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NEW Syria war crimes' evidences +18!!!

^^ My dear brother, No need for on ground troops. An air strikes will do the job.

  • Russian will beat their chests and cry, make their empty threats and will eventually shut up.
  • Iran will look at Russia shutting up and won't intervene. It simply doesn't have the air force to help Asad. If someone is still stupid in the Iranian air command, their jets will be nothing but flying targets waiting to be AMRAAMED!
  • US will eventually support the strikes since they won't have another option.
  • EU will do what US does
  • We will cover the Chinese.
We need to learn how to take attrition and damage. If we can't sort out our own shit, we are effectively INVITING others to meddle in our nations for THEIR interests.

We ought to project military power throughout the Muslim world to defeat the terrorists and bring in friendly and functional governments. Sometimes surgery is needed!

We team up, we clean up Asad's air force, boost arms and training to the FSA, then start sending in undercover SOF operatives to hammer high value targets. The war would be over once the Asad's forces are out of air power, including ALL helos...FSA can only win when there is a No Fly Zone over Syria.

Interestingly put. Thumbs up for that.

But One question still stirs in my mind. What if the US strike a deal against our favor? Or the russian provide antiaircraft missiles like the S-300 for example?
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Syrians can't wait for 20 years.


Must be prepared to project far away and effectively.

Not a simple walk or a game.

NEW Syria war crimes' evidences +18!!!

NEW Syria war crimes' evidences +18!!!


^^ My dear brother, No need for on ground troops. An air strikes will do the job.

Not !

It will not be enough. You also need to control the territory to be truly effective.

Modern war is won by control of the skies and with cavalry (Tanks and Attack helicopters) ground.

Lessons to 2 Golf Wars.

Gulf War

Iraq War

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^^ My dear brother, No need for on ground troops. An air strikes will do the job.

Interestingly put. Thumbs up for that.

But One question still stirs in my mind. What if the US strike a deal against our favor? Or the russian provide antiaircraft missiles like the S-300 for example?

S-300s can be taken out by Suicide UAVs - or maybe we can slip a few Babur Cruise Missile batteries into Jordan.
We have Ra'ad ALCMs, C-802AK, CM-400AKG and the GCC air forces have a stockpile of Black Shaheen and Storm Shadow ALCMs.

CM-400AKG gives 9-12 second reaction time after launch - once a target is locked in, it cant run as it has a maneuverable trajectory and speed exceeding to hypersonic in its nose dive flight. GCC, Turkey and Pakistan has Anti Radiation Missiles too.

We HAVE the tools to carry out SEAD (Suppression of Enemy Air Defenses) and DEAD (Destruction of Enemy Air Defenses) missions. All thats needed is the Al-Sauds to learn to take attrition, man up and listen to the cries coming out of Syria. As i said if the Al-Sauds want,they can convince major Muslim powers to form a strike package to obliterate Asad's air force - then we will need a handful of jets, a tanker and an AEW&C air craft to maintain a NFZ over Syria.

Then we boost arms and training to FSA - embed SOF units with them and take on Asad on our terms. We bomb his armor from the air, bomb his sites to draw him somewhere FSA has set up ambushes and create deviations. When this is achieved a ground offensive will not be needed....Asad's army will fall and Syrians will breathe peace again.

Then we boost arms and training to FSA - embed SOF units with them and take on Asad on our terms. We bomb his armor from the air, bomb his sites to draw him somewhere FSA has set up ambushes and create deviations. When this is achieved a ground offensive will not be needed....Asad's army will fall and Syrians will breathe peace again.

This is not enough. If your goal is to actually protect civilians populations.
This is not enough. If your goal is to actually protect civilians populations.

This is exactly what we did in Afghanistan.

If FSA gets a NFZ and air cover, it will be in the streets of Damascus within months and Asad's head will be paraded on a stick.

Protecting the citizens is our ultimate goal. The sooner we obliterate this psychotic cancer from Damascus, the sooner those refugees will go home.
S-300s can be taken out by Suicide UAVs - or maybe we can slip a few Babur Cruise Missile batteries into Jordan.
We have Ra'ad ALCMs, C-802AK, CM-400AKG and the GCC air forces have a stockpile of Black Shaheen and Storm Shadow ALCMs.

CM-400AKG gives 9-12 second reaction time after launch - once a target is locked in, it cant run as it has a maneuverable trajectory and speed exceeding to hypersonic in its nose dive flight. GCC, Turkey and Pakistan has Anti Radiation Missiles too.

We HAVE the tools to carry out SEAD (Suppression of Enemy Air Defenses) and DEAD (Destruction of Enemy Air Defenses) missions. All thats needed is the Al-Sauds to learn to take attrition, man up and listen to the cries coming out of Syria. As i said if the Al-Sauds want,they can convince major Muslim powers to form a strike package to obliterate Asad's air force - then we will need a handful of jets, a tanker and an AEW&C air craft to maintain a NFZ over Syria.

Then we boost arms and training to FSA - embed SOF units with them and take on Asad on our terms. We bomb his armor from the air, bomb his sites to draw him somewhere FSA has set up ambushes and create deviations. When this is achieved a ground offensive will not be needed....Asad's army will fall and Syrians will breathe peace again.

Ok it seems like a scenario, well put Aero.

The storm-shadow role slipped out of my mind. Still satellite imagery is needed to identify anti craft missiles, strategic locations, coordinates and radars. I'm not confidently sure if we have access to that or not. what do you say.

That was brilliant Aero. Btw do you serve?
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This is exactly what we did in Afghanistan.

If FSA gets a NFZ and air cover, it will be in the streets of Damascus within months and Asad's head will be paraded on a stick.

Protecting the citizens is our ultimate goal. The sooner we obliterate this psychotic cancer from Damascus, the sooner those refugees will go home.

There will still be a lot of unnecessary civilian deaths to get there. It is against productive.

The War, you either made or not and you are really capable like a surgeon, quickly and well. Unnecessary to veil the face.
If Assad is gone, who takes over?

A lot of the other rebel factions seem scummy to me.

The storm-shadow role slipped out of my mind. Still satellite imagery is needed to identify anti craft missiles, strategic locations, coordinates and radars. I'm not confidently sure if we have access to that or not. what do you say.


Effectively, we do not have Surveillance Satellites and no one will give us their data for this attack.
Ok it seems like a scenario, well put Aero.

The storm-shadow role slipped out of my mind. Still satellite imagery is needed to identify anti craft missiles, strategic locations, coordinates and radars. I'm not confidently sure if we have access to that or not. what do you say.

We can use

A - Satellite imagery
B - Human Intelligence
C - AEW&C aircrafts like E-3 (Best in the world) - it can sniff radar emitters which can pin point the location of the SAM batteries.
What we ought to do is to send in an expandable UAV with RCS magnifying surface areas and see where are the radars located which sniff at it. The UAV will be destroyed but we will get the vicinity of the assets, they will scoot, but will expose themselves to Satellite and Human Intelligence assets - their location can be pinpointed and targeted from a range exceeding 300kms. Or in the case of Babur Cruise Missile- 700kms.

That was brilliant Aero. Btw do you serve?

Civilian. I do have some education in a related field though.
Effectively, we do not have Surveillance Satellites and no one will give us their data for this attack.

We can pay the Chinese to get imagery - no biggy. We do it all the time.

Plus - if GIP and ISI decide to team up in a SERIOUS effort. Building a credible Human Intelligence apparatus is not rocket science to us. The entire Afghan war was planned and executed on HI, substituted by air imagery.
Im thinking of France now, the only source that can grant us access to their satellite.

What do you think?

No ! Not for such a war.

You understand when I tell you that we are not ready.

I repeat again. The modern War, you either made or not and you are really capable like a surgeon, quickly and well. Unnecessary to veil the face, we are not ready.

Quickly and well with 150,000 men.

NEW Syria war crimes' evidences +18!!!

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