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NEW Syria war crimes' evidences +18!!!

Believed that? It's a matter of fact, the senior legislative branches had both disapproved of attacking Syria. Pres. Obama had wanted to conduct surgical strikes after the whole bs "chemical attack" case but Congress votes no. Whether Russian boats are in Mediterranean is just to act as a scare crow you don't really think Russia would sacrifice themselves for the sake of Syria? Voting No in UNSC is one thing but engaging US is another.

As for Saudis obviously they want US to intervene but you said in your previous post the Saudis told the Americans not to intervene, and I told you that wasn't the case. You need to read your original post and clarify your stance.

Syria's Air Force is still potent and functioning carrying out daily strikes on rebel areas.

Because rebels have nothing to fire at them!

Pantsir s1 is there to protect it, works well against cruis missiles

Answer to PantsirS1 is IED and ATGM attacks.
S-300s are sitting ducks without an air force to protect them. They are not an invincible piece of equipment as you seemingly believe.

S-300 or for that matter any SAM requires Air force to protect them from SEAD missions carried out by competing air force which has versatility to take them out. The don't require Airforce to protect themselves against UAV's and Cruise missiles.

And my point was simply this that in order to suppress S-300 by using your Airforce, you should be ready to take heavy loss. Apart from Countries which are operating S-300 and Israel ( by that extension US ), no one knows the shortcoming of S-300.

When we brought 6 batteries of S-300bfrom russia in 1991,it costed us $2bn in 1990 exchange rate. It would be foolish to write off a SAM which cost more than your entire Airforce's material value.
Believed that? It's a matter of fact, the senior legislative branches had both disapproved of attacking Syria. Pres. Obama had wanted to conduct surgical strikes after the whole bs "chemical attack" case but Congress votes no. Whether Russian boats are in Mediterranean is just to act as a scare crow you don't really think Russia would sacrifice themselves for the sake of Syria? Voting No in UNSC is one thing but engaging US is another.

As for Saudis obviously they want US to intervene but you said in your previous post the Saudis told the Americans not to intervene, and I told you that wasn't the case. You need to read your original post and clarify your stance.

Syria's Air Force is still potent and functioning carrying out daily strikes on rebel areas.

You misunderstood - what I meant was the Saudis, Turks and Israelis were pressurising the US to intervene.

The local surveys was a matter alriight - but Obama had made up his mind and had said so, also he sent a number of CBG's to the Med sea..The Russians and Chinese held their ground of "no attack" on Syria. Especially after Russia was betrayed in Libya by the US.
The very fact that Muslims cant short their own shit allows 'others' to intervene in our business for THEIR interests.

Trust me if Turks, Arabs and Pakistanis team up to hammer Asad - we have so much power while combined that NO ONE will come to rescue him and Iranians won't lift a finger !
And this unity is exactly what they fear, and thus you see these cowards running our countries. The day in day out propaganda against the unity of Muslims countries is does exactly for this very reason.
JEW NATO very credible propaganda


All of Syria crimes is done by Saudi terrorists.saudi didnt do anything except killing Syrian muslims.Saudi was behind war of Iran and Iraq and encouraged Saddam to attack Iran and during war supported Saddam fully.After fall of saddam supported suicides and unrests in Iraq,60% of suicides in Iraq are saudi.In the 2011 with some protesters that made with lies of Al Jazira and Al Arabia made a war againt Syria and up to now killed 140000 muslims and almost wreckd Syria country.Islam does not teach killing muslims in Ummah
Okay, so we STILL need a proof of war crimes after over 130,000 Syrians are killed and millions displaced?

Who gives a shit? - no one!

If anyone gave a shit, the Turk and Arab Air Forces would have bombed Asad until every stone was turned black, every Asadi jet was shot down and his terrorist regime would have ended.....

If GCC and Turkish Air Force joins and bombs him, i highly doubt that the Russians will come flying to protect a tyrant....as if it turned out so well the last time in Afghanistan for them!

If you decide to bomb him, we might join you too --- save the Syrians, bomb Asad and shoot down his air force!

Keep your wet dreams for yourself and try to bring security and justice to Pakistan . Syrians don't need your pity and humanity . They're still thankful of inviting 100000 terrorists to their country .

Our Air force is the second most powerful in the World with 5,000 + jets.

Our pilots now fly an average of 170 hours/year as much NATO/US.

We are 100% self- sufficient in weapons production which means we can replace all our loses with no problems unlike you.

and a few years down the road VVS ( Russian Air force ) will be getting this


So go head make my day:D

Don't take them serious , They've believed that the US is crazy to give them it's ultimate technology to be a danger for it's holy ally in region ( Israel ) and they don't probably get that even with out Russia , S-300 with it's range hunt every single flying thing in Syrian sky .
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As powerful as my old honda.

F-15s - Typhoons - F-16s can shoot down anything that flies in Asad's air force. Su-25 can run fast, though not faster than an AMRAAM. It also needs to run in its own air space as shout it venture out into Israel or any of the Middle eastern states - Patriots will pick em up.

I back no side - I believe the war can finish if Asad is gone. It will turn from a full blown conflict into a low intensity conflict which can be contained.

The war will only finish if Assad remains in power . Assad is not the point but a central government that can bring security for it's people and is supported by foreign allies in both ME and UN .

Just look at Syrians condition in government controlled regions and rebels' controlled regions , You'll get the point .

In Assad regions , people go to university , children go to school and you see civilization while what is seen in rebels' controlled regions is training 8-9 year old kids to blow themselves + S e x Jihad , forcing Christians to convert to the religion of morality and peace including beheading and eating heart .

I ensure you that , If Assad falls Syria will be another Afghanistan and will be back to stone age . Those ISIS terrorists are butchering every single living creature wherever they conquer even their brothers who have come from same ideology .

So instead of posting BS here and planning , think for a moment .
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Only zionist Al Qaeda beheaders can do that

They are proud of their crimes and kill everybody even children and their friends

They love ashaming Islam for the JEWS

Zionist wahabit regimes have unleashed their death row inmates psychopaths in Syria to help Israhell kill arabs

Report: Saudis sent death-row inmates to fight Syria

Yes, because the Syrian Ba'athi/Nusayri regime is to be trusted and the opposition party of Erdogan is not trying every rule in the book to make him look bad.

All those photos were documented by an deflected SYRIAN officer. THOUSANDS of other crimes committed by the Child-Murderer's hideous regime has also been documented by Syrians themselves.

In fact there are whole documentaries that have caught indiscriminate carpet bombings on civilian areas on tape while the documentary was made.
Yes, because the Syrian Ba'athi/Nusayri regime is to be trusted and the opposition party of Erdogan is not trying every rule in the book to make him look bad.

All those photos were documented by an deflected SYRIAN officer. THOUSANDS of other crimes committed by the Child-Murderer's hideous regime has also been documented by Syrians themselves.

In fact there are whole documentaries that have caught indiscriminate carpet bombings on civilian areas on tape while the documentary was made.
smart.... I wonder why the Syrian government would document its own "crimes"?? it is very smart to take pictures so someone will "defect" and show the world .... I really don't know how stupid people are to believe that a government will document its own "crimes"...
smart.... I wonder why the Syrian government would document its own "crimes"?? it is very smart to take pictures so someone will "defect" and show the world .... I really don't know how stupid people are to believe that a government will document its own "crimes"...

So you are telling me that all the videos and photos of crimes committed by the Syrian regime, thousands of witness accounts, all the thousands of victims of the regime etc. is all just made up?

Everybody can google all those videos, photos etc.
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