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Never again will we risk 100 million Pakistani for 5 mil Kashmiri—never again: Gen Ayub

Ayub said: “I want it understood that never again will we risk 100 million Pakistani for 5 million Kashmiri—never again.”

actually they did took the risk again in 1998 not for 100 million but for 150 million .without a hounorable solution over kashmir the juggular vain of pakistan risk might taken again.

Kashmir is a muslim majority state occupied by india

Why would Pakistan give it up

Pakistan has taken a big chunk of Kashmir already, blocked india from central asia and Afghanistan

Stood up to defend our rights

Why should that change????
Because the indians want it to?

Its not so easy

Pakistan will support the freedom of Kashmir from hindu occupation and hostility with india will continue

India has much more of Kashmir than Pakistan.

India also have more muslims too.
Of course he's right. You're not riskin 100 million Pakistanis for 5 million Kashmiris........ You're risking 300 million Pakistanis for 5 million Kashmiris..........
300 mil... Imagination on overdrive? :D
Difficult to trust Pakistan - I don't know how many coups and constitutions they have had - every new 'leader/president/general' claims a break from the past after usurping power and old policies/laws/constitution becomes null and void. The only constant seems to be a virulent hatred for the 'other' - the Hindus/India etc.

So if General-X (who are we kidding - only a General has the power to do it) agrees to a peace proposal with India, firstly, there will be extremist sections of population that will denounce him for selling out (for these sections, anything less than a break-up of India and Pakistani flag on Red Fort will be a sell-out). Secondly, when this general is replaced by a new general, peacefully or otherwise, the new General-Y can simply claim that the last regime was not 'democratic' and any treaties they signed are null and void.

The word of Pakistan can be taken seriously only after they have continued without a coup for some decent length of time - say 20-25 years - and civilian authority, which has an interest in peace, is clearly calling the shots. As long as army, which owes its privileges to heightened tensions with India holds sway, nothing is going to change.

True, just the other day the Pakistani COAS addressed the nation. I don't know any other "democratic" country where the Army chief addresses the nation. It is a job of either the president or the PM. So it is very hard to deal with Pakistan. They may change their position at any moment. For example they refused to follow the Ufa agreement between the two PMs recently because the Pakistani PM faced backlash at home. You can never be sure with Pakistan.
kashmir is tail of pakistan for tail you can not cut your neck :D lets have without tail rather then die :lol: FYI its not pakistan the pakistan is already half chopped off by enemy
Are you for real? Seems you are big follower of Hassan Nisar sahab :D
That's bunkum. Ayub would never say something like this.
then solve water issue leave kashmir aside
What is their to solve ? We have Indus water treaty, it was brokered by World bank. How many times do you think India violated it ? Pakistan, on the other hand keeps violating Shimla agreement every now and then. Tell me, how can we trust someone, who gives no value to mutual agreements, while we do ? It feels like we are dealing with an immature bunch and hence should be treated as such.
Well its a kind of cyclical process in Pakistan.
People come to power with Anti India sentiments on high, once they are on hot seat, they realize the real heat and get sensible. And as soon as this happens he/she is over thrown by someone who rises to power again with anti India sentiments. Thus is endless process of rise - self actualization and fall is going on in cyclical nature in pakistan.
Source is credible very credible. Even Musharaf was almost doing the same thing.
Only thing is he had to get a few thousand good men killed to get the idea hammered into his head.
What is their to solve ? We have Indus water treaty, it was brokered by World bank. How many times do you think India violated it ? Pakistan, on the other hand keeps violating Shimla agreement every now and then. Tell me, how can we trust someone, who gives no value to mutual agreements, while we do ? It feels like we are dealing with an immature bunch and hence should be treated as such.
bus ker de india bhi saint nhi hai . you guys will fail both of you because you guys look things from glasses of patriotism . and its not worth to talk with highly motivated patriots . still i waste my daily few hours here
bus ker de india bhi saint nhi hai . you guys will fail both of you because you guys look things from glasses of patriotism . and its not worth to talk with highly motivated patriots . still i waste my daily few hours here
That was just a generic statement sirji...achha chalo think hai. Maan lete hain India bhi saint nhi hai.all humans here and it is not like the onus of being saint is upon us only.. Now shall we go round and round about the egg came first or the chicken or shall we pick up one issue at a time and solve it ? We already did that with Bangladesh..solved the enclaves issue.

To me it is like a gone case. We cannot do much other then talking about it. We should have snatched it away during Soviet War in Afghanistan. USA could have helped us but now difference between us and our enemy is quite huge. We cannot defeat them militarily and not economically. Listening all this from politicians or Generals is not going to give us Kashmir. Either a war should be waged on them to destroy them (this will not give Kashmir) or we will have to forget it. My heart bleed saying this but this is the reality I think.
You could have never defeated India, one way or other. In fact your army needed India to be the boogeyman to keep you together, which transformed you into a garrison state. The sole definition of Pakistan being -"Not India". That idea has snowballed and now damage is beyond repair. That's why I say Pakistan is an army that has a country, where victory is perceived as giving a bloody nose to India.
Not exactly trying to troll here, just sharing views, as we should do in a forum.

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