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New Pakistani govt turns back on hero doctor who helped get Bin Laden

So Bin Laden just 'apeared' and lived and prospered there- 'JUST like that' . Even you can't truly believe that.

Don't buy too much into constipated conspiracy theories (like so many Islamists and commies).

Ben fing laden was a rat who moved out of a cave and hid into a dark house.

It happened during 2005 earth quake when the whole NW was in chaos to a major earth quake.

So please quit believing and spreading constipated conspiracy theories

Thank you
dont need your certification.

The Indian cheerleaders should be out of this thread. this is Pakistan's internal matter and no Indian can give verdict if mr afridi committed or not committed treason
Then please explain by what logic you consider the act of US generals a high treason..?
And no,when the matter concerns about pakistani state protecting an international terrorist and persecuting the man who helped to find him,it is no longer pakistan's internal matter alone..If pakistan continues the policy of sheltering terrorists,It will be criticised by others...No use of blaming others for discussing it..
Don't buy too much into constipated conspiracy theories (like so many Islamists and commies).

Ben fing laden was a rat who moved out of a cave and hid into a dark house.

It happened during 2005 earth quake when the whole NW was in chaos to a major earth quake.

So please quit believing and spreading constipated conspiracy theories

Thank you

What separates a conspiracy theory from genuine suspecion..?For me i find it very very strange that almost all the neighbours knew that that house owned by pashtun brothers housed an arab family,who were protected by ak-47 weilding gunmen-who never allowed any outsiders(even by paying children whose cricket balls fell inside the compound),failed to rise any suspecion in local police authorities in such a high security area-not just for one week or one month but for years..Hell even the neighbours are forbidden to speak anything related to it to media anymore...Dear fouji sahib,let me ask you honestly,dont you find all this suspicious..?
What separates a conspiracy theory from genuine suspecion..?For me i find it very very strange that almost all the neighbours knew that that house owned by pashtun brothers housed an arab family,who were protected by ak-47 weilding gunmen-who never allowed any outsiders(even by paying children whose cricket balls fell inside the compound),failed to rise any suspecion in local police authorities in such a high security area-not just for one week or one month but for years..Hell even the neighbours are forbidden to speak anything related to it to media anymore...Dear fouji sahib,let me ask you honestly,dont you find all this suspicious..?

just like Kasav's parent's drama,remember???

anyway,the doctor was committed crime by helping a foreign country.but then,it is a "Friendly Country" and he helped them world's no 1 terrorist.don't know,but looks like he should get some special treatment due to extraordinary situation.actually,CIA shouldn't have published his name either..
What separates a conspiracy theory from genuine suspecion..?...?

What separates reality from Constipated conspiracy theory -- CCT? (Good Question)


-- 99% Indian posters thinking about Pakistan. (they unfortunately prefer CCT)

This perhaps is not due solely to ban intentions. I am sure a lot of Indian flaggers are deep down good people.

The problem is perhaps is just plain "lack of knowledge" aka ignorance couple with a deadly combination of arrogance so prevalent among cheap TV talks shows so prevalent in the region.

And that's sad sad story.

-- Two people who have so much in common, yet so far far far far away when it comes to the real knowledge about the ground reality.

Add to this ignorance, deadly ingredients like bad history, suspicion, monkey-raja traditions, arrogance, false bravado, tribalism, and you got fire breathing mice sitting on large piles of powder-kegs.

Your arguments Sir are the indication of all the diseases I just mentioned.

Sorry to say.

p.s. Tiny exception to the CCT mindset are few brave souls in India and in Pakistan who venture across the border and see the man on the street an utterly delightful person. So perhaps there is a hope, tiny tiny tiny hope.
Pakistan's new regime is not likely to take up the cause of the doctor imprisoned after helping the U.S. get Usama bin Laden, a key official told FoxNews.com.

Zarvan to the rescue, again - be patient not so gentle Zarvan, in time the great Jamaati heroine, Aafia will be ready to bargain.
A nation which can not protect it's own people from drones and ethnic killing , how in the world Dr.Afridi will get fair trail :P
A nation which can not protect it's own people from drones and ethnic killing , how in the world Dr.Afridi will get fair trail :P

Ethnic $hit is aplenty in India too. Don't be too smug about it.

Drone thingy is another false ploy used by some Indian flaggers.

If there was a US war in Myanmar, and rebels came and hid in Indian North East,

I bet that majority Indians would allow US to use drones to kill those rebels.

Put yourself in other man's shoes before taking cheap shots and childish statements.
He'll be handed over to the US just like Aimal Kaasi & Raymond Davis was in Nawaz's last regime/s...

He is imprisoned in KPK why don't PTI hang him if he has committed treason.

Guess no one wants to annoy the master.
Shakil Afridi didn't get a fair trail. Have you ever heard a person tried under hometown's law(Tribal laws of FATA) instead of the laws of the land from where he was arrested.

Trust me , he would be thanking God for that .

Because the law of the land gives a straight ' capital punishment ' on cases of ' treason ' and isn't so lenient like the tribal one . Since , the evidence was more than complete , I do not think he would have had any luck @ Supreme Court , Islamabad .
treason is treason, nothing else.

notwithstanding due course or else, treason still has to be tried by Law.
How violation of Pak Airspace helped Pakistan ... (OBL case)

If NATO would have asked permission to attack OBL place, Pakistan would have given clearance. In that case Taliban would have become enemy of Pakistan. By violating air space NATO saved Pakistan...,
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