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Never again will we risk 100 million Pakistani for 5 mil Kashmiri—never again: Gen Ayub

kashmir is tail of pakistan for tail you can not cut your neck :D lets have without tail rather then die :lol: FYI its not pakistan the pakistan is already half chopped off by enemy

Going away with the 80/ 20 principle will generally cost more than the 20%.
If we become part of history, stay rest assured we'll take you with us. NUCLEAR UMBRELLA

India has more chance of becoming princely states than pakistan.

You pu55ies want to take us on but have no cojones. Its all good beating your chest, when the shit its the fan we willl be waiting for you.

Now go and grovel elsewhere.

Pakistan's so-called china-made nuclear toys won't harm India....Pakistan should forget about nuclear war....Pakistan should keep begging for money to China
kashmir is tail of pakistan for tail you can not cut your neck :D lets have without tail rather then die :lol: FYI its not pakistan the pakistan is already half chopped off by enemy

Even though I concur with what you write , I think you are been harsh to you countrymen.

There is no princely state that spilt 2 ways between India & Pakistan - it was all or nothing.

Pak posters including TTs & Mods conveniently choose to ignore this fact - how can they cherry pick the region of Kashmir & ignore Jammu & Laddakh. After all all regions including GB formed a part of Hari Singh's state that acceded to India.

Pakistan has lost more than it can ever hope to gain . It needs to cut its losses & move on.
This applies to a lot of posters here

Tall Martial Handsome Ayub's stock price movement...

Actually Pakistan cannot afford a war with India....India has beaten and kicked Pakistan in the last 4 wars and has bifurcated it into 2 pieces.....If Pakistan dares India again then Pakistan will become a part of history and there will be 6 countries that will be carved out of Pakistan

Kashmir is a muslim majority state occupied by india

Why would Pakistan give it up

Pakistan has taken a big chunk of Kashmir already, blocked india from central asia and Afghanistan

Stood up to defend our rights

Why should that change????
Because the indians want it to?

Its not so easy

Pakistan will support the freedom of Kashmir from hindu occupation and hostility with india will continue
Pakistan's so-called china-made nuclear toys won't harm India....Pakistan should forget about nuclear war....Pakistan should keep begging for money to China

1) Their Pakistani
2) If they were chinese made/aided who gives a sh1t they will do their job if and when needed.

Don't talk to me about begging, you punks invented that sh1t.

Go look at various stats on poverty, hygiene, aid etc you are the beggers not us son.

We take loans, aid in relation to services taken and provided.

A nation of 300 million can't survive on begging idiot.

If you're so rich and mighty, take on the beggars. Again bharatis chest thumping. Try anything now and we will F you over.

Kashmir is a muslim majority state occupied by india

Why would Pakistan give it up

Pakistan has taken a big chunk of Kashmir already, blocked india from central asia and Afghanistan

Stood up to defend our rights

Why should that change????
Because the indians want it to?

Its not so easy

Pakistan will support the freedom of Kashmir from hindu occupation and hostility with india will continue
and lost half of your country so carry on .
and lost half of your country so carry on .

Bangladesh is a muslim majority state

The country is still set up for begali muslims of the Sub Continent who didn't want to live with hindus

It was never a great idea having one country and two land masses separated by 1000 miles

What does that have to do with Kashmir

We still have a big chunk of kashmir, we have still blocked india from central asia and Afghanistan

Just because india wants to put this to bed and move on dosent mean we will allow it

As long as india occupies kashmir we will oppose it, be hostile to it and block it at every turn
this is what i am saying since years why we risk pay money and have enemy for small portion while we have very big country to be worry
Because the big population feed from that area. Water is the main issue.

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