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Netherlands cancel landing permit for turkish foreign minister

I didn't insulted Selim, I said what i before said to their faces. They are both Republic and Atatürk haters, bunch of backward people. It's well documented. I said this and i will say it again.
You are a disgusting provocator, slanderer and liar. Have some backbone. Next time you dare insult a person, do it to his face, don't hide behind a screen like a sissy. Even though i disagreed with you, i'd still prefer an enemy with some kind of dignity. Not a liar who throws insults to people over the internet, that doesn't suit a man
You are a disgusting provocator and liar.
In Which part did i lie ?
- You insulted Atatürk and Republic. @Islamic faith&Secularism documented it in the Çay Bahçesi thread.
- I called you and your brother "Yobaz" (backward) before and i will do it again.

How i'm a provocator.
- My words are both intended for you not for anyone else and i'm directly saying it into your face.
- You insulted Atatürk and Republic. @Islamic faith&Secularism documented it in the Çay Bahçesi thread.
Yes, that user dug my history and found a post from 2010 wherein i called Ataturk a dictator. Since then I've grown considerably and changed my perspective. But you stick to that post like a 11 year old kid. Since then i've repeatedly said i appreciate Ataturk's struggle and i don't appreciate a number of his reforms and methods.
- I called you and your brother "Yobaz" (backward) before and i will do it again.
This is an insult that comes out of the blue. Yobaz are those who denied women education because they have a scarf.
i'm directly saying it into your face.
No, you are saying it behind a screen.
@Sinan @Zulkarneyn

In all honesty, what do you suggest?

I understand your arguments. But this are our nations. What do you expect us to do? Its clear that this escalates now.

Germany just now issued a travel warning and said german citizens might not be safe in Turkey. Merkel of course sided with Netherlands now. So does Denmark and Italy and in end all other european nations as well.

So what do you suggest?
I think, all of the EU countries should stay calm. Not reacting to Erdoğan's statements, and giving constants statements about "Erdoğan trying to escalate the situation, to sway the undecided votes in Turkey. We will not react to his statements" (Do you think, this kind of approach would be acknowledged as weakness in Euro politics)

If you wanna ban officials, also ban all Turkish political parties from running campaigns in Europe.

As of now, how Europe reacts only benefits Erdoğan. Recent polls show "Yes" and "No" votes are head on, with the "No" having a little bit more ahead...But there are %10-%15 undecided votes. Erdoğan decided to go over those votes, by creating "us versus them".

If Erdoğan loses this referendum it can ultimately causes his downfall.

For once that an European and Turkish fight doesn't involve France.... lol. :nana:

I bet Erdoğan will drag you in a week.....

Yes, that user dug my history and found a post from 2010 wherein i called Ataturk a dictator. Since then I've grown considerably and changed my perspective. But you stick to that post like a 11 year old kid. Since then i've repeatedly said i appreciate Ataturk's struggle and i don't appreciate a number of his reforms and methods.

This is an insult that comes out of the blue. Yobaz are those who denied women education because they have a scarf.

No, you are saying it behind a screen.
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I think, all of the EU countries should stay calm. Not reacting to Erdoğan's statements, and giving constants statements about "Erdoğan trying to escalate the situation, to sway the undecided votes in Turkey. We will not react to his statements" (Do you think, this kind of approach would be acknowledged as weakness in Euro politics)

If you wanna ban officials, also ban all Turkish political parties from running campaigns in Europe.

As of now, how Europe reacts only benefits Erdoğan. Recent polls show "Yes" and "No" votes are head on, with the "No" having a little bit more ahead...But there are %10-%15 undecided votes. Erdoğan decided to go over those votes, by creating "us versus them".

If Erdoğan loses this referendum it can ultimately causes his downfall.


I bet Erdoğan will drag you in a week.....

İyi aferin sus iki dakka.

I understand that. But can you understand that no nation could accept what he did in Netherlands? This provocation was orchestrated. In the end this would be seen as weakness if Rutte had not blocked.
Good boy
I understand that. But can you understand that no nation could accept what he did in Netherlands? This provocation was orchestrated. In the end this would be seen as weakness if Rutte had not blocked.
From what i see. Germany started this. They banned AKP officials. Although AKP held numerous meetings in the Germany before. Seeing this, Wilders jump the band wagon. Rutte banned AKP official to save his own skin in the 15 March elections.

Now, other EU countries jumping in and giving Erdoğan more hands in this issue....

Today, Merkel expressed her support for Holland.

After mere hours, Erdoğan said "Merkel shares the same mentality as Dutch officials". (As you remember, Erdoğan called Dutch officials "Nazi remnants", yesterday. This time undirectly calling Merkel "nazi".

If Merkel responds to this she would be giving even more hands. EU officials just need to ignore him for a month...he is going to try Europe versus Turkey, IMO.
What about self respect Sinan?
Your choice....like I said Erdoğan is just playing Euro for his benefit.

You know, Turkish FM threatened the Dutch.... And what AKP officials done ? Nothing. They will do nothing.

I dont believe this will go down well now.

After April 16 all will be over, Turkish officials will drop taking shots at Europe. Euro newspapers will write "Situation deescalated with Turkey"

+ Diplomatic relations frozen with Holland
+ All Dutch diplomats banned from entering Turkey.

+ Erdoğan took many many new shots at Merkel this night....i think, Erdoğan is specifically targeting her, as she is ruling the Europe.
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After witnessing the lame actions of your government and police i beg to differ. You know, i truly respected Netherlands and its people. But the current government's attempt to gather votes by acting tough and unjust is disgusting! What's more disgusting is the popular support of the government's disgusting acts!
Erdogan undoubtedly crossed the line by insulting the Dutch government by calling them Nazi. However, by this action they actually supported Erdogan's claim. Was Erdogan doing this intentionally, you can bet your horses he did and it worked. In other words you guys just played into his provocation. I didn't support Erdogan's strong rhetoric, i also don't support the Dutch agression towards Turks which is reminiscent of authoritarianism
Aggression: Turkish functionaries enter a sovereign state that has already informed them that they are not welcome.
The nazi's are in Turkey, thank you.
You said this, don't you.

And i said in my previous post that..there are 2 ex-ministers. One supports "no" vote, other one supports "yes" vote.

Banning the one who defends "yes", allowing the one who defends "yes".
Ex-ministers are not state functionaries anymore. Who says the Netherlands government has to be neutral or opinionless?

Yes I do know that Turkey would allow this, because Erdogan said it very clearly that they can also come to Turkey and inform their citizens in Turkey (if they have any) about the elections and the vote they can do.

And remember, Turkey has over 3 million voters in EU, which is quite significant number.
We don't do dual passports. And for the rest the above is empy words. And as someone here pointed out, it is not an election but a referendum.

Obviously, the current topic mentions some locations, people, and question them through a diplomatic/lawful window.

Will you now please tell me the difference in the diplomatic/lawful perpective?
No, kindly do you own homework.
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