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Khaleda for movement to save country from 'tyrant'Staff Correspondent

BNP Chairperson Khaleda Zia said yesterday an anti-government movement has to be launched to change the prevailing "unsteady situation" and protect the country from the grip of the 'tyrant' government.

The leader of the opposition in parliament urged all to unite and prepare for the movement for the sake of future generation.

Khaleda was speaking as chief guest at a teachers' representatives conference, jointly organised by the Shikkhak Karmachari Oikya Jote, Bangladesh Shikkhak Samity and Bangladesh College Shikkhak Samity, and held at Bangabandhu International Conference Centre in the capital.

Teachers' representatives in their speeches demanded nationalising all educational institutions getting monthly pay order (MPO) facilities.

They urged the opposition to see that parliament members are not nominated as chairmen of governing bodies of educational institutions.

Selim Bhuiyan, chief coordinator of the Oikya Jote, said teachers and academicians should be made chairmen of the governing bodies.

In response, the former prime minister said if BNP is voted to power again, jobs of all teachers and employees of MPO-listed institutions will be nationalised.

She however did not make any comment on the demand that lawmakers must not head the governing bodies.

Bitterly criticising the government for the present situation in the country, Khaleda said no one is secure and in peace now.

She alleged that this government had made governing bodies of all educational institutions partisan, and many competent teachers lost their jobs as a result.

The BNP chief said giving importance to religious and moral education is the demand of time but the present government is hatching a conspiracy against religious education.

The others who spoke at the conference included BNP leaders Osman Farruk, Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir, Amanullah Aman, Zainul Abdin Farroque, Khairul Kabir Kokhon and teachers' leaders Kazi Adbur Razzak, Chowdhury Mugisuddin Mahmud and Fatema Akhter Hena.

Former energy adviser Mahmudur Rahman inaugurated the conference chaired by Selim Bhuiyan.

:The Daily Star: Internet Edition
Personally sick and tired of BNP. Bunch of loosers just mumbling with out any sorts of anti govenment movement eventhough people of the country egar to throw this crminals out of power. How can this BNP call it's self a main opposition when this government being unchallenge with Mammoth failures. This ****** better reckon with people sentiment soon and initiate massive movement if wish to be in power next term otherwise poople will choose other alternative.
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Personally sick and tired of BNP. Bunch of loosers just mumbling with out any sorts of anti govenment movement eventhough people of the country egar to throw this crminals out of power. How can this BNP call it's self a main opposition when this government being unchallenge with Mammoth failures. This ****** better reckon with people sentiment soon and initiate massive movement if wish to be in power next term otherwise poople will other alternative.

hahahaha, they better hurry up as after June there will not be any Boro irrigation and temperature will go down resulting less consumption of Power.
hahahaha, they better hurry up as after June there will not be any Boro irrigation and temperature will go down resulting less consumption of Power.

Lucky for you guys is that there isn't any strong opposition left thus do what ever please you because there isn't anyone going to stop you except Allah.
Time has come to depose the govt of famine: Khaleda

All from number one busy plundering the state's wealth, she says

Monday April 19 2010 00:56:47 AM BDT

BNP Chairperson Khaleda Zia has said ruling Awami League ministers and leaders from the top down will be sued for corruption and plundering the state if her party comes to power.(UNB)

"You (Awami League) have said you would teach BNP lessons. We are taking lessons from you. If BNP comes to power, cases will be filed for all the looting you have perpetrated - everything will be documented. We will not file any false cases like you," Khaleda, also the leader of the opposition in Parliament, said while addressing a huge public rally in Khulna Sunday. Issuing a note of caution to her political opponents, Khaleda added that when the BNP's time comes again, Awami League leaders will have to run to and fro on the veranda of the courts round the clock.

The BNP leader was addressing a grand rally at Shib Bari crossing (Babri Chattar) in the southwestern city organized by Khulna city BNP. Khaleda denied the allegations of corruption during the rule of BNP.

She said even a government minister has said that ministers are big thieves - all from 'number one' are busy plundering the state's wealth - concerned only with their own commissions, while there is no attention or effort expended upon resolving the acute problems people are facing.

Khaleda said the government is busy harassing, attacking and filing cases against the opposition, again instead of solving the acute crises people are facing.

She said cases are being filed against anyone speaking out against the government. "Filing cases will yield no result," she said.

Describing the grim scenario prevailing in different sectors including the nagging utilities crisis, unemployment and inflation and the worsening law and order situation, the BNP chief said an Awami League government means 'famine', and wondered how long the people will see this government in power.

She said the 'time has come' to depose the 'government of famine' to bring peace and prosperity to the country, which had time and again been proved possible under the BNP.

Khaleda warned that if the government fails to meet the public's requirements, resolve the utilities crisis, as well as control inflation, there will be no alternative but to wage a movement to oust the government.

She called upon everyone to take preparations for joining an anti-government movement in the days ahead.

Presided over by Khulna city BNP president Nazrul Islam Manju, the grand rally was also addressed by Tariqul Islam, Sarwari Rahman, Dr Abdul Moeen Khan, Salahuddin Quader Chowdhury, Syeda Rajia Fayez, Zainul Abdin Farroque. BNP chairperson Khaleda Zia says the price-hike of essentials in recent times has shocked the public.

BSS adds: Begum Khaleda Zia Sunday urged the government to take effective steps to resolve water, power and gas crises and improve law and order situation immediately.

A movement would be launched, if the government fails to solve the problems faced by the people, she told a 'grand rally' at Shibbari Intersection in the divisional headquarters Sunday afternoon.

Begum Zia urged the Election Commission (EC) to hold the Bhola-3 by polls in a free and fair manner. If the EC fails, a movement would also be waged against that, she added.

The government could not implement its election pledges in one and half years, the BNP chief said pointed to high prices of essential commodities.

She said the construction of the proposed Tipaimukh dam would be allowed in any way as it would affect the country extensively.

She alleged that the Indian Border Security Force (BSF) is killing innocent Bangladeshis along the border frequently. She called upon the government to protest such killings.
People becoming restive for power, water and gas

Demanding water, gas and electricity, agitation, protest rally and human chain programmes at different parts of capital have already taken place

Tuesday April 20 2010 00:44:23 AM BDT

Ainul Haque Royal

The demand for uninterrupted supply of water, gas and electricity among the city dwellers has been mounting and taking the shape of a movement.(The BD Today )

Demanding water, gas and electricity, agitation, protest rally and human chain programmes at different parts of capital have already taken place. On the other hand, some political parties, their associate bodies, some socio-cultural organizations and small and medium business entrepreneurs are mulling waging anti-government agitation as the normal life is being disrupted.

Different section of people including office, school, college and university goers and businessmen and house keepers told this correspondent that the activities of daily life are seriously being hampered due to want of water for the last couple of months.

Inhabitants of Mirpur, Mohammadpur, Tejgaon, Mohakhali, Badda, Moghbazar, Sutrapur, Shyampur, Jatrabari and the old part of the capital Dhaka are facing severe crises of water, gas and electricity. They are not being able to cook properly due to the low voltage of gas and take bath due to absence of water and they could not sleep for nagging load shedding.

The problems of daily life are being created only for absence of electricity. These irritated, under privileged and deprived city dwellers may come down on the street collectively for movement against the government anytime, a group of people at Farmgate area said while talking to this reporter.

Meanwhile, opposition BNP is going to arrange two-day-long protest meeting demanding adequate supply of water, gas and electricity. They will stage demonstration at around 50 different parts of the capital on April 21 to 22.

According to sources, the city dwellers are now receiving around 1300 megawatt electricity per day against the existing needs of 2200 mw. The city dwellers are also receiving around 1450 million cubic feet gas (mmcfd) against the existing 1700 mmcfd needs. Besides, city's water demand is about 2100 million liters per day while the WASA supplies 1500 million liters.

Khaleda demands immediate arrest of Gen Moeen for killing democracy

Anti-govt movement programme will be announced from grand rally in Dhaka on May 19, she says

Thursday May 06 2010 10:18:51 AM BDT

Amid heavy clapping and chanting of slogans, BNP chairperson Khaleda Zia Wednesday declared that programs of anti-government movement will be announced from the party's May 19 Dhaka city grand rally.(UNB, Rajshahi)

The anti-government movement will be launched to save the country and its people from "repression, misrule and misdeeds" of the Awami League government, she said and urged the people of all walks of life to prepare for making the planned movement a success.

Leader of the opposition Khaleda Zia made the announcement while addressing a grand rally at the city's Madrasha Maidan, organized by Rajshahi city BNP as part of her ongoing organizational tours to divisional headquarters to mobilize public support against the government's misrule and failure to run the country and also to implement its election pledges.

She said there is no alternative to wage movement right now to save the country and its people from the oppressive rule of and to ensure the security and dignity of mothers, fathers and sisters.

The BNP chairperson alleged that the present government has created artificial crisis of electricity causing untold sufferings to the people in a bid to give work of rental power plants to its party men and family members without tender as well as to serve the interest of its foreign friends.

She said the government will have to incur loss of over Tk 70000 crore in three years for giving contracts of private rental power plants and buying electricity at high price. The people will have to bear the huge loss.

Khaleda during her over one-hour speech from 4:10 pm touched upon the government failures in different sectors, AL entente with the last military-backed caretaker government, non-implementation of its election pledges, repression on the opposition and women particularly girl students at different educational institutions and so on.

Describing the behind-the-scene story of promulgation of state of emergency on January 11, 2007, she asked the government if it has no weakness for General Moeen to immediately arrest the former army chief for killing democracy by bringing in emergency rule.

Referring to the UN resident coordinator in Bangladesh Renata Lok Dessallien's recent statement before leaving the country for joining her next assignment, Khaleda said no letter was sent from the UN.

Khaleda further said Renata also mentioned that Moeenuddin had told a lie. She said the 'Moeenuddin-Fakhruddin' government has caused huge loss to the country in every sector and pushed the country 20 years back.

The BNP chairperson alleged that the ruling party activists caused obstructions and made attack on BNP supporters on their way to join the Rajshahi grand rally.

She said the government also imposed restriction on live telecast by private TV channels of her today's address in Rajshahi apparently unnerved by seeing the huge rush of people in her previous grand rallies in Ctg and Khulna cities.

In this regard, she mentioned the attack by the ruling Awami League terrorists at Singa in Natore today on BNP leaders and workers who were coming from Bogra to join the Rajshahi grand rally.

Khaleda said Zakir Hossain, a BNP activist, was killed in the attack and many were injured while many vehicles were damaged and burnt by the ruling party activists.

Yes mohtarma but it was you that apponted this gaddar eventhough Jamaat has warned about him. He was not only junior to few others but also an idiot. You pissed of arm force with your blind miscalculated appointee. No self respect proud general would have like to serve under this Midget but you made them to done so. As a result BD nation paid big price for you unforgiving mistake and armed force withdrew it's support from your Party. You, your familiy and BNP-Jamaat has paid heavy toll becuase your ignorant mistake. I hope you learned your lesson and if Allah give you or your party another chance to lead BD then be a lot more careful with choosing of important appointee.
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25 injured as Sylhet BNP factions clash

Friday, May 7, 2010
National25 injured as Sylhet BNP factions clash
Ilyas Ali's men foil rival's rally

Intra-party rivals loyal to Sylhet district BNP convener Ilyas Ali vandalise the podium in the city's Court Point area, where city BNP was scheduled to hold a rally, right, stick wielding activists chase rivals during the intra-party clashes yesterday.Photo: STAR
Staff Correspondent, SylhetTwenty-five people sustained injuries as two factions of Sylhet BNP engaged in clashes in Zindabazar and Court Point areas in the city yesterday afternoon.

Police charged truncheons to control the situation and arrested 20 people, said Kotwali Police Station Officer-in-Charge Mohammad Ali Bhuiyan. Most of the arrestees belong to the faction led by Sylhet district BNP convener Ilyas Ali.

At about 3:20pm, activists of the group backed by district BNP convener Ilyas Ali vandalised the podium in Court Point area where BNP Sylhet city unit and a faction of district BNP organised a rally at the end of a fortnight-long anti-government agitation programme that Ilyas group had opposed from the very beginning, said party insiders.

Shortly afterwards, a procession of the city unit of BNP started for the rally venue but it came under attack by intra-party rivals near Zindabazar point, witnesses said.

The clashes that followed left 25 people injured and eventually foiled the rally organised by the faction led by city BNP chief Dr Shahriar Hossain Chowdhury and Joint convener Nasim Hossain, known as followers of late finance minister M Saifur Rahman.

Rezaul Hasan Lodi, a ward councillor of Sylhet City Corporation, was admitted to a private hospital with head injuries. Most other injured took first aid.

Two gunshots were also fired into the air during the clashes. Some agitators broke the camera of Prothom Alo photographer Anis Mahmud and took away the camera of Shabbir Foyez, a journalist of local daily Shyamol Sylhet.
Dear M_Saint bro,

Since we do not have our own good international forum and also there is a lack of Bangladeshis in PDF for Bangladesh Section so we do not want that any of our countrymen will ban/suspend though I understand your grief, concern and excitement about the misrule going on. But we know that tolerance is better than ban/suspend. And a dedicated man like you should not be suspended/banned just for only excitement. And I’m giving emphasis on the number of Bangladeshis in PDF because here we can get many members from India, PK and others to discuss, and I consider the Bangladesh Section in PDF as a complementary of our own defence forum. And I want at least around 10 Bangladeshi regular members in PDF who will give suggestions to solve the problems of BD and make creative ideas for BD instead of criticize only.

*Sorry if you get anything wrong in this post. Regards.


Dear Skies BRO,

During my hibernation I missed you the most as I saw the reflection of my heart in yours. I was deeply saddened by observing supposed Pakistani MODS getting worked up by Indians whereas me being a global moderators of 2 forums unflinchingly took the righteous path to rescue them from Indian onslaughts. Infect giving up my BDeshi share of its flag was also for righteous causes but "Maer Cheye Je Beshi Darod Dekhay Take Dainy Bole" was unfounded to the pseudo seculars of this forum that liked to win Indian games that was conceived, strategies, nurtured and matured by them.
Yes mohtarma but it was you that apponted this gaddar eventhough Jamaat has warned about him. He was not only junior to few others but also an idiot. You pissed of arm force with your blind miscalculated appointee. No self respect proud general would have like to serve under this Midget but you made them to done so. As a result BD nation paid big price for you unforgiving mistake and armed force withdrew it's support from your Party. You, your familiy and BNP-Jamaat has paid heavy toll becuase your ignorant mistake. I hope you learned your lesson and if Allah give you or your party another chance to lead BD then be a lot more careful with choosing of important appointee.
Zakir Bhai,

Contrary to the popular belief, it wasn't Mohatarama that whole-heartedly promoted MUA as COAS but he was imposed upon her by Indians. During Condi Rice's visit to IND, conniving IND politicians got her nod on deciding BD's future. So, while scheming on BNP/JI's ouster, they built on her concent by approaching Beautinez, Anwar Chowdhury through BRITS and made sure they worked to materialize their plan. The rest we all knew what they did to stop the election on Jan 22, 07 and bring BAL in power through that trend.
Infect giving up my BDeshi share of its flag was also for righteous causes but "Maer Cheye Je Beshi Darod Dekhay Take Dainy Bole" was unfounded to the pseudo seculars of this forum...

I can understand it very well that why you changed your flag. And it only proves that you have well wish and love for BD but you are annoyed on current BD. It will be no wonder if I (also others) will change my BD flag ever after watching that BD is not really independent state in future for which BD people fought once or if I'll see that BD runs by other country's wish. No one has any right to blame me.
Hartal(strike) called
Wed, May 19th, 2010 6:51 pm BdST

Dhaka, May19 (bdnews24.com) — BNP chief Khaleda Zia has called for a dawn-to-dusk general strike on June 27 to protest what she calls Awami League misrule.

This will be the first countrywide hartal during the current tenure of the current government since January 2009.

The BNP chairperson made the call on Wednesday at a grand rally in Dhaka to protest the prevailing utilities crisis, tender-grabbing, extortion and demanding resignation of the Election Commission and cancellation of treaties with India.

She also announced a mass sit-in at the Institution of Engineers Bangladesh on June 9 protesting 'government interference into the judicial system'.


BREAKING NEWSHartal called | Bangladesh | bdnews24.com
Personally against all kind of Hartal but this munafiq anti-Bangladeshi awami government stairing the country in wrong direction. It has given too much Amnesty by Incompetent opposition thus far. Lets see if BNP got what it takes to prevent this munafiqs from further damage to the nation.
Khaleda-Nizami meeting held:

Jamaat terms BNP's agitation programme positive: Decision will be conveyed today formally

Sunday June 06 2010 01:10:11 AM BDT

Leader of the Opposition in Parliament and BNP Chairperson Begum Khaleda Zia held her first formal meeting with her major alliance partner Jamaat-e-Islami at her Gulshan office yesterday evening.(The New Nation )

The meeting, held for the first after the December 2008 general elections, was arranged as part of her initiative to reactivate the alliance through exchange of views with the partners and seek cooperation for her agitation programmes, including June 27 hartal as announced from a grand rally at Paltan Maidan last month.

Emerging from the meeting, Jamaat Ameer Maulana Motiur Rahman Nizami expressed a positive gesture towards extending their support to BNP's hartal and other agitation programme. He, however, said that they would formally disclose their party decision in this connection after a policy meeting today (Sunday).

Briefing reporters Nizami termed the BNP's agitation programmes positive saying that they agreed to the anti-government movement. "There is no alternative of movement," he said.

During the meeting, they discussed the latest development in the political arena and strategies to consolidate the unity of the alliance and carry out future actions against the misdeeds of the government, insiders said.

They also discussed the development over the Chittagong City Corporation (CCC) elections, ruling party's inaction in creating obstacle to hold rallies by Jamaat in different places in the country, including that of Paltan Maidan.

Jamaat leaders-Ali Ahsan Mohammad Mojaheed, Muhammad Quamaruzzaman, Abdul Quader Mollah, Maulana Delwar Hossain Saidee, Barrister Abdur Razzak, Maulana Abdus Sobhan, Maqbul Ahmed and ATM Azharul Islam accompanied the Jamaat chief during the hour long parley.

BNP Secretary General Khandaker Delwar Hossain, Standing Committee Member Nazrul Islam Khan, Senior Joint Secretary General Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir were present during the meeting.

Earlier, Khaleda Zia has already met with leaders of Bangladesher Jatiya Party (BJP), Islami Oikya Jote (IOJ) and Khelafat Majlish, like minded parties-Jatiya Ganotantrik Party, NAP, National People's Party, Doctors' Association of Bangladesh (DAB), Dhaka Bar Association, Teachers Employees Oikya Jote, Muktijoddah Projanma, G-9, Chirontan Bangladesh, National Youth Forum, Swadhinata Forum, Nagorik Forum, Sushil Forum, Chetonar Muktijoddah, Bangladesh Manobadhiker Parjobekkhan Sangstha, Centre for Strategic and Peace Studies and Bangladesh Sachetan Nagorik Parishad.

The leaders of the political parties and organisations have extended their support to the countrywide June 27 hartal and other programmes of the BNP.

Khaleda Zia began her parleys with alliance partners, like minded parties and professional bodies on May 27 with a view to reactivating the four-party alliance and to expand the alliance by taking the like minded parties in it.

BNP Chairperson and Leader of the Opposition Begum Khaleda Zia at a meeting with Bangladesh Jamat-e-Islami leaders at her Gulshan office on Saturday evening. NN photo

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