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Afghan refugees turn F-6 children’s park into ‘tent village’

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Yaar the afghan trash have been attacking Pakistan right from 1947, they repeatedly attacked Pakistan through the 50s and 60s, Pakistan has done nothing to them

Hell the dumb bastards even invited the Soviets and we had to then look after millions of their Namak haram refugees for years whilst they spread robbery, prostitution and terrorism

They radicalised themselves, they take NO OWNERSHIP of their own jahilat and stupidity and think PUNJAB does everything 🤣🤣🤣

At the moment afghans are worth less then the dog shit on the bottom of my shoe and they themselves are to blame for it, take some responsibility for fcuks sake

Lolz hiraa mandi tum banao aur prostitution ka ilzam dosro pe 😂 madrassay tum banao aur jahalat ka ilzam dosro pe. No wonder Pakistan is in this situation, i can only laugh at ur stupidity. Dosro ko neecha dekhne se pehle apni auqaat dekh lo, maybe ur even worst, than dogshit on a taliban joggers 😂😂😂.
People should give the youth a chance.
From experience, the average “high-performing” CXO is typically in the 35-50 age bracket. Mostly because that’s the sweet spot where experience reaches a level sufficient enough to truly augment whatever innate leadership talent they have. This is the case for political leaders as well.

In the talent industry, a 40 year old exec is considered quite “young”.

There should be more opportunities for youth to “grow”. So they can hit peak performance when they get closer to the threshold.
This is factually incorrect. ISIS sprang from tribal sectarian conflicts in highlands of Arabia, Iraq, after fall of Saddam and subsequent division of nation state of Iraq. Latest rendition of it under chapter named Khorasan is still largely made up of non Af-Pak members although some of the local warlords may from time to time use the brand.

The inhumane treatment of Afghans in Iran remains a primary concern for all nations of the world specially Pakistan. The Iranian attitude towards Afghan refugee phenomenon is an appalling constant theme.

No it's not,, Iranians have gotten it right

They have understood the afghans, they have understood that the afghans are like a plague, like a disease and they will infect Iran so it's better just to treat the afghans like the crap that they are

It's Pakistan which fails to understand this and we let these humans turds come into Pakistan just to create chaos, it's better just to let them die in Afghanistan, they have become worthless as human beings and we can't waste decade after decade trying to look after afghans
Hazaras have been taken by Iran.

They are already here and aren't looking like they are leaving. Sindh is an example of how coethnics will help each other out.

Wouldn't it just be better for them to integrate rather than letting them build a humongous ghetto?

Same thing is happening with children of ISIS fighters.

They know it’s in their long term interest. Hope we kept some influential leaders.
Lolz hiraa mandi tum banao aur prostitution ka ilzam dosro pe 😂 madrassay tum banao aur jahalat ka ilzam dosro pe. No wonder Pakistan is in this situation, i can only laugh at ur stupidity. Dosro ko neecha dekhne se pehle apni auqaat dekh lo, maybe ur even worst, than dogshit on a taliban joggers 😂😂😂.

Heera mandi is a Lahori thing.

Meanwhile in Peshawar:

So it’s not ilzam. That’s a reality.

I have no issues with Afghan refugees, but if they want to find refuge in Pakistan and then talk shit about Pakistan, they can go back to the land of milk and honey.

If Afghans didn’t have a slave mentality, they wouldn’t have invited the USSR. If they didn’t have a slave mentality, they wouldn’t have taken money from India to blow up civilians in Pakistan. If they didn’t have a slave mentality, they wouldn’t have been murdering their own countrymen while being on the payroll of other countries.

It’s easy to scapegoat others for your inadequacies, but it takes a man to realize his own mistakes and shortcomings.

Afghans have more rights in Pakistan than any other country in the world including Afghanistan, so drink a glass of water and accept that your randi rona is not justified.
What r u talking about? U provide zero facts and just excuses. Religious extremism was the most poisonous thing to use, and it was ISI brainchild, not KSA. KSA provided the funding, it was deobandi extremism preached to people. We made more than 40,000 madrassas, we enrolled refugees in them and radicalized them and sent them back to fight. We didn't accept refugees on humanitarian grounds, we used them. Why were weapons not provided to nationalists instead of cultivating religious extremism? As i said no thought was given and orders of uncle sam were obeyed like a loyal servant we r. Afghanistan was leaning towards communism, we created problems for their govt and they had to ask for USSR military help. We could have minded our own business and focus on defence and use our army instead of radicalized refugees.
We had to suffer? Says who? Our american puppet generals, we had to suffer so we made afghans suffer, we destroyed our own socoety, we radicalized both countries and we still beg the US and KSA for money. If the morons call this victory than i wonder what defeat would be for them.
We are doing nothing but making excuses for the blunders made by our establishment and then we act like idiots wondering why afghans hate us.

You need to calm down a bit. Just because you share ethnicity with some afghanis doesn't mean you have to lie 24/7 on behalf of them. Afghanistan have never accepted Pakistan, even though they themselves are failed state that is ruled by brutal Pashtunist kings for decades.

One of these pashtunist kings wanted afghani girls to wear shorts and look western. Bhutto decided to teach afghanis a lesson for their interference in Pakistan. So Bhutto supported religious leaders who were against western wannabe Afghan king.

99% of afghan pashtuns were already religious extremists with some pakhto wali traditions. Both have nothing in common with any progressive ideals. Bhutto decided to support 99% against anti-Pakistan king, not that difficult a job.

Pakistan was not responsible for Afghan mess as 99% were already up in arms against afghani king. Zia continued Bhutto policy and involved USA to fund it. This was bad idea because border was porous. Anyway Pakistan was not responsible for 99% of afghan pashtuns for being religious ethno extremists. Afghanis have no place anywhere in Pakistan and never will, they will have to go back. Right now taliban pashtuns are busy killing tajiks and hazaras. This will go on, cannot blame Pakistan for everything afghanis do.
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Heera mandi is a Lahori thing.

Meanwhile in Peshawar:

So it’s not ilzam. That’s a reality.

I have no issues with Afghan refugees, but if they want to find refuge in Pakistan and then talk shit about Pakistan, they can go back to the land of milk and honey.

If Afghans didn’t have a slave mentality, they wouldn’t have invited the USSR. If they didn’t have a slave mentality, they wouldn’t have taken money from India to blow up civilians in Pakistan. If they didn’t have a slave mentality, they wouldn’t have been murdering their own countrymen while being on the payroll of other countries.

It’s easy to scapegoat others for your inadequacies, but it takes a man to realize his own mistakes and shortcomings.

Afghans have more rights in Pakistan than any other country in the world including Afghanistan, so drink a glass of water and accept that your randi rona is not justified.

Its better if afghanis go back because then their fake ghairat will stay intact, otherwise they will keep selling their women to poor people in punjab and we all know where many of them end. Walwar for you

Its better if afghanis go back because then their fake ghairat will stay intact, otherwise they will keep selling their women to poor people in punjab and we all know where many of them end. Walwar for you

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I haven’t heard of this practice in South Punjab. Afghans live here and they do their work and mind their business. Punjabis don’t bother anyone and neither do Saraikis. Everybody just lives their life and it’s chill mahol.

It’s funny because Afghans seem to have a problem everywhere else in the country, whether it’s Sindh or KPK.
I haven’t heard of this practice in South Punjab. Afghans live here and they do their work and mind their business. Punjabis don’t bother anyone and neither do Saraikis. Everybody just lives their life and it’s chill mahol.

It’s funny because Afghans seem to have a problem everywhere else in the country, whether it’s Sindh

Afghans dont become angels in Punjab. Few weeks ago afghani ganster was killed in Islamabad. They come, do crimes and then cross over to KP and escape. Border areas are more affected hence the increase in crimes in Islamabad.

Unfortunately indus have become border as locals of KP tend to support these crimnals as long as punjab is where they do crimes. Read some of KP people posts here.
Afghans dont become angels in Punjab. Few weeks ago afghani ganster was killed in Islamabad. They come, do crimes and then cross over to KP and escape. Border areas are more affected hence the increase in crimes in Islamabad.

Unfortunately indus have become border as locals of KP tend to support these crimnals as long as punjab is where they do crimes. Read some of KP people posts here.
Islamabad is not part of Punjab. It`s a federal territory.
You are a classic pak study infested brown sahab. Yes its a shame to destroy families and generations of a muslim country, its a shame to become american puppet that we still can get away with, its a shame to fight for americans. Its a shame to feel proud of destroying a country to save own self.

This stupid excuse of USSR "would" do this or that is pathetic. Afterall, iran was also there and was shorter for USSR to go through iran to reach sea, but did iran do the same evil we did??? And even if USSR was coming for balochistan then use the fat overpaid army instead of creating 40,000 madrassas and radicalizing refugees and Pakistanis and using them as cannon fodder.
You and others are all just giving excuses for the crimes and blunders we made, instead of accepting mistakes and avoiding them in future. Excuses that been given by establishment feom time to time, creating boogyman of USSR attacking balochistan. Reality is we were and are american slaves and we did all for america and on orders of America, without any thought of national interest.
Even the current political situation proves the point that this american slave establishment will destroy Pakistan if ordered by america.
Iran didnt have a deep sea port like gwadar and Iran itself felt the danger of ussr presence therefore they also fought that jehad.update yourself.. Secondly you need to decide on this when pakistan tilts towards china it gets the label of being slave of china. they will call you by 100 names .you decide what you are.So get out of this mindset.. had pakistan been slave of usa it would have compromised on its key national security policies ones like downgrading relationship with China or accepting Indian regional hegemony. Burying the nukes or accepting indian proxy government in Kabul. It's a long list but pakistan remained steadfast ..slaves don't act like that.
Reality is that you are a defeatist mindset a quitter in real life who never looks inwards .. go read about pakistans stance in Geneva agreement of 2002 how they tried to secure political role for talis in kabul despite US opposition to it and how talis themselves never listened to pakistan in 90s whenever advice was given. .so stfu now and go read a book or two learn about un resolution that became law for us to help usa on 911 opposing it would have meant being declared a terrorist state.. why do that for neighbors who dont listen.
The SAME people who used to claim that 40,000 Pakistani soldiers killed 3 million civilians and raped 10 million women in 5 weeks in bangladesh are the SAME people who now claim that Pakistan is responsible for the mess and failure of afghanistan. Can someone please explain to me how Pakistan managed to rule both the soviet union and america and force feed them into invading afghanistan in 1979 and 2001............. :disagree:?
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What r u talking about?
Stuff you should know but dont know

U provide zero facts and just excuses.
keep your brain shut, yeah, works for you alright, lest I stir something which makes your sleep go away.
Religious extremism was the most poisonous thing to use, and it was ISI brainchild, not KSA.
The wahabism brought extremism and that was from KSA.
KSA provided the funding, it was deobandi extremism preached to people.
We made more than 40,000 madrassas, we enrolled refugees in them and radicalized them and sent them back to fight.
No not refugees as they were mostly disabled men, old men, women and children. Fighters came from East European countries including Chechnya. If you look at Lal masjid Ops, the most hardcore fighters were Chechens, Uzbeks, Tajiks etc.
We didn't accept refugees on humanitarian grounds, we used them.
Yeah the local challi-wala was also a Ak-47 wielder under his chaddar, sure.

Why were weapons not provided to nationalists instead of cultivating religious extremism?
UA-KSA-Pak sought out the favorable ones and making it a holy war to ensure victory.

As i said no thought was given and orders of uncle sam were obeyed like a loyal servant we r.
Nahi, in fact Pakistan didnt want to give back the Stingers and other weaponry.
Afghanistan was leaning towards communism, we created problems for their govt and they had to ask for USSR military help.
And thats where USA showed interest and Pakistan got involved for this and other factors which I explained earlier.

We could have minded our own business and focus on defence and use our army instead of radicalized refugees.
Pakistan couldn't have, as defense would have been futile against a super power and this geo-strategic position seems above your level of understanding. Pakistan would have become Afghanistan once USSR Ground forces would enter Quetta.
We had to suffer? Says who?
Historians, analysts, decision makers and me.

Our american puppet generals, we had to suffer so we made afghans suffer, we destroyed our own socoety, we radicalized both countries and we still beg the US and KSA for money. If the morons call this victory than i wonder what defeat would be for them.
Yes Pakistan did suffer eventually unfortunately. Madrassah, extremism, opium, AK culture. Lal masjid stands out as an example. However, Govts writ on FATA should have been established since 47.

We are doing nothing but making excuses for the blunders made by our establishment and then we act like idiots wondering why afghans hate us.
You want to call facts and mistakes as excuses, by all means go ahead. If Afghan hated Pakistanis so much then why inter marry and create families on both sides of the border to make an excuse for cross border movement.

You are just an apologist who hates own country but thinks Afghans are saints. You can keep dwelling in own negativity and keep hating own country.
Iran didnt have a deep sea port like gwadar and Iran itself felt the danger of ussr presence therefore they also fought that jehad.update yourself.. Secondly you need to decide on this when pakistan tilts towards china it gets the label of being slave of china. they will call you by 100 names .you decide what you are.So get out of this mindset.. had pakistan been slave of usa it would have compromised on its key national security policies ones like downgrading relationship with China or accepting Indian regional hegemony. Burying the nukes or accepting indian proxy government in Kabul. It's a long list but pakistan remained steadfast ..slaves don't act like that.
Reality is that you are a defeatist mindset a quitter in real life who never looks inwards .. go read about pakistans stance in Geneva agreement of 2002 how they tried to secure political role for talis in kabul despite US opposition to it and how talis themselves never listened to pakistan in 90s whenever advice was given. .so stfu now and go read a book or two learn about un resolution that became law for us to help usa on 911 opposing it would have meant being declared a terrorist state.. why do that for neighbors who dont listen.

Actually its me asking to look inward instead of blaming others, you need to comprehend things correctly. Ofcourse Pakistan backed talibs because they r all products of our madrassas and seen as assets. Iran took steps for its national interests, not saluting uncle sam and doing as ordered. There is also a difference between tilting and bending. Bending is when u damage ur own national interests in the long run, like Pakistan did, both at afghan jihad and WoT.
The wahabism brought extremism and that was from KSA
Shows u know nothing about the ground realities, that is bound to happen when u talk after reading biased onsesided stories and not aware of reality. Afghan mujahideen and taliban are all staunch deobandis. The alma mater of all jehadis and talib leadership is darul ul uloom haqqania, ever wondered why most taliban use the surname haqqani? Or the haqqani network? Haqqania is school of deoband and they explicitly call salafi/wahabi/ahle hadees as "gumrah". The deobandi ideology is nurtured by our establishment and tableeghi jamat is a pillar of it. If this was a brain child of KSA, the jehadis would have mostly been wahabi. How many times have u been to Afghanistan? Try going to Afghanistan and praying with rafaul yadeen (raising hands like wahabis) and then see reaction of ppl.
No not refugees as they were mostly disabled men, old men, women and children. Fighters came from East European countries including Chechnya. If you look at Lal masjid Ops, the most hardcore fighters were Chechens, Uzbeks, Tajiks etc.
Do u know there r uzbeks and tajiks in Afghanistan too, majority fighters were pashtuns, from both sides. The reason for high radicalization in FATA and Afghanistan pashtuns.
UA-KSA-Pak sought out the favorable ones and making it a holy war to ensure victory
So atleast now u accept we used (misused) religion for our gain or rather our loss and gain of our master. Well misusing religion tend to have consequences, which we face till this day.
Nahi, in fact Pakistan didnt want to give back the Stingers and other weaponry.
And how did that end up?
And thats where USA showed interest and Pakistan got involved for this and other factors which I explained earlier.
So we made US show interest, we made Afghanistan the battleground instead of letting afghans decide for themselves if they want communism or mullahs. This way then even india have right to make Pakistan a battleground because of perceived future outcomes lolz???
Pakistan couldn't have, as defense would have been futile against a super power and this geo-strategic position seems above your level of understanding. Pakistan would have become Afghanistan once USSR Ground forces would enter Quetta.
Something a typical pak general would say in the end when no argument is left, yeah we civilians cant understand geo strategic positions and instead the generals can who lost half the country and then destroyed our future by misusing religion and fighting other's wars.
Yes Pakistan did suffer eventually unfortunately. Madrassah, extremism, opium, AK culture. Lal masjid stands out as an example. However, Govts writ on FATA should have been established since 47.
So were all these given a thought? All this extrenism, AK culture, opium etc were all our own doing. What exactly did we achieve?
You want to call facts and mistakes as excuses, by all means go ahead. If Afghan hated Pakistanis so much then why inter marry and create families on both sides of the border to make an excuse for cross border movement.

You are just an apologist who hates own country but thinks Afghans are saints. You can keep dwelling in own negativity and keep hating own country.
Yeah the typical argument of small minds, if u criticize ur country u hate ur country. I have criticized afghans even more on this forum and am actually among the people who believes pashtuns to east of durand line and to west are separate since centuries, ive provided historical evidence of this in that pashto thread. Nevertheless one thing is known, our fragile ego, that cannot take an iota of criticism. Its very evident from current political situation aswell. One of the reasons we are in a mess.
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