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Positive progress achieved after our coming to power: PM


Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina Wednesday categorically said that the country achieved positive progress in many areas of the national economy after the present government came to power, reports BSS.

"When the economy of developed countries experienced negative trend due to global recession, we scored success in our growth level through our own efforts," she said while replying to a question from treasury bench lawmaker AKM Rahmatullah (Dhaka 10) during her weekly question-answer session in the House.

The overall global economic growth in 2009 was minus 1.3 percent while that in the developed countries was minus 3.8 percent, she said adding that the countries with high economic growth rate achieved only 1.6 percent growth. The forecast of progress in the Asian developing countries was 4.8 percent, she also said.

But, Sheikh Hasina said, Bangladesh has achieved 5.9 percent economic growth in 2008-2009, proving untrue the international estimation of achieving 4.8 to 5.5 percent growth in the country.

Listing the government steps taken for invigorating the country's economy side by side with providing subsidy in agriculture, agriculture loans for farmers and policy reformation, the Prime Minister said the steps would help achieving 6 percent growth rate in 2009-2010.

"Bangladesh's inherent power and government's quick decision enabled the country to face the adverse impact of global recession", she said adding that the country's inflation rate fell to 5.9 percent in July-December, 2009 from 8.4 percent during the same period of the previous year.

Disbursement of the agriculture loan during the first six months of the current fiscal year increased by 32.4 percent while industrial loan was enhanced by 41.1 percent during the same period, the Prime Minister said.

She said import of capital machinery and raw materials had increased by 38.58 per cent and 5.5 per cent respectively while at individual level credit flow had been enhanced by 19.2 percent, which reflected expansion of investment at private level.
Oh Yeah! Keeping police, MIL, Admin and Judiciary in pockets to make parliament a lie factory and the whole country a big jail are the real progresses in RAWAMY style. I guess no one except Indians and Rawamy-Commies want to see progress anywhere.

Are you talking about the Government of Bangladesh? Is it not logical?
Are you talking about the Government of Bangladesh? Is it not logical?
Yeah I was talking about RAWAMY-Commies that were forceful and deceptively put in power by global and local mercenaries. And no it wasn't logical to blackmail a nation as well as killing oppositions on false pretences.
Yeah I was talking about RAWAMY-Commies that were forceful and deceptively put in power by global and local mercenaries. And no it wasn't logical to blackmail a nation as well as killing oppositions on false pretences.

These are old Bull$hit. Loosing party always see the conspiracy. Do you have anything new to say? :woot:
These are old Bull$hit. Loosing party always see the conspiracy. Do you have anything new to say? :woot:

I don't know about Military but police & Judiciary are truly in pocket of govt. Now do not say me a loser party as I do not do any one. I just said other parties are better than AL.
Farroque calls for probe into alleged VoIP of PM's son
Fri, Mar 12th, 2010 8:16 pm BdST Dial 2324 from your mobile for latest news

Dhaka, Mar 12 (bdnews24.com) — Opposition chief whip Zainul Abdin Farroque on Friday demanded probe into prime minister's son Sajeeb Ahmed Wazed's alleged association with internet telephony.

Although approved in principle, the government has not yet implemented any mechanism for Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) operations.

The senior BNP leader was talking to reporters at a press briefing at his Gulshan residence in the capital.

"Sajeeb Wazed Joy controls the banned VoIP trade from Canada and USA. The business started during the last AL tenure. But when we raised this issue in parliament, our mikes were switched off," the BNP leader alleged.

He also accused that the internet telephony had begun with a relative of the prime minister through a company called Spectra Solutions.

"The government is incurring a revenue loss of Tk 150 billion per year due to this illegal business. The entire amount is being laundered abroad," claimed Farroque.

Demanding a fresh inquiry into the issue, the opposition whip said, "If the government wants, we are willing to help by providing all necessary data."

Responding to a query, BNP MP Shahiduddin Chowdhury Annie said that there were also allegations of financial corruption against Wazed 'for allowing the US company, Chevron, to get work without any tenders. The prime minister's advisor is also involved according to a newspaper'.

Farroque calls for probe into alleged VoIP of PM's son | Politics | bdnews24.com

He must not has become Millionaire by working as IT. We know how much a IT make in the state. Now that he has brought his dirty feet in the politics than all the good stuff about this drunken corrupt must come out. He has been untouchable for the longest
Farroque calls for probe into alleged VoIP of PM's son
Fri, Mar 12th, 2010 8:16 pm BdST Dial 2324 from your mobile for latest news

Dhaka, Mar 12 (bdnews24.com) — Opposition chief whip Zainul Abdin Farroque on Friday demanded probe into prime minister's son Sajeeb Ahmed Wazed's alleged association with internet telephony.

Although approved in principle, the government has not yet implemented any mechanism for Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) operations.

The senior BNP leader was talking to reporters at a press briefing at his Gulshan residence in the capital.

"Sajeeb Wazed Joy controls the banned VoIP trade from Canada and USA. The business started during the last AL tenure. But when we raised this issue in parliament, our mikes were switched off," the BNP leader alleged.

He also accused that the internet telephony had begun with a relative of the prime minister through a company called Spectra Solutions.

"The government is incurring a revenue loss of Tk 150 billion per year due to this illegal business. The entire amount is being laundered abroad," claimed Farroque.

Demanding a fresh inquiry into the issue, the opposition whip said, "If the government wants, we are willing to help by providing all necessary data."

Responding to a query, BNP MP Shahiduddin Chowdhury Annie said that there were also allegations of financial corruption against Wazed 'for allowing the US company, Chevron, to get work without any tenders. The prime minister's advisor is also involved according to a newspaper'.

Farroque calls for probe into alleged VoIP of PM's son | Politics | bdnews24.com

He must not has become Millionaire by working as IT. We know how much a IT make in the state. Now that he has brought his dirty feet in the politics than all the good stuff about this drunken corrupt must come out. He has been untouchable for the longest
So blaming Tariq, Coco were all parts of old Commie tactics " Make noise at the East while shooting at West". Whereas AL leaning Medias frothed day and nights against Tariq,Coco's so-called/alleged corrupption; it never gave slightiest hint about such collosal theiveries of real Daciot Joy. What a world it has become! Good people get blame just because of not following Empire/Expznsionist's scriptures, whereas a theif of Joy's standard get away for his mum/her party's pupeteering.
BCL girls fight at Eden College
DU Correspondent

Two feuding factions of the Eden College unit of Bangladesh Chhatra League fought on the campus for hours on Friday over share of the 疎dmission business・ It is alleged that the leaders charge a handsome amount of money from some students to facilitate their admission, and in the process many unfit students are getting admission while capable students are being deprived.

Chhatra League activists loyal to unit president Selina Shamima Nijhum and their antagonists got locked in an altercation that led to a brawl with sticks, iron rods and brickbats.

The clash began at morning when Nijhum痴 followers drove away an activist, who is loyal to anti-Nijhum leaders, from Razia Begum Hostel, said college sources.

After this many of the Chhatra League leaders of the college took a stand against Nijhum, saying that she was involved in illegal businesses including the 疎dmission trade・and was responsible for oppression of students in the college痴 hostels, sources added.

The anti-Nijhum leaders also claimed that the college痴 principal, Mahfuza Chowdhury, always abets Nijhum in her illegal activities.

They demanded immediate expulsion of the principal and Nijhum. They said that they would launch a tough movement to realise their demands.

They said that Nijhum and general secretary Farzana Yasmin Tania jointly enrolled almost seven hundred students illegally in this year痴 Honours courses.

General students said that there was no difference between Nijhum and the BCL leaders who were against her, and the latter were now protesting against her because they felt deprived of their share in the admission business.

Nijhum, while talking to reporters, dismissed the allegations and said she would step down from the post of president if anyone could prove that she was involved in the admission business.

She said that four vice-presidents of the BCL unit ・Champa Khatun, Sharmin Sultana Sharmi, Taniya Sultana Happy and Kaniz Fatema ・were responsible for Friday痴 violence.

The vice-principal of the college, Ayesha Begum, said there had been a dispute between Chhatra League activists but it was not a big deal.

She also claimed that there were no irregularities in the admission process this year.

The police went to the college at around noon and brought the situation under control. But activists loyal to both the groups were roaming around on the campus with sticks and iron rods till the evening, said the general students of the college.
Eden is a ladies' college and note how our lady students affiliated with the Awami League are doing admission business and other crimes unworthy of them. The present PM was also an alumni of this college.
Farroque demands probe into Joy's VoIP business

BNP's Farroque Demands Probe into Joy's VoIP Business

Opposition Chief Whip Zainul Abdin Farroque demanded international and domestic inquiry into Prime Minister's son Sajeeb Wazed Joy's involvement in illegal VoIP (voice over internet protocol) business, causing huge loss to the government revenue earning, reports UNB.

Farroque at a press briefing Friday morning at his Gulshan house said they would present in parliament information and documents whatever they had about it.

"PM's son Sajeeb Wajed Joy is fully involved in the VoIP business," he said, adding the Speaker switched off his microphone in parliament Thursday when he tried to raise the issue.

The BNP leader alleged the illegal VOIP business started during the past Awami League rule when a relation of them did the business. Now Joy was involved in it.

Referring to a newspaper report published on February 16, Farroque said according to the report the government was losing revenue of Tk 300 million a week due to the illegal VOIP business. He said so far Tk 15 billion were siphoned of the country.

The opposition chief whip urged the Speaker to play neutral role so the opposition could make its contribution to making the parliament effective.

He criticised the Prime Minister's speech in parliament Thursday as untrue. "Though the Prime Minister claimed about the production of electricity, but not a single megawatt of electricity was produced in the past 14 months of the grand alliance government," he said.

Farroque also alleged that a relative of the commerce minister was the main supplier of the lentil to TCB, which was buying low-cost lentil at higher price.

The opposition chief whip questioned if Commerce Minister Farruk Khan living in his cantonment house could carryout all activities including his party work why officials and employees of the Leader of the Opposition would not be allowed to work at her cantonment residence.
Unprecendeted thuggeries, lie and criminalism by AWAMY-Commies made me comment that "Iamya Jhajilia" re-emerged at BD. Ironically the same sentiment was expressed by one of the students after she observed force prostitution. News were coming out that AWAMY-Commie MPs, Ministers were enjoying innocent and defenceless students forcefully and protesting girls were getting levelled as Shibiri-Jaamaties. Damage that the bastard commie MUA,FUA and IUA brought at BD, would take years torepair...

Amardesh Online Edition
BCL men attack admission seekers at Rajshahi

Chhatra League activists on Saturday attacked admission-seekers and vandalised furniture and vehicles in New Government Degree College in Rajshahi to have students of their choice admitted to the institution.

The activists of the Bangladesh Chhatra League, the ruling Awami League’s associate body of students, clashed with the police in which at least 10 were injured. Campus sources said the admission to bachelor’s (honours) course was scheduled to begin in the college at 11:00am.

Soon after the interview of admission seekers had begun, Chhatra League activists entered the campus in a procession and started vandalising the furniture and window panes and attacked and chased out admission-seekers. The attack suspended the admission process.

Chhatra League activists then tried to have students of their choice admitted to the college after other admission-seekers had left the place and clashed with the police as the police stopped them from doing so.

Chhatra League activists also went out of the college campus and started vandalising vehicles on the road and pelted the police personnel with stones. Chhatra League also tried to attack journalists when the journalists went to cover the incident.

Police deployment was reinforced to control the situation. The police at the time arrested three Chhatra League activists — Nasir Uddin, Jahangir alias Kanak and Kamruzzaman Sarkar. The college authorities later resumed admission process sin police guards.

The college principal, Professor Farida Sultana, told reporters that some outsiders had created problems in admission process and he termed it no big incident. ‘Some outsiders created problems in the admission process. We resumed the admission process later.’

Special Branch assistant police commissioner Tariqul Islam said Chhatra League activists had vandalised furniture and vehicles and attacked admission-seekers as they failed to have students admitted to the college on quota. The Chhatra League also attacked the police when the police stopped them.

The Rajpara police officer-in-charge, Afzal Hossain, said the situation was now under control.

Admission to the college closes today and police deployment has been reinforced to stave off any untoward incidents. Chhatra League activists also foiled the admission process in the college on Thursday with vandalism and attack on admission-seekers.

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Allegations against Joy: AL says 'show proof' | Bangladesh | bdnews24.com

Allegations against Joy: AL says 'show proof'
Sun, Mar 14th, 2010 1:58 am BdST

Dhaka, Mar 13 (bdnews24.com) — Ruling party Awami League on Saturday challenged the opposition BNP to show the proof to back aspersions of corruption they had aired against the prime minister's son.

Local government minister and AL general secretary Syed Ashraful Islam went as far as to threaten the main opposition BNP of "hard action" if it fails to present evidence of any link between Sheikh Hasina's son Sajeeb Ahmed Wazed and the illegal VoIP business.

"Show your documents and evidence to the nation by seven days," Ashraf said at a meeting on Saturday.

"But if you fail, the grand alliance won't sit idle. It will react with tough action."

"The nation won't accept the presentation of wrong information and propaganda," he added.

Ruling party whip and Awami League standing committee member Mirza Azam, also warned the opposition not to make derogatory remarks against Sajeeb Wazed, known popularly as Joy.

"BNP want to show that Tarique and Joy are 'equal'. We will take any necessary actions, both political and legal, if these kinds of remarks continue," Azam told reporters at a press briefing on Saturday.

Azam claimed the opposition was spreading propaganda against Joy only to veil the "ugly face and stained politics" of their leader Khaleda Zia and her two sons Tarique Rahman and Arafat Rahman Coco.

Opposition chief whip Zainul Abdin Farroque, speaking in parliament earlier in the week, alleged that Joy was involved in illegal Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) operations.

Azam refuted the graft allegations against Joy on Saturday. "Sajeeb Ahmed Wazed is a role model to the hundreds of thousands of young people in Bangladesh. On the other hand, Tarique has become another name for corruption," he said.

Farroque had also called for probe into the allegations he brought up in parliament. "If the government wants, we are willing to help by providing all necessary data," he had added.

Responding to a query by reporters on that comment, Azam said, "We accept the challenge. Tell them to make public all documents what they have."

The AL leader also said the party forum would decide whether to file a defamation case against the allegation.

Farroque made the allegation in parliament last Thursday. On Friday, he reportedly received death threats by phone for "speaking against the prime minister's son".
Ershad advocates 8 provinces | Politics | bdnews24.com

Ershad advocates 8 provinces
Sat, Mar 13th, 2010 12:34 pm BdST

Dhaka, Mar 13 (bdnews24.com)—Jatiya Party chairman HM Ershad has proposed a system of provincial government in Bangladesh, dividing the country into eight parts.

"There is no other alternative to provincial government for the establishment of good governance in Bangladesh," he told a seminar in the capital on Saturday.

He proposed eight provinces: Northern, Barendra, Jahangirnagar, Jalalbad, Chattala, Mainamati, Jahanabad and Chandradwip.

According to the proposal, the provinces would each have a council of 600 members and a separate cabinet with a chief minister at the head. The central government would be a federal one.

Each province would have a High Court, which would function under the Supreme Court located in the federal capital Dhaka, said Ershad, a former president and martial law administrator.

The federal government would oversee the administration through a governor for each province.

"I am raising the proposal as a party chief, but it is not presented from the party's point of view," Ershad told the seminar on 'Planning a provincial government system in Bangladesh' at the Hotel Sonargaon on Saturday.
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