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Newly arrived afghan refugees changing anti-PK slogans and throwing stones at Police convoy.

This forced acceptance of people just because of shared religion is stupid.
When I was studying in Comsats Abbotabad. At that time MNS government offered large number of scholarships to them and they were studying in universities in Pakistan. Some 50 got their seats in Comsats Abbotabad. In August 2015 we all used to wear Pakistan flag badge on our shirts. They in retaliation started wearing Afghan Flag badges. We were also pissed because it was our independence day hence we were celebrating but they had no such occasion just wanted to tease and oppose. This is the mentality we are fighting. That's when I understood we can have good relations with India (which we should ) but not with afghans. Never ever. Maybe they are normal to us in Taliban rule due to the strict rules implemented by Taliban and guaranteed punishments. But the day Taliban rule is over and another government is in action, they will revert back to this attitude.

I am more offended by Punjab government to allow these ethnic pashtun/afghan chauvinists into punjab who they swore are their worst enemies... Have you seen how all of them call Pak army as punjabi army and pakistani pashtuns "gul Khans" because they are buddies buddies with punjabis...

It seems like people in punjab government either didn't vet them properly or clearly didn't read history or geopolitics... It is either that or they are grossly incompetent as all government ministries .... I think its both.
When I was studying in Comsats Abbotabad. At that time MNS government offered large number of scholarships to them and they were studying in universities in Pakistan. Some 50 got their seats in Comsats Abbotabad. In August 2015 we all used to wear Pakistan flag badge on our shirts. They in retaliation started wearing Afghan Flag badges. We were also pissed because it was our independence day hence we were celebrating but they had no such occasion just wanted to tease and oppose. This is the mentality we are fighting. That's when I understood we can have good relations with India (which we should ) but not with afghans. Never ever. Maybe they are normal to us in Taliban rule due to the strict rules implemented by Taliban and guaranteed punishments. But the day Taliban rule is over and another government is in action, they will revert back to this attitude.

My recognition of who we were dealing with came around the past month. This past month I realized the mentality these barbarians have. The countless arguments and discussions I had with my ppl across the line showed their true colors. The amount of obsession with Punjab and Pakistan calling anyone who doesn't agree with their views a "punjabi ghulam" or "gul khan". Also being called a "traitor to my own race" for not peddling their talking points.

On my social media I didn't post a single thing about Afghanistan, and I got dm's on twitter and instagram telling me how I am betraying my own people LOL. Also on independence day this year there's a trend where some people post their "flag and face", the amount of afghans that had a hissy fit over that and were practically telling Pakistanis they shouldn't be celebrating cuz "people are dying".

And bro they (diaspora) isn't gonna be ever normal to us. Biden is planning to bring more trash in so expect anti-Pakistani stuff to rise higher.
This forced acceptance of people just because of shared religion is stupid.

I am more offended by Punjab government to allow these ethnic pashtun/afghan chauvinists into punjab who they swore are their worst enemies... Have you seen how all of them call Pak army as punjabi army and pakistani pashtuns "gul Khans" because they are buddies buddies with punjabis...

It seems like people in punjab government either didn't vet them properly or clearly didn't read history or geopolitics... It is either that or they are grossly incompetent as all government ministries .... I think its both.

Gul Khan was originally a character played by a pashtun youtuber called OurVines now its used an insult like wtf 😂
This forced acceptance of people just because of shared religion is stupid.

I am more offended by Punjab government to allow these ethnic pashtun/afghan chauvinists into punjab who they swore are their worst enemies... Have you seen how all of them call Pak army as punjabi army and pakistani pashtuns "gul Khans" because they are buddies buddies with punjabis...

It seems like people in punjab government either didn't vet them properly or clearly didn't read history or geopolitics... It is either that or they are grossly incompetent as all government ministries .... I think its both.
Punjabis are big hearted people

When they go low, we go high

Doesn't matter how they feel, they're not a threat rn

So why not work towards building some sort of a relationship instead of wasting time hating on people?

They going through stuff and we became the punching bag for Thier own failure's

We should try to correct em, but at the same time work towards building some sort of a relationship

Be the bigger man/country
Its definitely inferiority complex mentality. Pakistanis probably don't realise but these Afghanistanis must be burning deep down that Pakistan is a independent powerful state but their country is not. Pakistanis needs to become bigger than their neighbours and don't push these people away, yes those who commit crime or attack women should be arrested but no need to hate on all of them. I also met many Afghanis and they hate Pakistan and Pakistan army, but I treated them well, showed them respect. I defended Pakistan and army with knowledge, I explained the terrorism situation and how India supported USSR to attack Afghanistan, Pakistan never ever attacked Afghanistan. They listened and now they never say anything bad about Pakistan, we even went to prayer jummah together and they came down to my sibling wedding. To be honest they do get bullied and harrased in Pakistan by police and local low lifes and I explained to them that police even harass Pakistani citizens, they are corrupt and slowly when people are more aware and educated then things will change. We should not look down on them but bring them up, this way relationship will improve. The winners will be Pak and Afghan people.
Punjabis are big hearted people

When they go low, we go high

Doesn't matter how they feel, they're not a threat rn

So why not work towards building some sort of a relationship instead of wasting time hating on people?

They going through stuff and we became the punching bag for Thier own failure's

We should try to correct em, but at the same time work towards building some sort of a relationship

Be the bigger man/country

Not sure about Punjabis but where i live people love to bully others, even those who go from the UK they get played and harassed by locals. They do exact to the Afghanis and look down to them. The Afghanis are a small minority and no threat to us, if we change our ways then they could easily become friendly. One Afghan mentioned to me that India and Afghanistan are old friends from many centuries ago, I said Pakistan was also part of that Hindustan, so you were actually friends with Pakistan as we share a border. He also mentioned about Pakistan supporting USA, and India supporting Afghanistan government, I said India is the same country who supported USSR to attack Afghanistan, how can you forget that? And Pakistan never attacked Afghanistan. USA is attacking Afghanistan with 40+ countries. If only our government could explain and teach these people but instead they are busy in corruption
the brotherhood needs to end with these vermin.

keep a snake, a scorpion, a spider and crocodilian. NEVER KEEP AN AFGHANI.
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Wrap them up in their precious flag and throw them across the border. Why are we even taking these snakes in? Did the government learn nothing from the first time this happened? And are they ignoring all the anti pak bs the Mayor of Panjshir is spewing?
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