlisted contractors were allowed to take part in five tenders floated by different government departments during the first four months of current fiscal year.

One of the contractors, Shamsur Rahman, said he was assaulted as he protested the irregularities.

The contractors urged the government to deploy RAB at the time of selling tender schedules and dropping bids.


"Din Badal" Awami style....:tdown:
I also belive that Tarique had something to do with the whole thing.
yes, you are right and then thank you. I wanted to write the same thing, but I did not do so for fear of our great idune. He would then start calling me a lier and deceiver, and would ask me if I was a witness to hear the conversation between Baber and Tareque.

By the way, are you a witness then?
If anyone has slight/Iota of doubt on RAWAMY GOVT's anti-PAK/Muslim goal then he/she needs to look at the following article. From here on, every PAK brother, even cricket players would be advised not to visit that RAWAMY-FUKCUR-Banana land called Bangladesh.

DHAKA (AFP) - Bangladeshi police said Friday they have arrested three Pakistani men who were suspected of plotting to attack US and Indian targets in the capital Dhaka.

Police spokesman Shyamol Kumar Mukharjee(Name tells you the nature of Akata Malu) told AFP the men were believed to be (See the relevance with all previously caught so-called AQ suspects members, Nudge-Nudge Wink-wink, Khek-Khek :cheesy:)of the Pakistan-based Lashkar-e-Taiba group blamed for last year’s attacks in the Indian city of Mumbai( Beleived to be has become certain Laskar E taliba in the next line but hey who cares about the proof?).
“The latest arrests in Dhaka follow those last week of three other (Bangladeshi) men in the southeastern city of Chittagong who were planning to attack US targets,” he said.
A senior police officer, speaking on condition of anonymity, said authorities believed the men arrested in Dhaka were planning attacks on US and Indian interests in the Bangladeshi capital. Police said they made the Chittagong arrests based on information from two men detained last month in Chicago(Remember all the anoymous sources of Jew York Times and Malu Writers/TV hosts frothed to build the case against attacking Afghan/Pakistan).
US authorities have charged those suspects, David Coleman Headley and Pakistan-born Tahawwur Hussain Rana, with plotting attacks, including on a Danish newspaper that published profane cartoons in 2005. Headley, 49, a US citizen who changed his name from Daood Gilani in 2006, was arrested by the FBI on October 3 at Chicago’s O’Hare airport before boarding a flight to Philadelphia en route to Pakistan.

B'desh police arrest 3 Pakistani militant suspects | Pakistan | News | Newspaper | Daily | English | Online
The New Nation - Internet Edition

50 hurt in BNP factional clash: Ctg confce ends in pandemonium
Staff Reporter

BNP's Chittagong metropolitan unit conference, organised after long 20 years, ended in a pandemonium on Monday when the rival groups locked into clashes injuring at least 50 workers.

The council, due to begin at 10am at the Institution of Engineers Chittagong Centre, was disrupted almost before it could begin as the two factions faced off. The clash involved the supporters of BNP joint secretary general Abdullah Al Noman and convenor of the metropolitan unit Amir Khasru Mahmud Chowdhury.

Most of the injured were the supporters of Amir Khasru Mahmood, convenor of the metropolitan unit. The three injured admitted to hospital were identified as Mohammad Ali, 'Shamim' and 'Masum', personal assistant of Chittagong metropolitan BNP's joint convener Shamsul Alam.

BNP joint secretary general Gayeshwar Chandra Roy and other central leaders who went to Chittagong to attend the council said a new committee would be declared from Dhaka.

BNP central leaders reconstituted the metropolitan committee in 1997, selecting Mir Mohammad Nasir Uddin and Dastagir Chowdhury as its president and general secretary.

The committee was dissolved in May 2005 after Nasir lost the mayoral elections and a convening committee was later announced headed by former whip Syed Wahidul Alam. After the election debacle in 2008, the convening committee was again reconstituted with Ameer Khasru Mahmud as the convenor.

However, conflict of interest surfaced within the organisation on the question of reformists and the desire to get a position in the committee. The council generated a big enthusiasm among the BNP workers and supporters in the port city. A large number of enthusiastic workers and supporters gathered in the city in connection with the council. Many of them were angry for not being invited as councilor.

Amir Khasru's supporters took position in the auditorium from the morning while Noman and his followers entered in a procession theat around 11:15am. Both groups began throwing chairs at each other with the fighting continuing for around half an hour. At one point, Noman's supporters drove Amir Khasru's followers out of the auditorium.

Former foreign minister M Morshed Khan, who had inaugurated the council, the BNP chairperson's adviser A S M Hannan Shah, as chief guest, were present on the stage at that time.

Police brought the situation under control when Noman's supporters surrounded the invited guests. Morshed Khan and Hannan Shah then left the venue. Central and metropolitan leaders left the venue at around 1:45pm without finishing the programme.

Gayeshwar Roy and Jatiyatabadi Jubo Dal president Barkatullah Bulu, who travelled from Dhaka to attend the council, and convener Amir Khasru also claimed that the first session of the council was "held successfully".

Noman, however, claimed that the council had been postponed, and added that a new date for the council would be declared later.

Bulu, however, told the newsmen before leaving the venue that "the new committee will be declared from Dhaka later on." Noman's followers brought out a protest rally in front of the party office after leaving the council venue.
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