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New Delhi shows positive attitude, frontline Indian troops may remain over winter: expert

Why don't you use your UNSHAKABLE military might to capture entire ladakh and Arunachal for once and all rather than wasting time in buffer Zone????? You don't have guts to challenge India and yet you bluff about challenging UNITED STATES OF AMERICA......:lol::lol::lol:
give china a causa belli and you'll find out.
Why don't you use your UNSHAKABLE military might to capture entire ladakh and Arunachal for once and all rather than wasting time in buffer Zone????? You don't have guts to challenge India and yet you bluff about challenging UNITED STATES OF AMERICA......:lol::lol::lol:
We already killed at least three Indians and captured five Indians in the last week. If you want more bodies, go ahead and open fire :azn:
To chinese in PDF who parrot CPC propaganda, how does it feel to come down and staying on ground reality?
Reality is india dint have the means to keep 40,000 soldiers warm in ladakh in winter. PLA has the mean.

You can continue delude yourself ! :enjoy:
They are occupying the peaks at Rechin La, which sits right on the CCL.

They are also on a small plateau close to Black top and Helmet top on the southern shore of Pangong Lake. They tried to take the peaks but failed (PLA counterattack successful). Now they put up some makeshift infrastructure on the plateau. The plateau is within the CCL.
Yup I saw the ridge sits on the CCL but it's still Chinese soil, no space to create base or anything except putting up cameras, etc. Probably that's y it's unmanned, I will be amazed if they can sustain their presence there. Lol
We already killed at least three Indians and captured five Indians in the last week. If you want more bodies, go ahead and open fire :azn:
5 Indians captured came from Ashok Swain, apparently it was commandos who tried to take black n helmet top. 2 killed confirmed, one Tibetan, the other another 'accident' which was the 3rd,ths other critically wounded Tibetan?
Only thing China has to do to keep the Indians under the thumb is to keep
arming Pakistan and then just sit back and eat popcorn.
Yup I saw the ridge sits on the CCL but it's still Chinese soil, no space to create base or anything except putting up cameras, etc. Probably that's y it's unmanned, I will be amazed if they can sustain their presence there. Lol

The Indians pushed forward from the hills clearly to the West of the CCL across to the plateau straddling the CCL (where the pin is). Now they have makeshift camps there.
Reality is india dint have the means to keep 40,000 soldiers warm in ladakh in winter. PLA has the mean.

You can continue delude yourself ! :enjoy:

They Stay in the warm tent and then cry when confrontation with the Indian army happens. Because the PLA soldiers have completed 2 years of service and needs to go to their home in September.
5 Indians captured came from Ashok Swain, apparently it was commandos who tried to take black n helmet top. 2 killed confirmed, one Tibetan, the other another 'accident' which was the 3rd,ths other critically wounded Tibetan?

It says in the article that he was wounded on August 31 and died on September 4.
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Indians are ill equiped to fight in snow. Chinese are at home in snow. Expect fireworks anytime after september.
They Stay in the warm tent and then cry when confrontation with the Indian army happens. Because the PLA soldiers have completed 2 years of service and needs to go to their home in September.
Lol. I am still waiting indian soldiers to score a kill afer humiliated by our Chinese boy scout who send 20 indian soldiers to see their maker. Its is indian side who need to prove they are not gay but real soldiers. :enjoy:
Normally, at the end of the SCO Summit every time, it's normally all about releasing some anti-Pakistan joint statement. But this time, it would appear India has been put in its place.

Can you give an example of the anti Pakistan joint statement at the SCO Summit from the previous years.

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