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Afghan refugees turn F-6 children’s park into ‘tent village’

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Shows u know nothing about the ground realities, that is bound to happen when u talk after reading biased onsesided stories and not aware of reality. Afghan mujahideen and taliban are all staunch deobandis. The alma mater of all jehadis and talib leadership is darul ul uloom haqqania, ever wondered why most taliban use the surname haqqani? Or the haqqani network? Haqqania is school of deoband and they explicitly call salafi/wahabi/ahle hadees as "gumrah". The deobandi ideology is nurtured by our establishment and tableeghi jamat is a pillar of it. If this was a brain child of KSA, the jehadis would have mostly been wahabi. How many times have u been to Afghanistan? Try going to Afghanistan and praying with rafaul yadeen (raising hands like wahabis) and then see reaction of ppl.

Do u know there r uzbeks and tajiks in Afghanistan too, majority fighters were pashtuns, from both sides. The reason for high radicalization in FATA and Afghanistan pashtuns.

So atleast now u accept we used (misused) religion for our gain or rather our loss and gain of our master. Well misusing religion tend to have consequences, which we face till this day.

And how did that end up?

So we made US show interest, we made Afghanistan the battleground instead of letting afghans decide for themselves if they want communism or mullahs. This way then even india have right to make Pakistan a battleground because of perceived future outcomes lolz???

Something a typical pak general would say in the end when no argument is left, yeah we civilians cant understand geo strategic positions and instead the generals can who lost half the country and then destroyed our future by misusing religion and fighting other's wars.

So were all these given a thought? All this extrenism, AK culture, opium etc were all our own doing. What exactly did we achieve?

Yeah the typical argument of small minds, if u criticize ur country u hate ur country. I have criticized afghans even more on this forum and am actually among the people who believes pashtuns to east of durand line and to west are separate since centuries, ive provided historical evidence of this in that pashto thread. Nevertheless one thing is known, our fragile ego, that cannot take an iota of criticism. Its very evident from current political situation aswell. One of the reasons we are in a mess.
If you think KSA would invest with money without any incentive in return, then you better visit some books yourself. As for myself, I have read almost every anti-Pakistan Army book that I could lay my hands on. Pakistan provided training and logistics, USA provided weapons and KSA provided the funds. You want to change history, by all means go and re-write books. Say have you visited a madrassah ? Do you know who funds them since Pakistan is always cash strapped ? and also, what is the basis of sunni shia conflict which erupts in different parts of Pakistan ?

I told you not to be an apologist accepting that Afghans are saints, they could have shunned wahabism or even support in the form of weapons, yet they didnt, did you think why they accepted everything that was offered to them ? Well, once you get to know that then maybe you will understand many things on your own coz your," mein na maanooo" attitude isn't helping at all.

Criticizing is an art, one that you have no grasp neither command of. Remember that even a dog barks for a purpose, either informing of an intruder or gaining attention when he is hungry. You offer no solutions and if removing military's top brass or rendering military useless is your solution that I can only grin and move on. I am not bothered about your love of Afghans, there are many brainwashed idiots out there and its not in my best interest to take on every tom dick harry that comes my way.

I do believe you have staunchly entrenched beliefs in your head which makes it impossible for you to accept what really happened and how it happened, in fact, if you might accept the actual facts, it will dwindle your dear beliefs which in turn will collapse all the strength that you built in your mind to come forth with false arguments, basically rendering your mind useless for the coming times in your life, after all when the "bulb" truly lights in your mind, there would be no more false beliefs to hold on to.

Try to get one tiny thing in your head - nothing was thrusted onto Afghans. They had a choice. They accepted the offer of weapons, funding, training and inclusion of strategies formed by 3 countries into Afghanistan. If your mind can comprehend that then we can move ahead into this argument, otherwise Im not bothering with you anymore.
Actually its me asking to look inward instead of blaming others, you need to comprehend things correctly. Ofcourse Pakistan backed talibs because they r all products of our madrassas and seen as assets. Iran took steps for its national interests, not saluting uncle sam and doing as ordered. There is also a difference between tilting and bending. Bending is when u damage ur own national interests in the long run, like Pakistan did, both at afghan jihad and WoT.

Pakistan Army supporterd Pashtuns because of the affinity Pashtuns in Pakistan Army had for their brethren. There was Hekmatyar and then there was Mullah Omar. Mullah Omar won the popularity contest. :coffee:
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The SAME people who used to claim that 40,000 Pakistani soldiers killed 3 million civilians and raped 10 million women in 5 weeks in bangladesh are the SAME people who now claim that Pakistan is responsible for the mess and failure of afghanistan. Can someone please explain to me how Pakistan managed to rule both the soviet union and america and force feed them into invading afghanistan in 1979 and 2001............. :disagree:?
The same people deny the fact that it was USSR, India, USA that turned A'stan into a gangland of rapist warlord rulers run by a hashish economy that is the main reason for rise of Taliban.
The problem is hypocrisy of certain apologist posters here.

They go on about bravery of afghans and how they defeated Americans/Soviets.

They then blame Pakistan for afghani refugees because Pakistan rough ISI supported mujahideen/taliban in both cases. So in either case Afghans can do what ever they want in Pakistan.

Does that make anysense? Only to afghan apologists which you will find many among PTM/pashtunists types here pretending to be Pak nationalists.
Pakistan has no interest in invading and occupying Afghanistan. If we had, we would have done it decades ago.

Pakistan and Pakistanis only want the millions of Afghan refugees to go back to their own country and build it.

Pakistan and Afghanistan are inseparable brothers. Family members have sometimes lack of trust and problems but family is still family. We hope when refugees will go back to Afghanistan and settle there. Slowly things will become normal again
You are right afghanistan and pakistan are like family .
It’s funny because Afghans seem to have a problem everywhere else in the country, whether it’s Sindh or KPK.

Sindh episode wasn't started by Afghans tho

Only to afghan apologists which you will find many among PTM/pashtunists types here pretending to be Pak nationalists.

Pashtuns have existed for 1000s of years while Pakistan for 70+.

There was no violent partition of Afghanistan/Pashtunkhwa but in east of the Indus there was. Hence the difference in mentality.
Sindh episode wasn't started by Afghans tho

Pashtuns have existed for 1000s of years while Pakistan for 70+.

There was no violent partition of Afghanistan/Pashtunkhwa but in east of the Indus there was. Hence the difference in mentality.

I agree. Put Afghans and Sindhis to the side.

Going to someone’s restaurant to eat, misbehaving, and then not paying is just about as pathetic as it gets.

On the other hand, Afghans going full retard over some guy not paying and killing him is also pathetic.

It was just a meal. They could have told the guy to **** off and never come back. Allah swt ke naam par de diya... ect.

I mean, I used to even throw roti to street dogs/loosey kuttay passing by when I was in Pakistan.

But you’re right. The Afghans didn’t start that issue.
Afghans have more rights in Pakistan than any other country in the world including Afghanistan, so drink a glass of water and accept that your randi rona is not justified.
This is 100% true!

You also live on american aid u moron. They lived under occupation for 20 years but are still free, u been british slave for 150 years and now american slave since 70 years. Koi sharam koi haya??
Attack Pakistan? When? If they wanted to attack Pakistan, they would have taken it, they even took Delhi many times, whats ur worth??
Its been u who radicalized their society, exported extremism and jahalat, its u who interfere in them u jahil idiot. U r no better than a cockroach either, and then scumbags like u cry about muslims when other muslims ally with india. Talking like a racist n looking down on others aur apni auqaat bhool gaye lolz.
You need to calm down a little bit with the diatribe please.
Shows u know nothing about the ground realities, that is bound to happen when u talk after reading biased onsesided stories and not aware of reality. Afghan mujahideen and taliban are all staunch deobandis. The alma mater of all jehadis and talib leadership is darul ul uloom haqqania, ever wondered why most taliban use the surname haqqani? Or the haqqani network? Haqqania is school of deoband and they explicitly call salafi/wahabi/ahle hadees as "gumrah". The deobandi ideology is nurtured by our establishment and tableeghi jamat is a pillar of it. If this was a brain child of KSA, the jehadis would have mostly been wahabi. How many times have u been to Afghanistan? Try going to Afghanistan and praying with rafaul yadeen (raising hands like wahabis) and then see reaction of ppl.

Do u know there r uzbeks and tajiks in Afghanistan too, majority fighters were pashtuns, from both sides. The reason for high radicalization in FATA and Afghanistan pashtuns.

So atleast now u accept we used (misused) religion for our gain or rather our loss and gain of our master. Well misusing religion tend to have consequences, which we face till this day.

And how did that end up?

So we made US show interest, we made Afghanistan the battleground instead of letting afghans decide for themselves if they want communism or mullahs. This way then even india have right to make Pakistan a battleground because of perceived future outcomes lolz???

Something a typical pak general would say in the end when no argument is left, yeah we civilians cant understand geo strategic positions and instead the generals can who lost half the country and then destroyed our future by misusing religion and fighting other's wars.

So were all these given a thought? All this extrenism, AK culture, opium etc were all our own doing. What exactly did we achieve?

Yeah the typical argument of small minds, if u criticize ur country u hate ur country. I have criticized afghans even more on this forum and am actually among the people who believes pashtuns to east of durand line and to west are separate since centuries, ive provided historical evidence of this in that pashto thread. Nevertheless one thing is known, our fragile ego, that cannot take an iota of criticism. Its very evident from current political situation aswell. One of the reasons we are in a mess.
A super power eyed our sovereignty. The same super power which was supporting baloch terrorists and supported Bengali war of independence. We had to make a choice, we made one.
Whatever happened after was still better than soviets invading Pakistan.
Soviets destroyed many masjids and religious places in their occupied land. Their ideology was kufr and they waged war against Islam by banning Islamic practices and destroying masjids. Jihad was a must against them.
Pakistan fighting openly against soviets would have meant the end of Pakistan.
Pakistan’s actions not only saved Pakistan but it saved millions of Muslims in Afghanistan from kufr communist ideology.
Pakistan even if it was fighting for its own benefits, did what was right and what was needed.

Pakistan’s role in Afghan Soviet war was necessary.

If you think KSA would invest with money without any incentive in return, then you better visit some books yourself. As for myself, I have read almost every anti-Pakistan Army book that I could lay my hands on. Pakistan provided training and logistics, USA provided weapons and KSA provided the funds. You want to change history, by all means go and re-write books. Say have you visited a madrassah ? Do you know who funds them since Pakistan is always cash strapped ? and also, what is the basis of sunni shia conflict which erupts in different parts of Pakistan ?

I told you not to be an apologist accepting that Afghans are saints, they could have shunned wahabism or even support in the form of weapons, yet they didnt, did you think why they accepted everything that was offered to them ? Well, once you get to know that then maybe you will understand many things on your own coz your," mein na maanooo" attitude isn't helping at all.

Criticizing is an art, one that you have no grasp neither command of. Remember that even a dog barks for a purpose, either informing of an intruder or gaining attention when he is hungry. You offer no solutions and if removing military's top brass or rendering military useless is your solution that I can only grin and move on. I am not bothered about your love of Afghans, there are many brainwashed idiots out there and its not in my best interest to take on every tom dick harry that comes my way.

I do believe you have staunchly entrenched beliefs in your head which makes it impossible for you to accept what really happened and how it happened, in fact, if you might accept the actual facts, it will dwindle your dear beliefs which in turn will collapse all the strength that you built in your mind to come forth with false arguments, basically rendering your mind useless for the coming times in your life, after all when the "bulb" truly lights in your mind, there would be no more false beliefs to hold on to.

Try to get one tiny thing in your head - nothing was thrusted onto Afghans. They had a choice. They accepted the offer of weapons, funding, training and inclusion of strategies formed by 3 countries into Afghanistan. If your mind can comprehend that then we can move ahead into this argument, otherwise Im not bothering with you anymore.
Everything which happened to Pakistan after soviet afghan war was still better then soviets invading us. Had we not done what we did, we wouldn’t have a country today.
The wahabism brought extremism and that was from KSA.
That’s actually wrong.
KSA funded and funds Ahle Hadith. Ahle Hadith and Deobandis are very different. TTP and Taliban are majority Deobandi followers. TLP are Barelvi followers. Meanwhile the mujahideen that fight alongside Pakistan on LOC and against TTP and, that fight for Pakistan in IOK, Afghanistan and Iran belong to Ahle Hadith. When was the last time you say Ahle Hadith guys closing down the country or burning stuff. Diesel and JUIF is deobandis as well.
Deobandism is opposed by Saudi and Saudi scholars so they would never support it.
Respectfully please can members refrain from insulting each other in this tread and for god's sake, if you have sympathy for Afghan's don't forget your loyalty lies with Pakistan first, stop insulting everything Pakistani just because Pakistan finds itself in a dark corner today.

I have reported a few posts and given out -ve ratings, I will not refrain from doing so again. I want to have healthy debates, but not at the expense of decorum, especially please for goodness sake, show some respect to your motherland and the sacrifices that secured it for us and the sacrifices that YOU DONT SEE that continue to secure it for us both internally and externally.
No it's not,, Iranians have gotten it right

They have understood the afghans, they have understood that the afghans are like a plague, like a disease and they will infect Iran so it's better just to treat the afghans like the crap that they are

It's Pakistan which fails to understand this and we let these humans turds come into Pakistan just to create chaos, it's better just to let them die in Afghanistan, they have become worthless as human beings and we can't waste decade after decade trying to look after afghans

Go vote for anti immigrant political party if you can find one in Pakistan. There aren't any just in case you are wondering.
A super power eyed our sovereignty. The same super power which was supporting baloch terrorists and supported Bengali war of independence. We had to make a choice, we made one.
Whatever happened after was still better than soviets invading Pakistan.
Soviets destroyed many masjids and religious places in their occupied land. Their ideology was kufr and they waged war against Islam by banning Islamic practices and destroying masjids. Jihad was a must against them.
Pakistan fighting openly against soviets would have meant the end of Pakistan.
Pakistan’s actions not only saved Pakistan but it saved millions of Muslims in Afghanistan from kufr communist ideology.
Pakistan even if it was fighting for its own benefits, did what was right and what was needed.

Pakistan’s role in Afghan Soviet war was necessary.

Look at the countries that had Soviet influence and compare them to Pakistan and Afghanistan....

All those countries are far ahead.

Not defending Communism but there needs to be open discussion about this.
Look at the countries that had Soviet influence and compare them to Pakistan and Afghanistan....

All those countries are far ahead.
Centeral Asia except for Kazakhstan is behind pakistan in almost every metric and is much much poorer then us (I mean this was the case pre 2018 economic crash, so not sure about rn) -

Out of all Stan countries Pakistan is the leading country

Difference between them (CAR) and Afghanistan is that they drink alcohol by saying Bismillah first and are Russian client states- Afghans faught them off, if they didn't I genuinely believe pakistan was next, so thank you Afghans

They saved themselves first and foremost and in extension pakistan

Here a man from Kabul escaping with 2-3 pregnant daughters with Russian babies - many rape victims killed themselves

Father is angry, want revenge - says will go to islamic brother country of Pakistan and from their will resist Russians

I don't know who is who, or what's right or wrong

But in 80s , looking at circumstances we were right imo, if anything pakistanis in general should have went and helped - cause what was happening was pure evil

On the other in the 90s with the Afghan civil war - that's where the problem starts
A- in our relationship as countries
B- for Afghanistan and in extension for pakistan too (from late 80s decline of Pakistan as a state started - that's why I said Afghanistan's suffering is Pakistan's suffering in extension)
When I say Afghans are brothers it's not a joke or a emotional BS response, it's serious

And this is precisely the reason - we won't feel or be impacted by Bangali pain,we won't feel or be impacted by even Indian Muslim pain as much, we won't feel or be impacted by Syrian pain

We feel or are atleast impacted by the pain of Kashmiris and Afghans
(Lot's of editing, people who liked it may not agree with the final result)

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Look at the countries that had Soviet influence and compare them to Pakistan and Afghanistan....
Yes exactly do that. All of Central Asia has communist dictators still far worst then our establishment while most of Central Asia is poor as well. They crack down on Islam and Tajikistan is probably worse for a practicing Muslim then France.
All those countries are far ahead.
Their literally slaves of Russia.
If we become slaves for usa we can be 10x what they are.
Someone supporting imran khan shouldn’t use central Asian Russian slave states as their example.
Not defending Communism but there needs to be open discussion about this.
It’s not even worth having an open discussion over.
What will we gain at this point by debating about soviet war and the past?

Centeral Asia except for Kazakhstan is behind pakistan in almost every metric and is much much poorer then us (I mean this was the case pre 2018 economic crash, so not sure about rn) -

Out of all Stan countries Pakistan is the leading country

Difference between them (CAR) and Afghanistan is that they drink alcohol by saying Bismillah first and are Russian client states- Afghans faught them off, if they didn't I genuinely believe pakistan was next, so thank you Afghans

They saved themselves first and foremost and in extension pakistan

Here a man from Kabul escaping with 2-3 pregnant daughters with Russian babies - many rape victims killed themselves

Father is angry, want revenge - says will go to islamic brother country of Pakistan and from their will resist Russians

I don't know who is who, or what's right or wrong

But in 80s , looking at circumstances we were right imo, if anything pakistanis in general should have went and helped - cause what was happening was pure evil

On the other in the 90s with the Afghan civil war - that's where the problem starts
A- in our relationship as countries
B- for Afghanistan and in extension for pakistan

Central Asia is the worst example for Pakistan. Central Asia is literally what imran khan doesn’t want us to become. Did everyone forget what Kazakhstan’s establishment did to its people just recently last year?

Indonesia should be an example to follow if we need one.

Its okay, some people have a twisted love affair with communism and the soviet union on PDF for some reason.
Their the same people who call everyone American slaves and western propaganda.
Slavery is slavery whether it’s to west or east. Same for propaganda.

if anything pakistanis in general should have went and helped - cause what was happening was pure evil
Many did.

cause what was happening was pure evil
Soviet invasion fulfilled every requirement for it to be considered a Jihad. Jihad was Islamic mandatory there.
It was even morally mandatory to resist soviets in Afghanistan.
People here act like soviets were angles.

Soviets were Islam’s biggest enemy. Alhumdulliah it was put in its place by defenders of Islam. (Someone’s personal sins don’t make them a non Muslim. You can be a sinner but do Jihad and be a defender of Islam)
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