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You might wish you can get back at Muslims for the 1000 years of suffering we inflicted upon you, but even if you were to nuke Pakistan right now, it still wouldn't compare.
1000 years of suffering? How did you arrive that figure?

Those aren't called evidences .
Have u ever let us to interrogate ajaml kasab .
Let our officals meet him

Your monkey is with us and we'll let u eat his minced meat
He was offered consular access. You denied it.
1000 years of suffering? How did you arrive that figure?

The first Muslims attacked parts of what is now India in the early 8th century, led by the governor of Sindh Junaid Ibn Abdur Rahman Al Marri. The last Muslim to cripple the Indians (in offensive warfare) was the Pashtun Sultan Ahmed Shah Durrani at the Third Battle of Panipat in the 18th century. That's about a thousand years.
The first Muslims attacked parts of what is now India in the early 8th century, led by the governor of Sindh Junaid Ibn Abdur Rahman Al Marri. The last Muslim to cripple the Indians (in offensive warfare) was the Pashtun Sultan Ahmed Shah Durrani at the Third Battle of Panipat in the 18th century. That's about a thousand years.
Ah. So this 1000 years includes all the losses of the invaders. And somehow you claim you are one of the invaders? Lol. Meanwhile, Hindus and Buddhists ruled over present day Pakistan for 5000 years. Let me know when you catch up.
And somehow you claim you are one of the invaders?

Not me, but my ancestors were. It's not a false claim, but your ego won't let you accept it. Hence why you guys deny it even though we've produced countless pieces of evidence to back up what we say whereas you have none.

Meanwhile, Hindus and Buddhists ruled over present day Pakistan for 5000 years.

Back then, there was no Islam so it doesn't count. 9/10 times Muslims and Hindus have met, we've come out on top.

In pre and post-Islamic times, the Indus was always superior to Bharat. IVC, Panini, Porus, Gandhara, Kanishka, Lahore, Akbar, Shah Jahan, etc. Almost all great things from the sub-continent are related to the Indus in some way. Even the Mauryan Empire was founded by Chandragupta, who was tutored at Taxila.
Not me, but my ancestors were. It's not a false claim, but your ego won't let you accept it. Hence why you guys deny it even though we've produced countless pieces of evidence to back up what we say whereas you have none.

Back then, there was no Islam so it doesn't count. 9/10 times Muslims and Hindus have met, we've come out on top.

In pre and post-Islamic times, the Indus was always superior to Bharat. IVC, Panini, Porus, Gandhara, Kanishka, Lahore, Akbar, Shah Jahan, etc. Almost all great things from the sub-continent are related to the Indus in some way. Even the Mauryan Empire was founded by Chandragupta, who was tutored at Taxila.
Of course it counts. We didn't stop you from having Islam. And I forgot to add Sikh rule as well.
Of course it counts.

No, it doesn't, since Islam was not around back then.

And I forgot to add Sikh rule as well.

You're not Sikh, nor are you from the Indus. You also don't believe that all of humanity shares a common origin like Muslims do and you're not descended from Indus migrants, so you can't claim people from the Indus based on the fact that they share a common religion with you. You guys also value your nationality over your religion, which further discredits any claim you have to these guys based on a common religion.

And the Sikhs got defeated by Muslims in battle. Multiple times. Prime examples include what the Pashtuns did to them, as well as the Karlals and Gujjars.
No, it doesn't, since Islam was not around back then.

You're not Sikh, nor are you from the Indus. You also don't believe that all of humanity shares a common origin like Muslims do and you're not descended from Indus migrants, so you can't claim people from the Indus based on the fact that they share a common religion with you. You guys also value your nationality over your religion, which further discredits any claim you have to these guys based on a common religion.

And the Sikhs got defeated by Muslims in battle. Multiple times. Prime examples include what the Pashtuns did to them, as well as the Karlals and Gujjars.
It does. It is not our fault you came late to the party. We didn't stop you, did we?

Indus originates near the Indo-Tibet border. It just happens to end up in Pakistan. Your claiming it doesn't mean anything.
It does. It is not our fault you came late to the party. We didn't stop you, did we?

No, it doesn't lol. If Islam wasn't a thing back prior to the 7th century, then how does it count? There were no Muslims for you to dominate.

Indus originates near the Indo-Tibet border. It just happens to end up in Pakistan. Your claiming it doesn't mean anything.

You know very well I am referring to the Indus region, which almost entirely lies in Pakistan.
No, it doesn't lol. If Islam wasn't a thing back prior to the 7th century, then how does it count? There were no Muslims for you to dominate.

You know very well I am referring to the Indus region, which almost entirely lies in Pakistan.
As I said, we didn't stop it from coming. You come late to the party, doesn't mean the party wasn't on. Lol. Let me know when you catch up with 5000 years of being ruled.

Clearly as shown from the Indus Water Treaty and who controls flow of the Indus and its tributaries, you are dependent on Indian largesse.
You come late to the party, doesn't mean the party wasn't on

It wasn't "on" lol. Islam (in it's modern form) started in the 7th century.

Clearly as shown from the Indus Water Treaty and who controls flow of the Indus and its tributaries, you are dependent on Indian largesse.

Are you blind? I clearly wrote I'm referring to the region, not the river.

And if you stop the flow of water, your blood will flow in it's place. Don't test us, we have over 140 nukes pointed right at you.
It wasn't "on" lol. Islam (in it's modern form) started in the 7th century.

Are you blind? I clearly wrote I'm referring to the region, not the river.

And if you stop the flow of water, your blood will flow in it's place. Don't test us, we have over 140 nukes pointed right at you.
Yawn. It was. Did we tell you not to come till the 7th? When you are ruled for over 5000 years, you tend to have some insecurities.

The region exists because of the river. There would be no Egyptian civilization without the Nile. And the Indus flow in controlled by India. We have been utilizing the water as we please and you have twiddled your thumbs in front of various Commissions and Courts. Use your nukes, who is stopping you?
When you are ruled for over 5000 years

Hindus didn't encounter Muslims until the 8th century, so I'll tell you again, you (Indians) did not rule over us (Muslims) for 5,000 years.

The region exists because of the river.

And the river originates in Tibet, and mostly flows in Pakistan.

We have been utilizing the water as we please

We don't care, so long as you don't starve us. Do that, and you'll have to deal with nuclear burn.
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