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New Brahmos Test Fails

No i will actually encourage india to test more knowledge is power more we no what you have better we can prepare our defence and we being only a defence force and not a agressive one as our neighbour.;)


fear of weapon is more important than the weapon itself, why do u think India and Pakistan did their nuclear tests. if that would have been the case nobody will disclose their weapon. and the world will be in a mess!;)
moscow Ok that's your view but pointing towards Mr. obama's administration. Well that's too long a shot. I don't think so anything even remotely related to this is there. because BrahMos is already inducted in Armed forces (Army and Navy). But even if it is a new missile I don't know how to interconnect that? Do I link Bulava tests also to the new administration taking oath. or for that matter India launching of "Shourya".

sir actually many western and even russian defence analysis related the timing and frequency of the bulava tests and also the increased productions of nuclear weapons by the russians <to add pressure to the us> as a direct concequence of the missile defense system to be installed in russian neighbourhood.
all these tests were done before the STARTS talks between the russians and the us.so my whole point is that a missile test has more than one signifucance.
i know what i posted regarding the aim might not be the case at all in due time but its just my way of looking at things, at this point of time, maybe in due course i might be proved wrong or i might be right also, who knows?

ha ha ha
I don't think we will reach anywhere. let's leave it to this
all i've to say to all Indians you guys still sufer from "WHITES MENS COMPLEX" we ruled the world 1400years and 400years in India

Offtopic--Sorry if I came across rude, but the thing is that Kashmir is a highly emotional matter for me and most Indians. too much blood has been spilt for it, I wish for the status quo to be maintained and solve it in that matter. You have urs, we have ours.

International and bilateral agreements - agreements based on the Instrument of Partition and the UNSC resolutions - must apply.

Whether Kashmir is emotional for you or nto is no reason to violate those agreements, deny the Kashmiris the rights agreed to by the International community, by Pakistan and by India.

Being 'emotional' is no reason for a nation to violate her obligations and commitments. If anything, you shoudl be emotional about teh fact that your nation is acting like a fraudster and common thug by blatantly violating her obligations and commitments and denying a people the rights guaranteed her.

You shoudl be ashamed that the very rights your forefathers fought and possibly died for against the British are being denied to the Kashmiris, despite your nation having specifically agreed to them in multiple international and bilateral commitments. That is what you should be 'ashamed and emotional' about.
all i've to say to all Indians you guys still sufer from "WHITES MENS COMPLEX" we ruled the world 1400years and 400years in India

This is the 3rd thread u r copy pasting the same hate message!
International and bilateral agreements - agreements based on the Instrument of Partition and the UNSC resolutions - must apply.

Whether Kashmir is emotional for you or nto is no reason to violate those agreements, deny the Kashmiris the rights agreed to by the International community, by Pakistan and by India.

Being 'emotional' is no reason for a nation to violate her obligations and commitments. If anything, you shoudl be emotional about teh fact that your nation is acting like a fraudster and common thug by blatantly violating her obligations and commitments and denying a people the rights guaranteed her.

You shoudl be ashamed that the very rights your forefathers fought and possibly died for against the British are being denied to the Kashmiris, despite your nation having specifically agreed to them in multiple international and bilateral commitments. That is what you should be 'ashamed and emotional' about.
I dont see it that way, Sorry. I feel If Pakistan and India accept the status Quo and sign a deal, then Indian Army will leave Kashmir and it will be back to Normal. This is what I propose.

I feel Pakistan wants Kashmir, for the water resources! Isnt it plainly visible that the people come second and water first?
I agree with Moscow here. India should have delayed or stopped the Brahmos test.This test could send a bad message to PAK in these times.Although I beleive that Pak should also test fire Babur missile, but this is unlikely and could aggravate condtions more

I agree with Moscow here. India should have delayed or stopped the Brahmos test.This test could send a bad message to PAK in these times.Although I beleive that Pak should also test fire Babur missile, but this is unlikely and could aggravate condtions more


They've been sending bad messages to Pakistan since the Mumbai attacks. We've been able to tackle EVERYTHING so far with brilliance. A couple of petty tests here and there wouldn't let us down. In fact, these "tests" always gives us another reason to test our Highly professional and accurate missile system.
They've been sending bad messages to Pakistan since the Mumbai attacks. We've been able to tackle EVERYTHING so far with brilliance. A couple of petty tests here and there wouldn't let us down. In fact, these "tests" always gives us another reason to test our Highly professional and accurate missile system.
Agreed you have a valid point to.A missile test from our side will send a clear msg to India about our capabilities+ it will be great morale booster for Pakistanis.
We Dont Like anyone Interfering In Kashmir, Because its an Internal Matter, since Kashmir is an Integral Part of India. We dont care if its the US President or his Father, Hussain Hussain Obama (hope thats the name ;) ) we wont let anyone Interfere in Kashmir. We made it very much clear.

I keep telling people that we need to have the same attitude about Palestine you know.
I dont see it that way, Sorry. I feel If Pakistan and India accept the status Quo and sign a deal, then Indian Army will leave Kashmir and it will be back to Normal. This is what I propose.

I feel Pakistan wants Kashmir, for the water resources! Isnt it plainly visible that the people come second and water first?

The 'status quo' is not what the UNSC resolutions call for, nor is it what the instrument of partition called for - plebiscite/referendum allowing the Kashmiris to determine their status is the only solution, and India and Pakistan have both committed to it multiple times.

What you 'feel' Pakistan wants does not matter, nor is your 'feeling' accurate - Pakistan's position on Kashmir is moral and legal - moral because it asks for the Kashmiris to determine their own fate, and legal because the demand for a plebiscite (agreed to by India as well) is based on the Instrument of Partition and the UNSC resolutions.

As I said before, the only thing to be ashamed about for Indians is the fact that their nation is blatantly violating her international commitments, and her commitments to the Kashmiris, by refusing a plebiscite to determine final status.

If your nation cannot abide by her commitments, then she is a rogue, irresponsible and worthless in the international comity of nations.
Anyway, back to the topic ..

BrahMos missile test fails after early 'success'

21 Jan 2009, 0000 hrs IST, Rajat Pandit, TNN

NEW DELHI: The Army's endeavour to induct the BrahMos supersonic cruise missile as "a precision-strike weapon" took a hit on Tuesday, with the
missile failing to achieve laid-down parameters in a test.

This comes at a time when the Pakistan Army is galloping ahead in inducting its nuclear-capable Babur land-attack cruise missile (LACM) - developed with China's help to have a strike range of over 500 km - in large numbers into its arsenal.

Initially, the BrahMos LACM test from the Pokhran field firing range at 10.23am on Tuesday was touted as "successful" by defence ministry officials. But later in the day, this newspaper learnt that it had been quite unsuccessful.

Top defence officials were, however, still reluctant to dub the test, which was witnessed by Army chief General Deepak Kapoor, as "a complete failure".

"BrahMos is a unique missile, which has been tested flawlessly almost 20 times till now. On Tuesday, we were test-firing it with a new guidance scheme...it was not successful. Further trials are required," said an official, reluctant to say anything more.

Sources said it was likely that the BrahMos missile, which flies at a speed of 2.8 Mach, tested on Tuesday had been configured to carry a nuclear warhead rather than a conventional one.

The Army already has missile groups to handle the 150-km Prithvi, 700-800-km Agni-I and 2000-km-plus Agni-II ballistic missiles, which are nuclear-capable.

On its part, Army has ordered two BrahMos regiments in the first phase at a cost of Rs 8,352 crore, with 134 missiles, 10 road-mobile autonomous launchers on 12x12 Tatra vehicles, four mobile command posts and the like, said sources.

The Navy, in turn, has ordered 49 BrahMos firing units at a cost of Rs 711 crore for now. All the tests of the BrahMos naval version, both anti-ship and land-attack ones, have been successful till now.

BrahMos was even fired successfully from a vertical launcher - the earlier tests were from "inclined" launchers - fitted on Rajput-class destroyer INS Ranvir in Bay of Bengal last month.

The "universal vertical launcher" is significant since it imparts the missile system with some stealth as well as the capability to be fired in any direction. It also paves the way for the integration of BrahMos missiles on submarines.

Even as India and Russia begin preliminary work on a "hypersonic" BrahMos-2 missile capable of flying at a speed between 5 and 7 Mach, two Indian Sukhoi-30MKI fighters have also been sent to Russia for integration with BrahMos' air-launched version.

The armed forces' eventual plan, of course, is to have nuclear-tipped LACMs, with strike ranges in excess of 1,500 km. Unlike ballistic missiles, cruise missiles do not leave the atmosphere and are powered and guided throughout their flight path.

Cruise missiles, which can evade enemy radars and air defence systems since they fly at low altitudes, are also much cheaper as well as more accurate and easier to operate.

Officials deny BrahMos test 'complete failure'-India-The Times of India
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