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Netherlands cancel landing permit for turkish foreign minister

Seems few forgot.. that it is NOT an ELECTION compaign... but a compaign for a referundum... not the same, no one is elected...
Not even Law scholars who are anti Erdogan said something about it...
Maybe, because they already in jail or has been fired...:whistle:
But i agree, this would be a case for a court, if someone really would ask. Personally, I think, even if it is not literary, it is against the spirit of the law.

Bi-nationals... no need to be only one side... that's the beauty of Today :)
You mean the curse of today. You stick with the country of origin and enjoy the benefits of your host counstry...
I think the words of Theodore Roosevelt describe this perfect, and their is no place for bi-national.
"But this is predicated upon the man’s becoming in very fact an American and nothing but an American. If he tries to keep segregated with men of his own origin and separated from the rest of America, then he isn’t doing his part as an American. There can be no divided allegiance here. . . We have room for but one language here, and that is the English language, for we intend to see that the crucible turns our people out as Americans, of American nationality, and not as dwellers in a polyglot boarding-house; and we have room for but one soul loyalty, and that is loyalty to the American people."

Ehmm, Green party leader Claudia Roth from Germany attended to Gezi protests and throw stones to Turkish police back in 2013. :lol:


First of all, she is or was one of their leaders. Secondly, she isn`t or wasn`t not a member of the government, therefore, her opinion isn`t the official tenor and finally, have you a picture, where she is throwing a single stone?

In opposite to Erdogan, he literally throws stones in our society.


Will you please tell me the difference?
The political weight, the one are members of the government and therefore part of the official line, the others are only express their personal opinion because not official.
Maybe, because they already in jail or has been fired...:whistle:
But i agree, this would be a case for a court, if someone really would ask. Personally, I think, even if it is not literary, it is against the spirit of the law.

You mean the curse of today. You stick with the country of origin and enjoy the benefits of your host counstry...
I think the words of Theodore Roosevelt describe this perfect, and their is no place for bi-national.
"But this is predicated upon the man’s becoming in very fact an American and nothing but an American. If he tries to keep segregated with men of his own origin and separated from the rest of America, then he isn’t doing his part as an American. There can be no divided allegiance here. . . We have room for but one language here, and that is the English language, for we intend to see that the crucible turns our people out as Americans, of American nationality, and not as dwellers in a polyglot boarding-house; and we have room for but one soul loyalty, and that is loyalty to the American people."

First of all, she is or was one of their leaders. Secondly, she isn`t or wasn`t not a member of the government, therefore, her opinion isn`t the official tenor and finally, have you picture, where she is throwing a single stone?

In opposite to Erdogan, he literally throws stones in our society.


Bi-national is a gift of today economy... those bi if successful could be a bridge btw countries and therefore expend ties /relation and economy.
THe US was and is still sucessfull thanks to those immigrants with their second or third identity/culture...
COuntry who do not have that, can't fully expand outside their own circle...
It seems, you didn`t read some of my post, but thank you, that you brought the USA as an example. Yes, the US is successful, because immigration and ASSIMILATION. The immigrants don`t stick with their origin. Yes, they keep the memory and some traditions, more or less, but foremost, they see themselves as Americans.:disagree:
Otherwise, if we would follow your argumentation, we would see an uprising to the begin of the world wars...:azn:
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It seems, you didn`t read some of my post, but thank you, that you brought the USA as an example. Yes, the US is successful, because immigration and ASSIMILATION. The immigrants don`t stick with their origin. Yes, they keep the memory and some traditions, more or less, but foremost, they see themselves as Americans.:disagree:
Otherwise, if we would follow your argumentation, we would see an uprising to the begins of the world wars...:azn:
There is no assimilation in America...
It's quite the opposite... ppl leave as they wish, no one to bother... communautarism and community and such...
So Yes, mister, when you let ppl leave as they wish, under whatever religion or ideology ( in the limit of the law) you'll get yourself citizens with other background nearly fully integrated in your social cmmunity... Oppression lead to no where... just frustration and anger...
The US is a living exemple of Accomodation... not assimilation ( at least since few decades)

America..assimilation...sometimes ppl... Oh god..
Holland and Germany just proved they haven't gotten rid of their Nazi ideology.

Dutch-Turkish row: Why is president Recep Tayyip Erdogan obsessed with Nazis?
Turkey’s president Recep Tayyip Erdogan has accused two of Europe’s governments of fascism in as many weeks.
Amid the mounting row with the Netherlands, the Turkish leader told a crowd that the Dutch government was “Nazi remnants, they are fascists”.
He added: “I said 'I thought Nazism was over,' but I was wrong. In fact, Nazism is alive in the West.”
This comes exactly a week after he launched a similar insult at Germany.
On March 5, the Turkish leader accused Merkel’s government of fascist actions that were reminiscent of Nazi times.

Mr Erdogan has a history of comments about Nazism and Hitler.
In January 2016, the Turkish president told a press conference that he would like to have the same powers as Adolf Hitler did.
During the same event, he claimed Hitler’s government was an example of an effective presidential system.
Late last year, Mr Erdogan also caused furore after he said in an interview with Israeli press that he could not judge who was the more barbarous between Hitler and Israel.

German and Dutch politicians alike have responded to the Turkish leader’s latest accusations of fascism.
Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte called Mr Erdogan’s remarks inflammatory, and said: “What they are saying is not helping”.
Angela Merkel, Germany’s Chancellor also addressed the Turkish president’s comments, telling parliament that his comments were incredibly misplaced and cannot be justified.
Mrs Merkel added: “These comparisons with the Nazis must stop.”

So why is he doing it?

Turkish affairs experts said Mr Erdogan was deliberately using provocative language to shore up domestic support ahead of his rederendum on constitutional reforms.
"There is nothing sophisticated going on here," said Scott Lucas, a professor of International Politics at the University of Birmingham.
"He used the Nazi reference firstly because he was talking about Germany, and then when talking about the Netherlands because it was annexed by Nazi Germany. There is no deeper strategy in that sense as to why he chose that word.

"What's interesting here is context. He is facing a ballot, and he is playing the victim card and he will use the rejection of the rallies to play the nationalist card.
"His use of Nazis and fascism, it's a very unsubtle way of playing the issue. Germany and Netherlands are scape goats for Erdogan's election tactics.
"Almost all main media will be hostile to the Netherlands and encouraging this protest.
"The opposition party (CHP) has also criticised the Dutch, calling it unacceptable behaviour from a country that calls itself a democracy."

'He knows it's offensive - but doesn't realise how offensive'

"Erdogan is just trying to push their buttons - he knows it's [Nazi accusations] offensive," added Ezgi Basaran, Academic Visitor at St Antony's College, Oxford University.
"The pro-government media did not report that part of his speech [in Jan 2016]. The day after, only independent media reported the event. Then later, the palace reported the media had been misguided in their coverage and he had been misinterpreted.
"I don't think he's aware of the extent of what he's saying. He knows it's offensive but doesn't have the full grasp of what he is implying


Today DUtch Telegraf (The largest one in the country...)
Dumbest one in the country. Actually did collaborate with German occupiers....

Thx to a great part to mister Shell...
So what? It is not called Royal Dutch Shell plc (LSE: RDSA, RDSB), commonly known as Shell, for nothing. It is an Anglo-Dutch multinational oil and gas company headquartered in the Netherlands and incorporated in the United Kingdom.

I was right wasn't i?? But the guy I was arguing with, wouldn't accept that his precious rich Arabs would not invest as much as the little country called Holland. :)
Thats why I posted that, because you didn't
After witnessing the lame actions of your government and police i beg to differ. You know, i truly respected Netherlands and its people. But the current government's attempt to gather votes by acting tough and unjust is disgusting! What's more disgusting is the popular support of the government's disgusting acts!
Erdogan undoubtedly crossed the line by insulting the Dutch government by calling them Nazi. However, by this action they actually supported Erdogan's claim. Was Erdogan doing this intentionally, you can bet your horses he did and it worked. In other words you guys just played into his provocation. I didn't support Erdogan's strong rhetoric, i also don't support the Dutch agression towards Turks which is reminiscent of authoritarianism
In this case i admit i was wrong, you were right
It's fine. You really did needed a source. hard to believe a small country like Holland could have so much investments in Turkiye. So, I don't blame ya for not believing me lol

Thats why I posted that, because you didn't

Google is our friend!

Erdogan undoubtedly crossed the line by insulting the Dutch government by calling them Nazi.
But he has form with this sort of thing. I am just surprised the Dutch fell for it. I mean, we all saw from a mile away what RTE was wanting to achieve with this act.
There is no assimilation in America...

It's quite the opposite... ppl leave as they wish, no one to bother... communautarism and community and such...
That`s true and a point, which i would not disagree, because it`s one of the essences of the american society.

So Yes, mister, when you let ppl leave as they wish, under whatever religion or ideology ( in the limit of the law) you'll get yourself citizens with other background nearly fully integrated in your social cmmunity... Oppression lead to no where... just frustration and anger...
Oppression...for god`s sake, where did you see oppression in the Netherlands, Germany or US?:blink:

America..assimilation...sometimes ppl... Oh god..

But we get OT, back to topic, do anyone really need bi-nationality, you can stay and work as a foreigner without restrictions, too. Where is the problem?
For example, the case Deniz Yücel show us clearly, what a bs is it to have two passports. The one nation is f*** him and the other nation it`s forbidden to come to his aid, altough has the right as a German citizen....Yeah...:blink:

Btw, i don`t want to start a discsussion about Yücel, i used him only as an example for my point.

That`s true and a point, which i would not disagree, because it`s one of the essences of the american society.

Oppression...for god`s sake, where did you see oppression in the Netherlands, Germany or US?:blink:


But we get OT, back to topic, do anyone really need bi-nationality, you can stay and work as a foreigner without restrictions, too. Where is the problem?
For example, the case Deniz Yücel show us clearly, what a bs is it to have two passports. The one nation is f*** him and the other nation it`s forbidden to come to his aid, altough has the right as a German citizen....Yeah...:blink:

Btw, i don`t want to start a discsussion about Yücel, i used him only as an example for my point.
Never I pointed Netherland as being oppressing, quite the opposite... It was just a view on those peculiar country who are doing it.

Well when you are a foreigner, you do not have the same right as a citizen of that peculiar country. Bi nationals are citizens of 2 countries, therefore have the privilege to have full rights on both sides. As one , I assure you that it's a f**king interesting, not only on the vote side... .

Europe is becoming more and more diverse, therefore you will find even more Bi-nationals in the coming years. Ofc being a bi-national while having 2 EU citizenship is not very relevant, but for those having a citizenship of an outside EU country, it is great.
Bro, first man in the pic is Abdüllatif Şener. Ex-Deputy minister of AKP. Allowed to do "No" propaganda.

Taner Yıldız, ex-Energy minister of AKP. Austria banned him to do "Yes" propaganda.
I was replying to a statement, not a picture.

How much % is it though? Still pretty impressive how good they run their economy. Same with the rest of the Scandis...
I was replying to a statement, not a picture.

You said this, don't you.

Individual politicians and official representatives of the State are two entirely different entities. Therein lies the problem.

And i said in my previous post that..there are 2 ex-ministers. One supports "no" vote, other one supports "yes" vote.

Banning the one who defends "yes", allowing the one who defends "yes".


You don't actually have to answer me, we both know that Rutte wouldn't give single flying fvck if Wilders hadn't mentioned it last week.
Will you please tell me the difference?
Representatives of the State aka "officials" are expected to represent the state - if anyone at all - every person that is part of that state. Whereas a politician is a person representing a political party i.e. a particular interest. The former is a public functionary, the latter a private person.
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