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New Format for World Cup


Jan 11, 2011
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Dear All,

All of us have seen how the format of the world cup is designed to favour the test playing nations. Even the quarter finals have been one sided affairs. As a cricket fan this disturbs me.

There is also a talk that next World Cup will have only 10 teams. Then pray how is it different from a Champions Trophy? We should expand the pool and get more associate nations and not contract the same.

I have devised a new format for the World Cup. I want your inputs for the same

Total no. of Teams - 16
Groups 4 of 4 each with 2 top teams and 2 associates in each group
Round Robin Matches in all 4 groups (6*4=24 Matches)

top 2 teams of each group proceed to second round. Since a team just has 3 matches in first round even associates can cause an upset and proceed to next round easily

In Second round top 2 teams of Group A and Group C form one group and play round Robin matches. Similarly Group B and Group D teams play round robin matches. Total Matches 6*2=12 Matches

Top 2 Teams in these groups play Semifinals and then final total Knockout matches 3

Total matches in World Cup 24+12+3=39
This World Cup too was supposed to have 10 teams but they changed it and the same will happen again. But the number of teams need to increase to 16 or 20 and have 4 or 5 teams a group, followed by a Quarter-final.
I support this format of course but the icc is a joke so I don't have any expectations from them relating to the betterment of cricket. Its a commercial venture that only cares about making money.
2 assoc and 2 full doesn't work out. They tried in 2007. One bad match, easy knockout.
India and Pakistan were both kicked out in 2007, which means less revenue.

10 is best, 2 groups of 5, and then super 6, then semi and then final.
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