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NEW Syria war crimes' evidences +18!!!

Everyone forgot the MIG 25* of Syria, read about the effect of the MIG 25 in 1991 against F15’s & E3 of the USAF.

USAF > Saudi & Pakistani air force, not to mention all this planning here is useless as none of it will happen
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That's where the issue evolves. Iran is an ally of Syria, Iraq is a puppet of Iran and both are motivated by religious ideology. Since Saudi Arabia is in the equation, both Iran and Iraq will hand a hand fearing after math. Less homogeny in the region, clipping Hizbo hands, Iraq shia militias. They are convinced that the fire will reach home so they had to join in. Interest is what it is.

Allow me to disagree, the GCC are economically stable, energy sufficient. Pakistan will have no issue since its has a back up. Such scenario can happen and come to an end easily not more than a week if it was planed well.

Still, the war will cost a lot money.

But there are two types of war, the surgery type and the fight in the mud.

The former one is a success, just like the first Gulf War.

The latter one is a failure, just like the war on Iraq.
Okay, so we STILL need a proof of war crimes after over 130,000 Syrians are killed and millions displaced?

Who gives a shit? - no one!

If anyone gave a shit, the Turk and Arab Air Forces would have bombed Asad until every stone was turned black, every Asadi jet was shot down and his terrorist regime would have ended.....

If GCC and Turkish Air Force joins and bombs him, i highly doubt that the Russians will come flying to protect a tyrant....as if it turned out so well the last time in Afghanistan for them!

If you decide to bomb him, we might join you too --- save the Syrians, bomb Asad and shoot down his air force!

There is something called international law, Saudi Arabia can't just go and bomb Assad without an international support. if she did , The international community, and by it's international law; will see Saudi Arabia as aggressive state that attacked another state , Saudi Arabia will have to bear all the costs of the war + the war reparations in Syria.
The air defence of Syria will still cause some problems.

If you have the Aegis destroyer that can launch cruise missiles, it will surely help to eliminate these traps from their air defence.

Cruise missiles can be launched from Turkey and Jordan on a TEL.

Technology is not the issue, if a GCC, Turkey and Pakistan put together a strike package , we have all of the weapons and tools needed to carry out SEAD and DEAD missions. We can also use the rebels to take out air defense sites using guided missiles.
The question is if you have learned anything from Afghanistan and are willing to pull imperialism again. It worked so well for you last time didn't it?

Same question goes to you and us Pakistani's too. What we have learned from Afghanistan? Not to put our nose in someone else mess. Our backyard is already burning with sectarian fire and you want to get involved in Syria?

Tactically We could get involved but strategically it would get back fired and we would not be able to contain the situation. It would give Iran-India nexus an excuse to start destabilizing our Nation through Balochistan And Sectarian warfare
There is something called international law, Saudi Arabia can't just go and bomb Assad without an international support. if she did , The international community, and by it's international law; will see Saudi Arabia as aggressive state that attacked other state , Saudi Arabia will have to bear all the costs of the war + the war reparations in Syria.

What did the so called 'international law' did for 130,000 people who have been butchered?
Why do we allow evil to become stronger than us?

Same question goes to you and us Pakistani's too. What we have learned from Afghanistan? Not to put our nose in someone else mess. Our backyard is already with sectarian fire and you want to get involved in Syria?

Tactically We could get involved but strategically this would back fire on us. It would give Iran-India nexus an excuse to start destabilizing our Nation through Balochistan And Sectrain warfare


Pakistan will not commit more than in it can afford to. We are discussing a hypothetical situation here.
What did the so called 'international law' did for 130,000 people who have been butchered?
Why do we allow evil to become stronger than us?


Pakistan will not commit more than in it can afford to. We are discussing a hypothetical situation here.

Syria is fast becoming another FATA. where extremist groups trying to get hold of area. FSA is fast becoming thing of PAST. Initially I supported the war but once THOSE chechens and extremists started to get involved, I became neutral but still condemn Assad
Syria is fast becoming another FATA. where extremist groups trying to get hold of area. FSA is fast becoming thing of PAST. Initially I supported the war but once THOSE chechens and extremists started to get involved, I became neutral but still condemn Assad

Has ISIS already replaced the role of FSA as the rebel force?
What did the so called 'international law' did for 130,000 people who have been butchered?
Why do we allow evil to become stronger than us?

expressive writing is not useful here, the International law is real, and it exists, and will be used against Saudi Arabia by other powers. so, no acts without international support. you want to do things do it within the law. take the green light and then move.
as long as you are not a superpower you need to play softly.
expressive writing is not useful here, the International law is real, and it exists, and will be used against Saudi Arabia by other powers. so, no acts without international support. you want to do things do it within the law. take the green light and then move.
as long as you are not a superpower you need to play softly.

International law didn't apply to half a million dead Iraqis. The Butcher of Iraq is now the UN's 'Special Representative for the Middle East'.

International law only applies when a Muslim state is ought to be invaded and pillaged !
If anyone struck Syria before September last year, Assad would have sent scud missles flying tipped with chemical warheads into neighboring civilian populations. And are we 100% sure he has gotten rid of all his chemical arsenal?

And America would militarily sanction all parties involved, heavily. There is the current shale oil boom going on in America so they won't be worried about another oil embargo. The Turkish government and GCC know what they are doing and what their options are.

People living in western countries should do things like pressure their governments to take in Syrian refugees. Even the nationalist, anti-immigrant UKIP leader Nigel Farage says that Syrian refugees should be admitted to the Uk.

BBC News - Nigel Farage calls for Syrian refugees to be allowed into UK
Everyone forgot the MIG 25* of Syria, read about the effect of the MIG 25 in 1991 against F15’s & E3 of the USAF.

USAF > Saudi & Pakistani air force, not to mention all this planning here is useless as none of it will happen

The MiG 25s had seen better days buddy, give it a rest.
The MiG 25s had seen better days buddy, give it a rest.

Still powerful with it’s long range missiles & speed to escape enemy missiles afterwards, force the other side to quit it’s operation
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