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Netherlands cancel landing permit for turkish foreign minister

Ex-ministers are not state functionaries anymore. Who says the Netherlands government has to be neutral or opinionless?
I'm not saying that.

By banning one side from speaking......freedom of speech, democracy ?
Diplomacy and Law is missing part in your ''expertise'', kindly go into silence till you have it.
Baseless BS answer. Go bait someone else, I don't have time for your little game.

I'm not saying that.

By banning one side from speaking......freedom of speech, democracy ?
Why exactly should the Dutch government facilitate the Turkish government's campaign (or anyone else's for that matter). If you travel and speak in your official capacity, you are not longer a private party. Take care of your freedom of speech and democracy at home first, before wining (unjustifiably) about it someplace else.


On January 22, 2008, the bill was sent to the TGNA Presidency, which amended the Basic Provisions of Elections 298 and the Law on Voter Registers. Article 94 of the amended article reads as follows: "Any propaganda is prohibited abroad, at foreign representations and at customs gates."

22 Ocak 2008 tarihinde TBMM Başkanlığı’na, 298 sayılı Seçimlerin Temel Hükümleri ve Seçmen Kütükleri Hakkında Kanun’da değişiklik öngören tasarı gönderildi. Kanunlaşan değişikliğin 94. maddesinin ilgili fıkrası şöyle: ‘Yurtdışında, yurtdışı temsilciliklerde ve gümrük kapılarında her türlü propaganda yasaktır.’
Why exactly should the Dutch government facilitate the Turkish government's campaign (or anyone else's for that matter). If you travel and speak in your official capacity, you are not longer a private party.
Dutch government doesn't facilitate anything, they hire a private saloon and speak to 300-400 people.

Take care of your freedom of speech and democracy at home first, before wining (unjustifiably) about it someplace else.
You can say, for Turks freedom of speech doesn't applies in Holland. Just be clear

On January 22, 2008, the bill was sent to the TGNA Presidency, which amended the Basic Provisions of Elections 298 and the Law on Voter Registers. Article 94 of the amended article reads as follows: "Any propaganda is prohibited abroad, at foreign representations and at customs gates."

22 Ocak 2008 tarihinde TBMM Başkanlığı’na, 298 sayılı Seçimlerin Temel Hükümleri ve Seçmen Kütükleri Hakkında Kanun’da değişiklik öngören tasarı gönderildi. Kanunlaşan değişikliğin 94. maddesinin ilgili fıkrası şöyle: ‘Yurtdışında, yurtdışı temsilciliklerde ve gümrük kapılarında her türlü propaganda yasaktır.’
I'm not defending their actions. I'm only talking about Dutch. And you are also right to bring this forth.
Dutch government doesn't facilitate anything, they hire a private saloon and speak to 300-400 people.
By facilitate, I also mean allowing them in. If you're an official, in what country - if you were told not to come, and you still came - would you be welcomed with open arms.

You can say, for Turks freedom of speech doesn't applies in Holland. Just be clear
Dutch-born Turks have exactly the same freedoms as any other Dutch. Just the Turkish government functionaries cannot pretend that they own this country.
Turkey Goes Nuclear, Threatens to Flood Europe With 3 Million Refugees

Ankara goes all in.

RI Staff

Ankara plays its extortion card

We were having a lot of fun with the lowbrow kebab jokes, but this escalated quickly:

Turkey's minister in charge of European Union affairs says his country should consider reviewing its migration deal with the EU and relax controls on people reaching Europe over land.

Omer Celik's comments, reported by the state-run Anadolu Agency, came amid tensions with the Netherlands and other European countries over Turkish ministers traveling abroad to court Turkish citizens' votes in an upcoming referendum.

Turkey agreed last year to work to keep migrants from crossing into the EU in return for funds to help it deal with some 3 million refugees.

Anadolu quoted Celik as saying the EU had not kept its side of the bargain.

He added: "In my opinion, the issue of the land passages should be reviewed."

However, Celik said Turkey should maintain controls to prevent sea crossings that claimed hundreds of lives.

Incredible. So Europe is being extorted by an unhinged Islamist. There's a lesson here, somewhere.

Maybe next time think twice before allowing Washington and its client states to destabilize the entire Middle East?

This is going to be a very painful lesson for the western world.
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According to the latest news from Turkey & the Netherlands, both, Erdogan's Yes-campaign and Rutte's VVD party are suddenly leading the polls.

What a surprise. Doesn't change the fact that Rutte gedroeg zich als een kind. Ik draai al te lang mee in het politieke wereldje. Met andere woorden: Hij wilde voor eigen volk bewijzen dat hij is sterk. Onze capaciteit om creatief te zijn nodigt ons uit om communicatie als politiek spel op te pakken.

After all, aren’t fact and fiction a part of elections and the political game?
Baseless BS answer. Go bait someone else, I don't have time for your little game.

It is not a game or bait, but knowledge based challenge over cheap claims.

When you claim something, and challenged with knowledge in return; BS and Bait kind of answer implies that you are a cheap talker not more.
it doesnt work like that Sinan. Deescalation isnt possible anymore. The austrian chancellor jumped on the "political islam" label today and said that austria will ban evry turkish vote event. The dutch are clear as well. If you know about PR you know that AKP turkey is a burned label now. The politicians hunted by their own citizens to act as harsh as possible. In Germany Merkel faces enormous pressure for being to calm regarding that. The EU is profiting as well. Turkey functions as an outside enemy which brings the others closer together.

Im strictly against any concessions inside european countries. The red line is our souvereighnity. It must be clear at any moment, that we are boss in our own house. The dutch showed this and others will do so as well.

By facilitate, I also mean allowing them in. If you're an official, in what country - if you were told not to come, and you still came - would you be welcomed with open arms.
What's the reason for banning our officials in the first place ? We are not at war as far as i know.
Ex-ministers are not state functionaries anymore. Who says the Netherlands government has to be neutral or opinionless?

We don't do dual passports. And for the rest the above is empy words. And as someone here pointed out, it is not an election but a referendum.

No, kindly do you own homework.
It doesn't matter if it is a referendum or election, what matters is people has a say. And that these people has the right to be informed, nobody can ban the visit of a foreign minister of Turkey and call themselves a "friendly" nation to Turkey.

Lol, just now Erdoğan called Merkel Nazi again....


Sus la sen yobaz.
Yobazliginizi asil siz sergilediniz, bu halk sizin yobazliginizdan, örümcek beyininizden bikmis durumda. Siz bidaha demokratik yollarla nah gecersiniz basa, sizi yobazlar. Artik halk bikti sizden, siz Türkiye'de degil sadece Türkiye'nin kücük bir kisminda yasiyorsunuz ve yasayabiliyorsunuz. Halki hala benimsiyememissiniz. Sizden büyük yobaz oldumu acaba bu ülkede. Asagilik rezil kepazeler sizi. Ne kadar aciz oldugunuz ortaya cikti ve cikiyor, götünüzün agrisindan sizisindan yerinizde duramaz oldunuz gerzek yobazlar. Göbegini kasi dur artik.
Yobazliginizi asil siz sergilediniz, bu halk sizin yobazliginizdan, örümcek beyininizden bikmis durumda. Siz bidaha demokratik yollarla nah gecersiniz basa, sizi yobazlar. Artik halk bikti sizden, siz Türkiye'de degil sadece Türkiye'nin kücük bir kisminda yasiyorsunuz ve yasayabiliyorsunuz. Halki hala benimsiyememissiniz. Sizden büyük yobaz oldumu acaba bu ülkede. Asagilik rezil kepazeler sizi. Ne kadar aciz oldugunuz ortaya cikti ve cikiyor, götünüzün agrisindan sizisindan yerinizde duramaz oldunuz gerzek yobazlar. Göbegini kasi dur artik.
Danimarkalı yobaz seni.....ordan ahkam kesmek kolay, hayatında Türkiye'ye geldin mi acaba ? :lol:
Danimarkalı yobaz seni.....ordan ahkam kesmek kolay, hayatında Türkiye'ye geldin mi acaba ? :lol:
Ohooo, her sene gelirim. Sizin kaldiginiz yobaz sehirlere de cok gittim. Ege'nin dogasi olmasaydi acinizdan geberirdiniz herhalde, anca turist parasindan geciniyorsunuz, turist olmayinca gece gündüz sövüyosunuz Tayyib'e ve birbirinize. Yakinda birbirinizi'de kemirirseniz hic sasmam:omghaha:

Ya, o güzelim doga'yi degerlendireceginize anca alkol, fuusculuk, kari kiz, disco, kumar ile bataklikta yüzüyorsunuz, yazik size dicem'de yazik degil cünkü bu kadar asagilik insanlara ne yazigi. Bu pis yasam tarzina da medeniyet diyorsunuz ya tam gülünclüksünüz. Avrupali'lar sene'de bir gelir bi hafta stres atmak icin öyle kendilerini kaybeder, geri kalan 53 haftasini da makina gibi calisirlar, siz mazallah hergün batakliktasiniz.
Ohooo, her sene gelirim. Sizin kaldiginiz yobaz sehirlere de cok gittim. Ege'nin dogasi olmasaydi acinizdan geberirdiniz herhalde, anca turist parasindan geciniyorsunuz, turist olmayinca gece gündüz sövüyosunuz Tayyib'e ve birbirinize. Yakinda birbirinizi'de kemirirseniz hic sasmam:omghaha:

Ya, o güzelim doga'yi degerlendireceginize anca alkol, fuusculuk, kari kiz, disco, kumar ile bataklikta yüzüyorsunuz, yazik size dicem'de yazik degil cünkü bu kadar asagilik insanlara ne yazigi. Bu pis yasam tarzina da medeniyet diyorsunuz ya tam gülünclüksünüz. Avrupali'lar sene'de bir gelir bi hafta stres atmak icin öyle kendilerini kaybeder, geri kalan 53 haftasini da makina gibi calisirlar, siz mazallah hergün batakliktasiniz.
Ohaaaa, vay yobaz vay.....niye Avrupa'ya kaçtığınız belli oldu. Atatürk senin dedenide astı herhalde.
Ohaaaa, vay yobaz vay.....niye Avrupa'ya kaçtığınız belli oldu. Atatürk senin dedenide astı herhalde.
Atatürk ile ne alaka. Senin beynin tamamen ucmus. Sanki Atatürk hayati yasiyor adamlar, siz onun tirnagi bile olamazsiniz, adami sevmedigim noktalar olsada, takdir edilecek cok noktalari var, ya sizin? 0.
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