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New Look Russian T-50 flight test: In the past claimed that the Chinese wan


May 23, 2011
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J -20's debut flight in China, the Russian experts, "the export of 100 T-50 " dream come to naught.

Recently published on the website of the Russian T-50 fifth-generation fighter the latest flight test plans. Prior to the world arms trade, according to Russian analysis center reports, in accordance with Russia's new generation fighter aircraft production plan, the Russian T-50 fifth generation fighter aircraft production will not be less than 1000. Russian Air Force have been previously identified in the 2020-2040 years will purchase 200-250 aircraft T-50, and if the positive economic situation, the number of purchases will increase to 400-450 aircraft.

Taking into account the U.S. fifth generation fighter F-22 heavy too expensive (the export price is expected to be up to 2.5 billion U.S. dollars), almost no country can afford, so in the Russian-made T-50 main competitor on the international market will be F -35 "Lightning-II" fighter.

Currently, the Russian fifth generation fighter aircraft has the first foreign customer - India (not less than 250 of its plans to purchase Russian-made Five machine). Analysis of the World Trade Center for Russian arms experts believe that, considering the huge demand in India, Russian fifth generation fighter aircraft export volume will reach 548-686.

Russian experts pointed out that the following countries will be Russia's fifth-generation fighter's main export market: Algeria (may purchase 24-36 years in 2025-2030 fifth generation fighter aircraft), Argentina (12-24 planes ,2035-2040 years) , Brazil (24-36 planes ,2030-2035 years), Venezuela (24-36 planes ,2027-2032 years), Vietnam (12-24 planes ,2035-2040 years), Egypt (12-24 planes ,2040-2045 years), Indonesia (6-12 frame ,2028-2032 years), Iran (36-48 planes ,2035-2040 years), Kazakhstan (12-24 planes ,2025-2030 years), China (about 100, 2025 -2035 years), Libya (12-24 planes ,2025-2030) of Malaysia (12-24 planes ,2035-2040 years), Syria (12-24 planes ,2025-2030 years).

Although the company's fifth-generation Sukhoi T-50 fighter aircraft to enter the world market of the time later than the U.S. F-35, but with a still more excellent performance, Russian-made fighters fully able to catch up. Also need to consider is that half of the world's countries have encountered many challenges from the United States, they want to maintain the independence of national policies, and therefore seek to find other areas to the military high-tech partner .

Russia also claimed that, do not rule out that some Western European countries such as France and Germany, and Russia will be considered in the development of next-generation fighter to cooperate. Single product in these countries can not implement their own strength development of fifth generation fighter program, the procurement of F-35 will enhance their technical and political dependence on the United States.
However, China's debut flight -20 F, the Russian experts, "the export of 100 T-50" dream come to naught.



when the J-20 stealth design is clearly superior to PAk fa

Pak fa has a bubble canopy
the intakes engine fan blades are visible.
and No S shaped intakes

the PAk fa lack serious stealth capability

China would not give a damn about PAk fa
adn the country mentioned in the list will end up with j-20 for being more stealthy,more range and payload and cheap also
J20 using russian engine so they know about it before you and me

Of course, the engine has been China's weakness, however, be inferred from all the news in China, J-20 when the official service may have to install the engine of China's own development.
when the J-20 stealth design is clearly superior to PAk fa

Pak fa has a bubble canopy
the intakes engine fan blades are visible.
and No S shaped intakes
Yes, there are T-50 wing is a rivet link, and J-20 did not, which is the J-20's stealth is better than T-50

the PAk fa lack serious stealth capability

China would not give a damn about PAk fa
adn the country mentioned in the list will end up with j-20 for being more stealthy,more range and payload and cheap also

Yes, there are T-50 wing is a rivet link, and J-20 did not, which is the J-20's stealth is better than T-50,So of course China will not buy T-50
Of course, the engine has been China's weakness, however, be inferred from all the news in China, J-20 when the official service may have to install the engine of China's own development.

The WS-15 engine will be installed in the next year, so this won't be a problem anymore.
Yes, there are T-50 wing is a rivet link, and J-20 did not, which is the J-20's stealth is better than T-50,So of course China will not buy T-50

Those 毛发党 will buy their Russian big daddy's PAK FA, but not the Chinese military.
Of course, the engine has been China's weakness, however, be inferred from all the news in China, J-20 when the official service may have to install the engine of China's own development.

So let me get this right, the Pak-fa is inferior to Chinese J-xx and it's superior how ever, China lacks the engines and takes Russia engines for flight testing...

And how does China use inferior russian engines?>? gimme a BREAK... just because J-xx looks like the batmans jet doesnt mean stealthy
So let me get this right, the Pak-fa is inferior to Chinese J-xx and it's superior how ever, China lacks the engines and takes Russia engines for flight testing...

And how does China use inferior russian engines?>? gimme a BREAK... J-xx looks like the batmans jet, GET REAL WTF just cause it looks kool doesn't mean it stealth

No, we don't use the inferior Russian engine, do some homework before spewing the sh!t, you dumb troll.
So let me get this right, the Pak-fa is inferior to Chinese J-xx and it's superior how ever, China lacks the engines and takes Russia engines for flight testing...

And how does China use inferior russian engines?>? gimme a BREAK... J-xx looks like the batmans jet, GET REAL WTF just cause it looks it doesn't mean it stealth
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