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New wave of well-off Pakistani women drawn to conservative Islam

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Dude in UK I know you know alot of girls that get forced to wear hijab.... It's not Islamic. And calm down, you're not shunning Islam nor Pakistan by saying you don't support hijab or burqa...

Listen dude, I already told you: The Quran says covering your head is a duty, how much more Islamic do you want it to be?
And I fail to understand what your choice has anything to do with what girls wear? They're wearing it by choice, why fight against it? And exactly what harm does wearing a scarf do anyway that you need to desperately gun it down?
It's an Arab tradition nothing written in Quran about women walking around like ninjas

i assume the people asserting that its in the quran can point us to the relevant verses. or am i expecting too much
Listen dude, I already told you: The Quran says covering your head is a duty, how much more Islamic do you want it to be?
And I fail to understand what your choice has anything to do with what girls wear? They're wearing it by choice, why fight against it? And exactly what harm does wearing a scarf do anyway that you need to desperately gun it down?

Okay whatever but atleast parents should NOT force it we are getting into 21st century
It's an Arab tradition nothing written in Quran about women walking around like ninjas

Well there also nothing written about woman sporting the latest fashions in the public for all to see.

The wives of the Prophet PBUH did wear all covering abayas
Well there also nothing written about woman sporting the latest fashions in the public for all to see.

The wives of the Prophet PBUH did wear all covering abayas

Sir all my argument was about was that parents should not force burqa and hijab
Listen dude, I already told you: The Quran says covering your head is a duty, how much more Islamic do you want it to be?...............

Can you please quote the chapter and verse in the Quran that says to cover the head?
Okay whatever but atleast parents should NOT force it we are getting into 21st century

What has 21st century got to do with wearing or not wearing the Burka ?

So the 21st century is all about wearing less and less esp if you are a woman ?
Can you please quote the chapter and verse in the Quran that says to cover the head?

And say to the believing women that they cast down their looks and guard their private parts and do not display their ornaments except what appears thereof, and let them wear their head-coverings over their bosoms, and not display their ornaments except to their husbands or their fathers, or the fathers of their husbands.... - Quran 24:31
What has 21st century got to do with wearing or not wearing the Burka ?

So the 21st century is all about wearing less and less esp if you are a woman

No 21st century is about women getting more powerful.... Especially in big company offices the boss wants to see women who look confident a women in burqa looks forced and no company will hire her even if she is best TRUE or NOT TRUE
No 21st century is about women getting more powerful.... Especially in big company offices the boss wants to see women who look confident a women in burqa looks forced and no company will hire her even if she is best TRUE or NOT TRUE

Sorry to say, but if companies hire women only if they don't cover their head than they're not good companies are they?
Logically, no decent company would do that

Besides, what does confidence have to do with Burqas? Seriously? Now you're just flinging unnecessary mud.
And say to the believing women that they cast down their looks and guard their private parts and do not display their ornaments except what appears thereof, and let them wear their head-coverings over their bosoms, and not display their ornaments except to their husbands or their fathers, or the fathers of their husbands.... - Quran 24:31

Doesn't say anywhere where you have only your eyes shown... What I analyze is that Quran is telling us to be modest not fully covered

Sorry to say, but if companies hire women only if they don't cover their head than they're not good companies are they?
Logically, no decent company would do that

OK if you are trying to put advertisement of toothpaste and Burqa women is doing advertisement where will all the attention go you tell me
Doesn't say anywhere where you have only your eyes shown... What I analyze is that Quran is telling us to be modest not fully covered

So who's telling the women to cover everything but eyes? Face is not even necessary, but hair are. Face, hands, feet etc are not necessary..
No 21st century is about women getting more powerful.... Especially in big company offices the boss wants to see women who look confident a women in burqa looks forced and no company will hire her even if she is best TRUE or NOT TRUE

Woman around the world still do complain about not getting equal opportunities, pay and promotions. It has nothing to do with the Burka. The only exception to this rule is the fashion industry where woman get more pay than men do. Any woman who wears the Burka by choice probably does not want to be part of that industry anyway
OK if you are trying to put advertisement of toothpaste and Burqa women is doing advertisement where will all the attention go you tell me

Why would those women want to go and advertise paste? Lmao, as I said, you're flinging unnecessary mud. If the lady is decent nuff to cover her head, why would she want to appear on an ad on TV in the first place?
And logically speaking, they won't hire the lady who has her head covered because she's not looking sexy enough. After all, most advertisements involve lots eye candy to sell their products.

Sex sells, and I doubt girls who wear hijab in the first place want to sell themselves like that

No 21st century is about women getting more powerful....

Power =/= naked hair XD
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