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New Armored Ambulance For Chinese PLA


Apr 28, 2011
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Chinese Armored Ambulance (Image:China Military Online)

The Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA) General Armaments Department (GAD) has approved a new generation amphibious armored ambulance.

The indigenously made ambulance can act as a small emergency room and can effectively enhance the defensive and traffic capabilities of the medical crew in combat rescue operations, China Military reported Thursday.

The new amphibious armored ambulance can quickly transport the casualties under complicated weather conditions in complex terrains at sea and on land. In amphibious landing operations, the ambulance can accompany the combat troops to carry out medical support tasks.

Inside the amphibious armored ambulance, monitors, ventilators, infusion pumps and various types of drugs and equipment necessary for the treatment of the wounded are available.

The damping structure and cushion in the built-in bunk stretcher bed and seats for the wounded have been transformed to avoid secondary damage caused by bumps; at the same time, noise reduction and human design features in interior, climate control and lighting in the entire ambulance cabin can create a suitable environment to rescue the wounded.

Researchers said that this amphibious armored ambulance can transport up to eight wounded in addition to the medical crew. The loading and unloading of all the wounded can be completed within two minutes as a result of the specially-designed bunk stretcher bed and ambulance doors.

Zhou Lin, director of the Institute of Field Operation Surgery of the PLA Third Military Medical University, is responsible for the research and development of the new ambulance.

New Armored Ambulance For Chinese PLA
You Need Abulance helicopters to Transport your wounded soldiers to field Lazarett behind the frontline.

just Sayin
You Need Abulance helicopters to Transport your wounded soldiers to field Lazarett behind the frontline.

just Sayin
That is just an igorance comment. How do you treat a wounded soldier in a crowded urban combat area? Can your helo land anyway in crowded urban area and treat ur wounded or transport them to safer place? No.. Western armed forces too still possess armour ambulance.
You Need Abulance helicopters to Transport your wounded soldiers to field Lazarett behind the frontline.

just Sayin

Armored ambulance would follow ground battalion into battlefield, the first to respond to wounded frontlines. Medic choppers would be at intermediate line or somewhere free from enemy air defense.
normal APC with first aid kit. That's enough.
This below is more important

According to article 19 of the Geneva Conventions, mobile medical units of the Medical Service may in no circumstances be attacked, but at all times be respected and protected by the Parties to the conflict. Although article 22 allows them to carry defensive weaponry, they are typically unarmed. Under Article 39, the emblem of the medical service shall be displayed ... on all equipment employed in the Medical Service. As such, armoured ambulances will be marked with ICRC recognized symbols.
normal APC with first aid kit. That's enough.
This below is more important

Ask insurgents in iraq whether they will hold fire when they see syria ambulance apc or us ambulance apc. Insurgents would open fire even on civilian red cross volunteer medic ambulance mercilessly before slaughtering those still alive with beating and beheading. Even NVA would fire at ambulance huey and m113 with big red cross sign. This is why ambulance armored vehicle must have good armor and armed. To survive such attacks and bring the wounded to safety
Ask insurgents in iraq whether they will hold fire when they see syria ambulance apc or us ambulance apc. Insurgents would open fire even on civilian red cross volunteer medic ambulance mercilessly before slaughtering those still alive with beating and beheading. Even NVA would fire at ambulance huey and m113 with big red cross sign. This is why ambulance armored vehicle must have good armor and armed. To survive such attacks and bring the wounded to safety

Vietnam War is undeclared war of American.
American use helicopters the most for that

Vietnam War is undeclared war of American.
American use helicopters the most for that


That's because most of the guerrilla warfare took place in deep jungle not accessible by m113. The m113 ambulace operated at cities, forward bases and outposts saving soldiers wounded in ambushes from inside and behind friendly lines
That's because most of the guerrilla warfare took place in deep jungle not accessible by m113. The m113 ambulace operated at cities, forward bases and outposts saving soldiers wounded in ambushes from inside and behind friendly lines

how you describe about "guerrilla warfare" ?
below is the fact you may know or not, please study
"China Mao Zedong want NVN to fight guerrilla ( platoon size )" against the need for division size of Le Duan"
But later he must agree with Le Duan start to fight major battles like "Ia Drang battle" in 1965

China provides NVN ammunition, food... so clearly that NVN must get their approval to fight at bigger size. But guerrilla warfare is Mao Zedong idea, and it's not the recipient for final victory.

If you want to know who fight guerrilla warfare, you must know the difference between Viet Cong and regular troops of NVN
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how you describe about "guerrilla warfare" ?
below is the fact you may know or not, please study
"China Mao Zedong want NVN to fight guerrilla ( platoon size )" against the need for division size of Le Duan"
But later he must agree with Le Duan start to fight major battles like "Ia Drang battle" in 1965

China provides NVN ammunition, food... so clearly that NVN must get their approval to fight at bigger size. But guerrilla warfare is Mao Zedong idea, and it's not the recipient for final victory.

If you want to know who fight guerrilla warfare, you must know the difference between Viet Cong and regular troops of NVN

If not guerilla warfare and underground tunnel network system, what would you suggest when American had better tanks m60a1 and m48a4/5 while NVA had only pt76 amphibious light tanks that could only scratch US mbt.
If not guerilla warfare and underground tunnel network system, what would you suggest when American had better tanks m60a1 and m48a4/5 while NVA had only pt76 amphibious light tanks that could only scratch US mbt.

do you know who used underground tunnel?
I appreciate your study on real situation during 1979, but it seems that what really happen in VN War still far from your knowledge.
1. There're many undergrounds system, for example, near the DMZ, and near Saigon ( Cu Chi )
they are for civilians and militias ( in near DMZ or Vinh Moc tunnel ) and for militias and special force ( in Cu Chi tunnel ). They are not for regular troops in division size
.... And many more of foxholes ... that's guerrilla tactic.
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do you know who used underground tunnel?
I appreciate your study on real situation during 1979, but it seems that what really happen in VN War still far from your knowledge.
1. There're many undergrounds system, for example, near the DMZ, and near Saigon ( Cu Chi )
they are for civilians and militias ( in near DMZ or Vinh Moc tunnel ) and for militias and special force ( in Cu Chi tunnel ). They are not for regular troops in division size
.... And many more of foxholes ... that's guerrilla tactic.

American weapons were ad
do you know who used underground tunnel?
I appreciate your study on real situation during 1979, but it seems that what really happen in VN War still far from your knowledge.
1. There're many undergrounds system, for example, near the DMZ, and near Saigon ( Cu Chi )
they are for civilians and militias ( in near DMZ or Vinh Moc tunnel ) and for militias and special force ( in Cu Chi tunnel ). They are not for regular troops in division size
.... And many more of foxholes ... that's guerrilla tactic.

NVA conventional warfare was still limited, the strategy was to lure American forces in and setup ambush be it air or ground. That's how the way it is to attack stronger opponents.
American weapons were ad

NVA conventional warfare was still limited, the strategy was to lure American forces in and setup ambush be it air or ground. That's how the way it is to attack stronger opponents.

American has advantage of bombers, artillery.. so NVN troops choose the tactic "judo" so that B52 cant help.

You should study more on Khe Sanh, Lang Vei, ...
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You Need Abulance helicopters to Transport your wounded soldiers to field Lazarett behind the frontline.

just Sayin

Cuz,you simply don't deploy a medevac helo in urban warfare scenerio.A simple RPG's fired from a roof top can be fatal(and it won't have to be intentional,strayed rounds or a rookie can very much do that).
And you don't simply land an helicopter on a street or on a rooftop in the middle of an fire fight.So you need something that can protect itself from heavy fire,it may not be a heavy modified medevac IFV,it can also be an armored modified HUMVEE too.So this vehicles carries the wounded to a field medic unit or the safe extraction point and if needed he /she can be airlifted by helos from there.That is how it works.At least in our military that is how it works. It's a safe procedure,better be prepared than be sorry.

normal APC with first aid kit. That's enough.
This below is more important

Are you kidding?? If he needs first aid that's the job of the platoons paramedic or whoever is trained to give first aid within the platoon,he won't need to get out far to have that very basic medical attention.A military field ambulance carries much more life saving equipment than a first aid kit.Those equipment can be considered heavy to be carried by a front line infantry paramedic.Like oxygen units,defibrillators etc.

And every medevac operation depends on the situation.You have to respond how the situation demand from you.There is highly trained peoples to design and determine the way of a medevac. Deployment of medevac platforms very much depends on those situation and circumstances.

It's the matter of a persons life,its not something you just say "meh just send in an APC with first aid kit".
American has advantage of bombers, artillery.. so NVN troops choose the tactic "judo" so that B52 cant help.

You should study more on Khe Sanh, Lang Vei, ...

I did read books written by unbiased Vietnamese and Americans published during 1990. Also, i refer news from Vietnamese who lived near the border and saw the war with French, Americans and China, they got lots of great stories to tell especially those who fought. Vietnamese forces kept moving and shifting after every battle so that US bombers that came in retaliation ended up bombing wrong sites. The underground tunnel network, NVA and Vietcong created fake bait as diversion. Say my kitchen is at the east, my exhaust chimney flow out few km to the west. US troops attacked west decoy, vietnamese troops will sneak to US troops rear and side then started shooting.
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