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New wave of well-off Pakistani women drawn to conservative Islam

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I don't like women wearing full viels... Everytime I see one I feel realy bad for them (even if they wear them on choice)... I think we should get rid of this religious clothing because it really frightens me...
Its not about Fashion, i guess you didn't even bother reading the article and just decided to post. It clearly states in the article and quotes the women that they covered due to religious beliefs and out of their own will.

I don't get why you bharatis get all bothered if Pakistani women wear Islamic clothing due to religious beliefs.

maybe i didnt make myself clear.

i dont care why they wear those scarves. all i care about is that they were not forced to wear those scarves by some self righteous idiot. beyond that all clothing is just variations of fashion to me.
It is much more malignant than a mere a "fashion thing", as the excerpt below shows. They aim to harass others into either following or leaving, which is malicious:

Finding an environment unfriendly doesn't necessarily mean they were forcing them to wear it.

in the same vein I have to add. "if they have a right to cover everything but their eyes, they should have to uncover everything but their eyes" :P

I don't know if that's a joke or you're serious. But realise that even in countries like the USA it's a crime to walk around naked, and many mind women even if they're wearing bikinis.

I don't like women wearing full viels... Everytime I see one I feel realy bad for them (even if they wear them on choice)... I think we should get rid of this religious clothing because it really frightens me...

Just go watch some ****, "you'll feel better". That's how it works anyway, people feel bad because they can't enjoy the hidden beauty.
maybe i didnt make myself clear.
You should have thought about that when you called it "fashion".

i dont care why they wear those scarves.
Then why did you say they wore it due to "fashion"?

all i care about is that they were not forced to wear those scarves by some self righteous idiot.
Don't worry, don't give yourself a headache worrying about poor oppressed educated Pakistani women who have jobs and wear scarves by their own will due to religious reasons.

beyond that all clothing is just variations of fashion to me.
To you, but that's just you. You can only speak for yourself here.
...I think we should get rid of this religious clothing because it really frightens me...

I think all people who follow a religion frighten you

I am pretty sure people like this don't frighten you

Just go watch some ****, "you'll feel better". That's how it works anyway, people feel bad because they can't enjoy the hidden beauty.

What hidden beauty everytime I see a girl in a burqa she's either 40 years old or she's with her mom also clad in a burqa...
Finding an environment unfriendly doesn't necessarily mean they were forcing them to wear it..................

Except that the such rabid followers of the religion of peace intentionally made the environment "unfriendly" enough, by their own admission, forcing others to leave. That is just plain intolerant, and thus defeats the very purpose of Islam.
Finding an environment unfriendly doesn't necessarily mean they were forcing them to wear it.

It means that the women who were not wearing the scarves were made to feel unwelcome, not force but a definite bias. precisely what you would expect from highly image concious women. no way are they going to be seen with those unfashionable girls.

I don't know if that's a joke or you're serious. But realise that even in countries like the USA it's a crime to walk around naked, and many mind women even if they're wearing bikinis.

there are also a lot of places where being naked in public is completely acceptable. there are several nude beaches all over the world. not all countries have the same idea about 'modesty'. as for the bikinis, try looking for pics of brazilian coastal towns and what women wear there.
What hidden beauty everytime I see a girl in a burqa she's either 40 years old or she's with her mom also clad in a burqa...

Admit it you don't know many woman who wear the Burka do you?
I don't like women wearing full viels... Everytime I see one I feel realy bad for them (even if they wear them on choice)... I think we should get rid of this religious clothing because it really frightens me...

i dislike it too. especially the old-school burkas that i guess are more common in afghanistan now. they restrict movement and are not very comfortable. most women out-of-choice would not wear these. abayas are still ok. a woman can be dressed modestly without wearing a tribal saudi halloween costume. isn't our traditional dress pretty modest...why do we always wanna follow the "pure and pious" saudis. it doesn't mention anywhere in the quran that we have to cover the entire face like a ninja.

although i disagree that there should be a ban. if a woman wants to cover her face its her right to. if a woman chooses to wear jeans and a tshirt she has the right to as well. theres no obligation in islam.
What do you have to say about the rabid followers of liberalism ?

That story is irrelevant; those are parade regulations, uniformly applied to all cadets:

The U.S. Army Cadet Command stated that the regulations do not ban religious items of clothing but that they must not be exposed or cover uniform.

A spokesman said: 'Wearing the uniform demonstrates personal responsibility, attention to detail and being part of a team.

'We're not discriminatory. She's invited to come back anytime, but it has to be in accordance with the regulations.'

Demin Zawity forced to leave ROTC after US Army order her to remove headscarf | Mail Online
You should have thought about that when you called it "fashion".

Then why did you say they wore it due to "fashion"?

Don't worry, don't give yourself a headache worrying about poor oppressed educated Pakistani women who have jobs and wear scarves by their own will due to religious reasons.

To you, but that's just you. You can only speak for yourself here.

your concern for my headaches is very endearing.

whatever makes the person more acceptable and attractive in a given culture or social group can be classified as fashion. these women think that wearing scarves make them more acceptable and attractive to their social group and hence can be neatly classified as fashion. not very different from the goths wearing that weird makeup or rich women in the west wearing prada.

I think all people who follow a religion frighten you

I am pretty sure people like this don't frighten you


meme actors frighten you? (yes this one is a joke)

What do you have to say about the rabid followers of liberalism ?

thats not liberalism. thats the conservatives in america being unwilling to change and accept a foreign thing.

not very different from the mullahs creating a fuss over women drivers in saudi arabia. neither of the two parties is willing to accept change in their world. none of them are liberals.
What hidden beauty everytime I see a girl in a burqa she's either 40 years old or she's with her mom also clad in a burqa...

Come to the UK, every 2nd Pakistani/Bangladeshi girl at my college wears one :laugh:
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