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Afghan refugees turn F-6 children’s park into ‘tent village’

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The mess in afghanistan has been caused by the russians/soviets and americans/nato invading afghanistan, destroying it and massacring/raping millions of afghans between 1979 and 2021. Could you explain how Pakistan is responsible for that? Could you also explain why the afghans should have grievances against Pakistan but not against the soviets/russians and america/nato? None of what you say makes sense.

Soviets wanted ability to fly the Persian Gulf, thru Pakistan thus controlling the (then) bulk of the world’s oil supply. Unfortunately for them, they didn’t learn British history.

Then, US’ invasion under Bush2's War on Terror really screwed up BIG TIME an already dired situation, and the rest is history.

As to who is responsible, every interfering warmongering bastards are responsible
Lolz u need to stop reading crap of genrals. Whatever happened in Afghanistan, do u deny Pakistani role? Both overt and covert. Do u deny making 40,000 madrassas along the pak afghan border?? Do u deny taking billions from US and saudi to fund these jihad factories? Those madrassas trained regugees and Pakistanis and sent them to Afghanistan. The huge terrorism surge in Pakistan was all due to those madrassas that mostly still operate. These dumb generals not only made Afghanistan our enemy but also lost control of the snakes they bred and now they bite us as well. We didn't "help" them, we made their country a battleground and ruined their future generations. We started covert activities in Afghanistan way before things got out of hand. An honorable nation accepts their mistakes and Pakistan should accept mistakes made both in Afghanistan and Bangladesh. Nasha aap ne kia hay, wo bhi local pak study wala.
they ruined it on their own. we simply protected our own interests. please feel free to leave paksitan for afghanistan if you are so pissed off about it. nahsayi to aap hain, afghani heroin walay. plz stop posting BS. pak studies main to daud ki harkaton aur commie infighting k baray main parhaya hi nahi jata. apni behind say apna sir nikalay to kuchh pata chalay.

What was ur issue if they became commies? Their country their choice but no, we had to be a loyal servant of the US. Many authors have written that Pakistan lobbied to convince US to indulge in Afghanistan against USSR.
Advised to get rid of arabs? Are u joking? It was Pakistan that brought those rich arab jihadis to Afghanistan in the first place. 40,000 madrassas were built and funded through these arabs whom u "advised" to stay away from. You are the one scapegoating, blaming the victim for what hapenned to them, without seeing what we did. Typical Pakistani behavior of blaming everyone except urself. The role of our evil establishment just started getting exposed, they will sell Pakistan to US, let alone Afghanistan. That same arab was eventually found in Abbottabad, blame Bangladesh on india and bengalis, blame siachen on snow, blame kashmir on locals lolz.
Kindly take that pak study crap, mix it with delusions, denial and mirch and shove it up where the sun n moon never shines.
aap ro lain. we simply did what was best for us. commie revolution meant restarting of pashtunistan movement, and terrorist activities inside pakistan. and soviet takeover was simply a big no, no. remember, this was the country that supported india extensively in 1971.

kindly take that woke, commie, afghan loving crap you shove it up your behind and go to afghanistan.
No ABSOLUTELY NOT we have done what we can for the afghans, enough is enough

We don't need to help them , we need to let them live and die on their own and away from us, Not in Karachi, not in Lahore and not in KP

IN AFGHANISTAN, the afghans take no responsibility for their own miserable lives and situation, they a border line retarded people and you can't help such people

By all means trade with them, have friendly borders but let's not take ownership of looking after these namak Haram thankless people for the rest of eternity,

Let's not let them spread their fassad, jahilat and begharati across Pakistan

They will take and take and still hate and attack Pakistan, it is NOT up to us to try and change them

The afghans are a fallen people who even God has abandoned because of their jahilat and we can't allow them endless time to steal, rob, murder and spread prostitution and sell their daughters in Pakistan

Let them go to hell or Afghanistan, let's just stop them taking advantage of Pakistan, they are simply not worth it

I am sure there are quite alot of Pakistanis who hate other Pakistanis. I am sure no Afghan hates Pakistanis as much as Altaf Hussain hates Pashtuns or Shahi Sayed hates Muhajirs.

only the panjsheris, marxists and pakhtun nationalists hate pakistan. the balance 90 per cent are ok with it and prefer living here
I am sure there are quite alot of Pakistanis who hate other Pakistanis. I am sure no Afghan hates Pakistanis as much as Altaf Hussain hates Pashtuns or Shahi Sayed hates Muhajirs.

only the panjsheris, marxists and pakhtun nationalists hate pakistan. the balance 90 per cent are ok with it and prefer living here

You being sure means little when the afghans come out against the lar aur bar poison and their TTP brethren then talk
they ruined it on their own. we simply protected our own interests. please feel free to leave paksitan for afghanistan if you are so pissed off about it. nahsayi to aap hain, afghani heroin walay. plz stop posting BS. pak studies main to daud ki harkaton aur commie infighting k baray main parhaya hi nahi jata. apni behind say apna sir nikalay to kuchh pata chalay.

aap ro lain. we simply did what was best for us. commie revolution meant restarting of pashtunistan movement, and terrorist activities inside pakistan. and soviet takeover was simply a big no, no. remember, this was the country that supported india extensively in 1971.

kindly take that woke, commie, afghan loving crap you shove it up your behind and go to afghanistan.

Why dont u pack up and go back to the hindu hole u came out of. U think u or ur lumber 1 or any of ur corrupt goons gave us this land?? Educate urself, we took over this land from hindus and budhists by force and we have ruled it since. Just because we decided to be part of Pakistan doesnt mean we gave ownership of our land to u or anyone else. This shows ur dumb immature mindset. Zara Peshawar aa k kisi ko kaho aesa phr dekho kya hota hay tmhare saat.
Terrorism and pashtunistan movement were never stopped. Infact we saw and still see how terrorism destroyed Pakistan and now even pashtunistan movement is rising again, so this means we failed and all were blunders.
U seem to be shoqeen of shoving stuff in ur behind, come to Peshawar and we will satisfy that urge of urs very well.
Why dont u pack up and go back to the hindu hole u came out of. U think u or ur lumber 1 or any of ur corrupt goons gave us this land?? Educate urself, we took over this land from hindus and budhists by force and we have ruled it since. Just because we decided to be part of Pakistan doesnt mean we gave ownership of our land to u or anyone else. This shows ur dumb immature mindset. Zara Peshawar aa k kisi ko kaho aesa phr dekho kya hota hay tmhare saat.
Terrorism and pashtunistan movement were never stopped. Infact we saw and still see how terrorism destroyed Pakistan and now even pashtunistan movement is rising again, so this means we failed and all were blunders.
U seem to be shoqeen of shoving stuff in ur behind, come to Peshawar and we will satisfy that urge of urs very well.
yeh hai tumhari auqaat. do takay ka nahi ho. army nay maar maar kar set kar dia tha tribals ko. tum rotay raho. ho he qabza group. lol.

baherhaal, the cat is out of the bag. you are an anti state pashtun nationalist, no use arguing with brain dead idiots like you.
Afghanistan is a fairly new construct as well. It emerged under the Hotak Dynasty in the early 1700's. Ethnically very diverse too with Pashtuns, Tajiks, Turkmen, Uzbek, Hazara, Baloch, Aimak, Pashai, Nuristani, Brahui, Kurds, Pamiri, Gujjar and even Arab.

It is very stupid to equal Afghans with Pashtuns and vice versa. Afghanistan is barely a 300 year old nation while the history of Pashtuns predate the notion of Afghanistan by a long shot.

The Durand line is not any more "fake" than our other borders or the borders of every other country. In fact borders are all artificial and man-made.

It is also very stupid to lay blame solely at Afghanistan for all its troubles or for Pakistan. Many painful mistakes were made by both sides, nobody can deny this.

The story, like any other that is this old, is very nuanced and complex.

The bottom line is that decades of failures of Pakistan ("leadership" and largely useless establishment) is the root cause of many of the troubles.

However one thing should be clear, given the many local struggling people within Pakistan, the last thing this country needs is ungrateful/troublemaking people from abroad regardless where they are from or their ethnicity.

We are in a very difficult and challenging situation but nowhere near the challenges of Afghanistan. Pakistani Pashtuns (many at least) will have some sort of affinity to Pashtuns in Afghanistan but that does not equal Afghanistan as a whole. This is mostly the border areas due to shared tribes, culture, history etc.

Anyway merging with Afghanistan makes far more sense than nonsense talk of merging with Bangladesh (which was a failed project from the beginning) that I saw on the forum not long ago.

The uneducated perception that most Pasthuns in Pakistan are in favor of some imaginary landlocked Pashtunistan that is bound for failure is utter nonsense, as if that was the case, Pakistan would long ago have fallen apart. The grievances are about other topics, which goes for many ethnic groups of Pakistan.

Lastly Pakistan did the only right thing it could do when the Soviets invaded Afghanistan and brutally murdered MILLIONS of civilian and innocent Afghans while burning/destroying thousands of villages down to the ground.

Jihad is a religious obligation when its requirements are met and has nothing to do with some imaginary Wahhabism or Deobandism or whatever Islamic sect. It is an integral part of Islam. Locals whether in Afghanistan or Pakistan knew this concept very well. And Jihad or no Jihad, it is natural to fight off a bloody invader from your country and protect yourself from an alien and failed ideology (communism) and from an imperialist and aggressive entity (USSR) that was trying to spread its ideology with force.

The main problem in Afghanistan post-1988 was that the international community (that had the financial and political means to support Afghanistan after the war) left when the mission was accomplished (USSR defeat) while ignoring Afghanistan, and this later gave rise to historically prone tribal infighting within Afghanistan (warlords) hence the civil war. One faction won that civil war (Taliban) and rest is history.
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Another thing that both Afghanistan and Pakistan suffers from is tribalism and ethnic chauvinism which hampers genuine national cohesion and development. Afghanistan is particularly infected by those diseases.

Lack of education (literacy rates) are some of the lowest in the world too. A disaster. Lack of LAND REFORMS another huge challenge that prevents genuine growth. In both countries you have wealthy land lords that control huge amounts of arable land while the average family is struggling to make it, particularly in today's Afghanistan.

There are so many challenges that require cooperation that it is sinful and a waste of time to play any blame games online, what happened happened, the goal is now to correct those mistakes and create a better common future. It is this simple.
talibans are creation of pakistan , mulla umar lived and died in exile in pakistan , osama bin laden was hiding in pakistan , hunted and killed in abbottabad .

Sure sure. The americans/nato and soviets/russians also never invaded afghanistan. They were actually Pakistanis dressed up as them............ :disagree:

AT LEAST 10 million afghans are in Pakistan right now. According to the likes of you, that is the reason for the destruction of afghanistan......... :disagree:...........but then again, gangus like you also claimed that 40,000 Pakistani troops killed 3 million civilians and raped 10 million women in under 5 weeks in bangladesh in 1971..........:disagree:

talibans are creation of pakistan , mulla umar lived and died in exile in pakistan , osama bin laden was hiding in pakistan , hunted and killed in abbottabad .

@waz @krash @RescueRanger @Kambojaric @The Eagle @jaibi

The gangu propaganda machine against Pakistan has started up again. Is this acceptable?
talibans are creation of pakistan , mulla umar lived and died in exile in pakistan , osama bin laden was hiding in pakistan , hunted and killed in abbottabad .

The Taliban were created by a small group of Islamic students (hence the name Taliban which means students) who stood up against a local warlord in Kandahar province who allegedly raped a young boy. They gained popularity and were joined by other armed factions to fight the criminal warlords during the Afghan civil war.so, We recognised them because they became the reality in Afghanistan
“They are the future of humanity
But many of them living in poverty
And without shelter homeless on the street
Searching through rubbish bins for scraps of food to eat.

Poor children are victims of circumstance
In life they never really get a chance
Or have opportunities as privileged children do
The road from the poor suburb to prison leads them to.

Poor children without homes and sleeping rough
And life for them already hard enough
At the wrong end of the social divide
Any chance of a good future to them is denied.”

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That’s actually wrong.
KSA funded and funds Ahle Hadith. Ahle Hadith and Deobandis are very different. TTP and Taliban are majority Deobandi followers. TLP are Barelvi followers. Meanwhile the mujahideen that fight alongside Pakistan on LOC and against TTP and, that fight for Pakistan in IOK, Afghanistan and Iran belong to Ahle Hadith. When was the last time you say Ahle Hadith guys closing down the country or burning stuff. Diesel and JUIF is deobandis as well.
Deobandism is opposed by Saudi and Saudi scholars so they would never support it.
..... and Osama Bin Laden was deobandi from India, not from KSA while TTP existed in 1980s. Thank you.
Here is a thing with hypocrites afghan pashtunists on this forum.

Brave afghans taliban pashtuns defeated Americans. Same regime is responsible for refugee crisis right? Then you people change tune and say Pakistan is responsible for supporting Taliban and hence refugees is our responsibility . Make up your mind for once.

So called Afghan refugees are nothing more then economic migrants. But problem is Pakistan cannot afford them as we have enough population of our own. Afghanis tend to be huge security risk as after crimes they just disappear without much effort.

Can these refugees be housed alongside the other refugees in one of the camps or found accommodations with the help of some NGO that works to protect vulnerable minorities?

One could ask why this lot are more deserving then any other Afghan refugee, but considering their ethnic and religious minority background, creating a safe harbor for those not a security threat could be useful to Pakistan via a vi Afghanistan and its future stability and utility to transit routes and mining. Bamiyan/Hazarajat are along the route between Kabul and Mazar, through which a proposed rail corridor to Uzbekistan would traverse. No harm fostering the community of Afghan Hazara refugees with an eye towards long term influence and to check Iranian influence on the Afghan Shia/Hazara communities. The Taliban government may last or it may not, and Pakistan should be hedging for all possible outcomes.

North Afghanistan have huge mineral deposits but that region are non-pashtun so civil war will continue between Taliban and Tajik/hazara. No chance investment anytime soon.
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