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Afghan refugees turn F-6 children’s park into ‘tent village’

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Majority are Hazara so it is different from previous waves, maybe Iran can be an option as well?
Iran is also flooded with Afghan refugees, particularly in cities like Mashhad and even Tehran and Isfahan.
I remember that few months ago, an Iranian official said that over 3,000 refugees crossed the border daily after the takeover of the Taliban. That's almost 1 million refugees in a year.
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Iran is also flooded with Afghan refugees, particularly in cities like Mashhad and even Tehran and Isfahan.
I remember that few months ago, an Iranian official said that over 3,000 refugees crossed the border daily after the takeover of the Taliban. That's almost 1 million refugees in a year.
What border controls does Iran have in place to prevent such large scale migration?
What border controls does Iran have in place to prevent such large scale migration?
Not any that I know of, unfortunately.
But the government is trying to force them to at least register as refugees.
Iran is hosting over 4 million Afghan refugees (and counting, very fast) but fewer than 1 million of them have been registered, meaning that we have no information about the remaining Afghan refugees in Iran.

The government is trying to force them to either get registered or get deported. Even Iranian employers who employ illegal immigrants now can be fined, which is a good move.
With due respect this is pretty much like Turkish government's policies regarding Syrian refugees, which has accepted over 4 million of them. I doubt anyone in your country is happy with that either.

It's absolutely not the same and any parallels you may draw are superficial.
I think there is a shift in thinking and the passing of the old guard will be a good thing. I want to see an inclusive, strong, prosperous Pakistan that can stand on the international stage within my lifetime. InshaALLAH.

Not true, have you seen all the great work the young talent of Pakistan has accomplished? From Start-Up's, Science, Medicine through to technology and USB 3.0? The youth deserve a chance - some of the older people who are clinging onto roles they are just NOT suited for should be forced to retire and sent to the glue factory.
I'm not talking about individual persons of younger age. There are brilliant young minds, no doubt about it. What we need is someone who's young but also experienced; typically a person in his 40's.
And it doesn't matter if a next door neighbor gets devastated and unstable for decades with religious extremism left that we cultivated.
Religious extremism was used as a tool of war, though its brainchild was KSA to give it colour of a holy war. Pakistan didnt cultivate extremism into Afghanistan and I will come to this later in my post. The devastation in Afghanistan was occurring through Soviet invasion already, the tide started turning after Pakistan-USA-KSA intervened in favour of Afghanistan for individual reasons.

And in this case, the Afghans would have not accepted weapons or support from USA or Pakistan, if Afghans had analyzed that Pakistan is bringing destruction into Afghanistan. They would have simply refused, it wasn't like Pakistan invaded them from west while Soviets poured in from North.

Why do u think destroying someone's home to protect urs is ok?
Regarding destroying, it was Soviets already pulverizing Afghans like I mentioned but about protecting you should know that Baluchistan was under threat from USSR. While PA's Corps HQ in Peshawar wasn't bolstered that much, the Corps HQ in Quetta was tripled in strength.

And then complain of them hating u?
The refugee influx was allowed with the plan to send them back. The Afghans started marrying and settling down, making matters complex for Pakistan. Who should hate who ? The opium growth/heroine and the AK-47 culture started in mid 1980's coz of all this.

Even if we don't care abt others, we damaged ourself in the long run. Was it a carefully planned thing or just obeying uncle sam as we always do?
Pakistan had to suffer either way. Refugee influx, extremists at war and left on its own to curb down 1000s of gun brandishing warriors of God. There was nothing to obey from USA who cut off support, requested the remaining weapons to be returned, put embargo and sanctions due to nuclear aims of Pakistan and left the scene.

I had been to this park few months ago. It was bustling with Afghans. There were elderly men, women, youth and children playing around. But this recent development is shocking. There are tents around the park shelters, playgrounds and on the footpaths.


Kashif Abbasi
Published July 18, 2022 - Updated about 14 hours ago


View of tents set up by Afghan refugees in a park in F-6. — White Star

ISLAMABAD: Owing to the negligence of authorities concerned, Afghan refugees have taken over a children park in Islamabad and are living there after pitching tents.

F-6’s newly-renovated children park has become a makeshift campground for the Afghan refugees mostly belonging to the Hazara community, who fled their country following the takeover of Kabul by Taliban.

Initially, the refugees camped outside the National Press Club and later started living in the red zone near Parliament House. However, police and administration managed to remove them from the high security zone.

The refugees then again established their camps outside the press club. However, those belonging to the Hazara community set up their camps in the children park across the road. Nearly 700 Afghan refugees, most of them women and children, have been sheltering in the park for the last few weeks.

We are living in a public park but we are helpless and shelterless and have no idea where we should go?” said Surya Mosawai, a university graduate from Herat.

She said the refugees had been facing lots of difficulties but no one, including developed countries and other champions of human rights, were paying any heed to their issues.

Do you think we are living in this park by choice. No. We don’t want to live here but we have no other option. We have been demanding the international community and developed countries, including the United State of America, to provide us citizenship as we can’t go back to our country because of the Taliban,” she said.

Another refugee, Bakar Ahmed, said: “The United Nations High Commission for Refugees should help us.”

He said if developed countries were not ready to accept them, Pakistan should give them asylum.

It may be noted that Pakistan has already been providing shelters to more than 1.3 million Afghan refugees for decades.

Najma Nowrozi, another refugee, said camped life was highly tough as refugees had to go to nearby mosques for using washrooms.

Even, we are facing shortage of water,” she said and added that some well-off local people had provided them two plastic tanks for storing water. It is a blessing for us but the water is insufficient,” she said, adding: “We are helpless and hopeless.

Some of the refugees said there was a public toilet near their camps but they had to pay to the operator of the toilet for using it. Similarly, they said, they had to pay to shopkeepers for charging their mobile phones.

The park was recently renovated and restored by the Capital Development Authority (CDA) by spending millions of rupees. However, due to negligence of the civic agency, the same has been taken over by the refugees.

We are not against refugees, they are our brethren. But we are against setting up of camps in a public park. The CDA and police should remove them from the park,” said Liaquat Khan, a local. Another local resident, Shabbir Ali, said unregulated camps posed a security threat to the locals. He raised questions over the efficiency of the CDA which is the custodian of the public parks.

These camps should be shifted to some other place as people of the area have been deprived of their right to visit the park as it has been taken over by the refugees,” he said.

When contacted, CDA’s Director General Environment Irfan Niazi told Dawn that he would take up the matter with the capital administration and police to get the park vacated.

He agreed that the park was recently renovated, adding soon it would be vacated for the public.
My friend lives there
This place is a shithole which reminds me of the old Afghani basti infront of our sector in i-10 where I live
Infest Pakistan? Lolz u r a petty little american slave. You take ur pant off on a phone call or a letter, afghans are still independent and u r still a slave. Infest with what? Ghairat? Maybe a racist brother of hindu like u deserve to be shafted by US and india. Thankless? Thank u for what u little slave? For destroying their country? Yeah u r not thankless, we see that, u r a loyal little puppy of ur master US.

Yaar America owned Afghanistan for over 20 years, afghan Namak harams lived off American aid and now crying the Americans have gone

These lanats have been attacking Pakistan for decades, then they turn up here like Namak harams looking for support

What the hell have afghans given us that we should endlessly look after them and their aulad

They bring nothing but terrorism and jahilat

They are like human cockroaches

Afghans deserve the Taliban, it's the only force that treat afghans like they deserve to be treated
This is factually incorrect. ISIS sprang from tribal sectarian conflicts in highlands of Arabia, Iraq, after fall of Saddam and subsequent division of nation state of Iraq. Latest rendition of it under chapter named Khorasan is still largely made up of non Af-Pak members although some of the local warlords may from time to time use the brand.

Iran is also flooded with Afghan refugees, particularly in cities like Mashhad and even Tehran and Isfahan.
I remember that few months ago, an Iranian official said that over 3,000 refugees crossed the border daily after the takeover of the Taliban. That's almost 1 million refugees in a year.

The inhumane treatment of Afghans in Iran remains a primary concern for all nations of the world specially Pakistan. The Iranian attitude towards Afghan refugee phenomenon is an appalling constant theme.
Insulted Other Member/Nationality
Yaar America owned Afghanistan for over 20 years, afghan Namak harams lived off American aid and now crying the Americans have gone

These lanats have been attacking Pakistan for decades, then they turn up here like Namak harams looking for support

What the hell have afghans given us that we should endlessly look after them and their aulad

They bring nothing but terrorism and jahilat

They are like human cockroaches

Afghans deserve the Taliban, it's the only force that treat afghans like they deserve to be treated

You also live on american aid u moron. They lived under occupation for 20 years but are still free, u been british slave for 150 years and now american slave since 70 years. Koi sharam koi haya??
Attack Pakistan? When? If they wanted to attack Pakistan, they would have taken it, they even took Delhi many times, whats ur worth??
Its been u who radicalized their society, exported extremism and jahalat, its u who interfere in them u jahil idiot. U r no better than a cockroach either, and then scumbags like u cry about muslims when other muslims ally with india. Talking like a racist n looking down on others aur apni auqaat bhool gaye lolz.
Send them all back these damn freeloaders!!!!

How are they freeloading from taxpayers? Most of them depend on local charities which are private run. Governments contribution is negligible.
You also live on american aid u moron. They lived under occupation for 20 years but are still free, u been british slave for 150 years and now american slave since 70 years. Koi sharam koi haya??
Attack Pakistan? When? If they wanted to attack Pakistan, they would have taken it, they even took Delhi many times, whats ur worth??
Its been u who radicalized their society, exported extremism and jahalat, its u who interfere in them u jahil idiot. U r no better than a cockroach either, and then scumbags like u cry about muslims when other muslims ally with india. Talking like a racist n looking down on others aur apni auqaat bhool gaye lolz.


Yaar the afghan trash have been attacking Pakistan right from 1947, they repeatedly attacked Pakistan through the 50s and 60s, Pakistan has done nothing to them

Hell the dumb bastards even invited the Soviets and we had to then look after millions of their Namak haram refugees for years whilst they spread robbery, prostitution and terrorism

They radicalised themselves, they take NO OWNERSHIP of their own jahilat and stupidity and think PUNJAB does everything 🤣🤣🤣

At the moment afghans are worth less then the dog shit on the bottom of my shoe and they themselves are to blame for it, take some responsibility for fcuks sake
You also live on american aid u moron. They lived under occupation for 20 years but are still free, u been british slave for 150 years and now american slave since 70 years. Koi sharam koi haya??
Attack Pakistan? When? If they wanted to attack Pakistan, they would have taken it, they even took Delhi many times, whats ur worth??
Its been u who radicalized their society, exported extremism and jahalat, its u who interfere in them u jahil idiot. U r no better than a cockroach either, and then scumbags like u cry about muslims when other muslims ally with india. Talking like a racist n looking down on others aur apni auqaat bhool gaye lolz.

You need to calm your TNT down. Pakistan's gracious attitude towards neighbours is not a sign of any weakness. The nation has a bigger heart when it comes to Afghanistan, this tolerance is a hallmark of Pakistan's message to the world of friendly coexistence.

Afghanistan is a strategic conflict zone as far as local history is documented of either empires or nation states. You can call it burden or blessing depending on whatever political thought you want to propagate in your political existence, that is your freedom guaranteed by the constitution to a certain limit.
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