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New Army Chief warns Pakistan, says India reserves right to 'preemptively strike' at sources of terr

Another ignorant Gangu. So you asked for just one ruler, i will name you two

1- Jalal-ud-din Muhammad (Akbar-e-Azam) - Third Mughal Emperor - Born Umerkot (Sindh)
2- Sher Shah Suri (Founder of Suri Empire) - Born in an Ethnic Pashtun Family from Dera Ismail Khan (KPK)

Its not your fault, the Gangus are taught that even the Homo Sapiens were infact Brahmin Hindus and even the dinosaurs were chanting Jai Sri Ram long before the the Ice Age began!
Ok I will give you jalal ,now add all people who ruled India who are born in present day Pakistan and tell me how you got the 800 years number.
Ok I will give you jalal ,now add all people who ruled India who are born in present day Pakistan and tell me how you got the 800 years number.
oh come on you dirty little prick! Let me first test you for being a Gangu. Tell me, out of Gandhi and Godse who is your hero? Dont tell me both..
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Despite me saying that u should read...and more importantly comprehend...instead u come back and repeat urself.

Carry on...just don't quote me as I'm not interested in repeating myself.

Happy New Year to u too.
Aww, come on, mate.
There's no need to fall out.
I know what you're saying but it comes across as wanting it both ways.
Anyway let's move on.
oh come on you dirty little prick! Let me first test you for being a Gangu. Tell me, out of Gandhi and Godse who is your hero? Dont tell me both..
My hero is Jinnah for creating Pakistan .
Aww, come on, mate.
There's no need to fall out.
I know what you're saying but it comes across as wanting it both ways.
Anyway let's move on.
Dude I was talking IN GENERAL...there's no falling out...I just don't like it when ppl don't bother to read the conversation(there were like 4-5 posts between me and Maverick) and jump in with their assumptions.

Like I said I already stated in one of my posts that the Feb action by Pak was necessary...before u assumed that I'm complaining about it. Again for the last time I'm saying in general these skirmishes don't go in Pak's favor(in the big scheme of things) bcuz Pak(already at a numerical and economical disadvantage) needs every trick up its sleeve to win against India. Ideally it would be nice if we kept the element of surprise and revealed our hand in an all out war where Pak can go for a decisive victory. By these minor skirmishes that don't come to a conclusion(in the big scheme of things)...the enemy only learns from it and comes back stronger.

Do u get it now? I'm talking in BROAD TERMS about WANTING to NOT ENGAGE India WHEN POSSIBLE(key point here...don't ignore it this time) until Pak is ready for an all out war(economically and in battle readiness)...the reason as stated before is that Pak as the smaller nation(numerically and economically) needs all the advantage it can get going into a war with India.
You are repeating what I said on Aug 5th.there is nothing practically Pakistan can do.

On Feb incident as I said ,India crossed deep into Pakistani airspace to send a message that they will cross the loc if needed and changed the status quo which was India will not cross the loc what ever happens and won't escalate rising nuclear war.
Pakistan inturn sent the message that they will retaliate .in both the incidents the intent was not to damage ,it was to send message .
Not damage but to send a message? What about the statements of killing 300 terrorists and destroying terror camps? Is lying and talking out of your *** part of sending a "message" in rapistan? Go tell your stories somewhere else
New Army Chief warns Pakistan, says India reserves right to 'preemptively strike' at sources of terror
"If Pakistan does not stop its policy of state-sponsored terrorism, we reserve the right to preemptively strike at the sources of terror threat and this intent has adequately been demonstrated in our response during surgical strikes and Balakot op...
By PTI | Jan 01, 2020, 11.05 AM IST


New Army Chief General Manoj Mukund Naravane during an intervew with PTI, in New Delhi, Tuesday, Dec. 31, 2019.
NEW DELHI: In a stern warning to Pakistan, new Army Chief Gen Manoj Mukund Naravane on Tuesday said India reserves the right to "preemptively strike" at sources of terror, asserting that a "new normal" in the country's response mechanism to acts of cross-border terrorism has already been "emphatically" displayed.

In an exclusive interview to PTI barely hours after taking charge of the 1.3-million strong force, Gen Naravane also said the Army will enhance combat capabilities along the border with China so that it is fully prepared to deal with any security challenge.

"The threat remains from both northern and western sides. Over the last many years, we have been concentrating on our western borders while our northern border was at a little lower in priority. There was a need to rebalance and reprioritise," he said.

Giving a detailed brief on India's security challenges, including combating cross-border terrorism, Gen Naravane said a strategy of "resolute punitive response" was put in place to deal with Pakistan-sponsored terrorism, noting that the policy of "zero tolerance" will continue to drive counter-terror measures.

"If Pakistan does not stop its policy of state-sponsored terrorism, we reserve the right to preemptively strike at the sources of terror threat and this intent has adequately been demonstrated in our response during surgical strikes and Balakot operation," the Army Chief said.

"A new normal in our response mechanism has been emphatically underlined," he added.

Talking about the situation in Kashmir, Gen Naravane said it has improved significantly after abrogation of Article 370.

"Incidents of violence are coming down.The terrorists-initiated actions have come down. There is no doubt that there is a lot of improvement," the 28th Chief of Army Staff said.

"However, the problem remains. It has not gone away. So, we will always be ready whatever measures are required to deal with the challenges there," he said.

Gen Naravane said the Pakistan Army's "all out efforts" to deflect attention from state-sponsored terrorism has been a total failure and that its proxy war design has received a major setback due to elimination of terrorists and decimation of terror networks by Indian forces.

Asked how he will deal with Pakistan-backed terrorism, he said, "Multiple options across the spectrum of conflict are on the table to respond to any act of terror sponsored or abetted by Pakistan."

Gen Naravane said Pakistan tried to draw global attention following India's decision to reorganise Jammu and Kashmir, but its efforts did not get any traction.

Referring to the rising number of ceasefire violations along the Line of Control (LoC), he said it is being done to keep alive the Kashmir issue.

On security challenges along the 3,500-km border with China, Gen Naravane said: "We will continue to improve capability building along the northern border so we are prepared when the need arises."

"After the Wuhan summit, both nations have issued strategic guidance to their respective forces with an aim to maintain peace and tranquillity along the borders, locally resolve differences and not allow them to turn into disputes," he said.

"The guidance has manifested on the Line of Actual Control (LAC) and conduct of troops from both sides has been cordial despite some prevailing differences, differing perceptions of the LAC and some friction in sensitive areas," he said.

Referring to the appointment of a Chief of Defence Staff (CDS), he said it will greatly change the way the defence establishment operates, and will bring about significant reforms in the entire military system.

His main focus as Army chief will be to make the force ready to face any threat at any time, the General said.

According to him, the bottomline for reforms in the Army will be to increase efficiency and operational readiness.

"Modernisation is a continuous process. Whatever we are doing, the start point is to increase efficiency and operational readiness," he said.

Gen Naravane, who was serving as vice chief of the Army, succeeds Gen Bipin Rawat, appointed the country's first CDS, a post created to bring in operational convergence among the three services.

Before being appointed vice chief, the alumnus of the National Defence Academy and the Indian Military Academy headed the Army's Eastern Command that takes care of India's border with China.
and cycle of bitching continues

ok buddy (new Malu army chief) ... seems like you are new here?...

no problem... have some tea.
Dude I was talking IN GENERAL...there's no falling out...I just don't like it when ppl don't bother to read the conversation(there were like 4-5 posts between me and Maverick) and jump in with their assumptions.

Like I said I already stated in one of my posts that the Feb action by Pak was necessary...before u assumed that I'm complaining about it. Again for the last time I'm saying in general these skirmishes don't go in Pak's favor(in the big scheme of things) bcuz Pak(already at a numerical and economical disadvantage) needs every trick up its sleeve to win against India. Ideally it would be nice if we kept the element of surprise and revealed our hand in an all out war where Pak can go for a decisive victory. By these minor skirmishes that don't come to a conclusion(in the big scheme of things)...the enemy only learns from it and comes back stronger.

Do u get it now? I'm talking in BROAD TERMS about WANTING to NOT ENGAGE India WHEN POSSIBLE(key point here...don't ignore it this time) until Pak is ready for an all out war(economically and in battle readiness)...the reason as stated before is that Pak as the smaller nation(numerically and economically) needs all the advantage it can get going into a war with India.
We don't live in an ideal world.
It's not our choice.
Opposing military forces are always probing each other. They know a lot about us and we know a lot about them.
We have to react when challenged.
Don't let it bother you too much.
We don't live in an ideal world.
It's not our choice.
Opposing military forces are always probing each other. They know a lot about us and we know a lot about them.
We have to react when challenged.
Don't let it bother you too much.
OMG u r still not getting it...there's such a thing as discussing theoretical scenarios and war strategies. The whole purpose of thinking and discussing such fictional scenarios that are not at all based on how reality is unfolding is to explore all potential possibilities...risks, weaknesses(in ur capabilities and ur enemies), advantages and disadvantages, etc.

How about this...since I didn't engage u...why don't u simply just stop quoting me. There's lots of other things to do...ignore my posts and carry on. It's much simpler that way.
OMG u r still not getting it...there's such a thing as discussing theoretical scenarios and war strategies. The whole purpose of thinking and discussing such fictional scenarios that are not at all based on how reality is unfolding is to explore all potential possibilities...risks, weaknesses(in ur capabilities and ur enemies), advantages and disadvantages, etc.

How about this...since I didn't engage u...why don't u simply just stop quoting me. There's lots of other things to do...ignore my posts and carry on. It's much simpler that way.
A forum is for replying to each others posts. Agreeing and disagreeing. It's not a circle jerk.
I'll reply to who I want.
You're not discussing a strategy.
All you're doing is a lot of hand wringing.
Not damage but to send a message? What about the statements of killing 300 terrorists and destroying terror camps? Is lying and talking out of your *** part of sending a "message" in rapistan? Go tell your stories somewhere else
The statement was not made officially ,airforce has clearly denied the claim in a press conference.the claim was made by media
A forum is for replying to each others posts. Agreeing and disagreeing. It's not a circle jerk.
I'll reply to who I want.
You're not discussing a strategy.
All you're doing is a lot of hand wringing.
U agree or disagree when both ppl are on the same topic...same subject. U r failing to comprehend despite the fact that I tried to break it down for u in simple terms in post 171.

And yes u r right...this is a public forum...just like u can fire away ur unnecessary responses, I can put ppl on my ignore list.
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